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Mr. Jehan Daruwala was born in Bombay, India at the turn of the 20th century, and received his schooling there. His professional life has included working at the Life Insurance Corporation of India in Mumbai.  Subsequent to his retirement from that corporation as a top manager, Mr. Daruwala was appointed editor of Bombay Samachar, and in addition to editing the newspaper, he initiated the widely read columns "Parsi Tari Arsi".  As an editor, Jehan proved to be progressive minded, free frank and fearless in expressing his views.

During his editorship at Bombay Samachar a very widely read Gujarati Language Daily newspaper, Jehan Daruwala was regarded as the doyen of journalists and he has even been referred to as the Editors’ Editor.  [The help of Mr. Dinshaw Tamboly, a trustee of the World Zoroastrian Organization and of the Bombay Parsi Panchayat in facilitating this information is hereby acknowledged.]

  1. A Salute to the (Lay Dastur) Khurshedji Rustomji Cama