Dr. Pallan R. Ichaporia has BA in Avesta/Pahlavi
from Bombay University and attended Columbia University for Post Graduate Study in Iranian
Languages under James Russell. He obtained doctorate in Business Administration from
Oklahoma. He is currently CEO of Pharmaceutical Marketing Inc. He has been elected Fellow
of Royal Asiatic Society of Gt. Britain and Ireland". Govt. of India Research
Scholar'. His publications include, "The Gathas of Asho Zarathushtra"
Co-authored with Helmut Humbach"The Heritage of Zarathushtra", and Zamyad
Yasht-Text, Translation and Glossary". In addition he ha authored several articles
published in peer reviewed scholarly journals. His forthcoming books are "Concise
Modern History of the Parsis" and "The Concordance of the Gathas" to be
published in Germany.
- Customs, Rules and correct manners in Shah-Nameh