Robert Scott Nelson has been a student
of religion since he was a boy growing up in the deserts of Utah. He
joined the U.S. Navy at an early age and served for 17 years as a Russian
and Spanish interpreter as well as serving one tour in the Persian Gulf as
a tactical Persian linguist. It was during this time that he first became
interested in the Persian culture and the Zarathushtrian religion. While
in the service he received his B.Sc. degree from the State University of
New York in literature and languages. For the past seven years starting
in 1997, he has taught Philosophy, Comparative Religion, Russian and
Spanish at Wentworth Military Academy in Lexington, Missouri. In year
2004, Robert Nelson is working on his Doctorate degree in Zarathushtrian
studies at Spenta University of Southern California.
Notes on the Amesha Spentas and New Science
Pagan Heritage of Humanity
What Zarathushtra Has Given To All Mankind