- 1.
- us-môi uzâreshvâ ahurâ ârmaitî
tevîshîm dasvâ
spênishtâ mainyû mazdâ vanghuyâ
zavô âdâ
ashâ hazô êmavat vohû mananghâ feseratûm.
- 2.
- rafedhrâi vourucashânê dôishî-môi
ýâ-vê abifrâ
tâ xshathrahyâ ahurâ ýâ vanghêush
ashish mananghô
frô speñtâ ârmaitê ashâ daênå
- 3.
- at râtãm zarathushtrô tanvascît hvah'yå
dadâitî paurvatâtem mananghascâ vanghêush
shyaothanahyâ ashâi ýâcâ uxdhah'yâcâ
seraoshem xshathremcâ.
- 4.
- xshnaothra ahurahe mazdå, nemase tê âtarsh
mazdå ahurahe hudhå mazishta ýazata,
ashem vohû...(3).
fravarâne mazdayasnô zarathushtrish vîdaêvô
- (Here recite the appropriate Gah dedication)
âthrô ahurahe mazdå puthra tava âtarsh
puthra ahurahe mazdå,
- 5.
- âthrô ahurahe mazdå puthra hvarenanghô
savanghô mazdadhâtahe airyanãm hvarenô
mazdadhâtanãm kâvayeheca hvarenanghô
mazdadhâtahe âthrô ahurahe mazdå puthra
kavôish haosravanghahe varôish haosravanghahe asnvañtahe
garôish mazdadhâtahe caêcistahe varôish
mazdadhâtahe kâvayeheca hvarenanghô mazdadhâtahe.
- 6.
- âthrô ahurahe mazdå puthra, raêvañtahe
garôish mazdadhâtahe kâvayeheca hvarenanghô
mazdadhâtahe âthrô ahurahe mazdå puthra,
âtarsh speñta rathaêshtâra ýazata
pouru-hvarenangha ýazata pouru-baêshaza, âthrô
ahurahe mazdå puthra, mat vîspaêibyô âterebyô
xshathrô-nafedhrô nairyô-sanghahe ýazatahe
xshnaothra ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica
ýathâ ahû vairyô, zaotâ frâ-mê
athâ ratush ashâtcît haca, frâ ashava
vîdhvå mraotû.
- 7.
- ýasnemca vahmemca huberetîmca ushta-beretîmca
vañta-beretîmca âfrînâmi tava âtarsh
puthra ahurahe mazdå,
ýesnyô ahi vahmyô
ýesnyô buyå vahmyô
nmânâhu mashyâkanãm,
ushta buyât ahmâi naire
ýase-thwâ bâdha frâyazâite
aêsmô-zastô baresmô-zastô
gao-zastô hâvanô-zastô.
- 8.
- dâityô-aêsmi-buyå dâityô-baoidhi-
buyå dâityô-pithwi-buyå dâityô-upasayeni-
buyå perenâyush-harethri-buyå dahmâyush-harethri-
buyå âtarsh puthra ahurahe mazdå.
- 9.
- saoci-buye ahmya nmâne mat-saoci-buye ahmya nmâne
raocahi-buye ahmya nmâne vaxshathi-buye ahmya nmâne
darekhemcit aipi zrvânem upa sûrãm frashô-keretîm
hadha sûrayå vanghuyå frashô-keretôit.
- 10.
- dâyå mê âtarsh puthra ahurahe mazdå,
âsu hvâthrem âsu thrâitîm
âsu jîtîm pouru hvâthrem
pouru thrâitîm pouru jîtîm mastîm
spânô xshviwrem hizvãm urune ushi
xratûm pascaêta masitem
mazåñtem apairi-âthrem.
nairyãm pascaêta hãm-vareitîm
- 11.
- eredhwô-zeñgãm ahvafnyãm
thrishûm asnãmca xshafnãmca
âsitô-gâtûm jakhâurûm
tuthrushãm âsnãm frazañtîm
karshô-râzãm vyâxanãm hãm-raodhãm
hvâpãm ãzô-bûjim hvîrãm
ýâ-mê frâdhayât nmânemca
vîsemca zañtûmca dah'yûmca dainghusastîmca.
- 12.
- dâyå mê âtarsh puthra ahurahe mazdå
ýâ mê anghat afrasånghå
nûremca ýavaêca-tâite
vahishtem ahûm ashaonãm
raocanghem vîspô-hvâthrem zaze-buye vanghâuca
mizhde vanghâuca sravahi urunaêca darekhe havanghe!
- 13.
- vîspaêibyô sastîm baraiti
âtarsh mazdå ahurahe
ýaêibyô aêm hãm-pacâite
xshâfnîmca sûirîmca,
vîspaêibyô haca izyeite
huberetîm ushtâ-beretîmca
vañtâ-beretîmca spitama.
- 14.
- vîspanãm para-careñtãm
âtarsh zasta âdidhaya,
cîm haxa hashê baraitî
fracarethwå armaêshâidhe.
âtarem speñtem ýazamaide
taxmem hañtem rathaêshtârem.
- 15.
- âat ýezi-shê aêm baraiti aêsmem
vâ ashaya beretem baresma vâ ashaya frastaretem urvarãm
vâ hadhânaêpatãm
â-hê pascaêta frînaiti
xshnûtô atbishtô hakhdhanghum,
- 16.
- upa-thwâ haxshôit gêush vãthwa
upa vîranãm pourutâs
upa-thwâ verezvatca manô
verezvatica haxshôit anguha
urvâxshangha gaya jikhaêsha
tå xshapanô ýå jvâhî,
imat âthrô âfrivanem
ýô ahmâi aêsmem baraiti
hikûsh raocas-pairîshtã
ashahe bereja ýaozhdâtã.
- 17. (Recite silently:)
- (hôrmezd i hvadâe i awazûnî mardum
mardum sardagã hamâ sardagã ham bâ ýasht
i vahã vaem vahe dîn i mâzdayasnã âgâhî
âstvãnî nêkî rasãnât
êduñ bât.)
- (Recite aloud:)
- ýathâ ahû vairyô...(2).
ýasnemca vahmemca aojasca zavareca âfrînâmi
âthrô ahurahe mazdå puthra tava âtarsh
puthra ahurahe mazdå âthrô ahurahe mazdå
puthra hvarenanghô savanghô mazdadhâtahe airyanãm
hvarenô mazdadhâtanãm kâvayeheca hvarenanghô
âthrô ahurahe mazdå puthra kavôish haosravanghahe
varôish haosravanghahe asnvañtahe garôish mazdadhâtahe
caêcistahe varôish mazdadhâtahe kâvayeheca
hvarenanghô mazdadhâtahe.
âthrô ahurahe mazdå puthra raêvañtahe
garôish mazdadhâtahe kâvayeheca hvarenanghô
mazdadhâtahe âthrô ahurahe mazdå puthra
âtarsh speñta rathaêshtâra ýazata
pouru-hvarenangha ýazata pouru-baêshaza, âthrô
ahurahe mazdå puthra mat vîspaêibyô âterebyô
xshathrô-nafedhrô nairyô-sanghahe ýazatahe.
ashem vohû...(3).
- 18.
- at tôi âtrêm ahurâ aojônghvañtem
ashâ usêmahî
asîshtîm êmavañtem stôi rapañtê
at mazdâ daibishyañtê zastâishtâish
ashem vohû....
- 19.
- ahmâi raêshca ... hazangrem ... jasa-mê ... (kerba mazhd...) atha jamyât ýatha âfrînâmi.
ashem vohû...!
- 20.
- ([rôzh nek nãm rôzh pâk nãm
rôzh mubârak]
rôzh i (name the day of the month),
mâh i (name the month),
gâh i (name the Gah),
namâzh i dâdâr i
gêhã dãmã,)
xshnaothra ahurahe mazdå.
nemase tê âtarsh mazdå ahurahe hudhå mazishta
ashem vohû....
(gurz hvarahe awazâyât,
- (If praying at an Atash Behram, recite:)
- âtarsh i behrâm âdar i frâ,
- (If praying at an Adaran, recite:)
- âtarsh i âdarãn âdar i frâ,
- (If praying at an Atash Dadgah, recite:)
- âtarsh i dâdgâh âdar i frâ,
- 1.
- Arise unto me, O Ahura! give vigor through Armaiti, Strength
by the good reward through Thy Holy Spirit, O Mazda! Mighty power
through Asha, supremacy through Vohu Manah.
- 2.
- For my support, O Far-seeing One, may Ye manifest unto me
those incomparable things
Of your Khshathra, O Ahura, which are the reward of Vohu Manah;
Instruct our consciences, O Holy Armaiti, through Asha.
- 3.
- So Zarathushtra gives as an offering even the life of his
And the excellence of Vohu Manah unto Mazda,
As also obedience and power of deed and word unto Asha.
- 4.
- Propitiation unto Ahura Mazda. Homage unto thee, O Fire of
Ahura Mazda, thou good-created, great Yazata.
Ashem Vohu...(3).
I profess myself a Mazda-worshipper, a follower of Zarathushtra,
opposing the Daevas, accepting the Ahuric doctrine.
(Here recite the appropriate Gah dedication.)
Unto Fire, the son of Ahura Mazda. Unto thee, O Fire, son of Ahura
- 5.
- To Fire, the son of Ahura Mazda; to the good fortune and Prosperity,
created by Mazda; to the Aryan good fortune, created by Mazda;
to the kingly good fortune, created by Mazda; to Fire, the son
of Ahura Mazda; to Kavi Husravah, to the Lake of Husravah; to
Mount Asnavant, created by Mazda; to Lake Chaechista, created
by Mazda; to the kingly good fortune, created by Mazda.
- 6.
- To Fire, the son of Ahura Mazda; to Mount Raevant, created
by Mazda, to the kingly good fortune, created by Mazda; to Fire,
the son of Ahura Mazda; O Fire! holy warrior, O Yazata full of
fortune, O Yazata full of healing; to Fire, the son of Ahura Mazda,
with all fires; to the Yazata Nairyosangha, offspring of sovereignty
(Khshathra). Propitiation for worship, adoration, propitiation,
and praise.
'Yatha Ahu Vairyo', the zaotar should say to me
'Atha ratush ashatchit hacha', the Ashavan, knowing one should
- 7.
- I bless in reverence and adoration the abiding offering, the
joyous offering, and the devotional offering (offered) to you,
O Fire! son of Ahura Mazda.
Worthy of sacrifice you are, worthy of prayer,
worthy of sacrifice may you always be, worthy of prayer,
in the dwellings of men.
May there be hope to that man who verily shall sacrifice to you
with fuel in his hand, with the Baresma in his hand,
with milk in his hand, with the mortar in his hand.
- 8.
- May you be provided with proper fuel! May you be provided
with proper incense! May you be provided with proper nourishment!
May you be provided with proper upkeep! May you be maintained
by one of full age! May you be maintained by one wise (in religion),
O Fire, son of Ahura Mazda.
- 9.
- In order to be burning in this house, in order to be ever
burning in this house, in order to be blazing in this house, in
order to be increasing in this house,
Even throughout the Long Time,
until the mighty Renovation, including the mighty, good Renovation.
- 10.
- Give me, O Fire, son of Ahura Mazda! well-being immediately,
sustenance immediately; life immediately, well-being in abundance;
sustenance in abundance, life in abundance; knowledge, holiness,
a ready tongue, understanding for (my) soul; and afterwards wisdom
(which is) comprehensive, great, imperishable.
- 11.
- (Give me) then the manly valor, which is ever afoot, sleepless,
(for one third of the days and nights), watchful while lying in
bed. (Give me) native offspring that give support, ruling over
the region, belonging to the assembly, thoroughly developed, possessed
of good works, delivering from distress, of good intellect, that
may further my house, village, town, country, (and) the renown
of the country.
- 12.
- Give me, O Fire, son of Ahura Mazda, the Best
World of the righteous, the shining, the all-happy, so that it
may fulfill my wish, now and for ever, so as to attain to good
reward, and to good renown, and to long happiness of my soul!
- 13.
- The Fire of Ahura Mazda
Gives command to all
For whom he cooks
The night and the morning meals.
From all he solicits
A good offering, and a wished-for offering,
And a devotional offering, O Spitama!
- 14.
- The Fire looks at the hands of all passers-by - 'what does
the friend bring to the friend, the one that goes forth to the
one that sits still?' We sacrifice unto the holy Fire, the bold,
good warrior.
- 15.
- Then if that one brings unto him either fuel righly brought,
or Baresma rightly spread, or the plant Hadhanaepata, to him thereupon,
in fulfillment of his wish, the Fire of Ahura Mazda, propitiated,
unoffended, gives a blessing:
- 16.
- 'May a herd of cattle attend you,
A multitude of men to you,
And may an active mind
And an active spirit attend you.
May you live with a joyous life
The nights which you live!'
This is the Fire's blessing (on him)
Who brings him fuel,
Dry, exposed to the light,
Purified in accordance with the ritual of Asha.
- 17. (Recite silently:)
- Ormazd the Lord! the increaser of mankind, of the species
of mankind, of all species, and of all good ones! May he cause
intelligence, steadfastness, and goodness, unto me (who am) one
of the good Mazdayasnians. So be it!
- (Recite aloud:)
- Yatha Ahu Vairyo...(2).
I desire worship and adoration and strength and force for Fire,
son of Ahura Mazda. For Fire, son of Ahura Mazda, to the good
fortune and prosperity, created by Mazda, to the Aryan good fortune,
created by Mazda; to the kingly good fortune, created by Mazda;
to Fire, the son of Ahura Mazda; to Kavi Husravah; to the Lake
of Husravah, to Mount Asnavant, created by Mazda; to Lake Chaechista,
created by Mazda; to the kingly good fortune, created by Mazda.
To Fire, the son of Ahura Mazda; to Mount Raevant, created by
Mazda; to the kingly good fortune, created by Mazda; to Fire,
the son of Ahura Mazda; O Fire! holy warrior, O Yazata full of
fortune, O Yazata full of healing; to Fire, the son of Ahura Mazda,
with all fires; to the Yazata Nairyosangha, offspring of sovereignty
Ashem Vohu...(3).
- 18.
- Then through Asha, O Ahura! we wish your mighty and powerful
Fire, which is taught through Asha, to be a manifest help to the
ally, but a visible harm at your beck, O Mazda! to the foe.
Ashem Vohu....
- 19.
- Bestow on him riches...
- 20.
- Homage to the creator of the creatures of the world, on the
day (name the day) of good name, of holy name, of auspicious name,
on the month (name the month) of auspicious name, of the Gah (name
the Gah). With propitiation of Ahura Mazda. Homage to you, O Fire
of Ahura Mazda, O good created, great Yazata.
Ashem Vohu....
May there be an increase in the luster and fortune .
- (Note: If praying at an Atash Bahram, recite:)
- To the Fire Behram, the great Fire.
- (Note: If praying at an Atash Adaran, recite:)
- To the Fire Adaran, the great Fire.
- (Note: If praying at an Atash Dadgah, recite:)
- To the Fire Dadgah, the great Fire.