Alexander Bard was born on
March 17, 1961. He lives in Stockholm, Sweden where he works as a composer and record
producer for Stockholm Records (whose most successful artist in North America so far is
the modern rock band The Cardigans), which he co-owns with his partners and
PolyGram, the
world's biggest record company.
Bard was a student at the Stockholm School of Economics and Political Science, where he
majored in Economic Geography. He regularly gives lectures at the School and his clients
include major Scandinavian companies like Ericsson, Volvo and Astra. Bard also teaches at
Swedish government institutions and the Swedish Police Force. As part of the Swedish
political >scene, he is a well-known and constantly newsworthy contributor through both
TV, newspapers and magazines.
Following intense studies of all the major world religions, Alexander Bard converted to
Zoroastrianism in 1983. He had his navjote performed in 1997 by Mobed Kamran Jamshidi in
Gothenburg. Bard is a member of the Swedish Zoroastrian Society and a board member of the
Stockholm-based organization HANZAR (Hanjamana Zarathushtri).
- Zoroastrianism in the 21st Century