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Mirza Soroush Lohrasb
(1906 - 1997)




The Mehrgan 2005 issue is dedicated to the Zarathushtrian ideal of each individual striving to become a moral leader rather than a blind follower.

Shah-Nameh – A Teaching Tool (Udvadia, Jamshed R.)
The Shah-Nameh is the history of Persia, particularly its legendary Mazdayasni Zarathushti kings from ancient times to 7th century CE, when the last Zarathushti king was defeated in battle by the conquering Arabs.

Judaism in Persia’s Shadow (
Pocha, Jehangir)
The influence of Achaemenian secular state on evolution of the Judaic faith and nascent Christianity is the subject discussed in this book on 'Judaism in Persia's Shadow'. This article is an informative review of this book.  

The Life and Work of Mirza Soroush Lohrasb  (Pishdadi, Jamshid )
The dedication, care and resilience shown by this educator and community advocate made great difference in the lives of many whom he touched in earlier decades of the twentieth century, Yazd, Iran.

The legendary Rose of Iran (Kerr, Dr. Sam)
The legendary Rose of Iran and its exquisite fragrance have been admired for millennia. The Rose had been nominated as ‘The National Treasure of Persia’ long before any other nation deemed a rose a National Flower Emblem. It continues to capture the imagination of poets and intellectuals.

Maneckji Limji Hatari in Iran (Boyce, Mary)
A historical narrative on the course of events that lead to the arrival of Maneckji Hataria in Iran in mid 19th century, and the impact of his tireless efforts to ameliorate the conditions of Zarathushtrians of Iran. 

Zarathushtrian Perspective on the Spiritual Needs of the Senior Citizens (Bagli, Ervad Dr. Jehan)
This thought provoking paper analyzes the process of ageing in the context of the immutable law of Asha, and the vitality that humans can draw on.