Kersi Bhikhaji Shroff, born in Karachi,
received his schooling there at the BVS Parsi High School. He arrived in
the U.S. in 1973. He is a founding member of the Zoroastrian Association
of Metropolitan Washington, Inc. (ZAMWI, formed in1979), and co-author of
its constitution. He has served ZAMWI in various capacities and was its
President for two terms, 1995-1999. A highlight of his tenure was a visit
to Iran to attend the World Zoroastrian Congress. An Attorney at Law,
Kersi serves in the U.S. Federal Government as a Division Chief in the Law
Library of Congress, a research arm of the U.S. Congress on legal issues
involving international, foreign and comparative laws.
Bhicaji Balsara, First Zarathushti US Citizen
Dinshaw Ghadiali -- Genius of Malaga
Mankind and the Freedom of Choice in Zoroastrian Scripture
Zoroastrianism under the Achaemenids