Prominent Zarathushtis
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This article
written by Marzban Giara, in observation of the death centenary of Sir
Dinshaw Petit appeared in FED Newsletter (Federation of Parsi Zoroastrian
Anjumans of India) in June 2001. Mr. Giara subsequently augmented the
document for publication on Vohuman.Org. His cooperation is very much

Dinshaw Petit,
the first Baronet [3] |
patriot, pioneer and benefactor, Sir Dinshaw Manockjee Petit, first Baronet
was born on 30th June 1823 in his maternal grandfather Jejeebhoy Dadabhoy’s
house at Bora Bazar Street, Fort, Mumbai. As the eldest son of Manockjee
Nusserwanji Petit, he was only 14 years old when he married Sakarbai (nee
Panday) in 1837. Sakarbai, his long life wife and companion was only 11
years old at the time the marriage was consumed. Fourteen children were
born to them – six sons and eight daughters. He was considered an orthodox
and religious Parsi.
Origin of Petit surname:
Mr. Nasserwanjee Cowasjee Bomanjee, one of the members of the family and
founder of the present branch migrated to Bombay from Surat. He carried on
business as agent to French vessels arriving at the port as well as to the
East India Company’s vessels. It was while thus employed that he acquired
the patronym Petit by which his family is known. Nasserwanji was a man of
small physical built and his French constituents accordingly would refer to
him as “Petit”. The nick-name stuck to him and his immortalized successive
started life as an apprentice on a salary of Rs.15/-
per month. His keen business acumen is something he must have inherited from
his father who was a practical businessman. Starting as a broker he
gradually turned to manufacturing. In 1854 he was appointed an officer of
the Grand Jury. He was the first to introduce looms for a weaving mill in
the whole of India in 1855. He was also the pioneer of dyes industry. In
1859 he donated Rs.25,000/- to charity when his father passed away. In 1860
he became the doyen of the textile industry. In the same year he started
Manockjee Petit Spinning and Weaving Company. He bought the Bombay
Hydraulic Electric Press Company for Rs.6,65,000/-. In December 1865 he
purchased a steamer called "Romania" for Rs.75,000/-. In 1865 at the end of
the American Civil War many persons were bankrupt in the share mania. He not
only wrote off debts worth Rs.30 lacs
but also provided funds and employment to people in distress. Between 1870
and 1875 he and his brother Nusserwanji owned 17 mills. In 1875 he founded
the Bombay Mill-owners Association and was its chairman from 1879 to1894.
Between 1884 and 1898 the number of mills nearly doubled from 43 to 82, and
the number of textile workers jumped from 36,000 to 71,000.
Dinshaw was appointed a Justice of Peace (JP) in 1860 and also became a
Trustee of the Bombay Parsee Punchayet and Sir J.J. Parsee Benevolent
Institution at the young age of 37. He served as a trustee for 41 years, the
longest serving trustee.
As a
great captain of industry, Dinshaw also became a director of the Bank of
Bombay, the Bombay Fire Insurance Company, the Hyderabad Spinning and
Weaving Company. He was the founder and trustee of the Persian Zoroastrian
Amelioration Fund, its chairman from 1876 and its treasurer from 1885. Due
to his perseverance from 1861 to 1882 the Jizya tax was abolished bringing
relief to destitute Irani Zoroastrians. He was the committee member of the
Bombay Association from 1862 and its chairman from 1878, the Society for the
relief of Destitute Irani Zoroastrians in Bombay, the Society for Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals, a member of the Royal Asiatic Society and The Sassoon
great philanthropist, his public and private benefactions amounted to nearly
Rs.34 lacs, and all directed towards religious, educational, commerce,
medical and other philanthropic purposes. In 1862 he donated Rs.8,500/- to a
fund for relief of poor weavers of Lancashire. In 1863 he along with two
other Parsi gentlemen worked to collect funds for Bhimji Jivanji Randelia,
an osteopath and collected Rs.60,000/- which was presented as a purse to the
famous doctor. In 1865 he was one of the 16 Parsi delegates nominated by the
Government to the Parsi Chief Matrimonial Court, a post he held till 1872.
He was responsible for the Parsi Law Commission and the Parsi Marriage and
Divorce Act of 1865. In 1868 when the Bombay Bank was again reestablished,
he was its Director from the start till 1892. He was also a Director of
Colaba Company, Bombay Burmah Trading Company, East India Shipping Company,
Frere Land Company.
1861 he spent Rs.30,000/- and built 4 water reservoirs to supply water to
poor people in Pune. In 1871 he gave the Government a sum of Rs.15000/- for
improving water supply in Ahmednagar. In 1873 he donated Rs.15,500/- to the
Government to build a hospital for lepers at Ratnagiri. The hospital was
commissioned on 1st May 1875. He built a Sagdi at Malabar Hill in memory of
his late father at a cost of Rs.15,000/- and had it consecrated on 7th
October 1873. He also gave Rs.5000/- to the Punchayet for its maintenance.
1867 the P & O Company took 26 days for a weekly mail service to Europe. The
time taken was reduced to 17.5 days by 1880 because of his efforts. In 1875
he purchased two mills Mazgaon Spinning & Manufacturing Company and Victoria
Spinning & Manufacturing Company. In 1877, he was present at the Royal
Durbar held at Delhi by Lord Lytton, the Viceroy of India. He took the
opportunity to visit several parts of India. In 1878 he bought another mill
at Parel and named it Dinshaw Manockjee Petit Mills. In 1879 he started a
dyes factory at Mahim under the name Bombay Dyeing Company. In 1881 he took
over two new factories and named them Framji Petit Spinning & Manufacturing
Company and Bomanjee Petit Mills (formerly Gordon Mills). He provided cheap
housing for textile workers. In 1881 he was elected a member of the Bombay
Chamber of Commerce. In 1884 he was one of the founders of the Ripon Club
and its Vice-Chairman. In 1885 he became the Vice-President of the Bombay
Presidency Association. In 1889 he was adviser to delegates who came from
Japan to learn about management and conditions of the textile industry.
November 1882 he and Lady Sakarbai donated Rs.10,000/- to the Bombay Parsi
Punchayet to feed destitute Irani Zoroastrians in their dharamshalas. They
also donated for sending kathi regularly to the Atash Behrams in Yazd and
Kerman in Iran. He built the Atash Behram and dokhma at Yazd, Iran. He built
dokhmas at Chikhli (1874), Billimora and Igatpuri (1880), Bardoli (1885),
Navsari (1889). In 1891 he had a daremeher built at Udvada next to the
Iranshah Atash Behram. He also had sagdis built at Udvada, Allahabad, Hubli,
Surat and Sholapur.
1883 he donated his maternal grandfather Seth Jeejeebhai Dadabhai's large
estate of about 40,500 sq. yards at Parel costing Rs.45,000/- to the Society
for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The land was donated for starting a
hospital for treatment of suffering animals. Lord Dufferin, the Viceroy of
India, inaugurated the hospital named Bai Sakarbai Dinshaw Petit Hospital
for Animals on 10th December 1884. In 1883 the Government nominated him as
a member of the Bombay Municipal Corporation. During the floods at Surat,
Rander, Godavara villages he rendered valuable help. In 1885 he was
appointed the President of the Bombay Presidency Association. In 1886 he
donated Rs.3000/- to the library of the newly established French Club
"Circle Literaire". The library was named "Bibliotheque Dinshaw
Petit". He donated Rs.300,000 for land and buildings for the founding of
the Victoria Jubilee Technical Institute (VJTI) in 1889.
was appointed a Sheriff in 1886. On the occasion of his being conferred the
knighthood in February 1887 he presented clothes to 8000 employees in the
mills under him. On 14th April 1887 the Illustrated London News
published his portrait with a brief biography. In June of the same year, he
donated £ 1000 each to the proposed Imperial Institute and Northbrook Indian
Club Library at London. He was also appointed President of the Gaurakshak
Mandali established in Bombay. In December of the same year he
was appointed an official of the Viceroy's Legislative Council, the first
Parsi to receive this honour. In January 1888 he was appointed a Fellow of
the Bombay University in the faculties of Arts and Engineering. In March of
the same year at the Uthamna of his nephew and son-in-law Seth Jamsetjee
Nusserwanji Petit, his family donated Rs.42,750/- to charity. In August of
the same year he donated Rs.1.25 lacs to the Government for building a
separate hospital for women and children behind Sir J.J. Hospital. In
January 1889 he gave Rs.7000/- to establish a library for the Medical
Union. The library was named after him. In March 1889 he was present at
the Viceroy's Council at Calcutta. While returning from there he donated
Rs.20,000/- to the District Charitable Society for constructing a hospital
for Lepers, Rs.25000/- to the SPCA for constructing a hospital for animals
and Rs.7000/- for the Parsis to establish a library. At the end of 1889 he
donated 6 acres of land at Poona for constructing a bacteriological
laboratory for the Science College at Pune. In January 1890 he donated
Rs.11000/- for building a Gymnasium. In 1890 he donated for setting up the
Framjee Dinshaw Petit Library of the Grant Medical College. He also donated
for the Framjee Dinshaw petit Banqueting Hall in the Freemasons Hall at
Fort, Mumbai.
wife Lady Sakarbai passed away on 5th March 1890 after a long and happy
married life of 53 years. Her devotion as wife and mother was exemplary and
contributed to his success in public affairs. Lady Sakerbai, the wife of
Sir Dinshaw was descended from the Panday family. She was the daughter of
Framji Bhikhaji Panday and Gulestan Banu, a Persian lady, daughter of
Kaikhusru Yazdiar who emigrated to India in 1805. At her Uthamna the family
donated Rs.1,12,000/- to charity. A few days later Queen Victoria made him a
Baronet. He entrusted to the Government Municipal Bonds worth Rs.25 lacs to
perpetuate the Baronetcy. The Legislative Council of India passed the 6th
Act of the Baronetcy Act of 1893 on March 9, 1893. Naser-ul-Din Shah of
Persia presented him with a Royal Diploma and conferred on him the title of
“Shero Khurshid” in 1892.
1890 he gave Rs. 1 lac to the Government to set up a Lepers Home at Trombay.
In August 1890 he gave Rs.1500/- to the Municipality to build an aviary for
birds at Victoria Gardens. On 23rd April 1891 "Graphic" of London
carried a beautiful portrait of his with an account of his useful
activities. In 1892 he gave Rs.15,000/- for water works at Panvel. In 1893
he gave Rs.10,000/- for a veterinary hospital at Nasik. In 1894 he gave
Rs.8000/- for the Parsi Gymkhana building at Pune. In 1898 he had a school
built in memory of his daughter Bai Ruttonbai Framji Panday.
the Uthamna of his son Seth Framji, his family donated Rs. 4,28,000/- to
charity in August 1895. In 1896 he donated Rs.51,982/- from which a building
in the Victoria Jubilee Technical Institute was erected and named Sir
Dinshaw Petit Baronet School for Sheet Metal Working and Enameling. In the
same year he built a Dharamshala in memory of his son Framji at Kudiana. He
gave Rs.10,000/- to build Sir Dinshaw Manockjee Petit School of Industrial
Arts at Ahmednagar. He had donated Rs.31,000/- for constructing 'Sir Dinshaw
Manockjee Petit Brokers Hall' for the share brokers of Bombay which was
inaugurated on 18th January 1899.
March 1899 he published and distributed a book free "Vaidak Tuchka
Sangrah" - a compendium of various medicines for relief of various
diseases. It was his hobby from a young age to find out various herbs and
their effects on fever, diarrhoea, cholera, etc. During the great famine of
1899-1900 in India he sent monetary relief worth Rs.47,500/- as also clothes
and bags of cereals. He established charitable dispensaries at Bhiwandi,
Chichan (Tarapore) Chikhli, Panvel, Pune Cantonment, Umergaon, Valsad, Vasai.
Bai A. F. Petit School at Bandra, The J. N. Petit Institute, The J. N. Petit
School at Pune, Bai R. F. D. Panday School, The B. D. Petit Parsee General
Hospital, Framjee Dinshaw Petit Sanatorium at Cumballa Hill are some of the
institutions erected by the munificence of the Petit family.
Dinshaw Petit, the first Baronet [4] |
of Arms of Sir Dinshaw Manockjee Petit, First Baronet
The large shield with blue colour represents integrity and purity. Three
censers with fire in them signify faith in Zoroastrian religion and carrying
out duties in the name of Lord Ahura Mazda with good thoughts, good words
and good deeds. The fire also signifies the symbol of Ahura Mazda, the
eternal light.
white square (used by masons) on blue background teaches us to regulate our
actions, to harmonise our conduct with the principles of morality and
virtue. Three bees represent industry and perseverance. The crest (a ship)
on top represents trade and commerce. The Petit family was well known for
carrying on trade and commerce with China, Europe, etc. The wordings at the
bottom of the Coat of Arms “Consequitur Quod Cunque Petit” mean "He
obtains whatever he seeks".
Dinshaw Petit's Charities
For constructing houses, wells, ponds, water reservoirs - Rs. 79,757/-
Schools, Gymnasium - Rs.4,17,448/-
Dharamshalas, dwellings for the poor, maternity homes - Rs. 94,425/-
Hospitals, dispensaries, leper homes, hospitals for animals -
Contributions to schools, colleges, madressa, orphanages - Rs. 57,681/-
Contributions to construction and maintenance of hospital, dispensaries,
asylums, leper homes - Rs. 29,121/-
Contributions to construction and maintenance of Atash Behram - Rs.
Contributions to orphanages, pension, foundling homes, sailors home,
widows home - Rs. 23,926/-
Contributions to sinking of wells, ponds, water reservoirs, - Rs. 9,291/-
Contributions to Memorial Funds - Rs. 82,202/-
Contributions to Prize Funds - Rs. 20,961/-
Contributions to construction and maintenance of dharamshalas, dwellings
of the poor, maternity homes - Rs.11,785/-
Contributions for libraries and book club - Rs.67,627/-
Funds for dokhmas, sagdis, nasakhanas - Rs. 77,779/-
Contributions to relief from famines, floods, fire, riots, plague
Contributions to societies - Rs. 15,965/-
Contributions to associations - Rs. 9,533/-
Contributions to Panjarapole and animal relief fund - Rs.30,750/-
Contributions to feeding chapatis and khichdi to dogs - Rs. 2,203/-
Contributions to various trusts - Rs.3,992/-
Contributions to miscellaneous trust funds - Rs.30,501/-
Contributions to exhibition, museums, repairing of roads, building
temples, bridges, obtaining justice from courts - Rs.1,04,084/-
Contributions to charities in Iran - Persian Zoroastrian Ammelioration
Fund and Bombay's Destitute Irani Zarthushti Fund - Rs. 34,649/-
memory of Lady Sakarbai and Late children, relatives and friends
Contributions to funds of the Bombay Parsi Punchayet - Rs.2,99,292/-
Funds to charities for education - Rs.54,978/-
Funds to charities for poverty relief - Rs.6,31,576/-
Establishment of Sir Dinshaw Manockjee Petit Fund - Rs.4,25,000/-
Funds for daremeher at Udwada including maintenance fund - Rs. 69,224/-
Construction of Sagdi at Udwada - Rs. 5,844/-
Total Rs.34,17,036/-
passed away on 5th May 1901 at the age of 78. Besides Mumbai his
uthamna was performed at Thana, Lonavala,Poona, Mahableshwar, Satara,
Ahmednagar, Sholapur, Jalna, Hubli, Indore, Ratlam, Jabalpur, Badnera,
Nagpur, Calcutta, Aden, Hong Kong, Nargol, Tarapore, Daman, Udvada, Pardi,
Valsad, Khergam, Chikhli, Gandevi,Navsari, Bardoli, mandvi, Surat, Vesu,
Bhimpor, Suvali, Elav, Kudiana, hansot, Ankleshwar, Bharuch, Ahmedabad, Disa
and Khambhat.
magnificent life-size statue of his, in marble stands at Tairsee Bhatia Baug
(opposite the head office of the Central Railway, Chhatrapati Shivaji
Terminus, V.T.)
scan the picture of this statue from the book Parsi Statues )
(Courtesy: Parsi Statues by Marzban Giara)
Dinshaw Manockjee Petit 1st Baronet
Erected by the Public of Bombay
In appreciation of the distinguished and valued
Services rendered by him as a great
Philanthropist and captain of industry
Born:30th June 1823 Died:5th May 1901
On 5th
May 2001 being his first death centenary, the Bombay Parsi Association had
organised a function to garland his statue and place floral wreaths at 9
a.m. Mr.Vispi S. Dastur, President, Bombay Parsi Association, Mr. Homa D.
Petit, a scion of the Petit family spoke about the life and achievements of
Sir Dinshaw Manockjee Petit. On Wednesday 9th May Mr. Marzban J.
Giara gave a talk on his life and contribution under the auspices of the
Rahnumae Mazdayasnan Sabha at the K. R. Cama Oriental Institute Library
Hall. The above article is based on this talk. Parsi Prakash Vol.III devotes
as many as ten pages for his obituary. S. M. Edwardes, an ICS officer has
written his biography “Memoir of Sir Dinshaw Manockjee Petit First Baronet”
published at England in 1923.

Rs denote the
unit of Indian currency Rupee. During the 19th century, a Rs would have
been the equivalent of one half of US$. In mid 20th century at the time of
India’s independence the exchange rate of US$1 to Rs. 5 applied. At the
turn of the 21st century the official applicable rate was of the order of
Rs. 1 lac = Rs 100,000
[3] Photo courtesy of
Mr. Adial Bharucha, Mumbai,
India, CEO of Petit Charities, and Miss Havoovi Mistry. Mr. Larry Grant's
efforts in obtaining a copy of this picture is hereby acknowledged.
[4] Photo courtesy of author,
Giara,Marzban. |