This digital edition copyright © 1995 by Joseph H. Peterson.
(Avestan)1 |
(English)2 |
1. Based on edition of Karl F. Geldner, Avesta, the Sacred
Books of the Parsis, Stuttgart, 1896.
2. Translated by James Darmesteter (From Sacred Books of the
East, American Edition, 1898.)
- 0.
- (pa nãm i ýazdã, hôrmezd i hvadâe
i awazûnî gurz hvarahe awazâyât, dâdâr
hôrmezd i raemañd i hvarahemañd mainyuã
mainyô i bêtum bê rasât,
ezh hamâ gunâh patit pashêmãnôm,
ezh haravistîn dushmat duzhûxt duzhvaresht men pa
gêthî minît vaem guft vaem kard vaem jast vaem
bun bût estet ezh ã gunâhihâ manishnî
gaweshnî kunishnî tanî rvãnî gêthî
mainyuãnî ôxe awaxsh pashêmã pa
se gaweshnî pa patit hôm!)
xshnaothra ahurahe mazdå tarôidîti angrahe mainyêush,
haithyâvarshtãm hyat vasnâ ferashôtemem.
ferastuyê humatôibyascâ hûxtôibyascâ
hvarshtôibyascâ mãthwôibyascâ vaxedhwôibyascâ
varshtvôibyascâ, aibigairyâ daithê vîspâ
humatâcâ hûxtâcâ hvarshtâcâ,
paitiricyâ daithê vîspâ dushmatâcâ
duzhûxtâcâ duzhvarshtâcâ.
ferâ vê râhî ameshâ speñtâ
ýasnemcâ vahmemcâ ferâ mananghâ
ferâ vacanghâ ferâ shyaothanâ ferâ
anghuyâ ferâ tanvascît hvah'yå ushtanem.
staomî ashem,
ashem vohû...(3). fravarâne mazdayasnô zarathushtrish
vîdaêvô ahura-tkaêshô,
(Here recite the appropriate Gah dedication.)
ahurahe mazdå raêvatô hvarenanguhatô xshnaothra
ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca.
ýathâ ahû vairyô, zaotâ frâ
mê mrûtê
athâ ratush ashâtcît haca, frâ ashava
vîdhvå mraotû.
- 1.
- peresat zarathushtrô ahurem mazdãm,
ahura mazda mainyô
spênishta dâtare gaêthanãm
astvaitinãm ashâum kat asti mãthrahe speñtahe
amavastemem kat verethravastemem kat hvarenanguhastemem kat ýâskerestemem
- 2.
- kat vârethrakhnyôtemem kat baêshazyôtemem
kat tbaêshô-taurvayãstemem daêvanãm
mashyânãmca, kat vîspahe anghêush astvatô
mana asti vîjakhmishtem kat vîspahe anghêush
astvatô anghvãm asti vîmarezishtem.
- 3.
- âat mraot ahurô mazdå, ahmâkem nãma
spitama zarathushtra ýat ameshanãm speñtanãm,
tat asti mãthrahe speñtahe amavastemem tat verethravastemem
tat hvarenanguhastemem tat ýâskerestemem
- 4.
- tat vârethrakhnyôtemem tat baêshazyôtemem
tat tbaêshô-taurvayãstemem daêvanãm
mashyânãmca, tat vîspahe anghêush astvatô
mana asti vîjakhmishtem tat vîspahe anghêush
astvatô anghvãm asti vîmarezishtem.
- 5.
- âat aoxta zarathushtrô,
frôit mê tat nãma framrûidhi
ashâum ahura mazda ýat tê asti mazishtemca
vahishtemca sraêshtemca ýâskerestememca vârethrakhnyôtememca
baêshazyôtememca tbaêshô-taurvayãstememca
daêvanãm mashyânãmca,
- 6.
- ýatha azem taurvayeni
vîspe daêva mashyãsca
ýatha azem taurvayeni
vîspe ýâtavô pairikåsca
ýat mãm naêcish taurvayât
nôit daêvô naêdha mashyô
nôit ýâtavô naêdha pairikå.
- 7.
- âat mraot ahurô mazdå, fraxshtya nãma
ahmi ashâum zarathushtra bityô vãthwyô
thrityô ava-tanuyô tûirya asha vahishta puxdha
vîspa vohu mazdadhâta ashacithra xshtvô ýat
ahmi xratush haptathô xratumå ashtemô ýat
ahmi cistish nâumô cistivå,
- 8.
- dasemô ýat ahmi spânô aêvañdasô
spananguhå dvadasô ahurô thridasô sevishtô
cathrudasô imat vîdvaêshtvô pañcadasa
avanemna xshvash-dasa hâta-marenish haptadasa vîspa-hishas
ashtadasa baêshazya navadasa ýat ahmi dâtô
vîsãstemô ahmi ýat ahmi mazdå
- 9.
- ýazaêsha mãm zarathushtra
paiti asni paiti xshafne
ýasô-beretâbyô zaothrâbyô,
jasâni-tê avanghaêca rafnanghaêca
azem ýô ahurô mazdå
jasâiti-tê avanghaêca rafnanghaêca
ýô vanghush sraoshô ashyô jasåñti-tê
avanghaêca rafnanghaêca
ýå âpô ýåsca urvarå
ýåsca ashâunãm fravashayô!
- 0.
- May Ahura Mazda be rejoiced! May Angra Mainyu be destroyed
by those who do truly what is the foremost wish (of God).
I praise well-thought, well-spoken, and well-done thoughts, words,
and deeds. I embrace all good thoughts, good words, and good deeds;
I reject all evil thoughts, evil words, and evil deeds.
I give sacrifice and prayer unto you, O Amesha-Spentas! even with
the fullness of my thoughts, of my words, of my deeds, and of
my heart: I give unto you even my own life.
I recite the 'Praise of Holiness:'
'Ashem Vohu: Holiness is the best of all good. Well is it for
it, well is it for that holiness which is perfection of holiness!'
I confess myself a worshipper of Mazda, a follower of Zarathushtra,
one who hates the Daevas and obeys the laws of Ahura;
For sacrifice, prayer, propitiation, and glorification unto [Havani],
the holy and master of holiness;
For sacrifice, prayer, propitiation, and glorification unto [Savanghi
and Visya], the holy and masters of holiness;
For sacrifice, prayer, propitiation, and glorification unto the
Masters of the days, of the periods of the day, of the months,
of the seasons, and of the years;
Unto AHURA MAZDA, bright and glorious, be propitiation, with sacrifice,
prayer, propitiation, and glorification.
Yatha ahu vairyo: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness:
the riches of Vohu-Mano shall he given to him who works in this
world for Mazda, and wields according to the will of Ahura the
power he gave him to relieve the poor.
- 1.
- Zarathushtra asked Ahura Mazda: 'O Ahura Mazda, most beneficent
Spirit, Maker of the material world, thou Holy One!
'What of the Holy Word is the strongest? What is the most victorious?
What is the most glorious? What is the most effective?
- 2.
- 'What is the most fiend-smiting? What is the best-healing?
What destroyeth best the malice of Daevas and Men? What maketh
the material world best come to the fulfillment of its wishes?
What freeth the material world best from the anxieties of the
- 3.
- Ahura Mazda answered: 'Our Name, O Spitama Zarathushtra! who
are the Amesha-Spentas, that is the strongest part of the Holy
Word; that is the most victorious; that is the most glorious;
that is the most effective;
- 4.
- 'That is the most fiend-smiting; that is the best-healing;
that destroyeth best the malice of Daevas and Men: that maketh
the material world best come to the fulfillment of its wishes;
that freeth the material World best from the anxieties of the
- 5.
- Then Zarathushtra said: 'Reveal unto me that name of thine,
O Ahura Mazda! that is the greatest, the best, the fairest, the
most effective, the most fiend-smiting, the best-healing, that
destroyeth best the malice of Daevas and Men;
- 6.
- 'That I may afflict all Daevas and Men; that I may afflict
all Yatus and Pairikas; that neither Daevas nor Men may be able
to afflict me; neither Yatus nor Pairikas.'
- 7.
- Ahura Mazda replied unto him: 'My name is the One of whom
questions are asked, O holy Zarathushtra!
'My second name is the Herd-giver
'My third name is the Strong One
'My fourth name is Perfect Holiness .
'My fifth name is All good things created by Mazda, the offspring
of the holy principle.
'My sixth name is Understanding;
'My seventh name is the One with understanding.
'My eighth name is Knowledge;
'My ninth name is the One with Knowledge.
- 8.
- 'My tenth name is Weal;
'My eleventh name is He who produces weal.
'My twelfth name is AHURA (the Lord).
'My thirteenth name is the most Beneficent.
'My fourteenth name is He in whom there is no harm.
'My fifteenth name is the unconquerable One.
'My sixteenth name is He who makes the true account.
'My seventeenth name is the All-seeing One.
'My eighteenth name is the healing One.
'My nineteenth name is the Creator.
'My twentieth name is MAZDA (the All-knowing One).
- 9.
- Worship me, O Zarathushtra, by day and by night, with offerings
of libations well accepted I will come unto thee for help and
joy, I, Ahura Mazda; the good, holy Sraosha will come unto thee
for help and joy; the waters, the plants, and the Fravashis of
the holy ones will come unto thee for help and joy.
- 10.
- ýezi vashi zarathushtra
avå tbaêshå taurvayô
daêvanãm mashyânãmca
ýâthwãm pairikanãmca
sâthrãm kaoyãm karafnãmca
mairyanãmca bizañgranãm
ashemaokhanãmca bizañgranãm
vehrkanãmca cathware-zañgranãm
- 10.
- 'If thou wantest, O Zarathushtra, to destroy the malice of
Daevas and Men, of the Yatus and Pairikas, of the oppressors,
of the blind and of the deaf3, of the two-legged ruffians, of the
two-legged Ashemaoghas, of the four-legged wolves;
3. The Kavis and the Karapans, the blind and the deaf, are
those 'who cannot see nor hear anything of God.' Those terms
were current in the theological language of the Sassanian times to
designate the unbelievers. An edict, promulgated by king Yazdegard III
(fifth century A.C.) to make Zoroastrianism the state religion
in Armenia, had the following words: 'You must know that any
man who does not follow the religion of Mazda is deaf, blind,
and deceived by Ahriman's devs (Elisaeus, The War of Vartan).
- 11.
- haênayåsca perethvainikayå perethu-drafshayå
eredhwô-drafshayå uzegereptô- drafshayå
xrûrem drafshem bareñtayå atha imå nâmênîsh
dreñjayô framrava
vîspâish ayãnca xshafnasca,
- 12.
- pâyushca ahmi dâtâca thrâtâca
ahmi zhnâtâca mainyushca ahmi speñtôtemô
baêshazya nãma ahmi baêshazyôtema nãma
ahmi âthrava nãma ahmi âthravatema nãma
ahmi ahura nãma ahmi mazdå nãma ahmi ashava
nãma ahmi ashavastema nãma ahmi hvarenangha nãma
ahmi hvarenanguhastema nãma ahmi pouru-darshta nãma
ahmi pouru-darshtema nãma ahmi dûraêdarshta
nãma ahmi dûraêdarshtema nãma ahmi.
- 13.
- spashta nãma ahmi vîta nãma ahmi dâta
nãma ahmi pâta nãma ahmi thrâta nãma
ahmi zhnâta nãma ahmi zhnôishta nãma
ahmi fshûmå nãma ahmi fshûshe-mãthra
nãma ahmi ise-xshathra nãma ahmi ise-xshathryôtemô
nãma ahmi nãmô-xshathrô nãma
ahmi nãmô-xshathryôtemô nãma ahmi.
- 14.
- adhavish nãma ahmi vîdhavish nãma ahmi
paiti-pâyush nãma ahmi tbaêshô-taurvå
nãma ahmi hathravane nãma ahmi vîspavane nãma
ahmi vîspatashe nãma ahmi vîspa-hvâthra
nãma ahmi pouru-hvâthra nãma ahmi hvâthravå
nãma ahmi.
- 15.
- verezi-saoka nãma ahmi verezi-savå nãma
ahmi sevî nãma ahmi sûrå nãma
ahmi sevishta nãma ahmi asha nãma ahmi bereza nãma
ahmi xshathrya nãma ahmi xshathryôtema nãma
ahmi hudânush nãma ahmi hudânushtemô
nãma ahmi dûraê-sûka nãma ahmi,
tåsca imå nâmênîsh.
- 16.
- ýasca-mê aêtahmi anghvô ýat
astvaiñti spitama zarathushtra imå nâmênîsh
dreñjayô framrava paiti vâ asni paiti vâ
- 17.
- framrava us-vâ hishtô nî-vâ paidhyamnô
nî-vâ paidhyamnô us-vâ hishtô aiwyånghanem
vâ aiwyånghayamnô aiwyånghanem vâ
bûjayamnô frâ-vâ shûsa haca gâtaot
frâ-vâ shûsa haca zañtaot frâ-vâ
shûsa haca dainghaot ava-jasa dah'yûm-â
- 18.
- nôit dim nara ainghe ayãn nôit ainghå
xshapô aêshmô-drûtahe druxshmananghô
avasyât nôit akavô nôit cakavô nôit
ishavô nôit kareta nôit vazra nôit vîseñte
asânô avasyât.
- 19.
- vîsãstaca imå nâmênîsh
parshtasca pairivârasca
vîseñte pairi mainyaoyât
drujat varenyayâatca drvãithyât
zîzi-ýûshatca kayadhât
vîspô-mahrkâatca pairi
drvatat ýat angrât mainyaot
mãnayen ahe ýatha hazangrem narãm
ôyum narem aiwyâxshayôit!
- 20.
- kê verethrem jâ thwâ pôi sêñghâ
ýôi heñtî
cithrâ môi dãm ahûmbish ratûm cîzhdî
at hôi vohû seraoshô jañtû mananghâ
mazdâ ahmâi ýahmâi vashî kahmâicît!
- 21.
- nemem kavaêm hvarenô nemô airyene vaêjahi
nemô saoke mazdadhâite nemô ape dâityayå
nemô areduyå âpô anâhitayå
nemem vîspayå ashaonô stôish.
ýathâ ahû vairyô...(10).
ashem vohû...(10).
- 22.
- ahunem vairîm ýazamaide, ashem vahishtem sraêshtem
ameshem speñtem ýazamaide, amemca thrememca aojasca
verethremca hvarenasca zavareca ýazamaide, ahurem mazdãm
raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide,
ýenghê hâtãm âat ýesne
paitî vanghô mazdå ahurô vaêthâ
ashât hacâ ýånghãmcâ tãscâ
tåscâ ýazamaide.
- (Recite silently:)
- (hôrmezd i hvadâe i awazûnî mardum
mardum sardagã hamâ sardagã ham bâ ýasht
i vahã vaem vahe dîn i mâzdayasnã âgâhî
âstvãnî nêkî rasãnât
êduñ bât.)
- (Recite aloud:)
- 23.
- ýathâ ahû vairyô...(2).
ýasnemca vahmemca aojasca zavareca âfrînâmi
ahurahe mazdå raêvatô hvarenanguhatô.
ashem vohû...!
- 11.
- 'And of the hordes with the wide front, with the many spears,
with the straight spears, with the spears uplifted, bearing the
spear of havock; then, recite thou these my names every day and
every night.
- 12.
- 'I am the Keeper; I am the Creator and the Maintainer; I am
the Discerner; I am the most beneficent Spirit.
'My name is the bestower of health; my name is the best bestower
of health.
'My name is the Athravan; my name is the most Athravan-like of
all Athravans.
'My name is Ahura (the Lord)
'My name is Mazdau (the all-knowing).
'My name is the Holy; my name is the most Holy.
'My name is the Glorious; my name is the most Glorious.
'My name is the Full-seeing; my name is the Fullest-seeing.
'My name is the Far-seeing; my name is the Farthest-seeing.
- 13.
- 'My name is the Protector; my name is the Well-wisher; my
name is the Creator; my name is the Keeper; my name is the Maintainer.
'My name is the Discerner; my name is the Best Discerner.
'My name is the Prosperity-producer; my name is the Word of Prosperity.
'My name is the King who rules at his will; my name is the King
who rules most at his will.
'My name is the liberal King; my name is the most liberal King.
- 14.
- 'My name is He who does not deceive; my name is He who is
not deceived.
'My name is the good Keeper; my name is He who destroys malice;
my name is He Who conquers at once; my name is He who conquers
everything; my name is He who has shaped everything.
'My name is All weal; my name is full weal; my name is the Master
of weal.
- 15.
- 'My name is He who can benefit at his wish; my name is He
who can best benefit at his wish.
'My name is the Beneficent One; my name is the Energetic One;
my name is the most Beneficent.
'My name is Holiness; my name is the Great One; my name is the
good Sovereign; my name is the Best of Sovereigns.
'My name is the Wise One; my name is the Wisest of the Wise; my
name is He who does good for a long time.
- 16.
- 'These are my names.
'And he who in this material world, O Spitama Zarathushtra! shall
recite and pronounce those names of mine either by day or by night;
- 17.
- 'He who shall pronounce them, when he rises up or when he
lays him down; when he lays him down or when he rises up; when
he binds on the sacred girdle [[kusti]] or when he unbinds the sacred girdle;
when he goes out of his dwelling-place, or when he goes out of
his town, or when he goes out of his country and comes into another
- 18.
- 'That man, neither in that day nor in that night, shall be
wounded by the weapons of the foe who rushes Aeshma-like and is
Druj-minded; not the knife, not the cross-bow, not the arrow,
not the sword, not the club, not the sling-stone shall reach and
wound him.
- 19.
- 'But those names shall come in to keep him from behind and
to keep him in front, from the Druj unseen, from the female Varenya
fiend, from the evil-doer bent on mischief, and from that fiend
who is all death, Angra Mainyu. It will be as if there were a
thousand men watching over one man.
- 20.
- '"Who is he who will smite the fiend in order to maintain
thy ordinances? Teach me clearly thy rules for this world and
for the next, that Sraosha may come with Vohu-Mano and help whomsoever
thou pleasest."
- 21.
- 'Hail to the Glory of the Kavis! Hail to the Airyanem Vaejah!
Hail to the Saoka, made by Mazda! Hail to the waters of the Daitya!
Hail to Ardvi, the undefiled well! Hail to the whole world of
the holy Spirit!
'Yatha ahu vairyo: The will of the Lord...
'Ashem Vohu: Holiness is the best of all good....
- 22.
- 'We worship the Ahuna Vairya. We worship Asha-Vahishta, most
fair, undying, and beneficent. We worship Strength and Prosperity
and Might and Victory and Glory and Vigour. We worship Ahura Mazda,
bright and glorious.
'Yenghe hatam: All those beings of whom Ahura Mazda knows the
goodness for a sacrifice [performed] in holiness, all those beings,
males and females, do we worship.
- 23.
- 'Yatha ahu vairyo: The will of the Lord is the law of holiness....
'I bless the sacrifice and the prayer unto Ahura Mazda, bright
and glorious, and his strength and vigour.'
- 24.
- nipâyôish mashîm urvathem
ýavaêtâite zarathushtra
aurvathât parô dushmainyaot,
mâ-tem urvathem frâyavayôish snathâi
mâ duzhberetêe zyânãm
apayatêe mâ ýasôish
aom narem dâitîm ýô-nâ
mazishtem ýasnem ýazâite
kasishtem ýasnyât frâyatât
vahmyã ameshê speñtê.
- 25.
- idha asti vohu manô
mana dãmi zarathushtra
idha ashem ýat vahishtem
mana dãmi zarathushtra
idha xshathrem vairîm
mana dãmi zarathushtra
idha speñta ârmaitish
mana dãmi zarathushtra
idha haurvata ameretâta
ýôi stô mizhdem ashaonãm
parô-asti jaseñtãm
mana dãmi zarathushtra.
- 26.
- vaêthâca tatca kaêthica
âi ashâum zarathushtra
mana xrathwâca cistica, ýâish â anghush
pouruyô bavat ýathâca anghat apêmem anghush.
- 27.
- hazangrem baêshazanãm baêvare baêshazanãm
(3), speñtaheca ârmatôish,
ârmaitica speñtaya
aêshãm tbaêshô sciñdayadhwem
pairi ushi vârayadhwem
hãm gava nidarezayadhwem
hãm zanva zembayadhwem
aipi derezvanem derezayadhwem!
- 28.
- kat ashava mazda vanat drvañtem, ashava vanat drujim
ashava vanat drvañtem. ushi ahurahe mazdå ýazamaide
darethrâi mãthrahe speñtahe, xratûm
ahurahe mazdå ýazamaide marethrâi mãthrahe
speñtahe, hizvãm ahurahe mazdå ýazamaide
fravâkâi mãthrahe speñtahe, aom gairîm
ýazamaide ýim ushi-dãm ushi-darenem paiti
asni paiti xshafne ýasô-beretâbyô zaothrâbyô.
- 29.
- âat aoxta zarathushtrô, upa thwâ azem maire
anu- dadhayat speñtayå ârmatôish dôithrâbya
avâstryata mairyô.
- 30.
- hazangrem baêshazanãm baêvare baêshazanãm,
- ahe narsh ashaonô fravashîm ýazamaide
ýô asmô-hvanvå nãma, adhât
anyaêshãm ashaonãm fraxshti ýazâi
fravareta, gaokerenahe sûrahe mazdadhâtahe gaokerenem
sûrem mazdadhâtem ýazamaide.
- 31.
- ushi ahurahe mazdå ýazamaide darethrâi
mãthrahe speñtahe, xratûm ahurahe mazdå
ýazamaide marethrâi mãthrahe speñtahe,
hizvãm ahurahe mazdå ýazamaide fravâkâi
mãthrahe speñtahe, aom gairîm ýazamaide
ýim ushi-dãm ushi-darenem paiti asni paiti xshafne
ýasô-beretâbyô zaothrâbyô.
ashem vohû....
(ahe narsh ... ýasô-beretâbyô zaothrâbyô
ashem vohû....
- 32.
- dâmîm ýazamaide ýãm ârmaitîm
speñtãm ýehe dâthre ashaheca ashaonãmca
asha-paoiryanãm dâmanãm, aêtat dim vîspanãm
mazishtem ... dâmanãm ashaonãm.
- 33.
- ashem vohû....
ahmâi raêshca ... hazangrem ... jasa-mê ... (kerba mazhd...) atha jamyât ýatha âfrînâmi.
ashem vohû...!!
(Bahman Yasht.)
- 24.
- 'O Zarathushtra! keep thou for ever that man who is friendly
[to me] from the foe unfriendly [to me]! Do not give up that friend
unto the stroke (of the foe), unto vexations to be borne; wish
no harm unto that man who would offer me a sacrifice, be it ever
so great or ever so small, if it has reached unto us, the Amesha-Spentas.
- 25.
- 'Here is Vohu-Mano, my creature, O Zarathushtra! here is Asha-Vahishta,
my creature, O Zarathushtra! here is Khshathra-Vairya, my creature,
O Zarathushtra! here is Spenta-Armaiti, my creature, O Zarathushtra!
here are Haurvatat and Ameretat, who are the reward of the holy
ones, when freed from their bodies, my creatures, O Zarathushtra!
- 26.
- 'Thou knowest this, and how it is, O holy Zarathushtra! from
my understanding and from my knowledge; namely, how the world
first began, and how it will end.
'A thousand remedies, ten thousand remedies!
'A thousand remedies, ten thousand remedies!
'A thousand remedies, ten thousand remedies!
- 27.
- '[We worship] the well-shapen, tall-formed Strength; Verethraghna,
made by Ahura; the crushing Ascendant, and Spenta-Armaiti.
- 28.
- 'And with the help of Spenta-Armaiti, break ye asunder their
malice, turn their minds astray, bind their hands, make their
knees quake against one another, bind their tongues.
'When, O Mazda! shall the faithful smite the wicked? When shall
the faithful smite the Druj? When shall the faithful smite the
- 29.
- Then Zarathushtra said: 'I threw you back into the earth,
and by the eyes of Spenta-Armaiti the ruffian was made powerless.
- 30.
- 'We worship the powerful Gaokerena, made by Mazda; the powerful
Gaokerena, made by Mazda.
- 31.
- 'We worship the memory of Ahura Mazda to keep the Holy Word.
'We worship the understanding of Ahura Mazda, to study the Holy
'We worship the tongue of Ahura Mazda, to speak forth the Holy
'We worship the mountain that gives understanding, that preserves
understanding; [we worship it] by day and by night, with offerings
of libations well-accepted.
- 32.
- 'We worship that creation [of Ahura's], Spenta-Armaiti; and
the holy creations of that creature and of Asha [Vahishta], that
are foremost in holiness.
'Here I take as lord and master the greatest of all, Ahura Mazda;
to smite the fiend Angra Mainyu; to smite Aeshma of the wounding
spear; to smite the Mazainya fiends; to smite all the Daevas and
the Varenya fiends; to increase Ahura Mazda, bright and glorious;
to increase the Amesha-Spentas; to increase the star Tishtrya,
the bright and glorious; to increase the faithful men; to increase
all the holy creatures of the beneficent Spirit.
'Ashem Vohu: Holiness is the best of all good....
- 33.
- '[Give] unto that man brightness and glory, give him health
of body, give him sturdiness of body, give him victorious strength
of body, give him full welfare of wealth, give him a virtuous
offspring, give him long, long life, give him the bright, all-happy,
blissful abode of the holy Ones.
May it come according to my blessing!
'A thousand remedies, ten thousand remedies! (three times.)
'Come to me for help, O Mazda!
'We worship the well-shapen, tall-formed Strength, and Verethraghna,
made by Mazda, and the crushing Ascendant.
'We worship Rama Hvastra, and Vayu who works highly and is more
powerful to destroy than all other creatures. That part of thee
do we worship, O Vayu, that belongs to Spenta Mainyu. We worship
the sovereign Sky, the boundless Time, and the sovereign Time
of the long Period.
'Ashem Vohu: Holiness is the best of all good....'