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Sheheryar Kaoosji




We dedicate the Novrooz issue to the ideals of Spenta Armaity - Benevolence, Charity with Humility - central to Zarathushtra's vision for a progressive human existence.

Zarathushtra’s Genetic System (Insler, Professor Stanley)
An insightful article drawing on the analogy of living cells and their underlying DNAs to illustrate the relationship between Vohu-Mano (good thinking), Asha (truth), Vohu-Xshathra (good rule), Armaiti (respect) and other attributes central to Zarathushtra's philosophy.

Zoroastrianism and Humanity, best days yet to come? (Bakhradnia, Shahin)
Ms. Bekhradnia's article discusses the role of individuals in leading an effective life based on social consciousness, and how Zarathushtrian ideas can move humanity forward.

ĀTAŠ-E DORUN: The Fire Within (
Tarapore, Dr. Erach)
A reader's perspective on a memorial book on topics of interest in Zoroastrian studies ranging from Gathic to philosophy, ethics, history, and linguistic by leading scholars of Zoroastrian studies.

Sheheryar Kaoosji (Kaoosji, Yezdyar)
A pioneer in education of the blind in India, his social consciousness and activism left a lasting mark on his community that he loved and served. Admired by many, his concern for all people was a hallmark of his actions in a life of service and giving that he led.

Magnificence of Persepolis Virtual Reconstruction (Afhami, Kourosh)
The magnificent palace of Persepolis serving as the site of world's first super power, under the Achaemenians, was unique in its architectural design bringing together the best design ideas from far corners of the empire. This visual reconstruction gives the viewer a better sense of the grandeur of that palace.

Maneckji Limji Hatari in Iran (Boyce, Mary)
A historical narrative on the course of events that lead to the arrival of Maneckji Hataria in Iran in mid 19th century, and the impact of his tireless efforts to ameliorate the conditions of Zarathushtrians of Iran.