Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe
"Timeline" table was
produced by Maneck Bhujwala from Dadabhai's biography authored by Dr.
Sarosh Wadia, 1984
The Early Years
Visit to England
The London Anjuman
Other Activities
Election to Parliament
Other Members...
Indian National...
Mahatma Gandhi
The Grand Old Man

The Early Years:
Dadabhai Naoroji was born in Bombay on 4th September 1825, the son of Maneckbai
and Naoroji Palanji Dordi, a poor Athornan (priestly) Parsi family. At the age of 4,
Dadabhai's father died and his mother was left the difficult task of bringing up the
family, and she managed admirably. According to prevailing customs, she arranged the
marriage of Dadabhai to Gulbai at the early age of 11. For the rest of her life, Maneckbai
remained a close companion and mentor to Dadabhai. "She made me what I am" noted
Dadabhai in 1901 when he gave an account of his early life in "The Days of my
Dadabhai became a scholar at the Elphinstone Institution (now Elphinstone College,
Bombay) and had a brilliant academic career. In 1850 at the early age of 25, he was
appointed Assistant Professor, and 4 years later, Professor of Mathematics and Natural
Philosophy at the Elphinstone Institution. Professor Orlebar of the college called him
"The Promise of India". Dadabhai, being an Athornan (ordained priest), founded
the Rahnumae Mazdayasne Sabha (Guides on the Mazdayasne Path) on 1st August 1851. The
ethos of the Rahnumae at its inception was to restore the Zoroastrian religion to its
original purity and simplicity. The society is still in operation in Bombay.
Visit to England:
On 27th June 1855, Dadabhai sailed for England to join the first Indian business firm of
the mercantile Cama family. In 1859, Dadabhai established his own business firm under the
name of Dadabhai Naoroji & Co.
The London Anjuman:
On 31st October 1861, an association was founded in the name of "THE LONDON
ANJUMAN" and Dr. Dadabhai Naoroji was its Patron, Founder and First President.
Other Activities:
During his time in England, Dadabhai endeavored to educate the British people about their
responsibilities as rulers of India. He delivered speeches and published articles to
support his opposition to the unjust and oppressive regime of the British Raj. In 1867 he
helped to establish the East India Association of which he became the Honorary Secretary.
The purpose of the Association was to keep Britain well informed of India's plight and
needs and to secure fair treatment for India's people. This was his first political move
and his colleagues were not slow in realizing his aspirations, echoing Professor Orlebar's
sentiment as "The Promise of India".
presented to the British people the "Drain Theory", which put before them the
facts and figures illustrating systematic bleeding of the wealth and resources of India.
His ideas were put into a volume called "Poverty and UnBritish rule in India".
This was a charge against the British Empire, and he asked for immediate appointment of a
Royal Commission to look into the charges. Dadabhai was one of the members of the Royal
Dadabhai went back to India in 1869 but soon returned to England to give evidence
before the Parliamentary Commission on Indian Finance. Dadabhai returned to India in 1874,
having been appointed Dewan of Baroda State. He came back to England in 1886 with the idea
of getting into the British Parliament to enable him to fight from within the system, and
further the cause of his native country India.
Election to Parliament:
Dadabhai was elected to Parliament on the 5th of July 1892 and entered the House of
Commons as a Liberal, representing the Central Finsbury constituency. He delivered his
maiden speech in the House of Commons in August 1892. This was indeed a historic occasion
as Dadabhai Naoroji became the first ever Indian/Asian Member of the British Parliament.
Dadabhai immediately championed various causes in the House of Commons. He made many
speeches both in England and in India on political reforms, fair play and justice for
India,which spearheaded the beginning of the freedom struggle. He was renowned as the
founding father of Indian Nationalism.
Other Members of Perliament:
Dadabhai's success on being elected to the Parliament was followed by two other Indian
Parsi Zoroastrians; Sir Muncherjee Merwanji Bhownagree and Sir Sorabji
Dadabhai's reputation and his help facilitated the political careers of both these
Indian National Congress:
Dadabhai was one of the moving spirits and founder of the Indian National Congress. He
took part in the inauguration of the Indian National Congress that was held in Bombay in
1865, before his departure to England. Dadabhai was thrice elected President of the
Dadabhai Naoroji had attempted to keep the Freedom movement on a moderate path during
the formative years of the Congress. He had put his faith in the British. He believed that
if they were informed of India's problems, they would reform their method of rule.
However, his experience of the British political system and years of dealing with British
officialdom led to increasing disillusionment. Dadabhai began to despair when even
moderate claims were not considered. In 1904 Dadabhai demanded "SWARAJ" Self
Government for India. Dadabhai said "Indians were British citizens with a birthright
to be free" and that they had "every right to claim an honorable fulfillment of
our British pledged rights". -"It is futile to tell me that we must ait till all
the people are ready. The British people did not -wait for their parliament".
"Self-government is the only and chief remedy. In self-government is our hope,
strength and greatness". "I am a Hindu, a Muslim, a Parsi, but above all an
Indian First".
Mahatma Gandhi:
On lst September 1888, Gandhi sailed from Bombay with a letter of introduction to
Dadabhai. Mahatma Gandhi wrote " will, therefore oblige me greatly if you will
kindly direct and guide me and make necessary suggestions which shall be received as from
a father to his child". Gandhi further wrote: "The story of a life so noble and
yet so simple needs no introduction from me or anybody else. May it be an inspiration to
the readers even as Dadabhai living was to me". "And so Dadabhai became real
DADA to me".
The Grand Old Man:
The Grand Old Man of India once asked "Is it vanity that I should take great pleasure
in being hailed as the Grand Old Man of India? No, that title, which speaks volumes for
the warm, grateful and generous hearts of my countrymen, is to me, whether I deserve it or
not, the highest reward of my life".
A great life nobly lived, spanning nearly a whole century, great, indeed in the
greatness of its simplicity, purity and benignity and lofty in its concept of man's
mission on earth, came to an end on 30th June 1917. Dadabhai passed away at the ripe old
age of 93.
Sir Narayen Chandravarkar at the "Memorial Meeting" paid a warm affectionate
tribute to the life and character of the dear departed sage of India.
"If we take stock of his life and his example, may I not say with perfect justice
and truth that in his career, in all he did, in all he suffered and in all he taught, he
was the prophet Zoroaster's religion personified because he was the man more than anybody
else of pure thought, of pure speech and pure deeds".
Sir Dinshaw Wacha in a speech full of feeling said: "There is no doubt .. Dadabhai
served his country with a sacrifice and singleness of purpose which it may be rightly
said, without exaggeration, was rare. A devout follower of Zoroaster, he faithfully
followed the ethics of that Great Prophet - pure in thought, word and deed".
Kusoom Vadgama, a prominent writer in London in her recent
book "India in Britain" writes: "One whose contributions to Britain by any
standards remain memorable and who represented culture, intelligence and public spirit was
Dadabhai Naoroji, the first Indian Member of Parliament".
Zoroastrian Trust Funds of Europe
secretarial help produced
this article based on documented historical information. The association was founded by
Dr. Naroji while he lived in London.
Timeline of
Dadabhai Noorji's life |
1825, September 4 |
Dadabhai Naoroji was born in a poor Parsi
priest family. |
He lost his father, Naoroji Dordi, when he
was four years old.
● His mother
Maneckbai took responsibility to educate him, sending him to the Native
Education Society school.
After finishing school he was selected to go to the
Elphinstone Institute where his professors were all Englishmen.
At the Institute he read literature of the world, but Firdausi's Shahnameh
was his favorite, and duties of a Zarathushti.
At age 15, he received Clare's scholarship and was considered a scholar.
Professor Orlebar called him "Promise of India"
At age 20, he became the first Indian professor (of Mathematics &
Philosophy) at Elphinstone Institute.
He was Treasurer of the Student Literary & Scientific society and editor of
its proceedings published for the public. |
August 4 |
He along with other society members laid the foundation of female education
in Bombay, by going door to door urging parents to send their girls to
school (at that time girls were not allowed to go to school) |
He volunteered to teach free at the first girl's school opened by the
Society in a cottage loaned by Jagannath Shankar Sheth, a member of the
Board of Education, and with improvements funded by Mr. K.N.Cama |
He started two religious magazines - Dharma Marg Darshak and Rast Goftar to
educate Parsis about their religion |
August 3 |
At age 26, he started a society Rahnumae Mazdayasnane Sabha in cooperation
with educationist Naoroji Furdunji, which still exists and has regular
meetings. |
1855, June
27 |
He sailed to London with K.R.Cama and M.H.Cama to join the first Indian
business started in England by the Cama family. |
He left the Cama family business and became a Professor of Gujarati, in the
University college, London, and worked there for 10 years. |
He founded the London Zoroastrian Association and remained its president
until 1907 |
He was the first to work systematically for the intellectual uplift of the
Indian public. He used every opportunity in England to voice the grievances
of the Indian people under colonial rule. |
He started his campaign of agitation about injustice in the system of
recruiting for the Indian Civil Service. Sudden change of age limit had
debarred the first Indian student, Rustamji Hirjibhai Wadia from appearing
for entrance exam. |
He was active in the newly founded "East India Association" to promote the
welfare and interest of Indians. He devoted full time to the education of
the masses of India on their rights and people of England toward Indians. |
1869, July
A public meeting was called by Maharaja Bhagwat Singhji of Gondal and the
Sheriff of Bombay, at the Framji Cowasji Institute, to honor Dadabhai and a
purse of Rs.25,000 was presented, most of which he donated to the East India
Association Fund. |
He helped the Maharaja, Malharrao Gaekwad, of Baroda in his problems with
the British Agent, and pleaded his case in London. In return the Maharaja
offered him the post of Diwan (prime minister) of Baroda State.
January 11 |
After introducing
many reforms as Diwan of Baroda, he resigned and left Baroda on January 11,
1875. The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda has named one of its
student hostels as Dadabhai Naoroji Hall (I myself lived in that hostel when
I was an Engineering student there). |
1875, July
26 |
At age 50, he was
elected to the Bombay Municipal Corporation. He discovered and reported an
error by the Accountant General in calculating principal and interest
payable to the Government. |
August |
He resigned from the
Corporation and went to England for business. |
He was re-elected to
the Bombay Municipal Council and worked there until 1886. As an appreciation
for his public services a marble statue of Dadabhai adorns the Corporation
Hall. |
1885 |
He was the moving
spirit and Founder of the Indian National Congress, which had its first
meeting in 1885, at the Gokuldas Tejpal Pathshala, at Gowalia Tank. This was
the institution that started the task of gaining Indian independence. |
1886 |
He went back to
England in 1886, where he contested in the election for the British
Parliament but was unsuccessful. He used his visibility to publicize the
grievances of the Indian public among the British citizenry. |
1886 |
At the end of 1886,
he was called to attend the second session of the Indian National Congress
in Calcutta, where he was elected President. He patched up a conflict
between two great leaders, Tilak and Ranade. |
He went back to England after the Congress, and got elected
to the British Parliament (first Asian to be elected), in spite of being
insulted by the Prime Minister, Lord Salisbury who called him "a Black Man".
He politely refused to take the oath on the Bible as he was not a Christian,
and because of his reputation and moral character he was allowed to take the
oath of office in the name of God on his small book of Avesta. He was
felicitated by the Maharajas of Baroda, Bhavnagar, and Kutch, Nawab of
Junagadh, and prime minister of Hyderabad. |
In Parliamentary
debates he charged that gross corruption and oppression by the Europeans had
reduced India to a state of abject poverty. His ideas were put into a volume
called "POVERTY & UNBRITISH RULE IN INDIA", which was a chargesheet on the
British Empire, and he called for immediate constitution of a Royal
Commission to look into his charges, which the British did and included him
as a member. |
His speeches were followed keenly in India, and he was
invited as president of the Indian National Congress in Lahore. |
A large crowd
received him at Apollo Bunder, and Pherozeshah Mehta drove him to his
residence at Khetwadi. Huge crowds and receptions were arranged for him at
Baroda and Ahmedabad. In Armritsar, he was presented a robe of honor by the
officiating priest of the Golden Temple. In Lahore, the Congress reception
committee chairman said to Dadabhai "The greatest gift the Parsis have
bestowed on India is in your own good self". He replied "I am a Hindu, a
Muslim, a Parsi, but I am an Indian first". William Hunter wrote in the
"Times" newspaper that Dadabhai had a welcome greater than the British
Viceroy of India. |
The Indians and
Englishmen wanted to bestow the title of "Sir" on Dadabhai, but he
discouraged the idea. He also politely declined the Shah of Iran's offer to
decorate him. |
After finishing his
term in the British parliament, he continued his fight for the Indians as a
member of the Royal Commission. He got other prominent Indians such as
Dinshaw Wachha, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Surendranath Bannerjee, and
Subramanian Iyer, to join him on the Commission, and organized a campaign to
educate the British public about conditions in India and the demands of
Indians. Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi, who was fighting for Indian rights in
South Africa, considered Dadabhai as his Guru and constantly sought his
advice through letters. In India the appreciative public keenly followed his
actions on their behalf and in 1903 they started celebrating September 4th
annually, as "Dadabhai Day". |
1906 |
In 1906, at the age
of 80, Dadabhai was invited for a third time to be president of the Indian
National Congress in Calcutta, and he helped to patch up a conflict between
the moderates and the extremists. In his keynote speech he demanded "Swaraj"
or Self-Rule from the British, which delighted the Congress attendees and
the Indian public. He said "Be united, persevere, and achieve
self-Government, so that the millions now perishing by poverty, famine, and
plague may be saved, and India may once more occupy her proud position of
yore among the greatest and civilized nations of the world". |
He returned to
England but had an attack of bronchitis. His two grand-daughters, Mrs.
Nargis and Gosi Captain attended to him and he recovered.
In October, he
returned to India, where at his house in Versova, Dr. Maneckbhai, his
daughter and grand-daughter Dr. Mehrbanoo looked after his health. Foreign
dignitaries, such as Sir George Clarke, Lord Hardinge, and Lord Willingdon,
regularly visited him. |
1916 |
At age 91, Bombay
University bestowed the honorary degree of L.L.D. on him as well as on
Phirozeshah Mehta. |
1917, June
30 |
Dadabhai Naoroji
passed away. After his body was consigned to the Tower of Silence, Sir
Narayan Chandavarkar paid the following tribute to him (excerpted):
we take stock of his life and his example, may I not say with perfect
justice an trust that in his career, in all he did, in all he suffered,
and in all he taught, he was the Prophet Zoroaster's religion personified,
because he was the man more than anybody else of pure thought, of pure
speech and of pure deeds..... The Sun that rose ninety-three years ago,
over India is set, but I say, it is set to rise again in the form of
regenerated India, for Dadabhai lived and worked for us with a devotion
which must remain for all of us an inspiring example".