(For the Afrinagan of the Siruzas recite all thirty dedications.)
(Priests and congregation:) | |
1. ýathâ ahû vairyô...(7). ashem vohû...(3). fravarâne mazdayasnô zarathushtrish vîdaêvô ahura-tkaêshô |
1. Yatha Ahu Vairyo...(7). Ashem Vohu...(3). I profess myself a Mazda-worshipper, a follower of Zarathushtra, opposing the Daevas, accepting the Ahuric doctrine. |
(Here recite the appropriate Gah dedication.)
(Khshnuman:) | |
2.1 ahurahe mazdå raêvatô hvarenanguhatô
ameshanãm speñtanãm xshnaothra ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica frasastayaêca. | 2.1 To Ahura Mazda, rich, possessing good things, and the Amesha Spentas, for worship, adoration, propitiation, and praise. |
2.2 vanghave mananghe âxshtôish hãm-vaiñtyå taredhâtô anyâish dâmãn âsnahe xrathwô mazdadhâtahe gaoshô-srûtahe xrathwô mazdadhâtahe. | 2.2 To [10] Vohu Mano, peace, whose breath is friendly, and who is more powerful to destroy than all other creatures; to the innate [11] Wisdom, created by Mazda; and to the Wisdom acquired through the ear, created by Mazda. |
2.3 ashahe vahishtahe sraêshtahe airyamanô ishyehe sûrahe mazdadhâtahe saokayå vanghuyå vouru-dôithrayå mazdadhâtayå ashaonyå. | 2.3 To the Highest Asha, the fairest; to the much-desired Airyaman, created by Mazda; to the instrument created by Mazda, and to the good Saoka, with eyes of love, created by Mazda, Asha-sanctified [12]. |
2.4 xshathrahe vairyehe ayôxshustahe marezhdikâi thrâyô-drikhaove. | 2.4 To Khshathra Vairya, to the metals; to Mercy and Charity. |
2.5 speñtayå vanghuyå ârmatôish râtayå vanghuyå vouru-dôithrayå mazdadhâtayå ashaonyå. | 2.5 To the good Holy Armaiti, and to the good Rata, with eyes of love, created by Mazda, Asha-sanctified. |
2.6 haurvatâtô rathwô ýâiryayåsca hushitôish saredhaêibyô ashahe ratubyô. | 2.6 To Haurvatat the master, to the prosperity of the seasons and to the years, masters of Asha [13]. |
2.7 ameretatâtô rathwô fshaonibya vãthwâbya aspinibya ýaonibya gaokerenahe sûrahe mazdadhâtahe, | 2.7 To Ameretat the master, to fatness and flocks, to the plenty of corn, and to the powerful Gaokerena, created by Mazda. |
(during Hawan gah say,) | |
mithrahe vouru-gaoyaoitôish râmanasca hvâstrahe, | To Mithra of wide pastures, and Raman Khwastra, |
(during Rapithwin gah say,) | |
ashahe vahishtahe âthrasca ahurahe mazdå, | To the Highest Asha and the Fire of Ahura Mazda, |
(during Uzerin gah say,) | |
berezatô ahurahe nafedhrô apãm apasca mazdadhâtayå, | To the lofty Ahura Apam Napat, and the waters created by Mazda, |
(during Aiwisruthrem gah say,) | |
ashâunãm fravashinãm khenãnãmca vîrô-vãthwanãm ýâiryayåsca hushitôish amaheca hutâshtahe huraodhahe verethrakhnaheca ahuradhâtahe vanaiñtyåsca uparatâtô, | To the Asha-sanctified fravashis, and to the women with their troops of heroes, and the Yairya Hushitay and to Ama, well-built, fair of form, Verethraghna, Ahura-created; and to the Triumphing Uparatat, |
(during Ushahin gah say,) | |
sraoshahe ashyehe ashivatô verethrâjanô frâdat- gaêthahe rashnaosh razishtahe arshtâtasca frâdat- gaêthayå varedat-gaêthayå. | To Sraosha, companion of Ashi, procuring rewards, victorious, who furthers the world, and the very straight Razishta and Arshtad, who further the world, who augment the world, |
2.8 dathushô ahurahe mazdå raêvatô hvarenanguhatô ameshanãm speñtanãm. | 2.8 To the Creator Ahura Mazda, rich, possessing good things, and the Amesha Spentas, for worship, adoration, propitiation, and praise. |
2.9 âthrô ahurahe mazdå puthra hvarenanghô savanghô mazdadhâtahe airyanãm hvarenô mazdadhâtanãm kâvayeheca hvarenanghô mazdadhâtahe, âthrô ahurahe mazdå puthra kavôish haosravanghahe varôish haosravanghahe asnvañtahe garôish mazdadhâtahe caêcastahe varôish mazdadhâtahe kâvayeheca hvarenanghô mazdadhâtahe, âthrô ahurahe mazdå puthra raêvañtahe garôish mazdadhâtahe kâvayeheca hvarenanghô mazdadhâtahe, âthrô ahurahe mazdå puthra âtarsh speñta rathaêshtâra ýazata pouru-hvarenangha ýazata pouru- baêshaza, âthrô ahurahe mazdå puthra mat vîspaêibyô âterebyô xshathrô-nafedhrô nairyô-sanghahe ýazatahe. |
2.9 To Fire [14], the son of Ahura Mazda; to the good fortune and Prosperity,
created by Mazda; to the Aryan good fortune, created by Mazda; to the kingly
good fortune, created by Mazda; to Fire, the son of Ahura Mazda; to Kavi
Husravah, to the Lake of Husravah; to Mount Asnavant, created by Mazda; to
Lake Chaechista, created by Mazda; to the kingly good fortune, created by
To Fire, the son of Ahura Mazda; to Mount Raevant, created by Mazda, to the kingly good fortune, created by Mazda; to Fire, the son of Ahura Mazda; O Fire! holy warrior, O Yazata full of fortune, O Yazata full of healing; to Fire, the son of Ahura Mazda, with all fires; to the Yazata Nairyosangha, offspring of sovereignty (Khshathra). |
2.10 apãm vanguhînãm mazdadhâtanãm areduyå âpô anâhitayå ashaonyå vîspanãmca apãm mazdadhâtanãm vîspanãmca urvaranãm mazdadhâtanãm. | 2.10 To the good waters, created by Mazda, to the Asha-sanctified water-spring Ardvi Anahita, to all waters created by Mazda, to all plants created by Mazda. |
2.11 hvarexshaêtahe ameshahe raêvahe aurvat-aspahe. | 2.11 To the undying, shining, swift-horsed Sun. |
2.12 månghahe gaocithrahe gêushca aêvô- dâtayå gêushca pouru-saredhayå. | 2.12 To the Moon that keeps in it the seed of the Bull, to the only-created Bull, to the Bull of many species. |
2.13 tishtrehe stârô raêvatô hvarenanguhatô satavaêsahe frâpahe sûrahe mazdadhâtahe stârãm afshcithranãm zemascithranãm urvarô- cithranãm mazdadhâtanãm vanañtô stârô mazdadhâtahe aoe stârô ýôi haptôiriñga mazdadhâta hvarenanghuñta baêshazya. | 2.13 To Tishtrya the star, rich, possessing good things, to the powerful Satavaesa created by Mazda, who pushes waters forward, to the stars created by Mazda that have in them the seed of the waters, the seed of the earth, the seed of the plants, to the star Vanant created by Mazda, to those stars that are seven in number, the Haptoiringas created by Mazda, full of good fortune and healing. |
2.14 gêush tashne gêush urune drvâspayå sûrayå mazdadhâtayå ashaonyå. | 2.14 To the Fashioner [15] of the Cow, to the soul of the Cow, to the powerful Asha-sanctified Drvaspa created by Mazda. |
2.15 dathushô ahurahe mazdå raêvatô hvarenanguhatô ameshanãm speñtanãm. | 2.15 To the Creator Ahura Mazda, rich, possessing good things, and the Amesha Spentas, for worship, adoration, propitiation, and praise. |
2.16 mithrahe vouru-gaoyaoitôish hazangrô-gaoshahe baêvare- cashmanô aoxtô-nâmanô ýazatahe râmanô hvâstrahe. | 2.16 To Mithra of wide pastures, with a thousand ears, ten thousand eyes, a Yazata who is invoked by name, and Raman Khwastra. |
2.17 sraoshahe ashyehe taxmahe tanu-mãthrahe darshi-draosh âhûiryehe. | 2.17 To Sraosha, companion of Ashi, the brave, who has the Manthra for body, with bold club, the ahurian. |
2.18 rashnaosh razishtahe arshtâtasca frâdat-gaêthayå varedat-gaêthayå erezhuxdhahe vacanghô ýat frâdat-gaêthahe. | 2.18 To the very straight Razishta and Arshtad, who further the world, who augment the world, to the true-spoken speech that furthers the world. |
2.19 ashâunãm fravashinãm ukhranãm aiwithûranãm. | 2.19 (We worship) the Asha-sanctified Frawashis among the strong. |
2.20 amahe hutâshtahe huraodhahe verethrakhnahe ahuradhâtahe vanaiñtyåsca uparatâtô. | 2.20 To Ama, well-built, fair of form, Verethraghna, created by Ahura; and to Triumphing Uparatat. |
2.21 râmanô hvâstrahe vayaosh uparô-kairyehe taredhâtô anyâish dâmãn aêtat tê vayô ýat tê asti speñtô-mainyaom, thwâshahe hvadhâtahe zrvânahe akaranahe zrvânahe darekhô-hvadhâtahe. | 2.21 To Raman of good pastures, and to Vayu of superior activity, superior to other creatures. That part of you, Vayu, which belongs to the Holy Spirit; to self-governed Thwasha, to boundless Zurwan, to Zurwan of the long dominion. |
2.22 vâtahe hudhånghahe adharahe uparahe fratarahe pascãithyehe nairyayå hãm-varetôish. | 2.22 To the bounteous Wind that blows below, above, before, and behind, and to the manly Courage. |
2.23 dathushô ahurahe mazdå raêvatô hvarenanguhatô ameshanãm speñtanãm. | 2.23 To the Creator Ahura Mazda, rich, possessing good things, and the Amesha Spentas, for worship, adoration, propitiation, and praise. |
2.24 razishtayå cistayå mazdadhâtayå ashaonyå daênayå vanghuyå mâzdayasnôish. | 2.24 To the most right Asha-sanctified Chista created by Mazda, and to the good religion of Mazda-worshippers. |
2.25 ashôish vanghuyå cistôish vanghuyå erethê vanghuyå rasãstâtô vanghuyå hvarenanghô savanghô mazdadhâtahe pâreñdyå raorathayå airyanãm hvarenô mazdadhâtanãm kâvayeheca hvarenanghô mazdadhâtahe ahvaretaheca hvarenanghô mazdadhâtahe zarathushtraheca hvarenanghô mazdadhâtahe. | 2.25 To Ashi Vanguhi; to the good Chisti; to the good Erethe; to the good Rasastat; to the good fortune and prosperity, created by Mazda; to Parendi of the chariot of light; to the good fortune of the Aryas, created by Mazda; to the kingly good fortune, created by Mazda; to that fortune that can't be seized by force, created by Mazda; to the good fortune of Zarathushtra, created by Mazda. |
2.26 arshtâtô frâdat-gaêthahe garôish ushi- darenahe mazdadhâtahe asha-hvâthrahe. | 2.26 To Ashtad who furthers the world; to Mount Ushidarena, created by Mazda, bringing an easeful life in harmony with Asha. |
2.27 ashnô berezatô sûrahe vahishtahe anghêush ashaonãm raocanghô vîspô-hvâthrô. | 2.27 To the high, powerful heavens, to the bright, all-happy abode of the Asha-sanctified [16]. |
2.28 zemô hudhånghô ýazatahe imå aså imå shôithrå garôish ushi-darenahe mazdadhâtahe asha-hvâthrahe vîspaêshãmca gairinãm asha- hvâthranãm pouru-hvâthranãm mazdadhâtanãm kâvayeheca hvarenanghô mazdadhâtahe ahvaretaheca hvarenanghô mazdadhâtahe. | 2.28 To the bounteous Earth, to these places, to these fields, to Mount Ushidarena created by Mazda, bringing an easeful life in harmony with Asha; to all the mountains, created by Mazda that bring an easeful life in harmony with Asha, a life full of ease. To the kingly Good Fortune, created by Mazda; to that Good Fortune that cannot be forcibly seized, created by Mazda. |
2.29 mãthrahe speñtahe ashaonô verezyanghahe dâtahe vîdaêvahe dâtahe zarathushtrôish darekhayå upayanayå daênayå vanghuyå mâzdayasnôish zarazdâtôish mãthrahe speñtahe ushi-darethrem daênayå mâzdayasnôish vaêdhîm mãthrahe speñtahe âsnahe xrathwô mazdadhâtahe gaoshô-srûtahe xrathwô mazdadhâtahe. | 2.29 To the Asha-sanctified righteousness-performing Holy Manthra; to the law opposed to the Daevas, the law of Zarathushtra, to the long-traditional teaching, to the good law of the worshippers of Mazda; to the devotion to the Holy Manthra; to the understanding that keeps the law of the worshippers of Mazda, to the knowledge of the Holy Manthra; to the innate wisdom, created by Mazda; to the wisdom acquired through the ear and created by Mazda. |
2.30 anakhranãm raocanghãm hvadhâtanãm raoxshnahe garô-nmânahe misvânahe gâtvahe hvadhâtahe cinvat-peretûm mazdadhâtãm, berezatô ahurahe nafedhrô apãm apasca mazdadhâtayå haomahe ashavazanghô dahmayå vanghuyå âfritôish ukhrâi dâmôish upamanâi, vîspaêshãm ýazatanãm ashaonãm mainyavanãm gaêthyanãm ashâunãm fravashinãm ukhranãm aiwithûranãm paoiryô- tkaêshanãm fravashinãm nabânazdishtanãm fravashinãm aoxtô-nâmanô ýazatahe!! | 2.30 To the eternal and sovereign luminous space, to the bright Garo-nmana, to the self-governed place of eternal weal, to the Chinwad bridge created by Mazda, to the lofty Ahura Apam Napat, and the waters created by Mazda, to Haoma of holy birth, to the pious and good blessing, to the awful cursing thought of the wise, and to all the Asha-sanctified Yazatas, celestial and worldly. To the fravashis among the strong, completely victorious, among the fravashis of the first teachers, among the fravashis of the next of kin, to every Yazata invoked by their own name. |
xshnaothra ýasnâica vahmâica xshnaothrâica
frasastayaêca. (zôt,) ýathâ ahû vairyô, zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, (râspî,) ýathâ ahû vairyô, ýô zaotâ frâ-mê mrûtê, (zôt,) athâ ratush ashâtcît haca, frâ ashava vîdhvå mraotû! |
For worship, adoration, propitiation and praise. 'Yatha Ahu Vairyo', the zaotar should say to me 'Yatha Ahu Vairyo', he who is the zaotar should say to me 'Atha ratush ashatchit hacha', the Asha-sanctified knowing one should say. |
(Priests and Congregation:) | |
3.1 ahurem mazdãm raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtô ýazamaide ameshâ speñtâ huxshathrâ hudhånghô ýazamaide. | 3.1 We worship Ahura Mazda, rich, possessing good things; we worship the well ruling, beneficient Amesha Spentas. |
3.2 vohu manô ameshem speñtem ýazamaide âxshtîm hãm-vaiñtîm ýazamaide taredhâtem anyâish dâmãn âsnem xratûm mazdadhâtem ýazamaide gaoshô-srûtem xratûm mazdadhâtem ýazamaide. | 3.2 We worship Vohu Mano and the Amesha Spentas. We worship Peace whose breath is friendly, and who is more powerful to destroy than all other creatures. We worship the innate wisdom created by Mazda, and the wisdom acquired through the ear, created by Mazda. |
3.3 ashem vahishtem sraêshtem ameshem speñtem ýazamaide airyamanem ishîm ýazamaide sûrem mazdadhâtem ýazamaide saokãm vanguhîm vouru-dôithrãm mazdadhâtãm ashaonîm ýazamaide. | 3.3 We worship the Highest, Fairest Asha, the Amesha Spenta; and the much- desired Airyaman, created by Mazda; and the instrument created by Mazda; and the good Saoka, with eyes of love, created by Mazda, Asha-sanctified. |
3.4 xshathrem vairîm ameshem speñtem ýazamaide ayôxshustem ýazamaide marzhdikem thrâyô-drikhûm ýazamaide. | 3.4 We worship Khshathra Vairya, the Amesha Spenta, and the metals, and Mercy and Charity. |
3.5 speñtãm vanguhîm ârmaitîm ýazamaide râtãm vanguhîm vouru-dôithrãm mazdadhâtãm ashaonîm ýazamaide. | 3.5 We worship the good Holy Armaiti, and the good Rata with eyes of love, created by Mazda, Asha-sanctified. |
3.6 haurvatâtem ameshem speñtem ýazamaide ýâiryãm hushitîm ýazamaide saredha ashavana ashahe ratavô ýazamaide. | 3.6 We worship Haurvatat, the Amesha Spenta, and the prosperity of the seasons. We worship the Asha-sanctified years, masters of Asha. |
3.7 ameretatâtem ameshem speñtem ýazamaide fshaonîm vãthwãm ýazamaide aspinâca ýevînô ýazamaide gaokerenem sûrem mazdadhâtem ýazamaide, | 3.7 We worship Ameretat, the Amesha Spenta, and fatness and flocks, plenty of corn, and the powerful Gaokerena, created by Mazda. |
(during Hawan gah say,) | |
mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm ýazamaide râma hvâstrem ýazamaide, | We worship Mithra of wide pastures, and Raman Khwastra. |
(during Rapithwin gah say,) | |
ashem vahishtem âtremca ahurahe mazdå puthrem ýazamaide, | We worship the Highest Asha and the Fire of Ahura Mazda, |
(during Uzerin gah say,) | |
berezañtem ahurem xshathrîm xshaêtem apãm napâtem aurvat-aspem ýazamaide apemca mazdadhâtãm ashaonîm ýazamaide, | We worship the lofty Ahura Apam Napat, swift horsed, and the waters created by Mazda. |
(during Aiwisruthrem gah say,) | |
ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô ýazamaide khenåsca vîrô- vãthwå ýazamaide ýâiryãmca hushitîm ýazamaide amemca hutashtem huraodhem ýazamaide verethrakhnemca ahuradhâtem ýazamaide vanaiñtîmca uparatâtem ýazamaide, | We worship the Asha-sanctified, good, powerful, holy fravashis, and the women with their troops of heroes, and the Yairya Hushitay and to Ama, well-built, fair of form, Verethraghna, created by Ahura; and to the Triumphing Uparatat, |
(during Ushahin gah say,) | |
sraoshem ashîm huraodhem verethrâjanem frâdat-gaêthem ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide rashnûm razishtem ýazamaide arshtâtemca frâdat-gaêthãm varedat- gaêthãm ýazamaide. mithrahe vouru-gaoyaoitôish râmanasca hvâstrahe, | We worship Sraosha, companion of Ashi, procuring rewards, victorious, who
furthers the world, and the very straight Razishta and Arshtad, who further
the world, who augment the world,
3.8 dadhvånghem ahurem mazdãm raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtô ýazamaide ameshâ speñtâ huxshathrâ hudhånghô ýazamaide. | 3.8 We worship the creator Ahura Mazda, rich, possessing good things; we worship the well ruling, beneficient Amesha Spentas. |
3.9 âtrem ahurahe mazdå puthrem ýazamaide hvarenô mazdadhâtem ýazamaide savô mazdadhâtem ýazamaide airyanem hvarenô mazdadhâtem ýazamaide ukhrem kavaêm hvarenô mazdadhâtem ýazamaide, âtrem ahurahe mazdå puthrem ýazamaide kavaêm haosravanghem ýazamaide vairîm haosravanghem ýazamaide asnvañtem gairîm mazdadhâtem ýazamaide caêcastem vairîm mazdadhâtem ýazamaide ukhrem kavaêm hvarenô mazdadhâtem ýazamaide, âtrem ahurahe mazdå puthrem ýazamaide raêvañtem gairîm mazdadhâtem ýazamaide ukhrem kavaêm hvarenô mazdadhâtem ýazamaide, âtrem ahurahe mazdå puthrem ýazamaide âtarsh speñta rathaêshtâra ýazamaide ýazata pouru- hvarenangha ýazamaide ýazata pouru-baêshaza ýazamaide, âtrem ahurahe mazdå puthrem ýazamaide vîspe âtarô ýazamaide xshathrem nafedhrem nairyô-sanghem ýazatem ýazamaide. |
3.9 We worship the Fire, son of Ahura Mazda, the good fortune created by
Mazda, the prosperity created by Mazda, the Aryan good fortune, created by
Mazda. We worship the kingly good fortune, created by Mazda. We worship the
Fire, son of Ahura Mazda, Kavi Husravah, Lake Husravah, Mount Asnavant,
created by Mazda, Lake Chaechista, created by Mazda; to the kingly good
fortune, created by Mazda.
We worship the Fire, son of Ahura Mazda, Mount Raevant, created by Mazda, the kingly good fortune, created by Mazda. We worship the Fire, son of Ahura Mazda, you, O Fire! holy warrior, Yazata full of fortune, Yazata full of healing. We worship the Fire, son of Ahura Mazda, with all fires. We worship the Yazata Nairyosangha, offspring of sovereignty (Khshathra). |
3.10 âpô vanguhîsh mazdadhâtå ashaonîsh ýazamaide aredvîm sûrãm anâhitãm ashaonîm ýazamaide vîspå âpô mazdadhâtå ashaonîsh ýazamaide vîspå urvarå mazdadhâtå ashaonîsh ýazamaide. | 3.10 We worship the good Asha-sanctified waters created by Mazda, the Asha- sanctified waterspring Ardvi Anahita. We worship all waters, created by Mazda, Asha-sanctified. We worship all plants, created by Mazda, Asha- sanctified. |
3.11 hvarexshaêtem ameshem raêm aurvat-aspem ýazamaide. | 3.11 We worship the bright, undying, shining, swift-horsed Sun. |
3.12. månghem gaocithrem ýazamaide gaom aêvô- dâtahe urunô fravashîm ýazamaide gaom pouru-saredhahe urunô fravashîm ýazamaide. | 3.12 We worship the Moon that keeps in it the seed of the Bull. We worship the soul and fravashi of the only-created Bull. We worship the soul and fravashi of the Bull of many species. |
3.13 tishtrîm stârem raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide satavaêsem frâpem sûrem mazdadhâtem ýazamaide vîspe stârô afshcithra ýazamaide vîspe stârô zemascithra ýazamaide vîspe stârô urvarô-cithra ýazamaide vanañtem stârem mazdadhâtem ýazamaide aoe strêush ýazamaide ýôi hapta haptôiriñga mazdadhâta hvarenanguhañta baêshazya paitishtâtêe ýâthwãm pairikanãmca. | 3.13 We worship Tishtrya the star, rich, possessing good things, the powerful Satavaesa created by Mazda, who pushes waters forward. We worship all the stars that have in them the seed of the waters, the seed of the earth, and the seed of the plants. We worship the star Vanant created by Mazda, and those stars that are seven in number, the Haptoiringas created by Mazda, full of good fortune and healing, in order to oppose the Yatus and Pairikas. |
3.14 gêush hudhånghô urvânem ýazamaide drvâspãm sûrãm mazdadhâtãm ashaonîm ýazamaide. | 3.14 We worship the soul of the bounteous Cow, and the powerful Asha-sanctified Drvaspa created by Mazda. |
3.15 dadhvånghem ahurem mazdãm raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtô ýazamaide ameshâ speñtâ huxshathrâ hudhånghô ýazamaide. | 3.15 We worship the Creator Ahura Mazda, rich, possessing good things. We worship the well ruling, beneficient Amesha Spentas. |
3.16 mithrem vouru-gaoyaoitîm hazangra-gaoshem baêvare-cashmanem aoxtô-nâmanem ýazata ýazamaide râma hvâstrem ýazamaide. | 3.16 We worship Mithra of wide pastures, with a thousand ears, ten thousand eyes, a Yazata who is invoked by name, and Raman Khwastra. |
3.17 sraoshem ashîm huraodhem verethrâjanem frâdat- gaêthem ashavanem ashahe ratûm ýazamaide. | 3.17 We worship Sraosha, companion of Ashi, fair of form, victorious, world- promoting, Asha-sanctified, the master of Asha. |
3.18 rashnûm razishtem ýazamaide arshtâtemca frâdat- gaêthãm varedat-gaêthãm ýazamaide erezhuxdhem vâcim ýat frâdat-gaêthem ýazamaide. | 3.18 We worship the very straight Rashnu and Arshtad, who further the world, who augment the world, and the true-spoken speech that furthers the world. |
3.19 ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô ýazamaide. | 3.19 We worship the Asha-sanctified, good, powerful, holy fravashis. |
3.20 amem hutashtem huraodhem ýazamaide verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem ýazamaide vanaiñtîmca uparatâtem ýazamaide. | 3.20 We worship Ama, well-built, fair of form, and Verethraghna, Ahura- created, and the Triumphing Uparatat. |
3.21 râma hvâstrem ýazamaide vaêm ashavanem ýazamaide vaêm uparô-kairîm ýazamaide taredhâtem anyâish dâmãn aêtat tê vayô ýazamaide ýat tê asti speñtô- mainyaom, thwâshem hvadhâtem ýazamaide zrvânem akaranem ýazamaide zrvânem darekhô-hvadhâtem ýazamaide. | 3.21 We worship Raman of good pastures, Asha-sanctified Vayu, Vayu of superior activity, superior to other creatures. We worship that part of you, Vayu, which belongs to the Holy Spirit. We worship self-governed Thwasha, boundless Zurwan, and Zurwan of the long dominion. |
3.22 vâtem speñtem hudhånghem ýazamaide adharem ýazamaide uparem ýazamaide fratarem ýazamaide pascãithîm ýazamaide nairyãm hãm- vareitîm ýazamaide. | 3.22 We worship the holy Wind that blows below, above, before, and behind, and the manly Courage. |
3.23 dadhvånghem ahurem mazdãm raêvañtem hvarenanguhañtem ýazamaide ameshâ speñtâ huxshathrâ hudhånghô ýazamaide. | 3.23 We worship the Creator Ahura Mazda, rich, possessing good things. We worship the well ruling, beneficient Amesha Spentas. |
3.24 razishtãm cistãm mazdadhâtãm ashaonîm ýazamaide daênãm vanguhîm mâzdayasnîm ýazamaide. | 3.24 We worship the most right Asha-sanctified Chista created by Mazda, and the good religion of Mazda-worshippers. |
3.25 ashîm vanguhîm ýazamaide xshôithnîm berezaitîm amavaitîm huraodhãm hvâparãm hvarenô mazdadhâtem ýazamaide savô mazdadhâtem ýazamaide pâreñdîm raorathãm ýazamaide airyanem hvarenô mazdadhâtem ýazamaide ukhrem kavaêm hvarenô mazdadhâtem ýazamaide ukhrem ahvaretem hvarenô mazdadhâtem ýazamaide zarathushtrahe hvarenô mazdadhâtem ýazamaide. | 3.25 We worship Ashi Vanguhi, the bright, high, strong, tall-formed, and merciful. We worship the Prosperity and Good Fortune, created by Mazda, Parendi of the chariot of light, the Aryan good fortune created by Mazda, the kingly good fortune created by Mazda, that good fortune that cannot be forcibly seized, created by Mazda. We worship the good fortune of Zarathushtra, created by Mazda. |
3.26 arshtâtem frâdat-gaêthem ýazamaide gairîm ushi-darenem mazdadhâtem asha-hvâthrem ýazatem ýazamaide. | 3.26 We worship Ashtad who furthers the world, to Mount Ushidarena created by Mazda, the Yazata that brings an easeful life in harmony with Asha. |
3.27 asmanem hvanvañtem ýazamaide vahishtem ahûm ashaonãm ýazamaide raocanghem vîspô-hvâthrem. | 3.27 We worship the high, powerful heavens, and the bright, all-happy abode of the Asha-sanctified. |
3.28 zãm hudhånghem ýazatem ýazamaide imå aså imå shôithrå ýazamaide gairîm ushi- darenem mazdadhâtem asha-hvâthrem ýazatem ýazamaide vîspå garayô asha-hvâthrå pouru- hvâthrå mazdadhâta ashavana ashahe ratavô ýazamaide ukhrem kavaêm hvarenô mazdadhâtem ýazamaide ukhrem ahvaretem hvarenô mazdadhâtem ýazamaide. | 3.28 We worship the Earth, a bounteous Yazata, and these places, and fields. We worship Mount Ushidarena created by Mazda, the Yazata who brings an easeful life in harmony with Asha, and all the mountains created by Mazda that bring an easeful life in harmony with Asha, a life full of ease, Asha-sanctified, masters of Asha. We worship the kingly Good Fortune, created by Mazda, and that Good Fortune that cannot be forcibly seized, created by Mazda. |
3.29 mãthrem speñtem ashhvarenanghem ýazamaide dâtem vîdôyûm ýazamaide dâtem zarathushtri ýazamaide darekhãm upayanãm ýazamaide daênãm vanguhîm mâzdayesnîm ýazamaide zarazdâitîm mãthrem speñtem ýazamaide ushi- darethrem daênãm mâzdayesnîm ýazamaide vaêdhîm mãthrem speñtem ýazamaide âsnem xratûm mazdadhâtem ýazamaide gaoshô-srûtem xratûm mazdadhâtem ýazamaide. | 3.29 We worship the Holy Manthra of high good fortune, and the law opposed to the Daevas, the law of Zarathushtra. We worship the long-traditional teaching, the good law of the worshippers of Mazda, the devotion to the Holy Manthra, the understanding that keeps the religion of the worshippers of Mazda, the knowledge of the Holy Manthra, the innate wisdom created by Mazda, and the wisdom acquired through the ear, created by Mazda. |
3.30 anakhra raocå hvadhâtå ýazamaide raoxshnem garô nmânem ýazamaide misvânem gâtûm hvadhâtem ýazamaide cinvat-peretûm mazdadhâtãm ashaonîm ýazamaide berezañtem ahurem xshathrîm xshaêtem apãm napâtem aurvat-aspem ýazamaide apemca mazdadhâtãm ashaonîm ýazamaide haomem zâirîm berezañtem ýazamaide haomem frâshmîm frâdat-gaêthem ýazamaide haomem dûraoshem ýazamaide dahmãm vanguhîm âfritîm ýazamaide ukhrem taxmem dâmôish upamanem ýazatem ýazamaide, vîspemca ashavanem mainyaom ýazatem ýazamaide vîspemca ashavanem gaêthîm ýazatem ýazamaide. | 3.30 We worship the eternal and sovereign luminous space, the bright Garo- nmana, the sovereign place of eternal weal, the Chinwad bridge created by Mazda, the lofty Ahura Apam Napat, swift-horsed, who has many wives. We worship the Asha-sanctified waters created by Mazda, and the golden, lofty Haoma, the vitalizing Haoma that furthers the world, Haoma that keeps death far away. We worship the pious and good blessing, the awful cursing thought of the wise, and all the Asha-sanctified Yazatas, celestial and worldly. |
(Karda:) | |
4. tå ahmi nmâne jamyâresh ýå ashaonãm xshnûtasca ashayasca vyâdaibishca paiti-zañtayasca, us-nû ainghâi vîse jamyât ashemca xshathremca savasca hvarenasca hvâthremca darekhô-fratemathwemca ainghå daênayå ýat âhurôish zarathushtrôish. | 4. May these blessings of the Asha-sanctified come into this house, namely, rewards, compensation, and hospitality; and may there now come to this community Asha, possessions, prosperity, good fortune, and easeful life, and the long enduring prominence of this Religion, which is Ahuric, Zarathushtrian. |
5. asista-nû ainghat haca vîsat gâush buyât asistem ashem asistem narsh ashaonô aojô asistô âhûirish tkaêshô. | 5. Now in this house may the cattle not be tainted, nor the Asha, nor the strength of Asha-sanctified men, nor the Ahuric doctrine. |
6. jamyãn ithra ashâunãm vanguhîsh sûrå speñtå fravashayô ashôish baêshaza hacimnå zem-frathangha dânu-drâjangha hvare- barezangha ishtêe vanghanghãm paitishtâtêe âtaranãm frasha-vaxshyâi rayãmca hvarenanghãmca. | 6. May the good, prosperity-giving, holy, Asha-sanctified, fravashis come here, accompanied by the healing virtues of Ashi, to the width of the Earth, the length of the rivers, and the height of the sun, to give the possession of good things, for the overthrow of misfortunes, and the advancement of riches and fortunes. |
7. vainît ahmi nmâne sraoshô asrushtîm âxshtish anâxshtîm râitish arâitîm ârmaitish tarômaitîm arshuxdhô vâxsh mithaoxtem vâcim asha-drujem. | 7. May Hearkening (Sraosha) overcome disobedience within this house, and may peace overcome discord, generosity overcome greed, reverence overcome rebellion, and honesty overcome falsehood. May Asha conquer the fiend, |
8. ýatha ahmya ameshå speñta sraoshâdha ashyâdha paitishãn vanghûsh ýasnãsca vahmãsca vohû ýasnemca vahmemca huberetîmca ushtaberetîmca vañtaberetîmca â-darekhât hvâ-bairyât. | 8. so that, in it the Amesha Spentas may receive, through Sraosha, companion of Ashi, good acts of worship and prayers of praise; good in reverence and adoration, the abiding offering, the joyous offering, and the devotional offering, until the time of the final harvest. |
9. mâ ýave imat nmânem hvâthravat hvarenô frazahît mâ hvâthravaiti îshtish mâ hvâthravaiti âsna frazaiñtish hvâthrô-disyehe paiti ashôishca vanghuyå darekhem haxma. | 9. Let the comfort-giving good fortune never forsake this house, nor the comfort-giving riches, nor comfort-giving noble offspring, with long lasting company of what bestows paradise and good rewards. |
ashem vohû...(3)! | Ashem Vohu...(3)! |
(The Zoti picks up two flowers from the base of the fire urn. He holds
the flower from the left side in his right hand and passes the other to the
Raspi who also holds it in his right hand.)
(Asirvad:) | |
10. (râspî,) ahurahe mazdå raêvatô hvarenanguhatô (zôt u râspî,) âfrînâmi xshathrayâne dainghu-paiti uparâi amâi uparâi verethrâi uparâi xshathrâi xshathremca paiti-astîmca darekhô-xshathrem xshathrahe darekhô-jîtîm ushtânahe drvatâtem tanubyô, | 10. To Ahura Mazda, rich, possessing good things. Blessings on the rulers of the land, for greater strength, greater victory, greater rule, greater sovereignty, compassion, long rule, enduring physical vitality, and health. |
11. amem hutashtem huraodhem verethrakhnem ahuradhâtem vanaiñtîmca uparatâtem pouru-spaxshtîm tbishyañtãm paiti-jaitîm dushmainyunãm hathrânivâitîm hamerethanãm aurvathanãm tbishyañtãm. | 11. (Blessings) to Ama, well-built, fair of form, to Verethraghna, made by Ahura, and to the triumphing Uparatat, completely repelling malice, completely conquering the hostile malicious adversary with a blow. |
(Priests and Congregation:) | |
12. âfrînâmi vavanvå vanat-peshene buye vîspem aurvathem tbishyañtem vîspem akhem tbishyañtem arathwyô-mananghem arathwyô-vacanghem arathwyô-shyaothnem. | 12. Blessings so that he may be winner of the battle, victorious over every malicious adversary, over every evil adversary, faulty in thoughts, words and deeds. |
(Priests:) | |
13. vavane buye rathwya manangha rathwya vacangha rathwya shyaothna nijane buye vîspe dushmainyû vîspe daêvayasnê zaze buye vanghâuca mizhde vanghâuca sravahe urunaêca darekhe havanghe. | 13. (Blessings) that he may be victorious through timely thoughts, words, and deeds; to suppress all the evil-minded, and all Daeva-worshippers, so as to attain to good reward, and to good renown, and to long happiness of my soul. |
14. âfrînâmi, darekhem jva ushta jva avanghe narãm ashaonãm ãzanghe duzhvarshtâ-varezãm vahishtem ahûm ashaonãm raocanghem vîspô-hvâthrem, | 14. Blessings for long life, for the desired life, for the service of Asha- sanctified people, and for the disservice of ill done deeds - the best existence of the Asha-sanctified, the luminous, offering all blissful. |
atha jamyât ýatha âfrînâmi. | Thus may it come as I wish. |
(The priests then exchange their flowers. They touch the ground.)
(During the first recital of the following verse, the Zoti picks up the three flowers from the right side, one by one, beginning from above and hands them to the Raspi who stands to the right of the Zoti. During the second recital, the Zoti picks up the three flowers from the left hand side beginning from below and hands them to the Raspi who stands to the left of the Zoti.) (Priests and congregation:) | |
> humatanãm hûxtanãm hvarshtanãm yadacâ anyadacâ verezyamnanãmcâ vâverezananãmcâ mahî aibî-jaretârô naênaêstârô ýathanâ vohunãm mahî <(2). | We praise good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, performed here and elsewhere, now and in the past. Thus we glorify and invoke all that is good (2). |
(Recite silently:) | |
pashûtan gushtâspâ vohû gûdhan h'âhem bê-rasât. bê-padhîrât daraftât mahmã bât ageni asho bêt dêr zî h'âhem bê-rasât. | I yearn for good mind. May Peshotan son on Vishtasp come to my aid, may he accept my prayers, may he shine for me. Thus may the holy attain long life and may their desires be fulfilled. |
în âfrîñgãn în xshnûmaine (see table 2) bê-rasât. | May this Afrinagan and Khshnuman reach (N.). |
bê-padhîrât hizvã ruãnî hûzôrdâî hûpâdashâhî dât dîn i vahe i mâzdayasnã âgahî rawâî vâfrîñgânî dât, haft keshwar zamî êduñ bât. | May the knowledge, promulgation, and glory of the good Mazdayasnian religion spread throughout the seven regions of the world, through speech, righteous persuasion, the good kingly authority and justice. So be it. |
(The Raspi hands the ladle to the Zoti. Both Priests recite aloud. While reciting "yatha ahu vairyo..." the Zoti touches the water vessel at the North, South, East, and West, respectively.) | |
ýathâ ahû vairyô.... | Yatha Ahu Vairyo.... |
(While reciting "ashem vohu..." the Zoti touches the water vessel at the Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, and Northwest, respectively.) | |
ashem vohû...! | Ashem Vohu...! |
(the Raspi returns all flowers to the Zoti who places them on one side in the tray.) | |
15. ýathâ ahû vairyô...(2). | 15. Yatha Ahu Vairyo...(2). |
ýasnemca vahmemca aojasca zavareca âfrînâmi
ahurahe mazdå raêvatô hvarenanguhatô... ashem vohû.... |
I desire worship and adoration and strength and force for the Creator Ahura
Mazda, rich, possessing good things. Ashem Vohu.... |
(The priests greet each other with a ritual handshake while quietly
reciting: [17])
[17. the Congregation does likewise.] | |
hamâzor hamâ ashô bêt. | May we all be one in Asha. |
(Priests and Congregation recite aloud:) | |
atha jamyât ýatha âfrînâmi. | Thus may it come as I wish.
humatanãm hûxtanãm hvarshtanãm yadacâ anyadacâ verezyamnanãmcâ vâverezananãmcâ mahî aibî-jaretârô naênaêstârô ýathanâ vohunãm mahî!! | We praise good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, performed here and elsewhere, now and in the past. Thus we glorify and invoke all that is good. |
[11. Darmesteter: "heavenly"]
[12. Darmesteter: "holy"]
[13. Darmesteter: "holiness"]
[14. This par. follows above (Atash Niyayesh).]
[15. Darmesteter: "body"]
[16. Dar: "holy ones"]