
The Gathas with word-for-word translation

Translated by Prof Ervad Maneck Furdoonji Kanga from the Gujarati Original of Ervad Kavasji Edulji Kanga

Chapter 1 - Y28
Chapter 2 - Y29
Chapter 3 - Y30
Chapter 4 - Y31
Chapter 5 - Y32
Chapter 6 - Y33
Chapter 7 - Y34
Chapter 8 - Y43
Chapter 9 - Y44
Chapter 10 - Y45
Chapter 11 - Y46
Chapter 12 - Y47
Chapter 13 - Y48
Chapter 14 - Y49
Chapter 15 - Y50
Chapter 16 - Y51
Chapter 17 - Y53

Chapter 1 - Yasna 28

ýânîm1  manô2 Thoughts2
ýânîm3  vacô4 words4
ýânîm5  shyaothnem6 and deeds6
ashaonô7    zarathushtrahe8 , of holy7 Zarathushtra8
  (are) bringing prosperity1 (or are full of inspiration1
ferâ9  ameshâ speñtâ10 May12 the Amesha Spentas10 i.e. Bountiful immortals
gâthå11  gêurvâin12 ! accept12 these Gathas11
nemô13 14 gâthå15  ashaonîsh16 , O sacred16 Gathas15 salutations13 be unto you14.
ahyâ17 ýâsâ18  I pray18 at this17 (moment)
nemanghâ19 In   humble  adoration19 
ustânazastô20  with hands uplifted20

see below

manyêush22   to the invisible22
mazdâ23 pourvîm24 speñtahyâ25   (and) bountiful25 Ahura Mazda23, first of all24.
ashâ26 vîspêñg27 shyaothanâ28 vanghêush29 all27 righteous26 deeds28
khratûm30 mananghô31  (and) the wisdom30 of the good mind31
ýâ32 khshnevîshâ33  . so that32 I may please33
gêushcâ34 urvânem35 the soul35 of the universe34.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ýê3637 mazdâ38 ahurâ39 O omniscient38 Lord39
pairî-jasâi40 I would reach near thee40
vohû41 mananghâ41 through the good41 mind41
  Explanation : By means of the purest thought O Ahura Mazda I fully recognize thee
maibyô42 dâvôi43  Do thou grant43 me42
ahvåo44 of both the worlds44
astvatascâ45 hyatcâ46 of this the corporeal 
mananghô47 and (the other) the spiritual 

see above

  which may accrue52
ashât  hacâ49 through truth49
ýâish50 rapañtô51 joy -giving51

see above

hvâthrê53. and happiness53
ýê5455 Unto you55
ashâ56  Asha (truth)56

see below

manascâ58 vohû58 and Vohu Manah58 (good mind).

 see below

mazdãmcâ60 ahurem60 O Ahura-Mazda.60
  I shall weave my hymns of praise57 
  as never before59
ýaêibyô61 by whose grace (or from whom)
  (are obtained) 
khshathremcâ62 akhzhaonvamnem63 the perpetual63 wealth62 (i.e. happiness of heaven)
varedaitî64 ârmaitish65 and bountiful64 perfect mentality65.
â-môi66  For my66
rafedhrâi67 rejoicing67
zavêñg68   jasatâ69. may you come69 towards (my) act of worship68.
ýê70 urvânem71 mêñ72 gairê73 vohû74 dadê75 I shall lead75 my soul71 to Garothaman73 Heaven73
hathrâ76 mananghâ77  through the agency76 of the good mind77.
ashîshcâ78 being aware80 of the blessings78
shyaothananãm79 vîdush80 mazdå81 ahurahyâ81 of deeds79 of Ahura Mazda81
  (i.e. being aware of the most excellent advantages accrued by performing the deed approvable to Ahura Mazda)
ýavat82 As long as82
isâi83  I have strength83 
tavâcâ84  and power84
avat85 so long85
khsâi86 will I teach (others)86 
aêshê87 ashahyâ88. (to abide) by the desire87 of truth88..
ashâ89 O truth89
  equipped with knowledge94
kat90 thwâ91 daresânî92 when90 shall I see92 Thee93
manascâ93 vohû93 and Vohu Manah (good mind)

see above

gâtûmcâ95 and the abode95
ahurâi96 sevîshtâi97  of most beneficent97 Ahura96 Mazda96
seraoshem98  and Sarosh yazata98 (thy messenger) 
mazdâi99 anâ100 mãthrâ mazishtem2 Through this Holy spell1 of thine99 we100 
vâurôimaidî3 khrafstrâ4  (cause) wicked men4 to believe completely3.
hizvâ5. by means of the eloquence of our tongue5 only
  (to a person) for his piety - righteousness10
vohû6  gaidî7   do thou come7 ( to our help)
  "ga" = Sanskrit = to come
mananghâ8   through the good6 mind8
dâidî9  and grant9 (us) long life
ashâ- dåo10

see above

  i.e. giver of reward for pursuing the path of justice and truth
daregâyû11 ereshvâish12 On account of true12
13 ukhdhâish14 utterances14
mazdâ15 O Ahura Mazda15
zarathushtrâi16 aojôñghvat17 rafenô18 immense17 joy18  verily arises unto Zarathushtra16
ahmaibyâcâ19  and unto us19 (the disciples),
ahurâ20  O lord20 bountiful,
ýâ21 so that21,
daibishvatô22 of a wicked person22,
dvaêshå23 the evils23 
taurvayâmâ24. we may overcome24  
  "Taurv" = Sanskrit = to overcome, to torment
dâidî25 ashâ26  Do thou grant25 (me) O Asha26 
tãm27 ashîm28  that27 blessing28
vanghêush29 âyaptâ30 mananghô31 which is the profit30 (or the reward) of the good29 mind31 
  O Armaiti34
dâidî3233 grant32 unto

see above

vîshtâspâi35 îshem36 maibyâ-châ37 Vishtaspa24 and unto me37 the wish36 of the heart
dåostû38 Mazdâ39 khshayâ-châ40 O omniscient39 and Ruling40 Lord may thou be pleased38
ýâ41   so that41
42 mãthrâ43 srevîmâ44 râdåo45. we may hear44 thy42 precious45 (or happiness giving) holy spell43
  "radhangh" = Sanskrit = "Radhas"= wealth, happiness, favor
  see "ava mathra" through this holy spell or sacred hymn. see Yasna 44 stanza 17 Ushtavad Gatha.
vahishtem46 thwâ47

see below

vahishtâ48 ýêm49 ashâ50 vahishtâ51 through the excellent48 Best51 righteousness50
hazaoshem52 ahurem53

see below

  hazaosha = "having the same desire", "of one accord"
ýâsâ54 do I entreat54 thee47
vâunush55 with affection55
  the most excellent46 friend52  who is the Lord53 of the entire creation
 narôi56 ferashaoshtrâi57 for the hero56 Frashaoshtra57 
maibyâcâ58 and for myself58
 ýaêibyascâ59 ît60 upon whom59 
rånghanghôi61  thou wouldst bestow
  ra = Sanskrit = to give
vîspâi62 ýavê62 vanghêush63 mananghô64.   (the gifts) of the good63 mind64 eternally62
  Explanation : for the sake of the propagation of the good Mazda-worshipping religion thou, O Hormazd will be pleased to bestow upon me and the hero Frashoashtra wisdom and intelligence till the end of our lives.
anâish65  through these65
våo66 nôit67

see below**

  ##gifts70 of the the @best74 @ mind72
Ahurâ68 Mazdâ68 O Ahura Mazda68 
Ashemcâ69  Asha69

## see above

zaranaêmâ71 we will **not67 offend71  **thee66 
  "zar" = Persian "azordan" = to give offence, to make sad
manascâ72 hyat73 vahishtem74

@ see above

  Explanation O ahura Mazda we will not give you any cause of provocation to be wrathful by badly (wrongly) utilising wisdom intelligenc and truth-justice decreed by you.
 ýôi7576 ýôithemâ77dasemê78 We who75 have striven eagerly77 in training of your76 
  "yuthema" "Yut"= Sanskrit to strive to be eager re-duplicated to "yayat"
  "daseme = deshana" = Sanskrit "das=dis"=Sanskrit "dish"= to teach
 stûtãm79, songs of praise79
  (O truth and best mind) 
ýûzhêm80 zevîshtyånghô81  îshô82 (you are) the gracious81 friend82 of
  Gathic form is "zevish"; "zush"= Sanskrit "jush" = to love; to favor; to strengthen.
khshathremcâ83 savanghãm84. the advantages84 (derived from you) 
at85 ýêñg86 Whom86,
ashâatcâ87 on account of righteousness87
vôistâ88 thou hast known88
Vanghêushcâ89 dâthêñg90 mananghô91 erethwêñg92 as the true92 creation90 of Vohu89 Manah91,
  mazdâ93 ahurâ93 O Ahura Mazda93,
aêibyô94  for those94
perenâ95 âpanâish96 do thou fulfill95 with perfection96
kâmem97. (their) wishes97.
at9899 khshmaibyâ100 asûnâ1 vaêdâ2 hvaraithyâ3 vaiñtyâ4 sravåo5. I have known2 that your99 approved (or victorious)4 sacred verses5 are full1 of efficacy3.
  Explanation:  Prophet Zarathushtra speaks to the creator Ahura Mazda thus do thou fulfill completely wishes of those who rightly use their mental power, with truth 
ýê6 âish7 By the help of these sacred verses7
ashem8 nipånghê9 I will keep a watch9 over truth8
manascâ10 vohû11 and good11 thoughts10 
ýavaêtâitê12 till the end of my life12 
  in order to proclaim18 (amongst people) 
tvêm13 Mazdâ14 Ahurâ14 O Ahura Mazda14  do thou13 (thyself)
frô-mâ15 sîshâ16 teach16 me15
thwahmât17 vaochanghê18 manyêush19 hachâ20  from20 thy17 Divine19  throne,
thwâ21 êeåonghâ22 through thy21 mouth22
ýâisht23 â anghush24 pouruyô25 bavat26! how this world24 first25 came into being26 
  (or do thou teach me as to how this world first came into existence)
ahyâ17 ýâsâ18  I pray18 at this17 (moment)
nemanghâ19 In   humble  adoration19 
ustânazastô20  with hands uplifted20

see below

manyêush22 mazdâ23

see below

pourvîm24 first of all24.

 see below

ashâ26 vîspêñg27 shyaothanâ28 vanghêush29 all27 righteous26 deeds28
  of the invisible22 (and) bountiful25 Ahura Mazda23
khratûm30 mananghô31  (and) the wisdom30 of the good mind31
ýâ32 khshnevîshâ33  . so that32 I may please33
gêushcâ34 urvânem35 the soul35 of the universe34.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ýathâ ahû vairyô ... (4).
ashem vohû ... (3).
ahyâsãm36 hâitîm37 ýazamaide38. We revere Ahya Yasa Ha (i.e. ha called Ahya Yasa)
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27. 

Chapter 2 - Yasna 29

khshmaibyâ1  O A hura Mazda and Amesha Spenta1 

"Khshmaibyo" = before you, unto you i.e. Ahura Mazda and Asha

also "Khshmaibya" is "yushmaibya"= Sanskrit "Yushmabhyam"

gêush2 urvâ3 The soul3 of the universe2
gerezhdâ4, complained4 :
kahmâi5 Wherefore5
6 thwarôzhdûm7  did you create7 me6?
8a-mâ8b tashat9 Who8a fashioned9 me8b?
â-mâ10 Upon me10 (have fallen)   
aêshemô11 wrath11
hazaschâ12 plunder12
remô13  violence13
âhushâyâ14  evil14
dereshchâ15 outrage15 (or aggression)
tevishchâ16, and oppression16 .
nôit17 môi18 vâstâ19 There is no17 protector19 for me18
khshmat20 anyô21  other than21 you20 .
athâ22 môi23 sãstâ24 Therefore22 teach24 me23 
 vohû25 vâstryâ26. good25 industry26
  (whereby I may get rid of such calumnies.)
Adâ27 Tashâ28 Gêush29  Thereupon27 the creator28 of the universe29 
  (i.e. Ahura Mazda)
Peresat30 Ashem31  therefore asked30 asha31 (i.e. truth)
kathâ32 tôi33 gavôi34 ratush35 whom32 (do you appoint) the chief35 for (the care of ) thy33 universe34 ?
hyat36  Who36 (i.e. the chief) 
hîm37 dâtâ38 khshayañtô39 hadâ40  may always40 become its37 (i.e. the entire universe) savior38  and the ruler39 ( over it.) ?
"datar"38  = Sanskrit = 'dhatru" = care taker, protector
vâstrâ41 gaodâyô42 thwakhshô43, (also) he may diligently41 (and skillfully41) become the bringer of prosperity46 to the world42 .
kêm44 hôi45 ushtâ46 Ahurem47 Whom44 (do you consider as) the Lord47of its (i.e. of the universe) prosperity46?
ýê48 dregvôdebîsh49 aêshemem50 vâdâyôit51. Who48 can repel51 passion50 (produced by) wicked persons49?
'Vadayoit' - root "vad" = Sanskrit = 'vadh' = to repel, oppose
  (Asha) replied58
ahmâi52 ashâ53  unto Him53 (i.e. unto Ahura Mazda) with sanctity53 (i.e. sincere heart) " 
  for the world57
nôit54 sarejâ55  (that lord) is not54 cruel55
'sarejan' = 'sarzan' = Persian = disobedient, seditious,; --  original meaning = head-breaker, head-smiter
advaêshô56 but he is harmless56

see above

paitî-mravat58 avaêshãm59 amongst them59 (i.e. amongst the men of  this world.)
nôit60 vîduyê61   I do not60 recognize61 (anyone)
ýâ62 shavaitê63 who62 may advance63 
adreng64 ereshvånghô65, the respected64 and the truthful65 (men);
âdrêñg= "adara' = Sanskrit = respect, honor
hâtãm66  Among the existing human beings66
hvô67 aojishtô68 he67 is the strongest68
 ýahmâi69  for whom69
zavêñg70 jimâ71 keredushâ72. his helpers72 may respect71 his call70 (or command.)
"zava" =Sanskrit  = have a call, command,  root "zu" = Sanskrit = "hu"  = to call, to invoke.
jima = jam = sanskrit = "gam"
originally 'keredushâ72' = workers
Mazdåo73 sahvârê74

see below

 mairishtô75 ýâ76-zî77 vâverezôi78 pairî-cithît79 whatever76 verily77 has been done78 in the past75 
daêvâishchâ80 mashyâishchâ81 by the daevas80 and by men81
ýâchâ82 vareshaitê83 aipî-cithît84 and whatever82 will be done83 hereafter84,
  Ahura Mazda73 is most remembering all these  matters74 .
hvô85 vîchirô86 Ahurô87  Ahura Mazda87 himself85 is the judge86 ( of good and bad)
athâ88-nê89 anghat90 ýathâ91 hvô92 vasat93. So88 let happen90 unto us89 as He91 Himself92 desires93 (i.e. we resign to His will).
at vâ94 ustânâish95 ahvâ96 zastâish97 frînemnâ98 Ahurâi â99 

see below

"Ahva.... frenimna" may be construed as "we both (i.e. my soul as well as the revolving world) are the praisers
100 urvâ1 In96 ( matters pertaining to religion) by my100 soul1
gêushchâ2 azyåo3 hyat4  as well as94 by that of this revolving3 world2 
azyao = az = sanskrit "aj" = latin = " ag-ere'" = to move to walk.  Also see Vendidad 9.37 "geush Azyao" = moving or grazing cow" "gao"= Sanskrit = cow, ox; world
mazdãm5 dvaidî6 ferasâbyô7 (Having asked) question7 of two kinds6 ( various sorts6) to Ahura Mazda5
'feresa' =  'frashna' = sanskrit = 'prashna' = question
"dvaidi" = Sanskrit = 'dvidha' = of two kinds, separate
  With outstretched95 hands97 (i.e. raising both the hands of requests towards the sky) (may) we ( become) the praisers98 of Ahura Mazda99
nôit8 erezhejyôi9 There is no harm8 in leading9 life with honesty.
"erezhejyo" = erezh + jya';  root  "ji" = to live
frajyâitish10 nôit11 fshuyeñtê12 There is no11 need foe a diligent man12
dregvasû13 pairî14. of going near14 wicked persons13.
"dregvasu = plural of "dregvant, dregvat"
  Explanation : there is no need for the diligent or industrious person to have any association or contact with the wicked persons and to carry on business associations with them.
at15  Thereupon15  (or then15 )
ê vaochat16 Ahurô Mazdåo17 vîdvåo18  the Omniscient18 and beneficent19 Ahura Mazda17 spoke out18
vafush = root "vap" = sanskrit = to cause to prosper or sanskrit "vapus" = beautiful 
 vafûsh19 vyânayâ20, with (His) innate wisdom20 
  Owing to28 (having possessed) truth27 (except thee, O Zarathushtra)
nôit21 aêvâ2223 vistô24 naêdâ25 aratush26 there is neither21 a single22 Ahu23 nor25  a Ratu26 known24 to me
Ahu = Lord who looks after worldly affairs
Ratu = Lord who looks after religious affairs
ashât-chît27 hachâ28

see above

i.e. a person possesses of such virtue in whom perfect truthfulness exists
at29 and for this reason29 
 zî30 thwâ31 fshuyañtaêchâ32 vâstryâichâ33 thwôreshtâ34 tatashâ35. I the world creator34 verily30 have created35 thee31 as the tenderer of prosperity32 to the world and as an active worker33 for the religion
"tatasha" root "tash" = sanskrit = "takhsh" = to create, to fashion

têm36 âzûtôish37 Ahurô38 mãthrem39

Ahura Mazda38 fashioned this36 Mathra - holy spell39 through
tashat40 ashâ41 hazaoshô42  righteousness41.  the well wisher42 of prosperity40 
mazdå43 gavôi44 khshvîdemchâ45 hvô46 Beneficent45 (prosperity45) Ahura Mazda43 himself46 ( created) verses of admonition for the world44 
kshvidha = its general meaning is Milk, sweetness
urushaêibyô47 and for truthful men47.
'urusheibyo' = for those with illumined intellect (Sheth K R Camaji)
 'urusha' = 'eresha' = true, just.;  Sometimes, 'ere'in the word changes to 'uro' e.g. 'nuruyo'=' nerebyo' meaning for men.
speñtô48 sâsnayâ49, kastê50 Ahura Mazda asks who50 is such a man of thine50 
'sasnya' = Sanskrit =  'shasana'  = teaching        
Vohû51 Mananghâ52 
ýê53  i 54 dâyât55 who53 may always grant55 
êeâvâ56 maretaêibyô57. unto mortals57 these two54 (which are holy spells and prosperity) 
'eeava' (Westergard) = ' Yaeva' always;.  Dr Hang 'for all time'              
  and good51 mind52
Probably these words are addressed to Ahura by a disciple of Zarathushtra. From the following it is inferred that :---
There is no other powerful man except holy Zarathushtra for teaching the religion to the people and for making the world prosperous
  Ahura Mazda says
Aêm58 That58 person,
môi59 idâ60 vistô61 who is known61 to me59 in this world60
'ida' = here = idha = Sanskrit = 'iha'         
ýê6263  aêvô64 sâsnåo65 gûshatâ66 who62 has listened to66 my63 teachings65
Zarathushtrô67 is Spitama Zarathushtra67
spitâmô68, hvô6970 Mazdâ71 vashtî72 who himself69 through Ahura Mazda71 desires72  
ashâichâ73 to propagate truth73
charekerethrâ74 srâvayenghê75 (and) (for) proclaiming75 true duties74 of the world
'sravayanght' = Sanskrit = root sru = "sravaya"; 'he' = vedic = 'se';  original meaning is 'for causing people to hear'            
 hyat76  for this reason76
hôi77 hudemêm78 dyâi79 vakhedhrahyâ80 .   I want to give79 (or I must give) him77 fluency78 of speech80.
'hudema = original meaning = good breath; 
'hudema   = Sanskrit = 'dama' = self command'           
Atchâ81 Gêush82 Urvâ83 Thereupon81 the soul83 of the universe82 
raostâ84 bewailed84::--
'raosta' = root =  'rud' = Sanskrit = to cry  = Latin 'reuere' = to bewail,  to weep           
ýê85 anaêshem86 khshãnmênê87 râdem88 At the time85 of (my) calamity87 I have obtained an (one) undesirable86 chief88
'khshanmene' = 'kshanmen' = suffering calamity root  'Khshan' = Sanskrit = 'Khshan' = to torment, to smite   
vâchem89 neresh90 asûrahyâ91 i.e. voice89 of one impotent91 person90
asurabya = not mighty = root  'a-shura' = Sanskrit = not mighty;  'a' = Skt =not ; "shura" = Skt = 'mighty' brave' 
 ýêm92 â vasemî93 îshâ94 khshathrîm94, (but) I desire93 a mighty leader94
'isha-khsharhremr' original meaning = Lord or ruler acting according to his own will.            
kadâ ýavâ95 hvô96 When ( to me)95 one such96 (leader) will arise?
anghat97 ýê98 hôi99 dadat100 zastavat1 avô2. Who will grant100 it99 i.e. the entire universe a strong1 support.
'Zastavat' = Sanskrit ' Hastavat' = Dexterous, powerful            
  Zarathushtra speaks
ýûzhêm3 aêibyô4 ahurâ5 aogô6 dâtâ7 ashâ8  O Ahura Mazda5 and Asha8 do you3 grant7 them(i.e. my helpers*) strength8
*my disciples (Dr. Mills and Prof. Darmesteter)
khshathremchâ9 avat10 and power9 so that10
vohû11 mananghâ12 through good11 mind12
 ýâ13 husheitîsh14 râmãmchâ15 dât16 they could bring16 joy14 and happiness15 (to the people of the world)
husheitish compared with Persian 'shadi' If th reading 'Husheti" is accepted, it could mean 'good abode'
azêmchît17 ahyâ18

see below

mazdâ19 thwãm20 mênghî21 O Ahura Mazda19 I regard20 thee21 
paourvîm22 vaêdem23 as the first22 keeper23 of that joy ( and happiness18)
  Prophet Zarathushtra speaks
kudâ24 ashem25 vohu-châ26 manô27 When24 will truth25 good26 thought27 
khshathremchâ28 and authority28  reign? (to be maintained over people) 
at mâ29 mashâ30 ýûzhêm31 Hasten30 unto me29 ?
 Mazdâ32 O Ahura Mazda32 (and Amesha Spenta)
frâkhshnenê33 mazôi34 magâi35

see below

â paitî-zânatâ36 Ahurâ37 38 nåo39 Do you grant36 us39 help40 now38
  in full measure33 for this great34 adventurous work35  
avarê40 êhmâ41
râtôish41 ýûshmâvatãm42! There is the need for us41 of the gift42 of such as you43
ahyâ17 ýâsâ18  I pray18 at this17 (moment)
nemanghâ19 In   humble  adoration19 
ustânazastô20  with hands uplifted20

see below

manyêush22 mazdâ23

see below

pourvîm24 first of all24.

 see below

ashâ26 vîspêñg27 shyaothanâ28 vanghêush29 all27 righteous26 deeds28
  of the invisible22 (and) bountiful25 Ahura Mazda23
khratûm30 mananghô31  (and) the wisdom30 of the good mind31
ýâ32 khshnevîshâ33  . so that32 I may please33
gêushcâ34 urvânem35 the soul35 of the universe34.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
This is the same as Stanza 1 of Ha 28
ýathâ ahû vairyô .. (4).
ashem vohû ... (3). 
khshmâvya2-gêush3 urvãm4  hâitîm5 ýazamaide6 We worship with reverence ha named Khshmaibya2 Geush3 urvu4
yenghe7 hãtãm8 Among living beings8 who7
ãat9 yesne10 paiti11 vanghõ,12 (is) better12 in acts of worship,10  
Mazdão Ahurõ13 of such Ahura Mazda13 (Himself)
vaethã14   is aware14  
ashãt15 hachã16 on account of16 their holiness15
yãonghãmchã 17 tãnschã18 tãoschã19   - all such,17 both men18 and women,19  
yazamaide.20 do we revere.20 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27. 

Chapter 3 - Yasna 30

at12 vakhshyâ3  I will speak3 (unto you) O those desirous3 
  for knowing8
isheñtô4 ýâ5  matters of religion about those matters viz.
 mazdâthâ6 hyat-chît two spirits6 

see above

 staotâchâahurâi10 homage9 unto Ahura Mazda10 .
 ýesnyâchâ11 Worship11 
vanghêush12 mananghô13 of the good12 mind13 
humãzdrâ14 and  efficacious holy spell14
 ashâ15 gained through truth15
ýechâ16 ýâ17 I regard16 these matters17
raochêbîsh18 daresatâ19 urvâzâ20.  worth learning19 and profitable20 on account of this spiritual illumination18
  Prophet Zarathushtra speaks
sraotâ21 gêushâish22 hear ye21 with ( your) ears22
vahishtâ23 (my) best teachings23
avaênatâ24 and ponder over24 
sûchâ25 mananghâ26 with your bright25 intellect26
âvarenåo27 vîcithahyâ28

** see below

narêm narem29 khvakhyâi30 tanuyê31  for each one29 for himself30-31 
  there should be avowed of **belief27 of his **choice28
parâ32 mazê33  prior to32  those great33 events 
ýånghô34 ahmâi3536 sazdyâi37 baodañtô38  May you34 be wakeful38 for learning37 by us36
at4041 mainyû42 pouruyê43   Those40 two41 spirits42 
ýâ44 ýêmâ45 .who44 are twins45 
  'yama' =Sanskrit, root = 'yam' = to unite, to join
khvafenâ46 asravâtem47 talked46 among themselves47
  "asravatem" root = "sru"= Sanskrit "shru"=heard each other
manahichâ48 vachahichâ49 shyaothanôi50 In thoughts48 in words49 and in deeds50.,  
 hî51 vahyô52 akemcâ53   these two51 spirits are in this way better52 and worse53 
åoschâ54 hudånghô55   Those who54 are possessed of good understanding55  
eresh56 vîshyâtâ57 chose57 truth56
  "vishyata" = root = "viso" = to discriminate, to discover by the intellect  Original form = "vi+so+ya+a+t"
nôit58 duzh-dåonghô59. but those of wicked understanding59 did not58 do so.
atchâ60 hyat6162 hêm63 mainyû64 When60 these61 two62 spirits64 
  i.e. Spenta Mainyu and angra Mainyu
 jasaêtem65 paourvîm66 first of all66 met65 together63 
 dazdê67 gaêmchâ68 ajyâitîmchâ69  they created67 life68 and destruction69
ýathâchâ70 anghat71 apêmem72 anghush73 and as  long as70 the world71 come to an end72
  so long this cycle of creation and destruction will continue
achishtô74 dregvatãm75 (Angre Mainyu who) is of the worst74 mind79 amongst the wicked75 
 at76 ashâunê77 vahishtem78 manô79. and76 (Spenta Mainyu who is) of the best78 mind79 of the righteous77    
ayå80 manivåo81 Of these ( above  mentioned) twin80 spirits81

see below

ýê83 dregvåo84 he who83 is the evil84 ( spirit)
achishtâ85 verezyô86   the worst85 deed86 

see below

mainyush88 spênishtô89  the most beneficent89 spirit88  
ýê90 khraozhdishtêñg91 asênô92 vastê93 who dwells93 in the most powerful91 sky92 
  chose82 truth87
 ýaêchâ94 Moreover those who94
khshnaoshen95 please95
ahurem96  Ahura96 Mazda100
haithyâish97 shyaothanâish98 by means of virtuous97 deeds98
fraoret99  having placed implicit faith99 in the religion also chose the truth

see above

ayåo1 nôit2 eresh3 vîshyâtâ4 daêvâchinâ5 The follower  of the daeva5 could not2 comprehend4 the difference between these twin spirits1 rightly3
hyat6 îsh7 â-debaomâ8 peresmanêñg9 although when6 they came up10 to inquire9  question-answer (of the matters of religion) we have defeated8 or (disappointed) them7 .
 upâ-jasat10 hyat11 verenâtâ12 even11 in spite of this they chose12
achishtem13 manô14 the worst13 thought14 
at15 aêshemem16 hêñdvâreñtâ17 and associated with17 aeshama16 deaeva16
ýâ18 whereby
bãnayen19 ahûm20 maretânô21. they bring bane19 to mortals21 of the world20
  The mighty30 Armaity32  came up24 
Ahmâichâ22 for help22 to ( religious and truthful persons)
Khshathrâ23 with sovereignty23

see above

Mananghâ25 Vohû26 with good26 mind25
Ashâchâ27, and with truth27
at28 kehrpêm29 and to ( his) body29

see above

dadât31 granted31

see above

ãnmâ33 aêshãm34 strength33.
tôi35 â anghat36, May it be36   so to thee35
 ýathâ37 ayanghâ38 âdânâish39 pouruyô40. when37 thou first40 came38 along with the creations39.
atchâ41 ýadâ42 aêshãm43 kaênâ44 jamaitî45 And when41 punishment44 will come45 upon these43
aênanghãm46 sinful persons46,

see below

 Mazdâ48 then, O Ahura Mazda48
 taibyô49 they49
  will recognize53 ( or will regard) thee46
  khshathrem50 as King50
Vohû51 Mananghâ52 through good51 mind52,
  root =vid= Sanskrit= to know
aêibyô54 sastê55 ahurâ56  ( good intelligence) teaches ( to do so) O Ahura Mazda56 to those54 who55
ýôi57 ashâi58 (by means of the strength) of truth -Asha59
daden59 zastayô60 suppress   
  (or deliver up59 from the hands60) 
drujem61. the falsehood61
atchâ1 tôi2 vaêm3 khyâmâ4   May we3 verily1 be4 like those2
ýôi5 îm6 frashêm7 kerenâun8 ahûm9, who5 made8 this6 world9 prosperous7, (and in this wish of ours)
Mazdåoschâ10 Ahuråonghô11 leaders11 ( under the authority) of Ahura Mazda10 
â môyastrâ12 (may become) helpers12
baranâ13 and supporters13
ashâchâ14 through righteousness14
hyat15 Because
hathrâ16 manå17 bavat18

see below

ýathrâ19 chistish20 anghat21 maêthâ22. where19 wisdom20 may establish21 ( its) abode22
  there16 arises18 a person of good mind17 ( or a sagacious person)
adâ23-zî24 avâ25 drûjô26  

see below

avô27 bavaitî28

see below

skeñdô29 spayathrahyâ30

see below

 at31   When31 ( those)

see below

  who39 are born40 in good41 fame42
 ýaojañtê33 â hushitôish34   are associated33 in the good abode34 
Vanghêush35 Mananghô36 Mazdåo37 of Ahura Mazda37 of Vohu35 Manah36 


and of Asha (i.e. truth)38
 ýôi39 zazeñtî40 vanghâu41 sravahî42.

see above

  then23 immediately32  (support27) of the   @@(destructive30) Druj26 becomes28 verily24  ##dilapidated29
  @@i.e. strength of the Druj is broken
  ##i.e. Druj who destroys prosperity
  O men50,
hyat4344 urvâtâ45 sashathâ46 you understand46 ( or learn) this43 law45
ýâ47 mazdåo48 dadât49 which Ahura Mazda48 has ordained49

see above

 khvîtichâ51 êneitî52 (as regards) happiness51 and misery52 (in accordance with the law of action) 
hyat-châ53 daregêm54 namely53 to bear age-long54
dregvôdebyô55 rashô56 pain56 for the wicked sinful persons55
savachâ57 ashavabyô58, and advantages57 for the righteous persons58
at59 aipî60 tâish61 owing to which advantages60,61
anghaitî62 ushtâ63!  happiness63 accrues62 unto them (i.e. is attained by them)
ahyâ17 ýâsâ18  I pray18 at this17 (moment)
nemanghâ19 In   humble  adoration19 
ustânazastô20  with hands uplifted20

see below

manyêush22 mazdâ23

see below

pourvîm24 first of all24.

 see below

ashâ26 vîspêñg27 shyaothanâ28 vanghêush29 all27 righteous26 deeds28
  of the invisible22 (and) bountiful25 Ahura Mazda23
khratûm30 mananghô31  (and) the wisdom30 of the good mind31
ýâ32 khshnevîshâ33  . so that32 I may please33
gêushcâ34 urvânem35 the soul35 of the universe34.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ýathâ ahû vairyô ... (4).
ashem vohû ... (3).
at-tâvakhshyãm hâitîm ýazamaide.  We worship ha called AT tu vakhshyam
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4  
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8  
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27. 


Chapter 4 - Yasna 31

1.    tâ12 urvâtâ3 mareñtô4  O desirous one!4  unto you2 these1 teachings3 - verses
agushtâ5 vacå6 sêñghâmahî7 (which are6) never heard before5. we proclaim7
aêibyô8 ýôi9 (These are the verses)  for those8 who9,
urvâtâish10 drûjô11   by means of the teachings10 of the  Druj11,
ashahyâ12 gaêthåo13 vîmereñchaitê14 destroy14 the settlements13 of  righteousness12 ;
atchît15 aêibyô16 vahishtâ17 ýôi18 but ( these verses) ( are)17 best for those16 who18

zarazdåo19 anghen20 Mazdâi21.

  are devoted19 to Ahura Mazda21
ýezî22 âish23 If22 through these (hymns)23
nôit24 urvânê25  
advåo26 indubitablenness26
  would not24  
aibî-dereshtâ27  vakhyåo28 strengthen27 better28
    in the soul25
 at29 then29
30 vîspêñg31 âyôi32

see below

ýathâ33 Just as33
ratûm34 Ahurô35 vaêdâ36 Mazdåo37   Ahura35 Mazda37 has recognized36 the Ratu34 as (or spiritual leader)34
ayåo38 ãsayåo39 of both these38 worlds39
  in the same way I may teach32 you30 all31
ýâ40 ashât41 hachâ42  
jvâmahî43.  (how) we may live43 (through which both worlds)
  on account of42 the law of Asha41
  word by word translation available at end of book




" If at the first sight ( i.e. in the beginning ) any person does not believe in the matter of religion, (eventually) by means of obvious -visible evidences his faith will become stronger. O Ahura Mazda knowing or (acknowledging) thee as the lord of all everyone will come near thee (i.e. everyone has to ask for thy help and finally has to come before thee).  Our goodness and our life are due to Hormazd only."


Yãm43 dåo44 mainyû45 O divine45 (Ahura Mazda!) do thou grant44 us
athrâchâ46 ashâchâ47 chôish48   on account of our zeal48 and truth47
rânôibyâ49 khshnûtem50  hyat51 urvatem52  that intensive52 ( or complete) bliss50 which51
thou hast awarded48 the fighters49 ( for the sake of religion)
chazdôñnghvadebyô53 and to the learners53 of the religions
tat5455 Mazdâ56 (O Ahura Mazda)
vîdvanôi57 for our enlightenment57 ( i.e. my and my disciples)
vaochâ58 hizvâ59 thwahyâ60 Speak thou58 with thy tongue59 of the mouth61
åonghô61 ýâ62 so that62 I cause
 jvañtô63 vîspêñg64 all64 men63
vâurayâ65. to put faith in the religion65 .
ýadâ67 When67
Ashem68 zevîm69 anghen70

see below

Mazdåoschâ71 Ahuråonghô72 Ahura Mazda71 and the leaders72 ( under his control)
  are in full measure68 gracious69 then, 
ashichâ73   through truth73
ârmaitî74 humility74 and 
 vahishtâ75 best75 mind77
 ishasâ76   I desire76

see above

maibyô78 for myself78
khshathrem79 aojôñghvat80 mighty80 power79
ýehyâ81 veredâ82 through whose81 power82 
vanaêmâ83 drujem84. we may overcome83 the druj (i.e. falsehood untruths84)
Tat85 môi86 vîchidyâi87 vaochâ88 Tell88 me86 ( O Ahura Mazda!)
hyat89 môi90  for choosing87 whatever89 ( is) better93 for me90
ashâ91 dâtâ92 vahyô93 and (for knowing) truth91 ( and) the laws ( of the religion92)
vîduyê94   (whereby) I may know94
Vohû95 Mananghâ96 through my good95 thoughts96
  whose profit1
mêñchâ97 daidyâi98 ýehyâ99 100 may be accrued98 to me100 

 see above


see below

 Mazdâ3 Ahurâ3 O Ahura Mazda3       
ýâ4 do thou make me aware as to whatever2,4
nôit56 anghat7   will not5 happen7
anghaitî89. or8 whatever2,4 will happen8
Ahmâi10 anghat11 vahishtem12 The best12 may accrue11 to him10
ýê13   who13 ,
môi14 vîdvå15 the learned one15
vaochât16 haithîm17,  tells18 me14 openly17
mãthrem18 ýim19 Haurvatâtô20 the holy word18 of welfare20
ashahyâ21 Ameretâtaschâ22,  truth21 and immortality22.,
Mazdâi23 avat24 khshathrem25   The sovereignty25 of Ahura Mazda23 
hyat26 hôi27 Vohû28 vakhshat29 Mananghâ30. has remained prosperous29 (or permanent) on account of His27 good28 thought30
Yastâ31 mañtâ32 pouruyô33, Who31 (i.e. Ahura Mazda) is the first33 Great Thinker32,
raochêbîsh34 rôithwen35 khvâthrâ36; whose brilliance36 has mingled35 with the boundless lights34 of the heavens. 
hvô37 khrathwâ38 dãmish39, Who himself37 ( is) the creator39 ( of the entire world) through the omniscient wisdom38
ashem40 ýâ41 dârayat42 by means of which41 he upholds42 the truth40 
Vahishtem43 Manô44, and best43 thought44 .
 tâ45 Mazdâ46 mainyû47 O divine47 Ahura50 Mazda46 
ýê49 â nûrêmchît50 Ahurâ51 hâmô52. thou who49 art always50 the same52 dost make them45 
  prosperous48 .
  Ever since64 I have held67 thee65 (O Ahura Mazda) in ( my) eye66 
At53 thwâ54 mêñghî55 pourvîm56   I have always59 regarded55 Thee54 
Mazdâ57 ýezîm58 stôi59 O Ahura Mazda57 as the first of all56, as worthy of worship58 
mananghâ60, with pure thought60
Vanghêush61 patarêm62 Mananghô63 as the father62 of Vohu61 Mana63 (good61 mind63)
hyat64 thwâ65 hêm chashmainî66 hêñgrabem67
see above
haithîm68 ashahyâ69 dãmîm70 as the real68 origin70 of truth69
anghêush71 Ahurem72 shyaothanaêshû73. (and) as the lord72 over ( all) actions73 of this world71.
Thwôi74 as75 ârmaitîsh76 Perfect mindedness76  is thine74.
thwê77  â Gêush78 Tashâ79 as80 khratûsh81 Manyêush82  thine77 is the wisdom81 divine82 of creating79 the world.
Mazdâ83 Ahurâ83, O Ahura Mazda83
hyat84 akhvyâi85 dadåo86 pathãm87 Thou hast fixed86 the path87 ( of awarding due reward) to him85
vâstryât8889 âitê90, who passes90 his life with industry88 
 ýê9192 nôit93 anghat94 vâstryô95. and one91 who is94 not93 industrious95 or idle





explanation  Its significance is that just as man passes his life industriously or otherwise on earth in the same way he gets the reward in accordance with his actions after his death.

At9697 ayåo98 From these two98 she97 ( i.e. Ahura Mazda perfect mindedness)
fravaretâ99   chose99
vâstrîm100 akhyâi1 fshuyañtem2, for ( the benefit of) this ( world)1 the prosperity2 bringing2 agriculturist100
  "Akhyai"=  Sanskrit= "asyai"
  "fshenghim" = root = "fshu" = Sanskrit = "psu" = to increase,  to prosper
Ahurem3 ashavanem4, as the true4 lord3 
Vanghêush5 fshêñghîm6 Mananghô7 as the promoter6 of good5 mind7
nôit8, Mazdâ9  O Ahura Mazda the
avâstryô10 davãschinâ11 deceitful11 indolent man10
humeretôish12 bakhshtâ13. (would) never ( be) the gainer13 of the good doctrine of the religion12
  "humeretoish"-'mereti'= Sanskrit = 'smriti" = 'doctrine of the religion,exposition."
Hyat1415 Mazdâ16   O Ahura Mazda16 when14 thou 
paourvîm17 first17
 gaêthåschâ18 tashô19 didst make19 the entire living things18
daênåschâ20 and laws20 ( for them),
 thwâ21 mananghâ22 with thy21 power of thought22 
khratûshchâ23 hyat24 astvañtem25 dadå26 ushtanem27 thou didst bestow26 upon us15 corporeal25 life27 and wisdom23:
  (along with these also) thou ordained26 us15
hyat28 shyaothanâchâ29 power to work29
sêñghãschâ30 and commandments of the religion30
ýathrâ31 towards which (act and the commandments of the religion)
 varenêñg32 vaså33 dâyetê34. our wish33 and our faith32 (or choice) may be fixed34



i.e. thou didst bestow upon us strength and wisdom in order to fulfill whatever may be our wish for doing the act and whatever may be our faith on the commandments of the religion.
Athrâ35 To it35
 vâchem36 baraitî37  

 see below

mithah-vachåo3839 either39 the false speaker38
 eresh-vachåo40 41, or41 the true speaker40 
vîdvåo4243 either43 the enlightened42
evîdvåo4445. or the unenlightened44 
  lifts up37 his voice36 
ahyâ46 zeredâchâ47 mananghâchâ48, with his46 heart47 and also with his true mind48
ânush-hakhsh49 ârmaitîsh50 then immediately49 perfect mindedness Armaiti50 
mainyû51 peresâitê52 asks52 the twin spirits51 i.e. Spenta Mainyu and Angra Mainyu) 
ýathrâ53 maêthâ54. (as to) where53 ( their inclination54 is).
ýâ55 frasâ56 the questions56 which55
âvîshyâ57 ýâ5859  

see below

Mazdâ60 O Ahura Mazda60 
peresâitê61 any one asks61
tayâ62, openly57 or secretly62 
ýê6364   or64 any person63 
kasêush65 aênanghô66 for a small65 sin66
 â mazishtãm67 ayamaitê68 bûjem69  undergoes the highest67 penance69
70  all78 these70
  Thou dost observe77
chashmêñg71 thwisrâ72   with (Thy) sharp72 eye71
hârô73 O lord73 
aibî74 ashâ75 aibî76 and in accordance with truth75
vaênahî77 vîspâ78.

see above



78 thwâ79 peresâ80 Ahurâ81   O Ahura Mazda81 I ask80 of thee79 as to78
ýâ82 83 that  which78 happens82 now
âitî84 and will happen84 hereafter.
  (Moreover)  I ask80 of thee79 O Ahura Mazda81 as to78 
jêñghatichâ85 ýåo86 ishudô87 dadeñtê88 the reward87 which86 is awarded88
dâthranãm89 hachâ90 ashâunô91 for good deeds89 unto the righteous  ( person)91
  ýåschâ92 and as to whatever (punishment)92 ( is meted out)
Mazdâ93 O Ahura Mazda
dregvôdebyô94   for the sinful persons94
ýathâ95 and in what manner95 
tåo96 anghen97 will be considered97 ( the fate of both in accordance with their respective actions)
 hêñkeretâ98 hyat99. at the final stage98 (i.e. after death)
Peresâ1avat2 ýâ3 mainish4    I ask1 ( of thee)  about the punishment4 ( of such a person).;
ýê5 The man who5
dregvâitê6 khshathrem7 hunâitî8 dush-shyaothanâi9, secures8 authority7 for the wicked - working9 sinner6 
Ahurâ10   O Ahura Mazda10
ýê11   and The man who11
nôit12 jyôtûm13 hanare14 vînastî15, would not12 be15 in any way fit14 for living;13 
vâstryehyâ16 aênanghô17 on account of the harm17 of the agriculturist16 
pasêush18   of his cattle18 
vîrâatchâ19 adrujyañtô20. and of the person19 never uttering falsehood20
   (i.e. for him who causes injury to them)
Peresâ21 I ask21 
  (of Thee O Ahura Mazda!)
avat22 ýathâ23 hvô24 as to22 how23 he himself24 ( is regarded)
ýê25 hudânush26 who25 , possessed of good wisdom26,
  might have tried33  to enhance32
demanahyâ27 khshathrem28 the authority28 of the house27,
shôithrahyâ29 of the province29,  
dakhvyêush30 and the country30
Ashâ31 by means of Asha- truth31.
fradathâi32 asperezatâ33

see above


see below

Mazdâ35 Ahurâ35 O Ahura Mazda! 
ýadâ36 hvô37 anghat38  I ask ( of thee) ( as to) when36 will he himself37  be38
  siding with Thee34 
 ýâ39 shyaothanascâ40. and of what sort39 should his actions40 be38.
Katârêm41 Which of the two41
   is the greater47
ashavâ4243 what the righteous man42 
  chooses46 (or put s faith on the religion46)
dregvåo4445  or43 what the wicked person44 
verenvaitê46 chooses46.

see above

vîdvåo48 Let the enlightened man48
vîdushê49 mraotû50, explain50  (i.e. teach) ( the excellences of the religion) to the learned man49.
 mâ51 evîdvåo52 To the fanatic person52 ( the work of giving religious instruction ) is not51
aipî-dêbâvayat53, to be entrusted53
zdî54-nê55    reveal54 to us55
Mazdâ56 Ahurâ56 O Ahura Mazda! 
Vanghêush57 fradakhshtâ58 Mananghô59.  the symbols58 ( of thy) good57 mind58
Mâ-chish61at6263   Let not any61 of you63
dregvatô64 mãthrãschâ65 gûshtâ66 even hear66 the Mathra65 of the wicked man64 
sâsnåoschâ67, and ( his) teaching67,
 âzî68 because68
  he may put73 into distress74 and destruction75
demânem69 the house69,
vîsem7070 and the clan70
 shôithrem7171 and the town71,
 dakhyûm7272 and the country72
âdât73 dushitâchâ74 marakaêchâ75

see above,

athâ76 îsh77 sâzdûm78    so attack78 him (upon them77) (or kill77,78) (i.e. such wicked persons)
snaithishâ79. by means of the weapon79.
gûshtâ80 ýê81 Who81,  hears80
mañtâ82 (and) meditates82  (over)  
ashem83 the truth83 (i.e. the matter of truth)
ahûmbish84 for (the advantages of) both the worlds84
vîdvåo85 The enlightened one85
Ahurâ86, O Ahura Mazda86
erezhukhdhâi87 vachanghãm88 khshayamnô89  is the ruler89 over88 truthful utterances87 
 hizvô vasô90 and the controller over his tongue90  
thwâ91 âthrâ92 sukhrâ93  through Thy91 radiant93 Fire92
Mazdâ94 O Ahura Mazda
vanghâu95 vîdâtâ96 rãnayåo97. (that persons) is fully absorbed96 in the good95 affairs97 ( of the life).
98 The person who98 
âyat99 deceives99,1
ashavanem100 the righteous ( man)100
divamnem,1 hôi2 aparem3 khshyô4 will have ( his) abode4  hereafter3 (i.e. after his death)
daregêm5 âyû6 temanghô7 in darkness7 for a long5 time6
dushhvarethêm8 and ( his) food bad8 ( or poisonous)  
avaêtâs9 vachô10; and his shouts10 are full of woe09
têm11 vâo12 ahûm13

see below

dregvañtô14 O sinful person14
shyaothanâish15 khvâish16 on account of your own16 deeds15
daênâ17 ( your wicked) conscience17  
naêshat18. will lead18 
  you12 to that11 ( dark) world13.
Mazdåo19 dadât20 Ahurô21 Ahura Mazda19,21 will bestow20
Haurvatô22  health22 
 Ameretâtaschâ23 and immortality23
bûrôish24 of prosperity24 
 â25 ashakhyâchâ25 of righteousness25 
khvâpaithyât26 by virtue of his own Lordship26
Khshathrahyâ27 sarô28 and will bestow20 leadership28 and of sovereignty27
 Vanghêush29 vazdvarê30 Mananghô31,  and happiness30 of the good29 mind31 as well.
 ýê32 (upon that person) who32
hôi33 mainyû34 shyaothanâishchâ35 through34 (his own) thoughts35 and actions35 (becomes) His33 (i.e. Ahura Mazda) 
 urvathô36. friend36 
Chithrâ37 î38 hudåonghê39 For the one with good wisdom39 these38 (matters) (mentioned above) are manifest37 (as)  (or known)
ýathanâ40 vaêdemnâi41 mananghâ42   Likewise40 for the one understands41 with the mind42
vohû43 hvô44 khshathrâ45 That person44 with (his) good43 powers45

see below

vachanghâ47 shyaothanâchâ48 with thought47 and deed48
haptî49; guards49  
  the truth46
hvô50 Such a person50

see below

 Mazdâ52 Ahurâ53  O Ahura Mazda52,53  
vâzishtô54 anghaitî55 astish56! may be regarded55 as the most helpful54 person56
  for thee51.
ahyâ17 ýâsâ18  I pray18 at this17 (moment)
nemanghâ19 In   humble  adoration19 
ustânazastô20  with hands uplifted20

see below

manyêush22 mazdâ23

see below

pourvîm24 first of all24.

 see below

ashâ26 vîspêñg27 shyaothanâ28 vanghêush29 all27 righteous26 deeds28
  of the invisible22 (and) bountiful25 Ahura Mazda23
khratûm30 mananghô31  (and) the wisdom30 of the good mind31
ýâ32 khshnevîshâ33  . so that32 I may please33
gêushcâ34 urvânem35 the soul35 of the universe34.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ýathâ ahû vairyô ... (4).
ashem vohû ... (3).
tâ-vê-urvâtãm hâitîm ýazamaide.  we revere the ha chapter called TA VE Urvata
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27. 


Chapter 5 - Yasna 32

  Holy Zarathushtra says 
akhvyâchâ1 His(i.e. reference to the mischievous leader Bendwa of the daeva worshippers)
 k hvaêtush2 kinsmen2 
ýâsat3 ahyâ4 verezênem5 his4 (Bendwa's) co-workers5 ( or comrades5
mat6 airyamnâ7 ahyâ8 his (Bendwa's) obedient7 subordinates8
daêvâ9 wicked persons9 
  begged (Ahura Mazda) ( to interfere in my prophetic mission)
mahmî10 manôi11 but in my10 mind11
Ahurahyâ12 urvâzemâ13 Mazdåo14, there is joy13 of Ahura Mazda12,14
thwôi15 dûtånghô16 ånghâmâ17; (O Ahura Mazda!) may we become17 Thy15 messengers16 (i.e. may we become the propagators of thy pure religion)
têñg18 dârayô19 ýôi20 våo21 daibisheñtî22. and may we become17 the repellers19 of those18 who20 torment22 thee21 (i.e. disobey thy commandments).
  (When the wicked Bendwa and his comrades begged of Ahura Mazda to thwart the prophetic mission of the Holy Zarathushtra) 
  one sincere friend33 of Zarathushtra 

see below

 Mazdåo24 Ahurô25  (Ahura Mazda)
sâremnô26 (who is) ruling26 ( over the entire creation)
Vohû27 Mananghâ28

see below

khshathrât29 hachâ30 in accord with30 His authority29
paitî-mraot31 Ashâ32

see below


see top

  replied31 them23
  that through good27 thoughts28 
khvênvâtâ34 and glorious34 truth32 
speñtãm3536 ârmaitîm37 vanguhîm38 we have chosen39 the good38 ( and) beneficent35
varemaidî39; humility39.
40-nê41 anghat42. May she40 be42 ours41 





The creator Ahura Mazda replied to Bendwa and his comrades who do not accept the religion of Zarathushtra that I choose them only who, obeying my command, will acknowledge the commandments of the Religion sent by me and will acquire humility. I discard pride and disobedience - insolence.    

at43 ýûsh44 But43 you44
daêvâ45 vîspånghô46 all46, O daevas45
akât47 mananghô48 stâ49chithrem50  are49 of the brood50 of Akoman47 (i.e. daeva of wicked47  thoughts48
ýaschâ5152 mash53 ýazaitê54  he who51 worships54 you52 much53 
drûjaschâ55 (is himself) a deceiver55 
pairimatôishchâ56 and entertaining conceited idea56.
shyaomãm57 aipî58

see below

daibitânâ59  "Deceits"59
ýâish60 on account of which60
asrûdûm61 you have become notorious61
bûmyå62 haptaithê63. in the seven regions63 of the earth62 


(are) more and more57,58 (in you).
ýât64 ýûshtâ65 framîmathâ66  Because64 you have perverted the mind66,
ýâ67 mashyâ68 achishtâ69 dañtô70 whereby67 men68 turned to (become) doing70 the worst69
vaxsheñtê71 daêvô-zushtâ72 and speak utterances71 like the friend of the daeva72 (i.e. in such a manner as if they are the comrades of the Daevas);
vanghêush73 sîzhdyamnâ74 mananghô75; and) denying74 of good73 thought75  
Mazdåo76 Ahurahyâ77 khratêush78 nasyañtô79 ashâatchâ80. (moreover they are) led astray79 from truth80 and wisdom78 bestowed by Ahura Mazda76,77 (i.e. they become liars and insensible  or unwise).
  (O Daevas!)
81 debenaotâ82 mashîm83 you have defrauded82 (i.e. have misled) men83
hujyâtôish84 ameretâtaschâ85 as regards happiness of life84 and immortality85
hyat86 because86
våo87 you87
akâ88 mananghâ89 through wicked88 thought89,
ýêñg90 daêvêñg91 O Daeva91
akaschâ92 mainyush93 the Wicked92 Spirit93 called Akoman92 (i.e. the Druj) 
akâ94 shyaothanem95 vachanghâ96  through wicked94  action95 and wicked94 word96 
ýâ97 frachinas98 has apprised98 (you)
dregvañtem99 khshayô100. that Angre Mainyu99 is your ruler100.
  Explanation The druj Akoman informed all the Daeva that the foundation of the power of Ahriman is based upon falsehood, rascality, wicked conscience and deeds etc. From that those Daeva incite men to perform every wicked thing. Know that Akoman is the leader of all the Daevas of the band of Akoman. 
pourû-aênå1 The sinners1
ênâkhshtâ2 will be punished2
ýâish3 srâvahyeitî4 ýezî5 tâish6 athâ7   in a short time by means of the weapons about which it is made known4 
  Thou knowest12 
hâtâ8-marânê9   to render the account9 of ( the actions of) men8 
Ahurâ10 O Ahura Mazda10!
vahishtâ11 voista12 mananghâ13 through (Thy) best11 mental power13.
thwahmî1415 Mazdâ16 O Ahura Mazda16
  I make permanent20 the commandment s of thy14 Religion19 ( sent by thee)
khshathrôi17 ashâichâ18  for ( propagating) truth18 as Thy sovereignty17
sêñghô19 vîdãm20.

see above

aêshãm21 aênanghãm22 Amongst these21 sinners22 (mingled in the law of action and reaction)
naêchît23 vîdvåo24 aojôi25 hâdrôyâ26 no one23 is openly26 aware24 of the punishment25 (relating to the soul) executed :
ýâ27 jôyâ28 Through which27 punishment28 (
sêñghaitê29   that soul) learns29
ýâish30 srâvî31 which through the punishments is known31
hvaênâ32 ayanghâ33 ýaêshãm34 like the glowing32 metal33
 tû35 Ahurâ36 irikhtem37 Mazdâ38 Thou35 O ahura36 Mazda38
vaêdishtô39 ahî40. art best knowing39 about "gomizagi" (sin).
  Word by word translation available from end of book 


"They do no know at all what severe punishment these sinful persons (by their own wicked teachings) bring upon them; and that punishment is stated to be through the pure metal" (i.e. it is stated that their wickedness will be removed by pouring molten metal on their bodies). But about their sins thou art most aware (i.e. O Ahura Mazda thou knowest very well as regards sinful persons who defraud men by their wicked teachings)
Aêshãm41 aênanghãm42 Among these41 sinners42
Vîvanghushô43 srâvî44 ýimaschît45 Jamshed45 ( the king),  ( the son) of Vivanghusha43 is known44,
ýê46 mashyêñg47

see below

chikhshnushô48 who having pleased in his mind48
  distressed the hearts52 
ahmâkêñg49 of us49 men47 
gâush50 bagâ51  through t he strength51 of words50 (full of pride). 
k hvâremnô52

see above


see below

â54 ahmî55 I obey  (belong55 ),
thwahmî56 Mazdâ57  O Ahura Mazda!57,   Thy56 
vîcithôi58 aipî59. (just ) judgment58 (or Punishment)
  of such ( sinful persons)53
dush-sastish60 The teachers of false doctrines60  
 sravåo61 môreñdat62; distorts62 the sacred verse of the Religion61;
hvô63 and he63
 jyâtêush64 sêñghanâish65 khratûm66 through (his false) teachings65 destroy62 the wisdom66  of men64
apô6768 îshtîm69 apayañtâ70 berekhdhãm71 (Such persons) snatch away67,70 from me68 (my) 
  wish65 of pure conscience74
hâitîm72 Vanghêush73 mananghô74 and true72 desire71;
75 ukhdhâ76 manyêush77 mahyâ78 therefore75, through my78 sincere77 prayer76
Mazdâ79 ashâichâ80 ýûshmaibyâ81 gerezê82.  I earnestly82 appeal to Thee81 O Ahura Mazda79! and to Asha80 (that Thou may destroy them).
hvô83 That person83  
84-nâ85 sravå86 môreñdat87  distorts87 totally85 my84 sacred verses of the Religion86
  'ma...srvao' = 'my sacred verses
  (i.e. he goes quite astray from the original significance of the commandment so f the Religion. )
  Explanation: who is that person? is stated below). 
ýê88 Who88
achishtem89 vaênanghê90 aogedâ91 considers91 very bad89   
gãm92 ashibyâ93 to see with (his) both eyes93 (this) earth92
hvarechâ94  and the Sun94
 ýascâ95 and who95
dâthêñg96 dregvatô97 dadât98 grants98  gifts96 to wicked persons97
   (i.e. increases their strength by giving them help)
ýaschâ99 and who99
vâstrâ100 vîvâpat1 renders the fields desolate1
ýaschâ2 and (who2)
vadarê3 vôizhdat4 ashâunê5. smites4 a blow3 to righteous (men3) (i.e. torments them).
taêchît6 These persons6
7 môreñden8 jyôtûm9 corrupt8 the manner of living9 (enjoyed) by me7  
   (i.e. the persons mentioned below corrupt what good life men live through the excellencies of my teachings).
ýôi10  Those who10
dregvatô11 mazibîsh12 chikôiteresh13 regard13 the wicked11 as great12
anguhîshchâ14 anghvaschâ15 apayeitî16 raêkhenanghô17 vaêdem18 get16 possession18 of the wealth17 of the lords15 and the ladies14
ýôi19 (and) who19
vahishtât20 ashâunô21 Mazdâ22 râreshyãn23 Mananghô24. hold back23 righteous  (persons)21 from best20 thoughts24
  (i.e.  produce wicked thoughts by raising doubts about the commandments of the religion in their hearts)
ýâ25 rånghayen26 sravanghâ27 vahishtât28 shyaothanât29 maretânô30 who through (false) teachings27 prevent26 men30 from (doing) their best28 action29
aêibyô31 Mazdå32 akâ33 mraot34 Ahura Mazda32 regards34 them31 as wicked33
ýôi35 gêush36 môreñden37 urvâkhsh-ukhtî38 jyôtûm39  (and) who35 destroy37 the life39 of the cattle36 in jokes and in jest38 (i.e. without any reason)
  38Original meaning = 'joyous or cheerful shouts'
ýâish40 gerêhmâ41 ashât42 (and) who forsaking truth42 prefer33 wealth obtained through deceitful means41,
varatâ43 karapâ44  (and who) (are) the Karapans44 
  (i.e. those who do not accept the commandments of the Zoroastrian Religion
khshathremchâ45 îshanãm46 drujem47.  and (are) the desirers46 of the authority45 of the Druj (i.e. the liar).
  Ahura Mazda32 considers34 (as wicked)33
  all of them66
48 who48
 khshathrâ49 gerêhmô50 hîshasat51 achishtahyâ52 demânê53 mananghô54 (remaining) in the control53 of the worst52 thought54 desire51 (to obtain) the wealth by evil practices50 through their power49
anghêush55 marekhtârô56 ahyâ57 ýaêchâ58   and who58 (are) the destroyers56 (of the prosperity) of this57 world55,
 Mazdâ59 and who, O Ahura Mazda!59
 jîgerezat60 kâmê61;  inspite of their wishes (being fulfilled)61 remain discontented60
thwahyâ62 mãthrânô63 dûtem64

see below


see top of verse

pât67 daresât68 ashahyâ69. (and who) over hold back67 in the face68 of truth69
  the messenger64 of the sacred verses63 of Thy62 Religion63


(i.e. the prophet). Ahura Mazda32 regard34 them31 as wicked33.
ahyâ70 gerêhmô71 â-hôithôi72 The greedy person ensnared in worldly love71 by remaining in its70 bond72
73 Kâvayaschît74 khratûsh7576 dadat77 relinquishes76,77 true wisdom:75
so also does the "kavi"74 (i.e. those willfully blind towards divine things) (relinquish true wisdom) 
varechåi78 hîchâ79 fraidivâ80

see below

hyat81 vîsêñtâ82 Just as81 they acknowledge82
dregvañtem83 avô84 the "darvand" (i.e. the followers of falsehood and lie) for help84
  in the same way destructive glamour78 of deceit80 exists there79 
hyatchâ85   It is so
gâush86 jaidyâi87

see bottom

mraoî88  stated88
ýê89 that whoso89 

see below

saochayat91 burns up91 (i.e. ignores completely) 
avô92. for help92
    the "darvish" (i.e. one who wards off the bodily death by adhering to righteousness)
  he smites87 "gava" (i.e. the soul developing constituent) 
  (translation at end of book)
  The creator says 
anâish93 â vî-nênâsâ94 I will extirpate94 (from Heaven)
ýâ95 Karapôtåschâ96  those who are Karapas96
  (i.e. those who do not accept the religion of Zarathushtra)
Kevîtåschâ97 and Kavis97 (i.e. those who do not listen to the commandments of the Religion97)
avâish98 aibî99
 ýêñg100 daiñtî1 nôit2

see below

 jyâtêush3 khshayamnêñg4 vasô5; as well as those possessed of strength4 of life3 according to their own will (i.e. the powerful ones) 
  who100 are not2 granting1 (help). 
tôi6 âbyâ7  (But) through these two (i.e. through the holy immortals Khordad and Amerdaad 
   they (i.e. the helpers in the mission of the Religion and virtuous persons) 
 bairyåñtê8 vanghêush9 â-demânê10 mananghô11. will be carried8 into the abode10 of the holy immortal Bahman9,11 (i.e. into paradise)..
Hamêm12 tat13 vahishtâchît14 ýê15 ushuruyê16  

see below

  ushuruyê = "ushi + uru" = wide intelligence Uru = Sanskrit = wide---also translated as  'In the light of broad mind' (Mills)
syaschît17 dahmahyâ18 khshayãs19 Ruler over all19! the religious education17
 Mazdâ20   O Ahura Mazda20,21
Ahurâ21 ýehyâ22-mâ23 aithîshchît24 dvaêthâ25 (For bringing) the end24 of that doubt25 which I23 have about that22 matter (i.e. in order to get rid of this doubt in my mind),
hyat26 aênanghê27 dregvatô28   (or teaching) of the pious (man)38 
  (given) with wide intelligence16 (is) the best14 (thing) in all respects12;
 êeânû29 ishyêñg30 anghayâ31! The translation of Darmesteter given below did not seem to me  to be trustworthy: ie Ervad Kavasji Edalji Kanga

"because the sinful have to suffer the punishment and the aspirer of propagating the Religion will get the suitable reward".

  eeanu = Through the mouth, Orally
  Anghaya = by means of conscience---- Another form is "anghuya" = (see Yasna 11, 16) "Through the mouth and by means of the conscience"
ahyâ17 ýâsâ18  I pray18 at this17 (moment)
nemanghâ19 In   humble  adoration19 
ustânazastô20  with hands uplifted20

see below

manyêush22 mazdâ23

see below

pourvîm24 first of all24.

 see below

ashâ26 vîspêñg27 shyaothanâ28 vanghêush29 all27 righteous26 deeds28
  of the invisible22 (and) bountiful25 Ahura Mazda23
khratûm30 mananghô31  (and) the wisdom30 of the good mind31
ýâ32 khshnevîshâ33  . so that32 I may please33
gêushcâ34 urvânem35 the soul35 of the universe34.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ýathâ ahû vairyô ... (4).
ashem vohû ... (3). 
hvaêtumaithyêm1 hâitîm2 ýazamaide3 We revere3 the chapter2 called Akhyacha1 Khvaetush1
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27. 



Chapter 6 - Yasna 33

1.    ýathâ1 aish2 ithâ3 vareshaitê4 

see below

ýâ5 dâtâ6 anghêush7 paouruyehyâ8, In accordance with the laws6 of the ancient8 world7  
  just as1 to the righteous14  so also3 to the wicked (person)12
ratûsh9 Ratu9  i.e. (spiritual leader owing  to his  righteousness) 
 shyaothanâ10 razishtâ11 will exercisethe most just11 action10 
dregva-taêchâ12 hyatchâ13 ashâunê14;

see above

ýekhvyâchâ15 hêm-yâsaitê16 mithahyâ17 ýâchâ18 hôi19  â ârezvâ20. and to the man19 whose15 wicked17 as well as good20 deeds are mixed in equal proportion16,
At21 ýê22 Who22  
 akem23 dregvâitê24

see below

 vachanghâ2526 through his word25  
at2728 mananghâ29 thought29  
zastôibyâ30 and action30 (or through both the hands)30
31 vareshaitî32  causes evil33  
  to the wicked person24 
vanghâu33 34 chôithaitê35 astîm36; or instructs35 any man36 for his good33
tôi37 he37 
vârâi38 râdeñtî39 (as it were) gives presents39 for his religious faith38
Ahurahyâ40 zaoshê41 Mazdåo42.  in love41 of Ahura40 Mazda42
43 ashâunê44 who43 unto the righteous (person)44
vahishtô45, (is) the best45 (i.e. behaves very well with a virtuous person)
k hvaêtû4647 whether (that righteous person may be) his relative46
at vâ48, verezênyô49 or business man49
Airyamnâ5051 or48 sub-ordinate50 (or servant)

see below

vîdãs5354 or (may be) a care taker53
thwakhshanghâ55 gavôi56 of his cattle56 with skill55
 at hvô57 that person himself57 
  (is so regarded) by Ahura52
ashahyâ58 anghat59 as if he were59 in the act61 of truth58
Vanghêushcâ60 vâstrê61 Mananghô62. and of good60 thought62.
ýê63 thwat64 Mazdâ65 asrushtîm66 I drive away disobedience66 O Ahura Mazda!65
 akemchâ67 manô68  and evil67 thought68 
ýazâi69 apâ70; By means of prayers69,70 to thee64. I by the force of prayers drive away from me69,70 (my bad behaviors of all kinds such as) (my)
khvaêtêushchâ71 tarêmaitîm72, haughtiness72 with my relatives71,
verezênahkyâchâ73 nazdishtãm74 drujem75 (my) deceit75 with co-workers (i.e. my associates)73
airyamanaschâ76 nadeñtô77, and (my) hatred77 towards the subordinates (i.e. persons working under my control76
gêushchâ78 vâstrât79 as regards the pastures79 of the cattle78;
achishtem80 mañtûm81. (my) immense carelessness80,81  
Yastê82 vîspê-mazishtem83 the most excellent amongst (all Yazatas)83.
Serao-shem84 Thy Sarosh Yazata84,
 zbayâ85 avanghânê86  O Ahura Mazda, I invoke you with entreaty85 for (my) help86  
apânô87 daregô-jyâitîm88 Do thou obtain87 for me long life38  
â-khshathrem89 Vanghêush90 Mananghô91; In the domain89 of good90 thought91 (i.e. do thou bless us that we may live long life with good thoughts; evil thought of any kind may not enter our minds).
ashât92 â93 erezûsh94 pathô95 ýaêshû96  Do thou cause us to reach87 the paths95 of virtue on account of (our) righteousneesss92
Mazdåo97 Ahurô98 shaêtî99. wherein96 Ahura Mazda97,98 dwells99.
ýê100 zaotâ1 ashâ2 erezûsh3 As the true3 invoker1 through righteousness2  
hvô4 I myself4
manyêush5 â vahishtât6 with the most pious6 intent5, (O Ahura Mazda) 
kayâ7, always  remember7 (Thee)
ahmât8  so that8
avâ9 mananghâ10 according to (my) wish10.
ýâ verezyeidyâi11 mañtâ12 vâstryâ13; I may fulfill11 the planned12 work13  
14-tôi15 izyâi16   I ask16 of Thee15  two things14 
Ahurâ17 Mazdâ17 O Ahura Mazda!
darshtôishchâ18 1)Vision (of thee)18
hêm-parshtôishchâ19. 2) conversation with thee about the Religion19
â-mâm20 âidûm21 Come21 unto me20  
vahishtâ22 â- khvaithyâchâ23  and  whatever is best22  (in my favour)
Mazdâ24 dareshatchâ25 teach25 me O Ahura Mazda24
ashâ26 On account of truth36
Vohû27 Mananghâ28 and good thought27
ýâ sruyê29 (teach me) who am known29
parê30  near30 men 
magâunô31; steadfast upon the Religion31  
  Explanation : We wish that our prayer humble and full of earnest request be accepted by Thee.
âvish32-nåo33 añtare34 hêñtû35 nemakhvaitîsh36 chithråo37 râtayô38.  (We wish this) that offerings38 pertaining to our33 prayer36 may become35 manifest32 and known37 (in thy presence).
  Explanation: Except the offerings of prayer, O Ahura Mazda, we have no other gifts to offer to Thee.
frô-môi39 fravôizdûm40 Do thou make me39 known40
arethâ41  (what is that) main purpose41 (of our faith on the religion) 
42 ýâ43 so that43
Vohû44 shyavâi45 Mananghâ46  I would pursue45 with good44 intentions46,
ýasnem47 Mazdâo48 O Ahura Mazda48! the worship47
khshmâvatô49  of one like you49
at vâ50 ashâ51 staomyâ52 vachåo53; as well as50 words53 of Thy fame52 with sincerity51.
dâtâ54 Do thou grant54 (me)
55 ameretåoscâ56 utayûitî57 the everlasting gift57 of Amerdad (i.e. the immortality of the spiritual world)56  
haurvatâs58 and of Khordad  (i.e. the happiness of this world)55
draonô59. as a gift59 (of Thy love).
at60 tôi61 Mazdâ62 O mazda62 then60 
  Thou shouldst catch hold of71
têm63 mainyûm64 Thy61 these63 spirits64
ashaokhshayañtå65 the eternal promoters of righteousness65
saredyayåo66  and possessors of leadership66
k hvâthrâ67maêthâ68 mayâ69 through glory67and sense relating to wisdom69 and moderation69 
vahishtâ70 baretû71 mananghâ72 and through the vibration of the best70 holy spell72
 ayå73 arôi74 hâkurenem75 Owing to the co-operation75 of these two72
  the souls78
 ýayåo76 hachiñtê77 urvãnô78. are proceeding further to perfection74
  (Ervad Kanga has not translated it)
  translation found at end of book


Ahura Mazda and Vohu Manah increase goodness and strength  They bestow happiness upon men according to their  actions  In association with Vohuman, Ahura Mazda grants that happiness.  The soul of such persons being in harmony carry on work with entire goodness.

(Translation of Prof Darmesteter)

  word by word translation of some words
  Mazdâ62 Ahura Mazda62
  têm63 mainyûm64  = that63 spirit64
  ashaokhshayañtå65 = causing righteousness to increase65
  saredyayåo66 = holding authority66
  vahishtâ70 = best70   ; mananghâ72 =  thought72
  arôi74 =  perfection74
  hâkurenem75 = working together (co-operation)75
  urvãnô78= soul78
  Do thou90 grant (me)93,
vîspå79-stôi80 hujîtayô81  verily83 in Thy love (from me) all79 the happy states81 of life80
ýåo82-zî83 ångharê84 which82 had been enjoyed in the past  (by men)84
ýåoschâ85heñtî86 and which85 and which are enjoyed at present86
 ýåschâ87 Mazdâ88 bavaiñtî89. and which87 will be enjoyed hereafter89.O Ahura Mazda88
thwahmî90 hîsh91 zaoshê92 âbakhshôhvâ93 

see top

Vohû94 ukhshyâ95 Mananghâ96 Also  (O Ahura Mazda!) through good94 thought96, do Thou strengthen95
Khshathrâ97 Ashâchâ98 ushtâ99 tanûm100. (my) body100 through truth98,  power97 (or authority)97 and prosperity99.

(to recite in baz) Shekasteh1 ghanâmenyo2, bar ahriman3 leânat sad hazâr bâr (to recite loudly)

(May) the Ghana-Mino2 (i.e. the Evil spirit)2 be defeated1. Imprecations4 (be) on Ahriman a hundred thousand times (i.e. one lakh)!
ýê1 sevishtô2 Ahurô3 Mazdåoschâ4 O (Thou) who (art) the most beneficent2 Ahura Mazda3-4  
ârmaitishchâ5 and O (thou who art) Armaiti5  
Ashemchâ6 and O (thou who art) Asha6,
frâdat-gaêthem7  bringing prosperity to the world7.
Manaschâ8 Vohû9 khshathremchâ10, O (thou) Vohu9 Manah8 and Khshathra10
sraotâ11-môi12 hearken11 (ye all) my12 (request and prayer) 
merezhdâtâ13-môi14 and have mercy13 upon me14
âdâi15 kahyâichît16 paitî17. for (my) every16 deed15.
us-môi18 uzâreshvâ19 Ahurâ20 Do thou make me18 pure19 O Ahura20 Mazda26 (i.e. do Thou keep me far away form wicked deeds) 
ârmaitî21 tevîshîm22 dasvâ23  do grant23 me18 strength22  on account of (my) goodness (or humility)21,
spênishtâ24 mainyû25 the most beneficent24 spirit25
Mazdâ26 O Ahura20 Mazda26  
vanghuyâ27 zavô28- âdâ29 and the giver of reward29 of prayers28 in good things27
Ashâ30 hazô31 êmavat32 do Thou bestow23 (upon me) vigour full of powers32 on account of (my) righteousness30
Vohû33 Mananghâ34 feseratûm35. and grant Thou23 unto me18 lordship35 on account of (my) good33 thought34
rafedhrâi36 For (my) rejoicing36
vouru-chashânê37 (and) for acquiring sufficiently knowledge of the Religion37.
dôishî38-môi39 Grant Thou38 unto me39  
ýâ40-vê41 abifrâ42 as a certainty42  
43 Khshathrahyâ44 Ahurâ45 ýâ46  O Ahura Mazda! those43 blessed gifts48 which46 are of Khshathra-Vairya44
Vanghêush47 ashish48 Mananghô49 and of Vohu-Manah47,49  
frô speñtâ50 ârmaitê51 O Spenta Armaiti50,51
ashâ52 daênåo53 fradakhshayâ54. do thou teach54 (me) through truth52 the commandments of the Religion53.
at râtãm55 Zarathushtrô56  (Prophet) Zarathushtra56 dedicated55,60
tanvas-chît57 khvakhyåo58 ushtanem59  the life of  his own58 body59

see top

 paurvatâtem61 mananghaschâ62 Vanghêush63 and the goodness61 (or excellence)61 of good63 thought62..
Mazdâi64 shyaothanahyâ65 unto Ahura Mazda64
ashâi66  ýâchâ67 Also, he dedicates55,60 unto truth66
 ukhdha-khyâchâ68 Seraoshem69 khshathremchâ70! (his own) authority of work70 and obedience69 for the sacred verses of the Religion68.
ahyâ17 ýâsâ18  I pray18 at this17 (moment)
nemanghâ19 In   humble  adoration19 
ustânazastô20  with hands uplifted20

see below

manyêush22 mazdâ23

see below

pourvîm24 first of all24.

 see below

ashâ26 vîspêñg27 shyaothanâ28 vanghêush29 all27 righteous26 deeds28
  of the invisible22 (and) bountiful25 Ahura Mazda23
khratûm30 mananghô31  (and) the wisdom30 of the good mind31
ýâ32 khshnevîshâ33  . so that32 I may please33
gêushcâ34 urvânem35 the soul35 of the universe34.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ýathâ ahû vairyô ... (4).
ashem vohû ... (3).
ýathâ-aish-ithãm1 hâitîm2 ýazamaide3. We Revere3 the chapter2 called yatha-aish-itha1
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27. 


Chapter 7 - Yasna 34

1.  Yâ1 shyaothanâ2 That which1 is the deed2
ýâ3 vachanghâ4 that which3 is the word4,
ýâ5 and that which5
  we17 obtain19
ýasnâ6 owing to worship6  
Ameretatâtem7 (viz.) immortality7 (i.e. happiness of the spiritual world) 
Ashemchâ8 truth8,
  power12 and welfare13.
taêibyô9 dåonghâ10  I offer10
Mazdâ11 O Ahura Mazda11,16
Khshathremchâ12 Haurvatâtô13

see two lines above

aêshãm14 tôi15 Ahurâ16 unto Thee15
êhmâ17 pourutemâish18 first of all18  

 see above



at-châ20 To Thee22
î21-tôi22 mananghâ23 with (full) heart23
mainyush24 vanghush25 vîspâ26 (are the) good25 thoughts24
 dâtâ27 offered27 (O Ahura Mazda)38
speñtakhyâchâ28 neresh29 shyaothanâ30 (and the good) deeds30 of the beneficent28 man29  
ýehyâ31 urvâ32 whose31 soul32
ashâ33 hachaitê34 is accompanied34 by truth33
pairigaêthê35 I may approach Thee35.
khshmâvatô36 vahmê37 through the prayer37 worthy of Thee36  
Mazdâ38 O Ahura Mazda38
garôbîsh39 stûtãm40 and through the divine songs39 of thy glorifiers40,
At41-tôi42 myazdem43 Votive offerings43  
Ahurâ44  O Ahura Mazda44!
nemanghâ45 with humble  adoration45
ashâichâ46 unto Thee42 and Asha46.
dâmâ47  we offer47
gaêthåo48 vîspåo49 âkhshathrôi50 ýå51 Within (Thy) Dominion50 (O Ahura Mazda) all49 living creatures48
Vohû52 thraoshtâ53 Mananghâ54 are nourished53 on account of Vohu Mana52,54
ârôi55-zî56 hudåonghô57 vîspâish58 Mazdâ59 khshmâvasû60 savô61.  "That person is fully sagacious who in every respect offers prayers to thee and to those belonging to Thee (i.e. Yazatas)".

"Translated by Darmesteter"

at62-tôi63 âtarêm64 Ahurâ65 O Ahura Mazda65 we ardently desire  (we choose) Thy63, fire64
aojônghvañtem66 mighty66

see below

usêmahî68 swiftest68,
asîshtem69 êmavañtem70 courageous70,
stôi-rapañtêm71 ever giving delight71,
chithrâ-avanghem72 giving help in various ways (or miraculously)72
  through Asha  (i.e. through his holy immortal Asha Vahishta)67.
at73 Mazdâ74  O Ahura Mazda!74

see below

 zastâ-ishtâish76 (Fire) through his full strength76

dereshtâ77 aênanghem78.

is the holder strongly77 (i.e. punisher of) the tormentor75 and the avenger78.
Kat79 (Do thou tell me) on what79
 vê80 khshathrem81  Thy80 sovereignty81 is (founded) 
82 and what82 (is) 
îshtîsh83, Thy wish83
shyaothanâish84 so that through (my good) works84
Mazdâ85 O Ahura Mazda85
ýathâ86 vâo87 (remaining) in Thy87  
 hakhmî88  friendship88  
Ashâ89 with righteousness89
Vohû90 Mananghâ91 and good90 intent91 
thrâyôidyâi92 I give shelter92
drigûm93 ýûshmâkem94, to Thy94 poor93 men.
parê95 våo96 vîspâish97 parê98 vaokhemâ99 We have regarded98,99 Thee96  as most excellent (or we have called thee the best98,99).
daêvâishchâ100 khrafstrâish1 mashyâishchâ2. being separated from all97 the Daevas100 and wicked1 men2  
Yezî3  If3 (Thou), 
athâ4 stâ5 haithîm6 art5 truly6 so4
Mazdâ7 O Ahura Mazda7
Ashâ8  on account of righteousness8  
vohû9 mananghâ10 and good9 thought10
(i.e. Thou Thyself are the allegorical form of righteousness and thought)
at11 tat12 môi13 then, to me,
dakhshtem14 dâtâ15 ahyâ16 anghêush17 in this16 world17  grant such inspiration14
vîspâ18 maêthâ19, for enjoying19 (my) whole18 life,
ýathâ20 so that20
våo21 I may approach25,26 Thee21
ýazemnaschâ22 urvâidyåo23 as Thy most devoted23 worshipper22 
stavas24 ayenî25 paitî26. and as Thy glorifier24.
Kuthrâ127  Where22  
tôi28 aredrâ29  (are) Thy worshippers29,
Mazdâ30 O Ahura Mazda30
ýôi31 Vanghêush32 vaêdenâ33 mananghô34 who through understanding33 of good32 thought34,
sêñghûsh35 (by regarding) the commandments of the Religion35  
raêkhenåo36 as true wealth36
aspêñchît37 sâdrâchît38 chakhrayô39 usheurû40; may fulfill39 with full intelligence40 in happiness37 as well as in distress38?
naê41-chîm42 têm43 anyêm44 ýûshmat45 vaêdâ46 I have not41 known46 any one42 except44 Thee45,
ashâ O Thou 'righteous' one47
Athâ48-nå49 thrâzdûm50. therefore48 do Thou protect50 us49.
Tâish5152-nåo53 shyaothanâish54 byeñtê55 For52, (the heretics) frighten55 us53 by those51 deeds54 of theirs,
ýaêshû56 in which (works)56  
as57 pairî58 is included57,58
pourubyô59 ithyejô60; destruction60 for many59
hyat61 The person61
as62 aojyåo63 nâidyånghem64

see below

thwahyâ65 Mazdâ66 ãstâ67 O Ahura Mazda!66  who defies ( dis- obeys)67 Thy65
urvâtahyâ68; commandments68 of the Religion68
  can succeed62,63 over the weaker64 (or the poorer)64.
ýôi69 Such a person69
nôit70 ashem71 mainyañtâ72 does not70 pay heed72 to righteousness71,
aêibyô73 and from such a person73

dûirê74 Vohû75 as76 Manô77.

Good75 Thought77 remains76 at a distance74.
ýôi78 Who78
  inspite of knowing94  
speñtãm79 ârmaitîm80 thwahyâ81 Thy81 beloved83 Spenta Armaiti
 (i.e. bountiful devotion or beneficent perfect mortality)79,80
Mazdâ82 O Ahura Mazda!82
berekhdhãm83 vîdushô84

see above

 dush-shyaothanâ85 avazazat86  pass the life86 as wicked doers85  
vanghêush87 evistî88 mananghô89 through the ignorance88 of good87 thought89
aêibyô90 from such persons90 ,
mash91 ashâ92 syazdat93 righteousness92 flees away93 entirely91
 ýavat94 ahmat95 aurunâ96 khrafstrâ97. just as94 wild96 noxious creatures97 flee away93 from us95.


ahyâ98 The person98
vanghêush99 mananghô100

see below

shyaothanâ1 vaochat2 gerebãm3 hukhratush4  of good wisdom4 tells2 to uphold3 deeds1 
  of good99 thought100 
speñtãmchâ5 ârmaitîm6 (moreover) he knows8 Spenta5 Armaiti6  
dãmîm7 vîdvåo8 hithãm9 ashahyâ10, (to be) the real9 origin7 of Truth10
tâchâ11 vîspâ12 All11 these12 (moral virtues)
Ahurâ13 thwahmî14 Mazdâ15 (help our growth),  O Ahura Mazda13,15! in Thy14
khshathrôi16 sovereignty16 
â vôyathrâ17. because these virtues smite17 (The oppression) with fear..
At18 tôi19

see below

ubê20 Both20
haurvåoschâ21 Khordad21

see below

â23 Ameretatåoschâ23 and Amerdad23
  (are) for thy19 food22 
  Comments of Ervad Kanga " I have translated as above but it is not trustworthy or satisfactory. I do not understand properly the translation of this strophe"
Vanghêush24 Khshathrâ25 Mananghô26 Through the sovereignty25 of Vohu Manah24,26  
  Ashâ27 mat28 and through Asha27 Truth.
ârmaitish29 vakhsht30 devotion29 (or perfect mentality)29 increases30.
utayûitî31 tevîshî32 Strength31 and vigour32,
 tâish33 (are)  Through them33
â Mazdâ34 O Ahura Mazda!34
vîdvaêshãm35 thwôi36 ahî37. Thou36 art37 the expeller of malice and harm35
kat38 tôi39 râzarê40, what (are) Thy guiding principles40?
kat41 vashî42, What41 dost Thou wish42 
kat4344 stûtô45, as regards (Thy) praise45 
 kat4647 ýasnahyâ48 or47 as regards (Thy) worship48
srûidyâi49 Mazdâ50 frâvaochâ51 Do thou tell (me) openly51 (all these) that I  may hear49! O Ahura Mazda50
52 vîdâyât53 ashîsh54 râshnãm55 so that52 blessings54 of (Thy) commandments55 may be accrued53 (unto me). 
sîshâ56-nå57 ashâ58 Through righteousness58 (O Ahura Mazda) do Thou teach56 us57
pathô59  the paths59
Vanghêush60 k hvaêtêñg61 mananghô62 of Vohu Manah60,62 himself61 (or special0
têm63 advânem64 (1). As regards that63 path64
  of Vohu Mana69,70 (i.e. good thought) 
Ahurâ65  O Ahura Mazda!65  
ýêm66 môi67 mraosh68 about which66 thou hast said68 to me67
vanghêush69 mananghô70

see above

daênå71 saoshyañtãm72 (2) About the commandments71 of the Future Saviours
 ýâ73 hûkeretâ74  by (acting according to) which man performing good deeds74
ashâchît75 urvâkhshat76 through his righteousness etc75 enjoys happiness76;
hyat77 chivishtâ78 (3) thou hast promised78 (to give) that which77
 hudâbyô79 mîzhdem80 is the reward80 unto those possessing good wisdom79 -
Mazdâ81, O Ahura Mazda!  
ýehyâ8283  of which (reward)82 Thou Thyself83 art
dathrem84.  the apportioner84 (do thou explain and interpret all these)
tat8586 Mazdâ87  Thou O Ahura Mazda87! surely86,
vairîm88 astvaitê89 ushtânâi90 to this corporeal89 life90,
dâtâ91 hast granted91
  Thy100 good wisdom1 (loved by all)
vanghêush92 shyaothanâ93 mananghô94

see below

ýôi9596 to those who95  
gêush97 verezênê98 azyå99 in this revolving99 world97 (are deeply engrossed) in performing98  
 khshmâkãm100 huchistîm1

see above

   deeds93 of good92 thought94
Ahurâ2 (and are) O Ahura Mazda!2

 khratêush3 ashâ4 frâdô5 verezênâ6.

the promoters of the deeds of wisdom3 through righteousness4.


mazdâ7  O Ahura Mazda7!
  do thou tell13  
at8 môi9 me9
vahishtâ10 sravåoschâ11 about the best sacred versed of the Religion11
shyaothanâchâ12 and deeds12
vaochâ13, tâ14-tû15 that through these14 really15 (I will repay) 
Vohû16 Mananghâ17 Ashâchâ18 ishudem19  the debt19 of Thy hymns of praise17 with good16 thought17 and with righteousness18
   (in order that in its return)
   mayest Thou make27 my life28,
 stûtô20 khshmâkâ21 khshathrâ22 through Thy21 power22
Ahurâ23 O Ahura Mazda23!
ferashêm24 vasnâ25 haithyêm26 and in accordance with Thy will25 truly26 fresh24
(or mayest thou make my life regenerated, 
dåo27 ahûm28

see above

  i.e. mayest thou grant the happiness of the next birth indicates the "Doctrine of Reincarnation". 
{the strophe should be recited four times)
  References to the subject of next birth are there in Yasna Ha 34.1,Yasna Ha 34.8, Yasna Ha 34.15,in the first edition of the book and in  Yasna Ha 32.5 , and Yasna Ha 34.12 in all the six editions of the Gatha-ba-Maani.
ahyâ17 ýâsâ18  I pray18 at this17 (moment)
nemanghâ19 In   humble  adoration19 
ustânazastô20  with hands uplifted20

see below

manyêush22 mazdâ23

see below

pourvîm24 first of all24.

 see below

ashâ26 vîspêñg27 shyaothanâ28 vanghêush29 all27 righteous26 deeds28
  of the invisible22 (and) bountiful25 Ahura Mazda23
khratûm30 mananghô31  (and) the wisdom30 of the good mind31
ýâ32 khshnevîshâ33  . so that32 I may please33
gêushcâ34 urvânem35 the soul35 of the universe34.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ýathâ ahû vairyô ... (4).
ashem vohû ... (3).
ýâ-shyaothanãm1 hâitîm2 ýazamaide3 We revere3 the chapter2 called ya-shyaothna1
Ahunavaitîm4 Gâthãm5 ashaonîm6 ashahe7 ratûm8 ýazamaide9 We revere9 the holy Ahunavad4  Gatha5 which is the lord8 of holiness7
Ahunavaityå10 gâthayå11 hañdâtâ12 ýazamaide13 We revere13 the prayer12 of Ahunavad10 Gatha11
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27. 
(To be recited in Baz) Ahurmazda Khodae, awazune mardum, mardum sardagan hama sardagan hambayaste vehan, oem behedin Mazdayasnan neki rasanad; aedun bad     (to be recited loudly)
ýathâ ahû vairyô ..
Yasnemcha1 vahmemcha2 aojascha3 zaverecha4 afrinami5, I praise5 the worship1 glory2 strength3 an vigour4 (of all those)
Ahurahe6 Mazdao6 raevato7 khvarenanguhato8, of Ahura Mazda6 (the creator)  wealth bestowing7 (and) glorious8
Ameshanam9 Spentanam9,   of the amesha9 spentas9 ( bountiful Immortals)
Gathabyo10 spentabyo11 ratu-khshathrabyo12 ashaonibyo13, amongst  the bountiful11 gatha10 ( which are) the lords of truth12 ( and) holy13 
Ahunavaityao14 Gathayao15, of ahunavad14 gatha15
Ushtavaityao16 Gathayao17, of ushtavad16 gatha17 
Spenta18 Mainyeush18 Gathayao19, of spentomad18 gatha19
 Vohu-kshathrayao20 Gathayao21, of vohu-kshthtra20 gatha21  
Vahishtoishtoish22 Gathayao23, of vahishtosht22 gatha23
ashaunam24 Fravashinam25 ughranam26 and of the powerful26 and triumphant27 fravashis25
aiwithuranam27. of the righteous men27
Paoiryo-tkaeshanam28 Fravashinam29 of the fravashis29 of poryotkaeshas28 
naha30 nazdishtanam30 Fravashinam31 and of the fravashis31 of nabanazdishta30 (i.e. of the next of kith and kin)
ashem vohû
Ahmai Raescha
jasa me 
Kerfeh Mozd


Chapter 8 - Yasna 43

nemô12 gâthå3 ashaonîsh4, O sacred4 Gathas3! Salutations1 (be) unto you2
ushtâ5 ahmâi6 May prosperity5 ( or happiness) ( be) unto that ( person) 
ýahmâi7 ushtâ8 kahmâichît9 through whom7 happiness8 ( may reach) others9.
vasê-khshayãs10 Mazdåo11 dâyât12 Ahurô13 May Ahura11 Mazda,13 ruling- at- will10, grant12
utayûitî14 tevîshîm15  health14 and vigour15 ( to the above mentioned benevolent man).
gat16 tôi17 vasemî18 ashem19 deredyâi20 In order to hold fast20 to Truth19 (O Ahura Mazda!) I verily16 ask of18 Thee17
tat21 môi22 dåo23 ârmaitê24  that21 ( health and vigour). Owing to Armaiti24 ( O Ahura Mazda!) do thou grant23 me22 
 râyô25   wealth25 
ashîsh26 good blessings26
vanghêush27gaêm28 mananghô29 and the life28 of good27 mind29.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
atchâ30 ahmâi31 (Know) him31 verily30
vîspanãm32 vahishtem33 most  fortunate33 amongst all32 
hvâthrôyâ3435 (who) being glorious34 man35
hvâthrem36 daidîtâ37 can preserve37 ( his) glory36
thwâ38 chîchîthwâ39 Spênishtâ40 Mainyû41 Mazdâ42 O most beneficent40 Spirit39 Ahura Mazda42 reveal,39 thyself;38
   and with love52 
ýâ43 dåo44 Ashâ45 do Thou grant44 ( us) through t ruth45 
Vanghêush46 mâyåo47 mananghô48 the riches47 of good46 mind48
vîspâ49 ayârê50 daregô-jyâtôish51  for all49 days50 of ( our) long life51.

see above

 at53 hvô54 vanghêush55 vahyô5657aibî57 That54 man57 himself56
 jamyât58 ýê5960

see below

erezûsh61 savanghô62 pathô63 sîshôit64 who can show64 true61 paths63 of profit62
 ahyâ65 anghêush66 astvatô67 mananghaschâ68 haithyêñg69 â-stîsh70 of this65 corporeal and ( that) spiritual68 world66 ( can point out the paths) of the real69 world70
ýêñg71 â72-shaêtî73 Ahurô74, in which71 Ahura Mazda74 dwells73 
  may attain to  better than the good59. (or may go towards the better).
aredrô75   O Ahura Mazda that man is (or is regarded as) Thy devotee75 ( or giver of libations), 
 thwâvãs76 huzêñtushe77 speñtô78 mazdâ79 (and is) ranged on Thy side78, possessing good wisdom77 ( and is the) maker of prosperity78 ( of the world).
at80 thwâ81 mêñghâi82 I will certainly regard81 Thee82
 takhmemchâ83 speñtem84  as omnipotent83 and beneficent84
Mazdâ85 O Ahura Mazda85!
hyat86 because86
87 zastâ88 ýâ89-tû90  with (Thy) hand89
  Thou dost grant94 help92 to the sinful96 as well as the righteous ( man)97
hafshî91 and with the same87 hand88, Thou dost shower91
 avåo92 ýåo9394

see above

ashîsh95    (Thy) blessing95 ( upon them)
dregvâitê96 ashâunaêchâ97;

see above

  (Thy blessing95) shall come6 to me3 
thwahyâ98 garemâ99 âthrô100 through the splendor99 of Thy98 Fire100,
  ashâ-aojanghô1 hyat2 môi3 Vanghêush4 hazê5 jimat6 Mananghô7! possessing the strength5 of righteousness1, and good4 mind7.
speñtem8 at9 thwâ10 I recognized12 Thee10 (as) indeed9 bountiful8
Mazdâ11 mêñghî12 Ahurâ13, O Ahura13 Mazda11
 hyat14 thwâ15 anghêush16 zãthôi17 daresem18  When14 I saw18 Thee15, in the creation17 of the world16
paourvîm19 Most supreme19
hyat20 dåo21 shyaothanâ22 mîzhdavãn23 Thou wilt grant21 ( men) the reward23 according to ( their) deeds22
 ýâchâ24 ukhdhâ25 as well as24 words25
akêm26 akâi27 in such way that20 evil26 (befalls) unto evil (man)27
  vanguhîm28 ashîm29 vanghaovê30 and good28 blessings28 (are the reward) unto good ( man)30
thwâ31 hunarâ32 in accordance with Thy31 sense of justice32
dâmôish33 urvaêsê34 apêmê35. upto the ultimate35 end34 of the creation33
ýahmî36 speñtâ37 thwâ38 mainyû39 urvaêsê40 jasô,41 Mazdâ42 At which31 end40, Thou, O Ahura Mazda!42 wilt come41 with Thy38 Bountiful39 Spirit ( i.e. Spenta Mainyu),
 khshathrâ43 ahmî44 vohû45 mananghâ46, Khshathra Vairya43 and Vohu Mana45,46
ýehyâ47 shyaothanâish48 through whose47 deeds48
gaêthåo49   people of the world49 
ashâ50 frâdeñtê51; become prosperous51 by means of righteousness50.
aêibyô52 ratûsh53 sêñghaitî54 ârmaitish55, thwahyâ56 khratêush57    Armaiti55 ( i.e. perfect mindedness) will teach54 those ( people) fixed laws53 of Thy56 wisdom57
ýêm58 naê59 chish60 dâbayeitî61. Thy wisdom which58 not59 one60 can thwart61.
speñtem62 at63 thwâ64 Mazdâ65 mêñghî66 Ahurâ67 I verily63 considered66 Thee64, O Ahura65 Mazda67! bountiful62 
hyat6869 Vohû70 pairî-jasat71 Mananghâ72 when (Thy messenger Sraosha Yazata)  came71 near me69  through Vohu Manangh70,72
  (repeated in verse 7,9,11,13,15.)
peresatchâ7374 and asked73 me74:
chish75 ahî76   "Who75 art T hou76
kahyâ77 ahî78; and whose77 is thine78 ( allegiance)?
 kathâ79    How79 shall I indicate83
ayârê80 (the required) light80 
dakhshârâ81 and the signs pertaining to it81
ferasayâi82 dîshâ83

see above

aibî84 thwâhû85 gaêthâhû86 tanushichâ87. in the hearts87 ( of men) in Thy85 lands86 for questioning ( about the religion) (i.e. the learning knowledge of the religion).
at88 hôi89 aojî90 Zarathushtrô91 paourvîm92 Then88 Zarathushtra91 first of all92 said90 to him89 (i.e. Sraosha yazata) ( as under)
haithyô93 dvaêshå94 hyat95 isôyâ96 dregvâitê97 May I be1 a powerful96 enemy94 openly93 for the wicked97 (man) 
at98 ashâunê99 rafenô100 khyêm1 aojôñghvat2 and a mighty2 joy giver100 for the righteous99 (man).
hyat3 â4 bûshtîsh5 vasase6 khshathrahyâ7 dyâ8  

see below

ýavat9 â10 thwâ11  as long as9 I praise11 Thee10
Mazdâ12 O Ahura Mazda12
stâumî13 ufyâchâ14! weave hymns of praise13 of Thy fame,
  (so long) I may be absorbed in the splendor of4,5 (thy) Sovereignty7 and in the desire (of it).6
speñtem14 at15 thwâ16 Mazdâ17 mêñghî18 Ahurâ19 I verily15 considered18 Thee16, O Ahura19 Mazda!17 bountiful14
hyat2021 vohû22 pairî-jasat23 Mananghâ24 when20 (Thy Messenger Sraosha Yazata)  came23 near me21  through Vohu Manangh22,24 
  (repeated in verse 7,9,11,13,15.)
ahyâ25 ferasêm26 and asked26 me with love and respect: 
kahmâi27 vîvîduyê28 vashî29 What (thing)27 dost thou wish29 to see28
at30 â31  (O Ahura Mazda) As long as31,32
  I will have strength37,39, (so long)  I will indeed consider precious40 
  (or will look upon with reverence and affection)40
thwahmâi32 âthrê33

see below

râtãm34 nemanghô35 ashahyâ36-  the offering34 of righteousness36 and homage35 
  unto thy32 fire33.
37 ýavat38 isâi39 manyâi40.

 see above

at4142 môi43 dâish44 Do Thou42 grant44 me43
ashem45 righteousness45,
hyat46 because46
47 zaozaomî48  I verily yearn for48 it for myself47 
ârmaitî49 hacimnô50 ît51 ârem52 (so that) ( I may) properly52 be acting50 in accordance with Armaiti49 (i.e. perfect mentality).
peresâchâ53 nåo54 ýâ55 tôi56 êhmâ57 parshtâ58,  I ask53 Thee56 our57 questions58
  ( i.e. those  questions which we wish to ask as regards the religion) 
parshtêm5960 thwâ61 because60 ( every question) asked59 through The e61
 ýathanâ62 tat63 êmavatãm64; is courage- giving64 to us54 
 hyat65 thwâ66  On account of thee66 ( i.e. with thy authority) 
khshayãsh67 O Ahura Mazda any ruler whatever67 

aêshem68 dyât69 êmavañtem70!

can maintain69 (his) supreme70 desire68 (i.e. his intended Herculean task)
Speñtem71 at72 thwâ73 Mazdâ74 mêñghî75 Ahurâ76, I verily72 considered75 Thee73, O Ahura76 Mazda74! bountiful71
 hyat7778 Vohû79 pairî-jasat80 Mananghâ81 when77 ( thy Messenger Sraosha Yazata)  came80 near me78  through Vohu79 (good)  Mana81 (mind)
  (repeated in verse 7,9,11,13,15.)
 hyat82 khshmâ83 ukhdhâish84 dîdainghê85 paourvîm86  and when82 first of all86 I became learned85 by means of ( the gift of) Thy Sacred Verses84 

see below

 môi88 sãs89 But that which thou didst teach89 me88 ( O Ahura Mazda)
mashyaêshû90 zarazdâitish91 about promulgating91 it amongst men90
   is difficult87,
tat92 verezyeidyâi93 yet I will accomplish it93,
hyat94 because94
môi95 mraotâ96  ( that which) you told96 me95 (O Ahura Mazda)
vahishtem97.  is the best97.
Hyatchâ98 môi99 mraosh100 When98 Thou said100 to me99
 ashem1 jasô2 frâkhshnenê3,  ( that Thou art) fully3 preaching2 the Truth1
 at45-môi6 nôit7 asrushtâ8 pairyaokhzhâ9 Thou dost not7 proclaim9 ( or command)9 therefore4 that which is not worth hearing8 for me6.

see below

parâ11 hyat12 môi13 â-jimat14 Seraoshô15 Ashî16 mãzâ-rayâ17 hacimnô,18  Sraosha15 ( who is) following18 according to truth16 prior to11 (all) may come14 ( to tell Thy inspiration) to me13 with great magnificence17
  I am preparing myself10 ( for thy mission of prophet-ship)
ýâ1920 ashîsh21 rânôibyô22 savôi23   so that19 to the fighters22 for the sake of religion may accrue24 Thy20 blessing21 
vîdâyât24! as reward23 (of their labors). 
Speñtem25 at26 thwâ27 Mazdâ28 mêñghî29 Ahurâ,30  I considered29 Thee27 O Ahura30 Mazda28 indeed bountiful25 
 hyat3132 Vohû33 pairî-jasat34 Mananghâ35, When31 (Thy Messenger Sraosha Yazata) came34 near me32 through Vohu33 Manangh35
  (repeated in verse 7,9,11,13,15.)
arethâ36 vôizdyâi37 kâmahyâ38   In order to fulfill37 the aim36 of ( my) desire38 O Ahura Mazda 
têm39 môi40 dâtâ41 grant Thou41 unto me40 that39 ( part)
daregahyâ42 ýâush43   of long42 life43,
ýêm4445 naê46 chîsh47 dâresht48 itê49; which44 no one47 ( upto now) did46 obtain48 in this way49 from Thee45,
vairyå50 stôish51   the desirable50 ( thing) of the world51 
ýâ52 which52
 thwahmî53 khshathrôi54 vâchî55.  is said55 to have been in Thy53 Kingdom54  
(i.e. thou art capable of granting long life.)
hyat5657 frayâi58

see below

vaêdamnô59 isvâ60 That wise59 ( and) powerful60
daidît61 maibyô62 man57 can bestow upon61 me62,
   the friend58,
Mazdâ63 tavâ64 rafenô65 frâkhshnenem66 bliss65 derived from Thee64 fully.  O Ahura Mazda63
hyat67 which67
thwâ68 khshathrâ69 ashât70 hachâ71 frãkhshtâ72;  Thou hast ordained72 on account of Thy71 omnipotence69 and righteousness70
uzereidyâi73 I may incite73 ( in my task of promulgating the Religion sent by Thee) 
azêm74 saredanåo75 sêñghahyâ76 the chiefs75 of doctrine76
mat77 tâish78 vîspâish79  together with77 all79 ( others)
ýôi80-tôi81 mãthråo82 mareñtî83!  who80 remember83 Thy81 (mathra,)  Holy spells82.
speñtem84 at85 thwâ86 Mazdâ87 mêñghî88 Ahurâ89, I verily considered thee o Ahura Mazda bountiful
 hyat9091 Vohû92 pairî-jasat93 Mananghâ94,  when thy messenger Sraosha Yazata came near me through Vohu Manangha
  (repeated in verse 7,9,11,13,15.)
dakhshat95 ushyâi96 and pointed out95 intelligently96
tushnâ97 maitish98  to me that a contented97 thought98
vahishtâ99 (is) the best thing99.
 nôit1001 pourûsh2 (It would be better if) a perfect2 man1 may not100
dregvatô3 khyât4 chikhshnushô5 become4 pleasing5 to a sinful man3,

at6 tôi7 vîspêñg8 añgrêñg9 ashâunô10 âdarê11.

because6 he7 (i.e. sinful men) has been considering11 all righteous (persons)10 wicked9.
at12 Ahurâ13  O most bountiful21 Ahura13 Mazda!18 
hvô14 mainyûm15 Zarathushtrô16 vereñtê17 Mazdâ18  Zarathushtra16 himself14 looks upon (Thy) Spirit ( or soul) with an eye of respect17
ýastê19 chishchâ20 spênishtô21, and any other person19 who will his level best ( to do so)19
astvat22 ashem23 khyât24 May righteousness23 be24 powerful22
ushtânâ25 aojôñghvat26 and victorious26 with full brilliance!25 
k hvêñg- daresôi27 khshathrôi28 in (Thy entire) sovereignty28 resplendent as the Sun27 ( i.e. in the entire world)
   (O Ahura Mazda) may Armaiti ( i.e. humility)
khyât29 ârmaitish30 make her own abode29 
ashîm31 shyaothanâish32 Vohû33 daidît34 Mananghâ35! and through the Good33 Thought35 may she bestow34 blessings31 ( upon men) according to their deeds32.
ushtâ5 ahmâi6 May prosperity5 ( or happiness) ( be) unto that ( person) 
ýahmâi7 ushtâ8 kahmâichît9 through whom7 happiness8 ( may reach) others9.
vasê-khshayãs10 Mazdåo11 dâyât12 Ahurô13 May Ahura11 Mazda,13 ruling- at- will10, grant12
utayûitî14 tevîshîm15  health14 and vigour15 ( to the above mentioned benevolent man).
gat16 tôi17 vasemî18 ashem19 deredyâi20 In order to hold fast20 to Truth19 (O Ahura Mazda!) I verily16 ask of18 Thee17
tat21 môi22 dåo23 ârmaitê24  that21 ( health and vigour). Owing to Armaiti24 ( O Ahura Mazda!) do thou grant23 me22 
 râyô25   wealth25 
ashîsh26 good blessings26
vanghêush27gaêm28 mananghô29 and the life28 of good27 mind29.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ashem vohû ... (3). 
ushtâvaitîm1 hâitîm2 ýazamaide3 We revere3 Ushtava1 ha chapter2
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27. 


Chapter 9 - Yasna 44

  for metric version of gatha 44 click here
tat1 That1
thwâ2 peresâ3 which I ask3 thee2 
eresh4-môi5 vaochâ6 Do thou  tell6 me5 truly4 
ahurâ7 O Ahura Mazda!7 
nemanghô8 â9 ýathâ10 when10 ( there is the necessity) of prayer8 of one like Thee,

see below

khshmâvatô12, --
Mazdâ13  then O Ahura Mazda!13 
  it would be better if a friend21
fryâi14 thwâvãs15 sakhvyât16 mavaitê17   like Thee15 may teach16 a friend14 like me17 
at1819 ashâ20  --

see above

  about that prayer11 
dazdyâi22 for giving22
hâkurenâ23, help23 (every time), 
ýathâ24- so that24 ( with the charm of Thy  Prayer) 
25 â26 Vohû27 jimat28 Mananghâ29. (Thy messenger Sraosha Yazata) may come28 near26 us25 ( to give intuition of Thy help) through good27 thought29.
tat30 That30
thwâ31 peresâ32 which I ask32 thee31 
eresh33-môi34 vaochâ35 Do thou  tell35 me34 truly33 
Ahurâ36 O Ahura Mazda!36
kathâ37 How37 ( or what)37 
anghêush38 vahishtahyâ39 paourvîm40 is the origin40 of the best38 life39 ?  
kâthê41 In what way41
sûidyâi42 should he accrue benefit42
ýê43 who43
 -î44 paitishât45, may acknowledge45 both these (worlds)44
hvô46 thou thyself46
47  Indeed47
ashâ48 speñtô49 bountiful49 through righteousness48
 irikhtem50 vîspôibyô51 hârô52 and keeping far away52 evil50 from all of us51
mainyû53 ahûmbish54 urvathô55 Mazdâ56. and friend55 in both the worlds54.O heavenly53 Ahura Mazda56
tat57 That57
thwâ58 peresâ59 which I ask59 thee58
eresh60-môi61 vaochâ62 Do thou  tell62 me61 truly60
Ahurâ63 O Ahura Mazda!63
kasnâ64  who64 ( was) 
zãthâ65 the Creator65 (and)
patâ66 father66
ashahyâ67 of righteousness67
pouruyô68 in the beginning68?
kasnâ69  Who69 
  determined72 the path73 of the
hvêñg70 Sun70 and of the
starêmchâ71  stars71
dât72 advânem73

see above

74 Who is 
  there other than Thee79
 ýâ75 through whom75 
måo76 the Moon76 
ukhshyeitî77 waxes77 
nerefsaitî78 ( and) wanes78?  

see above

  Reply :  ---  No one
tâchît80 Mazdâ81 O Ahura Mazda81 these80
vasemî82 anyâchâ83 as well as other83 ( things) do I wish82
vîduyê84. to know84
tat85 That85
thwâ86 peresâ87 which I ask87 thee86
eresh88-môi89 vaochâ90 Do thou  tell90 me89 truly88
Ahurâ91 O Ahura Mazda!91 
kasnâ92  Who92 ( is)
deretâ93  the supporter93 
zãmchâ94  of the earth94 
adê95 nabåoschâ96 avapastôish97; and (who stops) the sky96 from falling97 down95
98 who98 
apô99  (created) waters99 
urvaråschâ100 and plants?100 
1  who1 
vâtâi2 dvãnmaibyaschâ3 ýaoget4 âsû5; bestowed4 swiftness5 in the wind2 and clouds?3 
 kasnâ6 who6 
 vanghêush7 Mazdâ8 dãmish9 Mananghô10. O ahura mazda8 is the creator9 of the good7 mind10?
tat11 That11
thwâ12 peresâ13 which I ask13 thee12 
eresh14-môi15 vaochâ16 Do thou  tell16 me15 truly14 
Ahurâ17 O Ahura Mazda!17
18  What18
hvâpåo19 architect19
raochåoschâ20 dât21 fashioned21 light20 and
temåoschâ22; darkness?22  
23 What23
hvâpå24  architect24 
khvafnemchâ25 dât26 fashioned26 sleep25 and 
zaêmâchâ27  wakefulness27?
28  Who28
ýâ29  created26 
ushåo30  morning30 
arêm-pithwâ31 noon31
khshapâcâ32; and night32?
ýåo33  Which33 (i.e. three parts of the day)
manothrîsh34 (are) the best reminders34 (a s it were)
chazdôñghvañtem35 to the religious priest35 
arethahyâ36. about (his) duty (or mission)36?
tat37 That37
thwâ38 peresâ39 which I ask39 thee38
eresh40-môi41 vaochâ42 Do thou  tell42 me41 truly40
Ahurâ43 O Ahura Mazda!43
ýâ44 fravakhshyâ45 ýezî4647 athâ48 haithyâ49, whether46 that47 which44 I say45 ( below) ( is) true49?
ashem50 shyaothanâish51 debãzaitî52 ârmaitish53 Does Armaiti53 (i e perfect mindedness) increase52 righteousness50 through ( her) deeds51?  
taibyô54 khshathrem55 Vohû56 chinas57 Mananghâ58, (What is it that) thou hast established57 Thy54 kingdom55 of good56 thought58 ( or through the good mind)?  
kaêibyô59  For whom59
azîm60 rânyô-skeretîm61 gãm62 tashô63 didst Thou fashion63 this joy- bringing61 revolving60 world62?
tat64 That64
thwâ65 peresâ66 which I ask66 thee65
eresh67-môi68 vaochâ69 Do thou  tell69 me68 truly67
Ahurâ70 O Ahura Mazda!70
71  Who71 
berekhdhãm72 tâsht73 fashioned73 the agreeable72
khshathrâ74 mat75 ârmaitîm76; Armaiti76 together with75 ( her) exalted status74?  
77 Who77 
chôret79 vyânayâ80 through his wisdom80 (or farsightedness80), made79
puthrem81  son81
pithrê82 to the father82 ?
azêm83 tâish84 (Matters)84
thwâ85 frakhshnî86 avâmî87 I wish87 to know86 from Thee85
Mazdâ88 Speñtâ89 Mainyû90 O bountiful89 Invisible90 Ahura Mazda88
vîspanãm91 dâtârem92. the Creator92 of the entire (world)!.91
tat93 That93
thwâ94 peresâ95 which I ask95 thee94
eresh96-môi97 vaochâ98 Do thou  tell98 me97 truly96
Ahurâ99 O Ahura Mazda!99
meñdaidyâi100 about those93 five100
âdishtish4  commandments4 of Thine 
  (i.e. thy five times) Prayer7 
ýâchâ5 which5
Vohû6 ukhdhâ7 frashî8 Mananghâ9  is s ought8 through good6 thought9 
ýâchâ10 and which10 

see below

anghêush12  in this world12
arêm13 vaêdyâi14 (is essential for acquiring14 happiness13 
  through righteousness11.  
 kâ15 With what15
 -mê16 urvâ17 vohû18  goodness ( or meritorious deed)18 shall my16 soul17
urvâshat19 be pleased19
âgemat2021. whereby21 ( it) may gain its wish20?
tat22 That22
thwâ23 peresâ24 which I ask24 thee23
eresh25-môi26 vaochâ27 Do thou  tell27 me26 truly25
Ahurâ28 O Ahura Mazda!28
kathâ29-  In what manner29

see below

ýãm31 ýaosh32 daênãm33 ýaozh dânê34, shall I keep pure34 ( this) Holy32 religion33 ( and its)
ýãm35 which35
hudânâush36 the wise36 
paitishe37 Lord37  like Thee 
sakhvyât38 khshathrahyâ39, of the sovereignty39 ( of the whole world)  taught38
ereshvâ40 khshathrâ41 On account of (Thy) just40 sovereignty41
  Thou dost dwell48
thwâvãs42 asîshtîsh43

see above

 Mazdâ44  O Ahura Mazda
hademôi45  in one abode only45
ashâ46  together with Asha46 ( i.e. righteousness) 
vohuchâ47 shyãs48

see above

 Mananghâ49. and Vohu-Mana47,48 ( i.e. good thought.)
tat50 That50
thwâ51 peresâ52 which I ask52 thee51 
eresh53-môi54 vaochâ55 Do thou  tell55 me54 truly53 
Ahurâ56 O Ahura Mazda!56
tãm57 about this57
daênãm58  Religion58
ýâ59  which59 ( is) 
hâtãm60 vahishtâ61 the best61 amongst all the existing (religions)60
ýâ62 and which62 
-môi63  gaêthå64 ashâ65 frâdôit66 hachêmnâ67, can prosper66 my63 property64 following67 the righteousness65
ârmatôish68 ukhdhâish69 (and which) on account of the sacred verses69 of perfect thought68
shyaothanâ70 eresh71 daidyat72 (can) make72 (our) deeds70 true76 (or virtuous) . 
makhvyåo73 chistôish74 all the desires of my73 wisdom74
thwâ75 îshtîsh76 usên77 may long for77 Thee75 only 
(or may incline77 towards Thee alone75)
Mazdâ78. O Ahura Mazda78 
  (i.e. I so wish that I may have the longing for thee only).
tat79 That79
thwâ80 peresâ81 which I ask81 thee80 
eresh82-môi83 vaochâ84 Do thou  tell84 me83 truly82 
Ahurâ85 O Ahura Mazda!85 
kathâ86  In what way86 
  têñg-â87 vîjêmyât88 ârmaitish89 will Armaiti89 ( i.e. perfect mentality) exert influence88 over those87 
ýaêibyô90  to whom90
Mazdâ91  O Ahura Mazda91 
thwôi92  thy93
vashyetê93 daênâ94; religion93 will be proclaimed93?
azêm95 tôi96 

see below

âish97 By them97 ( i.e. the listeners of the doctrine of the religion)   
  pouruyô98 fravôivîdê99; I95  have been recognized99 by Thee96 as the best98
vîspêñg100 (the remaining) all100
  anyêñg1 others1
manyêush2 spasyâ3 dvaêshanghâ4. I look upon3 with hatred4 of ( my) inner self2 ( or of my spirit).
  Explanation : The prophet Zarathushtra says that those who listen to the matters of Thy Religion expounded by me( Zarathushtra) regard me (Zarathushtra) fully worthy of such esteem. This fact, O Ahura Mazda, is clearly known to Thee.
tat5 That5
thwâ6 peresâ7 which I ask7 thee6
eresh8-môi9 vaochâ10 Do thou  tell10 me9 truly8
Ahurâ11 O Ahura Mazda!11 
12  Who12 (is)
ashavâ13 righteous13 
ýâish14 peresâi15 dregvåo16  and who12 (is) wicked16 (amongst the persons) with whom14 I confer15
17 katârêm18 â18 añgrô19 On which side of the two18 is the evil one19
20 hvô2122 añgrô23; (Which of the two) is the evil one23 (Angre Mainyu)23 himself21
ýê24 Who24 (is that33)wicked person26
  (O Ahura Mazda) (who)  blames29
- mâ25 me25

see above

thwâ27 savâ28 (and) Thy good creations28 

see above

chyanghat30 Why30
hvô31 nôit32 ayêm33 is that33 wicked person26 himself31 not32 
añgrô34 manyetê35. regarded35 as belonging to Angre Mainyu34?
tat36 That36
thwâ37 peresâ38 which I ask38 thee37
eresh39-môi40 vaochâ41 Do thou  tell39 me40 truly41
Ahurâ42 O Ahura Mazda!42
kathâ43  How43 
drujem44 nîsh45 ahmat46 â nîsh- nâshâmâ47, shall we drive away47 from us46 untruth44 ( or deceit) 
têñg-â48 avâ49 ýôi50 (and) those48 who50 are not paying attention totally to
asrushtôish51 perenåonghô52, the commandments of the religion51,52 
 nôit53 ashahyâ54 âdîvyeiñtî55 hachêmnâ56, who50 are not willing55,53 ( to be) the followers56 of righteousness54 
 nôit57 frasayâ58 vanghêush59 châkhnarê60 Mananghô61. (and)48 who50 do not57 become glad60 (who are not happy) in the furtherance58 of morality59,61?
tat62 That62
thwâ63 peresâ64 which I ask64 thee63
eresh65-môi66 vaochâ67 Do thou  tell67 me66 truly65
Ahurâ68 O Ahura Mazda!68
kathâ69  How69 
ashâi70 drujêm71 dyãm72 zastayô73  shall I deliver72 untruth71 ( or deceit)71 into the hands73 of righteousness70
74 hîm75 merãzhdyâi76 For destroying74,76 it75
thwahyâ77 mãthrâish78 through the Holy Words78  of Thy77 
sêñghahyâ79 Sacred Verses79 
  êmavaitîm80 sinãm81 dâvôi82 for causing82 heavy80 destruction81 (amongst wicked persons),
 dregvasû83 â-îsh84

see below

dvafshêñg85 Mazdâ86  and O Ahura Mazda86, for not allowing them to propagate intrigues85
anâshê87 ãstãschâ88. and frauds88 amongst them84 .
tat89 That89
thwâ90 peresâ91 which I ask91 thee90 
eresh92-môi93 vaochâ94 Do thou  tell94 me93 truly92 
Ahurâ95 O Ahura Mazda!95 
khshayehî1 ýezî96 ahyâ97 ashâ98   Thou rulest1 together with righteousness98 in this ( world)97
pôi99 mat100  as the protector99 ( of all).
   O Ahura Mazda95
hyat2 hêm3 spâdâ4 anaochanghâ5 jamaêtê6 When2 two armies4 will meet together3,6 with hatred5
avâish7 then7 in accordance with the7
urvâtâish8 ýâ9-tû10 laws8 which9 thou10 
 Mazdâ11 dîderezhô12; hast laid down12, O Ahura Mazda11
kuthrâ13 ayåo14 kahmâi15 to which ( army)15 of these two14 ( and) in what way13
vananãm16 dadå17. wilt thou grant17 victory16
   Explanation : Probably this verse alludes to a religious war
tat18 That18
thwâ19 peresâ20 which I ask20 thee19
eresh21-môi22 vaochâ23 Do thou  tell23 me22 truly21 
Ahurâ24 O Ahura Mazda!24 
Ke26 verethrem27 - Jã28 Who26 (shall be) the smiter28 of the foe27
thwã29 põi30 senghã31  yõi32   henti33 by the help of Thy29 (Avestan) words31 which32 (by reciting at the time of calamity) are33 protecting?30
= i.e. this thought viz. there is no other protector except Thee.

chithrã34 mõi35  

dãm36 ahumbish37



Do Thou reveal39 clearly34 unto me35 a wise 36 leader (soul-haling)38= for both the worlds37* (O Hormazd).
* i.e. in order to get reward in this life and in the next.
at40 hõi41 vohu42 seraoshõ43 jantu44 mananghã,45 Let Sraosha43 (Yazata) approach44 with Good42 Mind45 (or through Vohu Manah)
Mazdã46 ahmãi47 yahmãi48 vashi49 kahmãi-chit.50  to any one47 whom48 Thou doest love49.# 
# i.e. one who points out the path of virtue, the expounder of religious tenets
tat50 That50
thwâ51 peresâ52 which I ask52 thee51 
eresh53-môi54 vaochâ55 Do thou  tell55 me54 truly53 
Ahurâ56 O Ahura Mazda!56
kathâ57 How57 
Mazdâ58  O Ahura Mazda!58
zarem59 charânî60  shall I draw60 ( towards me) attraction of  love59 
hachâ61  from Thee61 
âsketîm63 khshmâkãm64 (and how57 shall I attain60) to Thy64 consummation63
hyatchâ65 môi66 khvyât67 vâkhsh68 aêshô69, so that65 my66 voice68 may have the desired effect69.
sarôi70 bûzhdyâi71 I may obtain71 in ( my) chieftainship70 
Haurvâtâ72 Haurvatat72 (i.e. happiness of this world) 
Ameretâtâ73, and Ameretat73 (i.e. immortality in the world beyond)
avâ74  through this74 
mãthrâ75  manthra75 
ýê76  which76
râthemô77  is the best wealth77
ashât78 hachâ79. on account of79 its righteousness78.
  Explanation :  Holy Zarathushtra says that O Ahura Mazda I may pass my life in accordance with the commitment written in Thy Language of the Manthra so that I may attain to the happiness of the world and the abode of Heaven - Paradise in the spiritual world after death.
tat80 That80
thwâ81 peresâ82 which I ask81 thee82
eresh83-môi84 vaochâ85 Do thou  tell83 me84 truly85 
Ahurâ86 O Ahura Mazda!86
 kathâ87  How87 

see below

tat89 mîzhdem90 hanânî91 shall I be worthy of that89 prize90 
dasâ92  ten92 
aspåo93 arshnavaitîsh94 pregnant94 mares93 
ushtremchâ95  and a camel95
  through righteousness88
hyat96 about which96 
 môi97 Mazdâ98 apivaitî99 O Ahura Mazda98 is known99 to me97 
haurvâtâ100 through  Haurvatat100 (Khordad)100
ameretâtâ1 and Ameretat1 (Amerdad)1
  ýathâ23 taêibyô4 dåonghâ5. so that (i.e. if I get that prize) I may dedicate both the prizes to thee 
(i.e. in thy name or in thy memory I may give as a present  to the pious man.) 
tat6 That6
thwâ7 peresâ8 which I ask8 thee7
eresh9-môi10 vaochâ11 Do thou  tell9 me10 truly11
Ahurâ12 O Ahura Mazda!12
ýastat13 Any one who13
mîzhdem14 haneñtê15 nôit16 dâitî17 does not16 give17 that prize14 to the deserving (man)15 
ýê18-ît19 ahmâi20 erezhukhdhâi2122 dâitê23, and any one who18 does not22 grant23 that19 (prize) (even)  into the truthful) man21
 kâ24-têm25 ahyâ26 mainish27  what24 will be26 his punishment27
 anghat28 pouruyê29; first29  (i.e. in this worldly life)28
 vîdvå30 (Because) I am aware of30
 avãm31 that31 ( punishment) 
 ýâ32 which32 
 -îm33 anghat34 will take place34 certainly33
apêmâ35. at last35 ( i.e. in the world beyond.)

see below

 Mazdâ36 O Ahura Mazda36
hukhshathrâ37  possessed of good dominion37
daêvâ38 ångharê39; of what sort35 are the daevas38 considered39
at40 ît41  I ask41 ( thee) about this40
 peresâ42, ýôi43
pishyeiñtî44  (viz.) ( because they) fight44
aêibyô45 against this45 (deserving and truthful man referred to in the above stanza) 
ýâish47 and on account of whom47 (i.e. on account of the power of the daevas) 
karapâ49 (wicked persons called by the names) the Karapans49
usikhshchâ50 and the Usikhsh50 
 aêshemâi51 dâtâ52 have delivered over52 even this earth48 into evil51,
ýâchâ53  and on account of whom53 
kavâ54  Kavi54 
ãnmênî55 urûdôyatâ56  has grown58 in the strength55.
nôit57 hîm58 mîzên59 ashâ60 vâstrem61 frâdainghê62! In order to increase62 the field61 through righteousness60 ( the Daevas) do not57 keep this (earth)58 fresh and ever green59
ushtâ5 ahmâi6 May prosperity5 (or happiness) ( be) unto that (person) 
ýahmâi7 ushtâ8 kahmâichît9 through whom7 happiness8 ( may reach) others9.
vasê-khshayãs10 Mazdåo11 dâyât12 Ahurô13 May Ahura11 Mazda,13  ruling- at- will10, grant12
utayûitî14 tevîshîm15 health14 and vigour15 ( to the above mentioned benevolent man).
gat16 tôi17 vasemî18 ashem19 deredyâi20 In order to hold fast20 to Truth19 (O Ahura Mazda!) I verily16 ask of18 Thee17
tat21 môi22 dåo23 ârmaitê24 that21 ( health and vigour). Owing to Armaiti24 ( O Ahura Mazda!) do thou grant23 me22 
 râyô25   wealth25 
ashîsh26 good blessings26
vanghêush27gaêm28 mananghô29 and the life28 of good27 mind29.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ashem vohû ... (3).
 tat-thwâ-peresãm1 hâitîm2 ýazamaide3 We revere3 the ha2 chapter called Ta-thwa-Peresa3.
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27. 


Chapter 10 - Yasna 45

Holy prophet tells his listeners in a sermon thus 
at1 fravakhshyâ23 gûshôdûm45 sraotâ6 ýaêchâ7 Now3 give ye ear4 and now5 listen attentively6 that which I speak2 openly;
asnât8 ýaêchâ9 dûrât10 you who7 are ( coming) from far10 and near8 
ishathâ11, desire11 ( to learn religious matters from me).
12 îm13 vîspâ14 chithrê1516 mazdånghô-dûm17, Indeed16 bear in mind17 properly15 this time12 all14 these13 ( subject matters of mine)
nôit18 daibitîm19 dush-sastish20 ahûm21 merãshyât22; (so that) a false religious teacher20 may not18 destroy22 ( your) life21 ( a second time) in future
akâ23 varanâ24 dregvåo25 hizvå26 âveretô27. The wicked man25 through ( his)23 evil doctrine24 ( and) speech26 goes astray27
  O members of the assembly!
at28 fravakhshyâ29 I will declare29 ( unto you)
anghêush30 mainyû31 about the Twin Spirits31 of the world30
 pouruyê32, first of all32,
ýayåo33 spanyåo34 ûitî35 mravat36 ýêm37 añgrem38 of whom33 the most bountiful34 (spirit) spoke to the harmful36 (or destructive) (spirit)38 thus35
nôit3940 manåo41, Neither39 our40 thoughts41 
nôit42 sêñghâ43, nor42 our40 teachings43 
nôit44 khratavô45 or senses45 (or understandings)45 
naêdâ46 varanâ47 nor our manners47 (or doctrines)47 
nôit48 ukhdhâ49 nor words49 
naêdâ50 shyaothanâ51, nor deeds51
nôit52 daênå53  nor our consciences53 
nôit54 urvãnô55 nor souls55 
hacaiñtê56 conform or accord with each other.56
at57 fravakhshyâ58 anghêush59 ahyâ60 pourvîm61, I will expound58 (to you) the foremost61 ( knowledge) of this60 life59 ( or of this60 world59)
ýã62 môi63 vîdvåo64 Mazdåo65 vaochat66 Ahurô67, which62 the Omniscient64 Ahura67 Mazda65 has said66 to me63 ( through me).  
ýôi68 îm6970 nôit71 (That is this) If ( those) amongst70 you who68 will not71
 ithâ72 mãthrem73 varesheñtî74, put into practice74 this Holy Word73
ýathâ75 îm76 mênâichâ77 vaocha-châ78    as75 I think77 and ( as now) expound78 it76
aêibyô79 anghêush80 avôi81 anghat82 apêmem83 (then) their79 life80 will end83 in destruction81 ( or calamity)81
at84 fravakhshyâ85 I will expound85 (to you) the best88
anghêush86 ahyâ87 vahishtem88 ashât89 hachâ90

see below

Mazdâo91 (viz. about Him Ahura Mazda91)
vaêdâ92 ýê93 îm94 dât95  who is all-knowing92 ( and) who93 has given95 ( me) this ( religion and holy spell) 
patarêm96 Vanghêush97 varezayañtô98 Mananghô99 (who is) the diligent98 ( or active)98 Father96 of good97 thought99
  in this world86 on account of90 righteousness89 
 at100 hôi1 dugedâ2 hushyaothanâ3 ârmaitish4 and whose1 daughter2 Armaiti4 is well working3
 nôit5 divzhaidyâi6 vîspâ-hishas7 Ahurô8 Ahura Mazda8 who is the All-Seeing7 is never5 deceived by anyone6.
At9 fravakhshyâ10  I will expound10
hyat11 môi12 mraot13 Speñtôtemô14, vachê15  the sacred verse15 (of the religion) (to you) which11 the most bountiful14  (i.e. Ahura Mazda) said13 to me12 
srûidyâi16  hyat17 maretaêibyô18 vahishtem19; (and) which17 ( is) most  beneficial19 for men18 to hear16
ýôi20 môi21 ahmâi22 Seraoshem23 dãn24 chayaschâ25; those who20 will give24 obedience23 and attention25 to me21
upâ-jimen26 Haurvâtâ27 Ameretâtâ28; will acquire26 health27 and immortality28  
Vanghêush29 manyêush30 shyaothanâish31 (Moreover) through the deeds31 of good29 thought30 (i.e. through virtuous deeds)
Mazdåo32 Ahurô33. (to such persons) the creator Ahura33 Mazda32 ( will appear or will be near).
at33 fravakhshyâ34 I will explain34
vîspanãm35 mazishtem36 about the greatest36 of all35   (God) to you ;
 stavas37 ashâ38 (Also) I sing hymns in His praise through righteousness38.
ýê39 hudå40 ýôi41 heñtî42 who39 (Himself) is very wise40 ( and) who41 (i.e. his Ameshaspands) are42 ( also full of wisdom).
speñtâ43 mainyû44 Through (His) Bountiful43 Spirit44 
sraotû45 Mazdåo46 Ahurô46 Ahura47 Mazda46 will hear45 (my prayer).
ýehyâ47 vahmê48 Whose47 worship48
 vohû49 frashî50 mananghâ51 is performed50 through good49 thought51
ahyâ53 khratû53 frô-mâ54 sâstû55 vahishtâ56 Through his own52 best56 wisdom55 He will teach55 me54 
ýehyâ57 savâ58 ishåñtî59

see below

râdanghô60 The charitable ones60
ýôi61-zî62 jvâ63  who61 ( are) living63,
åongharechâ64 who61 have been64
bvañtichâ65 and who61 will be hereafter65 
   verily62 desire59 benefits58 from Him57 (i.e. form Ahura Mazda) (i.e. aspire to get benefits). 
ameretâitî66 ashâunô67 urvâ68 aêshô69 The soul68 of the righteous ( man)67 ( is) aspiring69 for immortality66  (i.e. for the happiness of heaven);
utayûtâ70 ýâ71 nerãsh72 sâdrâ73 dregvatô74; To sinful72 persons74 tribulations73 are severe70
tâchâ75 khshathrâ76 Mazdåo77 dãmish78 Ahurô79 and the Creator78 Ahura79 Mazda77 ( has established) these laws75 ( through his) Power76.
têm8081 staotâish82 nemanghô83 â vîvareshô84; We wish84 to praise Him80 ( Ahura Mazda) with hymns82 of adoration83
  we wish84 to praise Him80 because we are indeed86 aware93 of ( the matters of religion)94.
 nû85-zît86 chashmainî87 vyâdaresem88, I now85 clearly see88 within ( my) eye87 ( that)
vanghêush89 manyêush90 shyaothanahyâ91 ukhdhakhvyâchâ92 Omniscient96 Lord97 (i.e. Ahura Mazda) of good thought90, word92 and deed91
vîdush93 ashâ94 ýêm95 

see above

Mazdãm96 Ahurem;97
at98 hôi99 vahmêñg100 demânê1 garô2 nidâmâ3. We will3 offer His99 praise100 (or songs) (not only in this world but) in the Garothman2 Heaven1 (too).
têm45 vohû6 mat7 Mananghâ8 chikhshnushô9, Together with7 good6 thought8 we wish5 to propitiate Him4 (i.e. Ahura Mazda)
ýê10-nê11 usên12 choret13 spênchâ14 aspênchâ15  who10 wishing good for us11,12 has created13 weal14 and woe15.
Mazdå16 khshathrâ17 verezi18 nåo19 dyât20 Ahurô21

see below

 pasûsh22 vîrêñg23 ahmâkêñg24 fradathâi25 In order to make our24 men23 and cattle22 prosperous25
    Ahura21 Mazda16 through (His) sovereign power17 will bestow20 upon us19 ( the required) strength18

â26 vanghêush27 ashâ28 haozãthwât29 â30 Mananghô31

on account of good wisdom29 in (our) good27 mind31 and on account of righteousness38.
têm3233 ýasnâish34 ârmatôish35 Through humble35 worship34  (or Through the worship34 of humility35)  we wish33 to offer prayers to Him32
mimakhzhô36 ýê37 ãnmênî38 Mazdå39 srâvî40 Ahurô41; who37 in his inscrutable strength38 is known40 as omniscient39 and the bestower of life 
hyat42 hôi43 ashâ44 vohuchâ45 chôisht46 Mananghâ47   and who37 through righteousness44 and good45 thought47 has decreed46
khshathrôi48 hôi49 Haurvâtâ50 Ameretâtâ51 weal50 and immortality51 for him43 (i.e. for the virtuous person) in His Dominion48
ahmâi52 stôi53 dãn54 tevîshî55 utayûitî56. Moreover Ahura Mazda bestows54 upon him52 (i.e. upon the virtuous person) ever53 strength55 and might56.


ýastâ57 daêvêñg58 aparô59 mashyãschâ60 tarê-mãstâ61 ýôi62 îm63 tarê-manyañtâ64 Whoso57 hates61 those daevas58 and mean59 persons60 who despise64  ( Ahura Mazda); (or regard Ahura Mazda as mean)

see below

ahmât66 ýê67 hôi68 arêm69 manyâtâ69 saoshyañtô70 dêñg71 patôish72 speñtâ73 daênâ74  (and) who- so57 sees Him68 (i.e. Ahura Mazda)  ( and) the wise71 Saoshyants70 through the holy73 ( or bountiful) religion74 of the Lord72.with reverence69 
urvathô75 barâtâ76 patâ7778 Mazdâ79 Ahurâ79! Thou art, O Ahura79 Mazda79, the friend75 helper76 or78 father77 of ( that) man68.


From such a person (the daevas and mean persons) (are) quite different65 (i.e. of quite against the doctrines)
ushtâ ahmâi ýahmâi ushtâ kahmâicît vasê-xshayãs mazdå dâyât ahurô utayûitî tevîshîm gat tôi vasemî ashem deredyâi tat môi då ârmaitê râyô ashîsh vanghêush gaêm mananghô (2).
ashem vohû ... (3). 
at-fravakhshyãm1 hâitîm2 ýazamaide3. We revere3 the chapter2 called At-Fravakhshya1.
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27. 

Chapter 11 - Yasna 46

  Prophet Zarathushtra speaks
  Having been deserted7,10 by my relatives8 and followers9 .
kâm1 nemôi2 zãm3, To what1 land3 shall I2 turn?
kuthrâ4 nemôi5 ayenî6, Whither4 shall I go6?
pairî7 k hvaêtêush8 airyamanaschâ9 dadaitî10;

see above

nôit11 Neither11
12 khshnâush13

see below

ýâ14 verezênâ15  the workers15 

see below

naêdâ17 nor17
dakhvyêush18 ýôi19 sâstârô20 dregvañtô21   the sinful21 ( or cruel)21 tyrants20 of the country18
  nor any one else16
  please13 me12
kathâ22 thwâ23 Mazdâ24 khshnaoshâi25  (having been in such a state) how22 shall I propitiate25 The e23,
Ahurâ26. O Ahura26 Mazda24
vaêdâ27 I knew27 
tat28  this28 ( fact)
ýâ29  so that29
ahmî30  Mazdâ31 O Ahura Mazda, I am30
anaêshô32; disappointed
33 I33 have
kamnafshvâ34 small possessions34
 hyatchâ35 along with if  also35
kamnânâ36 ahmî37, I am37 with a small following36.
 gerezôi38 therefore O lord I with humility appeal38 
 tôi39 to Thee39 thus:
 â-ît40 avaênâ41 do thou have a look41 
Ahurâ42, O Ahura Mazda!42
rafedhrêm43 chagvåo44 hyat45  at this ( condition of mine)45 and I beg44 ( of thee) consolation43 
fryô46 fryâi47 daidît48; just as a friend46 can give48 to another friend47 
âkhsô49 Do thou teach49 ( me)
vanghêush50 ashâ51 îshtîm52 Mananghô53.  through righteousness51 about the wealth52 of the good mind51.
kadâ54  When54
Mazdâ55  O Ahura Mazda!55 
  best wisdom51 of the Saoshyants65
ýôi56  which56 ( is) 
ukhshânô57 light- bringing57 
asnãm58, of the days58 (resurrection65
verezdâish63 sêñghâish64 (with56) effective 63 spiritual utterance64
anghêush59 darethrâi60 frô ashahyâ61 frâreñtê62, will come forth62 for the prosperity60 of the world of righteousness61.
saoshyañtãm65 khratavô66;

see above

  On account of (possessing) the good69 mind71
kaêibyô67   unto whom67
ûthâi68 vohû69 jimat70 will he come up70 for help68. (i.e. unto whom will he give help)

see above

maibyô72 thwâ73  I choose55 Thee73
sãstrâi74 verenê75  as my72 teacher74.
Ahurâ76. O Ahura Mazda76
at77 têñg78 dregvå79 ýêñg80  A sinful79 person91,
ashahyâ81 vazhdrêñg82 pât83,  prevents83 the supporters82 of righteousness81 
gåo84  and the cattle84

see below

shôithrahyâ86 of the province86 
87 as well as87 
dakhvyêush88  vâ89 of the land88 
  from movements85.
duzhazôbå90 hãs91 This  man of evil strength90
 k hvâish92 shyaothanâish93 ahêmustô94 destroys t he life94 through his92 wicked deeds93
ýastêm95 khshathrât96 

see below

Mazdâ97 O Ahura Mazda!92, whoso95 
môithat98 overthrows98 
  such a ( wicked person95) from ( his) power96 
jyâtêush99100, or100 from life99 
hvô1 that man1 
têñg2 frô3-gåo4

see below

  will7 open widely
 pathmêñg5  the paths5 
  to them2 (i.e.) to the cattle4
huchistôish6 charât7. and of good wisdom6
  not explained by Ervad Kavasji Edalji Kanga
  "explained at end of book"
ýê89 khshayãs10 Whoso8 (may be) possessed of desirable power10
adãs11 or possessed of immense spiritual wisdom11
drîtâ12 ayañtem13

see below

 urvâtôish1415 huzêñtush16   together with good knowledge16 of inner laws of nature14 or15
 mithrôibyô1718 rashnâ19 jvãs20 ýê21 the liver of life20 with righteous thoughts17 through Rashna19 the just19 or18 
ashavâ22   the holy22
dregvañtem23 vîchirô24 the discriminator24 of what is right and wrong21
 hãs25 tat26 frô27 he25 should promulgate27,29 that spiritual knowledge26
 khvaêtavê28 mruyât29 for the sake of the law of "Khaetva28"
(i.e. the law of attracting within itself the particles of the soul itself)
uzûithyôi30 for granting continuous higher state30
 îm31 to that31 wicked23
  person falling13 into destruction12
Mazdâ32 O Ahura34 Mazda32
  {he25 (i.e. man of wisdom,) should promulgate27,29 that spiritual knowledge26 to the wicked23}
 khrûnyât33 Ahurâ34. (to save him) from the destruction of the soul33
  Darmesteter explains the significance of the stanza as under:
    "Powerful persons should never help wicked men ie should not allow grace or mercy of any kind to them. the righteous and virtuous should be regarded as their own relatives. Any one who helps the wicked man should be considered as wicked and any one who helps a righteous virtuous  man should be regarded as righteous".
at35 ýastêm36 nôit3738 The man38 who36 inspite of being 
  isemnô39 powerful39 ( referred to in stanza three) 
âyât40, does not37 go40 near him36 ( in order to punish a wicked person) 
drûjô41 hvô42 dâmãn43 haithyâ44 gât45; is himself42 truly44 considered45 as the creation43 of the Druj41
hvô4647 because47 he himself46
dregvåo48 (is) wicked48
ýê49  who49
dregvâitê50 vahishtô51, (is) best51 for the wicked (man)50.
hvô52 (Quite contrary to this)  he himself52
ashavâ53 is righteous53
ýahmâi54 to whom54
ashavâ55  the righteous55 ( man)
fryô56 is beloved56.
hyat57   In this way57
daênåo58 the laws of the Religion58,
paouruyåo59  first of all59
dåo60 Thou hast fixed60
Ahurâ61. O Ahura Mazda! 
Kem1-nã 2  



What1 man2, O Mazdã3,
= For Hormazd the expression Ahura Mazda is generally found in the Avesta, but in some places, especially in the Gãthãs the words Ahura or Mazda only for Hormazd is noticed




(who other than12 Thee13 )

shall grant6 protection5 unto me 

and unto my followers4?

hyat7  8



when7 , at me8

any wicked man9 glares10  for 

taking revenge11 (or for injuring me11)?

anyem12   Who can it be other  than12  
thwahmãt13 ãthraschã14           mananghaschã,15 thy13  Fire14 and thy Good-Mind15 ?
(i.e. household happiness and the peace of mind)



Through the action #17 of these two16

ashem18 thraoshtã19  


, O9 Hormazd20! righteousness18 increases19.
action #17 ---i.e. by the acts which lead to family happiness and to peace of mind
tãm21 mõi22 dãstvãm23 daenayãi24 frãvaochã25.  Do Thou declare25 that21 knowledge@ 23 of the religion24 to me22  (O Hormazd!). (that I may spread their faith)

@ i.e. on whom Thou art friendly 

or kind.

ýê87 Whoso87 
88 môi89 ýå90 gaêthå91 dazdê92 aênanghê93, intends to harm92,93 my89 settlements91,
nôit94 ahyâ9596 âthrish97 his flame of wrath97 shall not94 harm99 me96 
shyaothanâish98  through ( his wicked) deeds98
frôsyât99; paityaoget100 (but) retribution100 ( of that person)
1 ahmâi2 jasôit3   shall reach3 him2
dvaêshanghâ4, with hatred4 ( and retribution)
   will hinder10 
 tanvêm5 â6   his body5
 ýâ7 îm8 hujyâtôish9  from happiness9,

see above

nôit11  not11
duzhjyâtôish12 with anguish12
kâchît13 even any13 ( or such retribution) 
Mazdâ14 O Ahura Mazda14
dvaêshanghâ15.  ( will come) with repentance15.
  Ervad Kavasji Edalji Kanga says " I do not understand the meaning of this verse"
  translation from the end of the book
16 hvô17 ýê18-mâ19 aredrô20 chôithat21 pouruyô22 Who16 is he17 who18 regarded21 me19 advanced22 and devoted21?
ýathâ23 thwâ24 zevîshtîm25 uzemôhî26  Just as23 we regarded with loftiness26 Thee24
shyaothanôi27 in the matter of Spiritual Progress27
speñtem28 Ahurem29 ashavanem30 as beloved25, bountiful28, Holy30 Ahura29 
 ýâ31-tôi32 ashâ33 In the same way31 through Thy32 Asha33 and42 Vohu Manangha44
ýâ34 ashâi35 gêush36 tashâ37 mraot38  

see bottom

isheñtî394041 I may be able40 to accomplish higher inspiration39 of those (laws)41
  which Geush36 - Tashan37 (the modeler of Gava) communicated38 to Asha35
tôi42 Vohû43 Mananghâ44

see above

  The translation is from Dr Hang.
     . "Who is that man , who whilst supporting me made me first acquainted me with thee as the most venerable being as the most beneficent righteous lord  The true sayings revealed by the maker of the earth come to me by means of thy good mind."
ýê45 Whoso45

46 môi47 

48 genâ4950

Mazdâ51 Ahurâ52 dâyât53

O Ahura Mazda!51,52  

man48 or50 woman49,

may give53 me47 

anghêush54 ýâ55- tû56 vôistâ57 vahishtâ58, the best58 (gift) of ( this) life54 which55 Thou, indeed56, hast known57 ( and)
ashîm59  (who so45 may rule over53) righteousness59 
ashâi60  for the sake of righteousness60 
Vohû61 khshathrem62 Mananghâ63, (and may exercise53) (his) sovereignty62 through good61 mind63
ýãschâ64 hakhshâi65 I will point out the path65 to them64
khshmâvatãm66 vahmâi67 â68, towards68 Thy66 worship67 ( or praise)
frô69 -tâish70 (and) I will make them69 all70
vîspâish71 chinvatô72 cross72 the Chinvat71
frafrâ73 peretûm74. Bridge73.
  Prophet Zarathushtra says " I will bring to heaven by causing to cross the Chinvat Bridge doers of virtuous deeds, followers of the law of righteousness and those persons who do not rule over their dominion arbitrarily.  About this for further details see Yasht Ba Mani, second Fragard of Hadokht Nask

see below

ýûjên75 Karapanô76 Kâvayaschâ77 The Karapans76 and the Kavis77 intend75 ,
akâish78  by means of wicked78 
shyaothanâish79 deeds79 
  and power74
ahûm80 mereñgeidyâi81 to destroy81 life80
 mashîm82, of humanity82
 ýêñg83  Whom83  ( for doing thus)
k hvê84 their own84
urvâ85  souls85 
khvaêchâ86 and their own86
khraodat87 daênâ88, conscience88 hardened87 ( or incited)87.
 hyat89 They89 (i.e. Karapans76 and Kavis77
aibî-gemen90 go90
ýathrâ91 there91
Chinvatô92 where the Chinvat92
peretush93, Bridge93 ( is),
ýavôi94 vîspâi95 but95
drûjô96 demânâi96 astayô97.  their dwelling98 ( is) for ever94 in the abode97 of the druj96 (i.e. in hell)
hyat99 But99
us100  with majesty100
ashâ1 owing to Asha1.  
naptyaêshû2  the descendant2  
nafshuchâ3  and dynasty3 
Tûrahyâ4  of the Tauranian4 Fruyana6 
uzjên5 Fryânahyâ6 some are at present born5
aojyaêshû7, (who are) powerful7 , and

ârmatôish8 gaêthåo

frâdô10 thwakhshanghâ11;

(who) by their dexterity11 prosper10

 the settlements9 of Armaiti8 ( piety)

  (The Creator) Ahura Mazda20,22
at12 îsh13 Vohû14 hêm15 aibî-môist16 Mananghâ17; gets merged15,16 through Good14 Mind17
aêibyô18 with them18 
  rafedhrâi19 Mazdåo20 (and) for ( their) happiness19 ( the Creator) Ahura Mazda20,22
 sastê21 Ahurô22. points out the right path21 to them18,
ýê23 Who so23 
  amongst men5 shall please28
spitâmem24 zarathushtrem25 Spitama24 Zarathushtra25
râdanghâ26  with the gift of affection26 ( or with happiness)26
maretaêshû27 khshnâush28

see above

hvô29 30 that man himself29 
ferasrûidyâi31 eredhwô32 (is)  worthy32 of proclaiming31 ( the commandments of the religion).
at33 hôi34  To that ( man)34 
 Mazdåo35 Ahura Mazda35,38
ahûm36 dadât37 Ahurô38  will grant37 heaven36
ahmâi39 gaêthåo40

see below

Vohû41 frâdat42 Mananghâ43 (and) on account of good41 thought43 shall render prosperous42 
  his39 (family and) cattle40
têm4445 That (man)44
ashâ46 O Asha46 (Righteousness)!
mêhmaidî47  we regard47 (as) thy45 
hush-hakhâim48. true friend48.
zarathushtrâ49 O Zarathushtra
kastê50 who ( is) Thy50
ashavâ51  true51
urvathô52 friend52?
Mazôi53  for this great53 
magâi;54 mission54 
5556  or56 who55 
ferasrûidyâi57 vashtî58 wishes58 to proclaim ( or to make known amongst the populace) ( the commandments of the religion).
  Prophet Zarathushtra replies :
at59 hvô60 Kavâ61 Vîshtâspô62 ýâhî63.  "Indeed59 brave63 Kay61-Vishtasp62 himself60." 
  I invoke70
Yêñgstû64 Mazdâ65 them65 whom64 Thou64 O Ahura Mazda65,68
hademôi66 minash67 Ahurâ68, têñg69 hast regarded67 worthy ( of sitting) in the ( heavenly) assembly67.

see above 

vanghêush71 ukhdhâish72 Mananghô73.  through the sacred verses72 of ( my) good71 thought73
haêchat-aspâ74  O scions of Haechat-Aspa74 
vakhshyâ7576 Spitamånghô77 of the family of Spitama77 ( now) unto you76  I will declare75
  (the commandments of the religion) 
hyat78 because78
dâthêñg79 vîchayathâ80 adâthãschâ81 you discriminate80 (or recognize) right79 and wrong81
tâish82 ýûsh83 shyaothanâish84 Through these deed84 (of yours) you83 
ashem85 khshmaibyâ86 daduyê87 have decided87 righteousness85 for yourselves86.
ýâish88 dâtâish89 paouruyâish90 in accordance with88 the primeval90 law89 
Ahurahyâ91 of Ahura Mazda91 
ferashaoshtrâ92 O Frashoashtra92 of the family of Hvova!97
athrâ93-tû94 aredrâish95 idî96 hvôgvâ97 tâish98   go96 thou94 thither93 together with98 these helpers95
ýêñg99  whom99 
usvahî100  we both have chosen100 
 ushtâ1-stôi1; for the benefit of the world.
ýathrâ2 ashâ3 hachaitê4 ârmaitish5  Where2 perfect mindedness5 follows4 righteousness3
ýathrâ6 Vanghêush7 Mananghô8 îshtâ9 khshathrem10, Where6 the desirable9 sovereignty10 of the good7 thought8 (reigns)
ýathrâ11 Mazdåo12 varedemãm13 shaêitî14 Ahurô15. Where11 Ahura Mazda12,15 dwells14 in his own honored abode13
  O wise Jamasp22 of the family of Hvo-gva23 
ýathrâ1617 afshmânî18 sêñghânî19 I will praise19 you17 in poetic cadence18 too16,
nôit20 anafshmãm21  -  not20 in ordinary language21
dêjâmâspâ22 hvô-gvâ23;

see above

hadâ24 vêstâ25  with the known25 
vahmêñg26 seraoshâ27  obedience27 ever24 ( dedicates) venerable26 
râdanghô28 offerings28 ( unto Ahura Mazda)

see above

vîchinaot30 dâthemchâ31   and can discriminate between31 right and wrong32 ( i.e. true and false)
 adâthemchâ32 dañgrâ33 mañtû34 ashâ35 Mazdåo36 Ahurô37.  ( upon that person) Ahura Mazda36 will maintain34 affection " by means of his Omniscient righteousness".
ýê37  Whoso37
maibyâ38 ýaosh39   ( is the source of) delight39 to me38,
ahmâi40 aschît41 vahishtâ42, best42 ( gift) will be accrued41 to him40
 makhvyåo43 ishtôish44 

see below

vohû45 chôishem46 mananghâ47; and with good45 thought47 I may give46 ( him)
  (a share) of my43 possession44.
ãstêñg48  But calamity48 
ahmâi49  (will befall) him49 
ýê50  who50
nåo51ãstâi52 daidîtâ53  will inflict53 pain52 upon us51.
Mazdâ54  O Ahura Mazda!54
ashâ55 through righteousness55
khshmâkem56 vârem57 khshnaoshemnô,58 I wish to satisfy58 Thy wish57,
tat59  This ( is)39
môi60 khratêush61 the only decision63 of my60 
vîchithem63. mind62 and 
 mananghaschâ62  wisdom61 
ýê64-môi65 Who so54
ashât66 haithîm67

see below

hachâ68 vareshaitî69 shall manifestly67 (or truly) accomplish69 
Zarathushtrâi70, for me65 Zarathushtra70,
  through righteousness66,68
hyat71 vasnâ72  ferashôtemem73, (and) sincere71 wish72,
ahmâi74 to that ( man74),
mîzhdem75 haneñtê76 they will consider deserving76 of the reward75
parâhûm77,  in the world to come77 
  and on82 ( this) revolving83 earth82
manê78-vistâish79 mat80 vîspâish81  together with80 wealth79 comprising entire81 honours78 
gâvâ82 azî83;

see above

tâchît84 This84 ( fact),
môi85 sãs86 tvêm87 Thou87 didst teach86 me85.
Mazdâ88 vaêdishtô89! O Omniscient89 Ahura Mazda!88
  Explanation : Prophet Zarathushtra tells his disciples thus : "whoso will help me with his sincere heart in my Prophetic mission enthusiastically, his honour and fame will be enhanced after death and deserving reward will be granted to him in the world beyond."
ushtâ5 ahmâi6 May prosperity5 ( or happiness) ( be) unto that ( person) 
ýahmâi7 ushtâ8 kahmâichît9 through whom7 happiness8 ( may reach) others9.
vasê-khshayãs10 Mazdåo11 dâyât12 Ahurô13 May Ahura11 Mazda,13 ruling- at- will10, grant12
utayûitî14 tevîshîm15  health14 and vigour15 ( to the above mentioned benevolent man).
gat16 tôi17 vasemî18 ashem19 deredyâi20 In order to hold fast20 to Truth19 (O Ahura Mazda!) I verily16 ask of18 Thee17
tat21 môi22 dåo23 ârmaitê24  that21 ( health and vigour). Owing to Armaiti24 ( O Ahura Mazda!) do thou grant23 me22 
 râyô25   wealth25 
ashîsh26 good blessings26
vanghêush27gaêm28 mananghô29 and the life28 of good27 mind29.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ashem vohû ... (3).
kamnamaêzãm1  hâitîm2 ýazamaide3. We revere3 the ha2 called Kamnemoizam1
ushtavaitîm4 gâthãm5 ashaonîm6 ashahe7 ratûm8 ýazamaide9, We revere9 the Holy6 Ushtavad4 Gatha5 who (are) the Lords8 of Holiness7 
ushtavaityåo10 gâthayåo11 hañdâtâ12 ýazamaide13. We revere13 the prayer-Hymn12 of Ushtavad10 Gatha11
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27. 
(To be recited in Baz) Ahurmazda Khodae, awazune mardum, mardum sardagan hama sardagan hambayaste vehan, oem behedin Mazdayasnan neki rasanad; aedun bad     (to be recited loudly)
Yasnemcha1 vahmemcha2 aojascha3 zaverecha4 afrinami5, I praise5 the worship1 glory2 strength3 an vigour4 (of all those)
Ahurahe6 Mazdao6 raevato7 khvarenanguhato8, of Ahura Mazda6 (the creator)  wealth bestowing7 (and) glorious8
Ameshanam9 Spentanam9,   of the amesha9 spentas9 ( bountiful Immortals)
Gathabyo10 spentabyo11 ratu-khshathrabyo12 ashaonibyo13, amongst  the bountiful11 gatha10 ( which are) the lords of truth12 ( and) holy13 
Ahunavaityao14 Gathayao15, of ahunavad14 gatha15
Ushtavaityao16 Gathayao17, of ushtavad16 gatha17 
Spenta18 Mainyeush18 Gathayao19, of spentomad18 gatha19
 Vohu-kshathrayao20 Gathayao21, of vohu-kshthtra20 gatha21  
Vahishtoishtoish22 Gathayao23, of vahishtosht22 gatha23
ashaunam24 Fravashinam25 ughranam26 and of the powerful26 and triumphant27 fravashis25
aiwithuranam27. of the righteous men27
Paoiryo-tkaeshanam28 Fravashinam29 of the fravashis29 of poryotkaeshas28 
naha30 nazdishtanam30 Fravashinam31 and of the fravashis31 of nabanazdishta30 (i.e. of the next of kith and kin)
ashem vohû
Ahmai Raescha
jasa me 
Kerfeh Mozd


Chapter 12 - Yasna 47

1.  nemô12 gâthå3 ashaonîsh4, O sacred4 Gathas3! Salutations1 (be) unto you2
Speñtâ5 Mainyû6

see below

vahishtâchâ7 mananghâ8 hachâ9 ashât10 shyaothanâchâ11 vachanghâchâ12, Owing to best7 thought8, word12 and deed11 (inspired\) through righteousness10
ahmâi13 dãn14 Haurvâtâ15  (the Creator) Ahura20 Mazda17 doth give14 unto us13 happiness15 (of this world) 
Ameretâtâ16 Mazdåo17 and immortality16 (of the world beyond) (i.e. heaven)
khshathrâ18 ârmaitî19 Ahurô20 prosperity18 and perfect mindedness19
  through Spenta5 Mainyu6 (i.e. Beneficent Spirit)
{the stanza should be repeated twice)


Ahyâ21 Manyêush22 Spênishtahyâ23 vahishtem24,

see below

hizvâ25 ukhdhâish26  (Any person) owing to (good) words (spoken)26 through (his) tongue25 (and) mouth28
vanghêush27 êeânû28  mananghô29 owing to (his) good27 thought29 
ârmatôish30 zastôibyâ31 shyaothanâ32 and owing to deed32 (performed) by both the hands31 and behavior (or perfect mindedness)30
verezyat33; can secure33
   the best24 (thing) (i.e. happiness of Heaven) of that21 Most Beneficent23 Spirit22 (i.e. of Ahura Mazda).
ôyâ34 chistî35 Only34 owing to (His Omniscient) knowledge35 
hvô36 Ahura Mazda39 himself36 (is) 
patâ37 the father37
ashahyâ38 Mazdåo39. of righteousness38 (i.e. the origin of Truth) 
  O Ahura Mazda59
ahyâ40 manyêush41  of this40 spirit41
tvêm42 ahî4344 speñtô45   Thou42 art bountiful45
ýê46 ahmâi47 (Thou) who46
   are joy-giving54
 gãm48 rânyô-skeretîm49 hêm-tashat50   fashioned50 this joy-producing49 world48 
at51 hôi52 vâstrâi53

see below


see above

 ârmaitîm55 hyat56 hêm57   and Armaiti (i.e. humility)55
   for our benefit53 
vohû58 Mazdâ59 hême-frashtâ60 mananghâ61. through communed60 Vohu58  Mana61
Ahmât62 Manyêush63 Owing to the good fortune of Spenta67 Mainyu63
 râreshyeiñtî64 dregvañtô65,  wicked persons65 are tormented64
Mazdâ66 speñtât67  O Ahura Mazda66
nôit68 ithâ69 ashâunô70; but69 not68 (so) the righteous persons70.
kasêushchît7172 ashâunê73 kâthê74 anghat75,  For (keeping) righteous73 man pleased even any person72 is75 in the need74 of some (thing)71
isvâchît76 hãs77 paraosh78 akô79 dregvâitê80. For (keeping) the wicked man pleased a wicked79 person77 (inspite of being) powerful76 is75 in the need74 of plenty78

see below

Speñtâ82 Mainyû83 Mazdâ84 Ahurâ85, O Bountiful82 invisible83 Ahura85 Mazda84
 ashâunê86 chôish87 Thou verily dost give87 unto the righteous (man)86
ýâ88-zhî89 chîchâ90 vahishtâ91; which88 is the best91 (i.e. happiness of this world and that of the world beyond)

see below

thwahmât93 zaoshât94 But (remaining) far from Thy93 love94
dregvå95 bakhshaitî96, ahyâ97 shyaothanâish98 the wicked95 (man) on account of his97 (wicked) deeds98
  doth partake of96 (his) share92 (i.e. consequences of his own actions)
  akât99 âshyãs100 mananghô1. and becomes100 the co-dweller with the Druj called akoman99
2 dåo3
Speñtâ4 Mainyû5 Mazdâ6ahurâ7, O bountiful4 invisible5 Ahura7 Mazda!6
âthrâ8  through (Thy) Fire8
   thou dost give3 that2 (i.e. reward as stated above)
 vanghâu9 vîdâite10  in good decision10 (i.e. by rendering proper justice), 
 rânôibyâ11  to the two rivals11
ârmatôish12 debãzanghâ13  in accordance with their advancement13 of (their) perfect-mindedness12
ashakhvyâchâ14; and righteousness14
15-zî16  and that (proper justice) of (Thine) is indeed16
pourûsh17 isheñtô18 vâurâitê19! approved19 fully17 by the contestants18.  
Speñtâ5 Mainyû6
vahishtâchâ7 mananghâ8 hachâ9 ashât10 shyaothanâchâ11 vachanghâchâ12, Owing to best7 thought8, word12 and deed11 (inspired\) through righteousness10
ahmâi13 dãn14 Haurvâtâ15  (the Creator) Ahura20 Mazda17 doth give14 unto us13 happiness15 (of this world) 
Ameretâtâ16 Mazdåo17 and immortality16 (of the world beyond) (i.e. heaven)
khshathrâ18 ârmaitî19 Ahurô20 prosperity18 and perfect mindedness19
  through Spenta5 Mainyu6 (i.e. Beneficent Spirit)
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ashem vohû ... (3).
 speñtâ-mainyûm1 hâitîm2 ýazamaide3 We revere3 the ha2 named Spenta Mainyo1
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27. 

Chapter 13 - Yasna 48

1.    ýezî1 When1 (the righteous - virtuous man) 
  will smite5 the Druj4 (i.e. deceit and falsehood)6 
adâish2  by means of (his) benevolent deeds2 
ashâ3  and by means of righteousness3 
drujem4 vêñnghaitî5 

see above

hyat6 and when6 

see below

 ýâ8 the things8
daibitânâ9 fraokhtâ10 which (were declared10 to be deceit9

not in translation ameretâitî11= (in-immortaality)

daêvâishchâ12 mashyâishchâ13 by the Daevas12 (and) by (wicked) persons13
   will come out in their true shapes7
at14 then14,
tôi15 savâish16 vahmem17 vakhshat18 Thy adoration17 will spread18 together with the benefits16 (rising therefrom)
Ahurâ19.  O Ahura Mazda!19 
Vaochâ20-môi21, Do Thou tell20 me21
ýâ22 tvêm23 vîdvå24 because22 Thou23 (art) Omniscient24 
 Ahurâ25 O Ahura mazda!25 
 parâ26 hyat27  prior to the time when26,27
 mâ28 ýâ29 mêñg30 perethâ31 jimaitî32  big fight31 concerning me30 may come32 upon me28, :
   (that is this) 
kat33 ashavâ34 Whether33 the righteous man34,
Mazdâ35 O Ahura Mazda!35
vêñghat36 dregvañtem37;  shall overcome36 the wicked man37?
38-zî39 (If this is so, then) surely39

see below

vanguhî41 vistâ42 (this is) marked42 (or to be understood) as an excellent41
âkeretish43. event43
  of (this) life40 (or of the world)
  Ahura Mazda52
At44 vaêdemnâi45  Unto (that) wise man45
 vahishtâ46 sâsnanãm47 ýãm48 (His) best46 teachings47

see below

sâstî50 ashâ51 teaches50 through (His) righteousness51
Ahurô52 Ahura Mazda52
  bestower of good things49
 Speñtô53 vîdvåo54 bountiful53 and Omniscient54,
ýaêchît55 gûzrâ56 sêñghånghô57;  which55 (teachings47) (infact55) (are the) mystic56 Verses57
  Explanation i.e. Ahura Mazda teaches his mystic lore only to that man who is righteous and wise in order that he may enhance the prosperity of the world and may render good to mankind.  the ignorant  and wicked persons causes evil or harm by means of those mystic verses.
 thwâvãs58 Mazdâ59 O Ahura Mazda!59 (any person can be) Thy nearest devotee58
Vanghêush60 khrathwâ61 Mananghô62.  through the wisdom61 of the good60 mind62
ýê63  Whoso63,
dât64  keeps64 
manô65 his mind65
vahyô66 Mazdâ67 ashyaschâ68, better66 and holier68, O Ahura Mazda!67
hvô69  he himself69
daênãm70 shyaothanâchâ71 vachanghâchâ72; through word72  and deed71 keeps64 (even) the religion70 (the same) 
 ahyâ73  His73
zaoshêñg74 ushtish75 varenêñg76 hachaitê77  wish75 follows77 his faith76 and fealty74
thwahmî78 khratåo79 apêmem80 nanâ81 anghat82. The destiny (i.e. the end of that man) is82 distinctly81 in thy78 wisdom79 (O Ahura Mazda!).
  By the deeds91 of good89 wisdom90 
hu-khshathrâ83   may good rulers83 
khshêñtãm84, rule84
85-nê86 over us86
dushe-khshathrâ87 May not85 wicked rulers87 
khshêñtâ88, rule88 over us86
vanghuyåo89 chistôish90 shyaothanâish91

see above

ârmaitê92 O Armaiti92 
ýaozhdåo93 Purity93
mashyâi94 aipî95 zãthem96 vahishtâ97, is the best97 (thing) for man94 from birth95,96 
Gavôi98 For the cattle98
verezyâtãm99 man must work99
tãm100 (because) they100 
1 khvarethâi2 fshuyô3. are the increasers3 for our1 food2.
4-zî5-nê6  Because5 she4 (i.e. cattle) (is) our6
hushôithemâ7, precious property7
  (and) in the wish15 of good13 thought14
 hâ8-nê9 utayûitîm10 dât11 tevîshîm12, she8 grants11 us9 strength10 ( and) power12
Vanghêush13 Mananghô14 berexdhê15;

 see above

  In the creation24 of primeval25 ( or old)25 world23 
at16 akhvyâi17 ashâ18 through Asha18 for her17 (i.e. for the cattle).
 Mazdåo19 urvaråo20 vakhshat21, Ahurô22  (the Creator) Ahura22 Mazda19 grew21 vegetation20
anghêush23  zãthôi24 paouruyehyâ25.

see above

nî- aêshemô26  (You) should keep the demon of wrath26 
nî- dyâtãm27 suppressed27
paitî28 remem29 paitî- syôzdûm30, and should cut out30  violence (or hatred)29
ýôi31 â32  (You) who31
vanghêush33 mananghô34

see below

dîdrakhzhôduyê35 wish to hold fast35 to the path37
  of the good33 thought34 
ashâ36 through righteousness36

see above

  not translated word by word 

"I do not understand the meaning of the last line" writes Ervad Kavasji Edalji Kanga 

ýehyâ38 hithâush3940 speñtô41 at42 hôi43 dâmãm44 thwahmî45 â-dãm46 Ahurâ47. to which (path of good thought) the beneficent man (of the world) is dedicated
48-tôi49vanghêush50 Mazdâ51 khshathrahyâ52 îshtish53 What48 (is) the main object53 of Thy49 just50 Sovereignty53  O Ahura Mazda51 ?
 kâ54-tôi55 ashôish56 thwakhvyåo57 maibyô58 Ahurâ59; What54 is the effective prayer for securing thy holy reward and blessing to my soul  O Ahura Mazda59?
60-thwôi61 How60 
  shall I get65
ashâ62 through righteousness62
âkåo63 aredrêñg64   .  Thy62 (appointed) manifest63 helpers64

see above

vanghêush66 manyêush67 shyaothananãm68 javarô69. (for myself)  to be) the furtherer69 of the deeds68 of good66 thought67
kadâ70 vaêdâ71

see below

ýezî72  If72
 chahyâ73 khshayathâ74 Mazdâ75 ashâ76 owing to righteousness76 Thou dost rule74 over every (creation),73 O Ahura Mazda75
  when70 will I know71 then  
ýehyâ77-mâ78 (about the matter) of which77 to me78.

see below

dvaêthâ80; (there is) a doubt80 
  That is that:
eresh81-môi82 Tell me82 truly81
  (about what) (is) the end79 
 erezhûchãm83 of the righteous lives83 
vanghêush84 of good84
vafush85 beneficent85 
Mananghô86, thought86  ?
vîdyât87 saoshyãs88  this fact thy Saviour88 must know87
 ýathâ89 so that89
hôi90 ashish91 anghat92. benefit91 may accrue92 to him90
kadâ93 Mazdâ94 O Ahura Mazda94, when93
mãnarôish95 narô96 will men96 of mind's perfection95
vîseñtê97  come97
kadâ98 and when98 
ajên99 will they remove99
mûthrem100 the evil100
ahyâ1  of this1 
 magahyâ2, intoxication2  ?
ýâ3 through which3
añgrayâ4  evil4
karapanô5  the Karapans5
  and the wicked rulers9 of the lands10 
urûpayeiñtî6 cause evil6 (in the world) 
 ýâchâ7 khratû8 by their wicked minds8.
 dushe-khshathrâ9 dakhvyunãm10.

see above

kadâ11 mazdâ12 When11 O Ahura Mazda!12 
ashâ13 mat14 ârmaitish15 will perfect mindedness15 (or humility)15 together with righteousness10
 jimat16  be accrued16 to us"? 
khshathrâ17 husheitish18 vâstravaitî19; (and when11) will the prosperous19 pleasant abode18 together with wealth17 (be owned16 by us?)
kôi20  Who20
dregvôdebîsh21  khrûrâish22 râmãm23 dåoñtê24, will give24 us happiness - peace23 from the wicked21 and blood-thirsty22 (men) ?
kêñg25 â26 To whom25,26 
Vanghêush27 jimat28 Mananghô29 chistish30. shall come28 the wisdom30 of the good27 mind29?
( i.e. to whom will the wisdom of the good mind be accrued  ?)
tôi32 They32
anghen33 are33 the
Saoshyañtô34 Saoshyants34 - saviours34 
dakhvyunãm35, of the lands35
ýôi36 who36 will surely31
khshnûm37 Vohû38 Mananghâ39 hachåoñtê40 adhere40 to the knowledge of the Religion37 through ( their) good38 mind39
shyaothanâish41 good deeds41
ashâ42 and righteousness42
thwahyâ43 in accord with Thy43
Mazdâ44 sêñghahyâ45, command45 O Ahura Mazda44
tôi46-zî47 because47 they46 (i.e. the Saoshyants - Saviours)
 dâtâ48 (are) appointed48

hamaêstârô49 aêshem50 mahyâ51!

(as) the " strong51 opponents49 of hatred"50
Speñtâ5 Mainyû6

see below

vahishtâchâ7 mananghâ8 hachâ9 ashât10 shyaothanâchâ11 vachanghâchâ12, Owing to best7 thought8, word12 and deed11 (inspired\) through righteousness10
ahmâi13 dãn14 Haurvâtâ15  (the Creator) Ahura20 Mazda17 doth give14 unto us13 happiness15 (of this world) 
Ameretâtâ16 Mazdåo17 and immortality16 (of the world beyond) (i.e. heaven)
khshathrâ18 ârmaitî19 Ahurô20 prosperity18 and perfect mindedness19
  through Spenta5 Mainyu6 (i.e. Beneficent Spirit)
{the stanza should be repeated twice)


ashem vohû ... (3). 
ýezidhãm1 hâitîm2 ýazamaide3 We revere3 the ha2 (called) yezi-adaish1.
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27. 


Chapter 14 - Yasna 49

1 O Ahura Mazda!11 
at12 ýavâ3 bêñdvô4 pafrê5 mazishtô6, the most powerful6 Bendwa4 always opposes5 me2
ýê7 dush-erethrîsh8 chikhshnushâ9  who7 (Zarathushtra) desires to please9 the dis-heartened ones8
ashâ10  through righteousness 
Mazdâ11; (Therefore) o Ahura Mazda
vanguhî12 âdâ13 gaidî14 do thou come14 with (thy) good12 reward13
môi15 for helping15 me
 â-môi16 arapâ17  in (this) difficulty of mine16,17
ahyâ18 vohû19 aoshô20 vîdâ21 Mananghâ22. I look out21 for his18 (i.e. Bendwa's) death20 through the good19 mind22


Explanation According to reverend mills view the person named Bendwa was a chief on the border of Iran who on account of the strength and power of his mischievous tribes had become a formidable enemy of Holy Zarathushtra in his prophetic Mission.  
At23 ahyâ24-mâ25 bêñdvahyâ26 mânayeitî27 tkaêshô28 dregvåo29, The false29 doctrines28 of that Bendwa  (O Ahura Mazda) makes me25 anxious27.
daibitâ30 ashât31 râreshô32, (Moreover) that tormenting32 deceiver30 (remaining separated) from righteousness
nôit33 does not33
speñtãm34 dôresht35 ahmâi36 stôi37  uphold35 at any day37 for our sake36  the beneficent34 
ârmaitîm38 (or holy) humility38 (i.e. causes hatred and enmity towards us)
naêdâ39 and is not39 (made known about the matter of Religion)
Vohû40 Mazdâ41 frashtâ42 mananghâ43.  with the good40 mind43, O Ahura Mazda!41
Atchâ44 ahmâi45 varenâi46 Mazdâ47

see below

nidâtem48 ashem49 sûidyâi50 In order to render benefit50 (to the people of the world) righteousness49 (is) laid-down48
  for this45 (my) religion46 O Ahura44 Mazda47
râshayenghê52  In order to cause harm52 (to the people of the world) 
drukhsh53; the Druj53 (i.e. falsehood) is laid down48 for the (wicked) doctrine (of the pretentious Bendwa).
  Explanation :  (Prophet Zarathushtra says the foundation of my Religion is based upon Truth.  Humata - Good Thought, Hukhta - Good Word and Hvarshta - Good Deed.  The origin of the teaching of my opponent, the pretentious Bendwa, is based on falsehood and deceit)
 tâ54 Vanghêush55 sarê56 izyâi57 Mananghô58, I choose57 the chieftainship56 of good55 thoughts58
añtarê59 vîspêñg60 dregvatô61 hakhmêñg62 añtarê- mruyê63.  I interdict with hatred63 all60 the companions62 of wicked men61.
ýôi64 dush-khrathwâ65 (Such persons) who64 through wicked wisdom65
aêshemem66 vareden67 râmemchâ68  increase64 anger66 and jealousy68 
khvâish69 hizubîsh70 (with) their own69 tongues70 
fshuyasû71 afshuyañtô72, are futile72 amidst diligent persons71.
ýaêshãm73 and whose73
 nôit74 hvarshtâish75 vãs76  inclinations76 are not74 towards good deeds75
duzhvarshtâ77, (but) towards wicked deeds77
tôi78 daêvêñg79 dãn80 - they support80 the daeva79 
ýâ81 dregvatô82 daênâ83. through the religion83 of the False One (i.e. evil spirit)82
At84 hvô85 Mazdâ86 îzhâchâ87 âzûitishchâ88

see below

 ýê89 Whoso89 regards92 (this Mazda -worshipping Zoroastrian)
 daênãm90  Religion90 
Vohû91 sârshtâ92 Mananghâ93; as the best92 through the good91 mind93
   he himself85 (is) (the source of) abundance87 and prosperity,88 O Ahura Mazda
  Explanation : The fundamental aim of the Religion of Zarathushtra is to render the world prosperous and whoso puts implicit faith in this religion with faithfulness and sincerity and grants her the exalted status by defending from the attacks of the enemies, he himself is considered as the increaser of prosperity
ârmatôish94 kaschît95 ashâ96 Through righteousness96 of perfect mindedness94 any such person95 
huzêñtush97, (is considered as) of good understanding97
 tâishchâ98 vîspâish99 and he) O Ahura Mazda!2 (will go) with entire (happiness99
 thwahmî100 khshathrôi1 Ahurâ2. (in Thy100 Sovereignty1 (i.e. in the lofty Heaven)
frô3 våo4 fraêshyâ5   I choose5 Thee4 extremely3 (because)
Mazdâ6  O Ahura Mazda6!
ashemchâ7 mrûitê8 ýâ910

see below

khratêush11 khshmâkahyâ12 â-mananghâ13, through the thought13 of Thy12 (Omniscient) wisdom11,
  the truth9 enjoins8 that what is true 
eresh14 vîchidyâi15, must be adapted15
ýathâ1617 so that16we may be able
 srâvayaêmâ18 to proclaim18
tãm19 this19
daênãm20 ýâ21 khshmâvatô22 Ahurâ23. Thy22 Religion20 O Ahura Mazda23!
Tatchâ24 Vohû25 Mazdâ26 sraotû27 Mananghâ28 O Ahura Mazda26 (that person) will listen to27 this24 (matter of the Religion) through (his) good25 mind28
 sraotû29 ashâ30 and will think over it29 with righteousness30 (i.e. sincere heart).
Gûshahvâ31-tû32  do Thou32 pay attention31 (to my subject matter)
Ahurâ33; O Ahura Mazda! 
 Kê34 Airyamâ35 viz. who34 will be39 a helper35 (to me) according to laws38
36 K hvaêtush37 dâtâish38 anghat39 and who36 will be39 as a relative37
ýê40 Verezênâi41 vanguhîm42 dât43 frasastîm44. Who40 may impart43 good42 admonition44 (to me) for the work41 (of my prophetship).

 see below

  Thou (O Ahura Mazda) 
urvâzishtãm46 ashahyâ47 dåo48 sarêm49, wilt give48 (me) strength to give help and protection46 and chieftainship49 of righteousness47
  To Frashaoshtra45,
tat50 This50 (request)
thwâ51 Mazdâ52 ýâsâ53 do I beg53 of Thee51 
Ahurâ54 O Ahura Mazda52,54 
maibyâchâ55 for my sake55
ýãm56 so that56
 vanghâu57 thwahmî58 â-khshathrôi59, under Thy58 good57 Sovereignty59
ýavôi60 vîspâi61 we may for ever60,61
fraêshtånghô62 åonghâmâ63. be63  beloved of all62 (or most liked)
sraotû64 sâsnå65 fshêñghyô66 suyê67 tashtô68; The diligent66 (or intelligent66) (man) born68 for benefiting (the world) will listen to64 the commandment65 (of my religion).
 nôit69 eresh-vachåo70 The truthful person70 should not69
sarêm71 dadãs72 take72 leadership71
dregvâtâ73; of the wicked person73 (or in association with wicked persons73).
 hyat74 daênå75 vahishtê76 ýûjên77, mîzhdê78,  Religious men75 unite with the best76 reward75 
ashâ79 ýukhtâ80 ýâhî81 Dê-jâmâspâ82. (just as) heroic81 (Vishtaspa) and Jamaspa82 the wise82 (are) united80 with righteousness79.
Taechâ83 Mazdâ84  O Ahura Mazda84
thwahmî85 âdãm86 nipånghê,87 I entrust86 (or I dedicate86) in Thy85 shelter87,
manô88 Vohû89 Good89 thought88
urunaschâ90 ashâunãm91, the souls90 of the righteous91 
nemaschâ92 and prayer92
 ýâ93   through which93 
ârmaitish94 are humility94 
 îzhâchâ95 and prosperity95 
  the translation of the section below is found at the end of the book 
mãzâ96 Owing to their lofty96 
khshathrâ97 "khshathra" (i.e. power97)
vazdanghâ98 their spiritual strength98
avêmîrâ99. is immortal99 (i.e.. without destruction)
At100 dushekhshathrêñg1 (The Daevas) misusing authority1
dush-shyaothanêñg2 committing evil deeds2,
duzhvachanghô3, evil-speaking3,
duzh-daênêñg4 of evil conscience4
dush-mananghô5 evil minded5;
  The Daevas go forth
dregvatô6, akâish7, k hvarethâish8 paitî9 urvãnô10 paityeiñtî11;  to meet11 with foul food8 ( i.e. carrying poisonous and stinking food) the souls10 of the wicked6
drûjô12 demânê13 haithyâ14 anghen15 astayô16. (and) the existence16 (of those souls) are15 truly14 in the abode13 of the Druj12 (i.e. in hell).
  Prophet Zarathushtra speaks to Ahura Mazda :
Kat17 tôi18 How much17 (portion) of (Thy)18 

see below

zbayeñtê20 avanghô21  Divine  grace21 (is there) (i.e. dost thou wish to give) for Thy18 mortal20 (or humble)20 
Zarathushtrâi22 Zarathushtra22 (O Ahura Mazda!) 
  on account of his righteousness19?
kat23 tôi24 How much23 (portion) of Thy24 (Divine  grace21 is there)
vohû25 mananghâ26 on account of his good25 thought26?
ýê2728 staotâish29 With hymn of praise29,
Mazdâ30 frînâi31 Ahurâ32 avat33  O Ahura Mazda!30,32 I will extol31 Thee28.
ýâsãs34 hyat35 36 îshtâ37 acting according to Thy36 will37 yearning eagerly34 of whatever35
vahishtem38! (is) the best38,
Speñtâ5 Mainyû6

see below

vahishtâchâ7 mananghâ8 Owing to best7 thought8
hachâ9 ashât10 shyaothanâchâ11 vachanghâchâ12, word12 and deed11 (inspired\) through righteousness10
ahmâi13 dãn14 Haurvâtâ15  (the Creator) Ahura20 Mazda17 doth give14 unto us13 happiness15 (of this world) 
Ameretâtâ16 Mazdåo17 and immortality16 (of the world beyond) (i.e. heaven)
khshathrâ18 ârmaitî19 Ahurô20 prosperity18 and perfect mindedness19
  through Spenta5 Mainyu6 (i.e. Beneficent Spirit)
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ashem vohû ... (3). 
at-mâyavãm1 hâitîm2 ýazamaide3. We revere3 the Ha2 (called) At-ma-yava1.
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27. 


Chapter 15 - Yasna 50

1.   kat1 môi2 urvâ3 Whether1 my2 soul4
isê4 chahyâ5 avanghô6 has wished4 for the help6 of anyone5
   I invoke21 you to tell20 (me) ; O Ahura Mazda!
7-môi8 pasêush9 Who7 (is) the protector13 of my8 cattle9?
 kê101112 thrâtâ13 vistô14, And who10 is a person12 known14 (as a protector) for me?11
anyô15 ashât16 thwatchâ17 other than15 Thee17, righteousness16
Mazdâ18 Ahurâ19, azdâ20 zûtâ21  

see above

vahishtâatchâ22 mananghô23. and best thought22 ?
  Explanation : The creator Ahura Mazda is the greatest protector of every man and on account of his righteousness and good thought the creator Ahura Mazda saves him from any calamity whatever
kathâ24 Mazdâ24 rânyô-skeretîm26 gãm27 ishasôit28 How24 does (a man) choose28 (or wish) this joy bringing26 world27 O Ahura Mazda!
ýê29-hîm30 ahmâi31 vâstravaitîm32 stôi33 usyât34 which29 he may always33 wish34 to be full of prosperity32
erezhejîsh35 Those living truthfully35
ashâ36 through righteousness36
 pourushû37 hvarê38-pishyasû39 and shone forth with the divine knowledge (are) in the abundant37 lustre39 of the Sun38 (or in the Heaven of the region of the sun)
âkâstêñg4041 nishãsyâ42 dâthêm43 dâhvâ44. Grant me44 the gifts43 of bringing42 me41 in that state40 O Ahura Mazda 
  translation at end of book
  What61  nearest62  "gaetha" and divisions relating to existence63 a wicked one (i.e. the false one64) breaks65 ;
atchît45 ahmâi46 Mazdâ47 ashâ48 anghaitî49 ýãm50 hôi51 khshathrâ52 Vohuchâ53 chôisht54 Mananghâ55

see bottom

ýê56-nâ57 Whoso56,57
ashôish58 aojanghâ59 by means of the power59 of righteousness58
varedayaêtâ60 transforms into spiritual growth60
ýãm61 nazdishtãm62 gaêthãm63 dregvå64 bakhshaitî65.

see top


that "Gaetha"50 

to him46,51 becomes49 chosen54 

the Trinity of Asha48 Khshathra52 

and Vohu Manangha53,55

  O Mazda47
  Whoever with the strength of righteousness cultivates and renders prosperous the nearest land by snatching it away from the wicked person (i.e. which is in the possession of some wicked person) to that man .....
at6667 ýazâi68 stavas69 Mazdâ70 Ahurâ71 hadâ72   O Ahura Mazda70,71 (I who am Thy) singer of praises69 always72 worship68 (or invoke68) Thee67
ashâ73    with righteousness73 (i.e. with sincere heart)
vahishtâchâ74 mananghâ75 with the best74 thought75
 khshathrâchâ76 and with steadfastness,76
ýâ77   so that77
îshô78 stånghat79 â-paithî,80  (I) might stand79 on the path80 of Chinvat Bridge
âkåo81 aredrêñg82 demânê83 garô84 seraoshânê85. and hear85 openly81 hymns of adoration82 in the Garothman84 (heaven)83,
ârôi86-zî87 khshmâ88
Mazdâ89 ashâ90 Ahurâ91 O holy90 Ahura91 Mazda89
 hyat92 ýûshmâkâi93 mãthrânê94 vaorâzathâ95; do Thou88 indeed87 bring joy95 fully86 into Thy93 revealer of Holy94 word
aibî-dereshtâ96 âvîshyâ97 avanghâ98 by giving98 (Thy) powerful96 and manifest97 help98
zastâishtâ99 ýâ100  so that (i.e. on account of the strength of thy help)100
 -nåo1 k hvâthrê2 dâyât3. (he) may grant3 us1 happiness2 with sufficient vigour99
  Explanation Its significance seems to be this that thou o Ahura Mazda mayest please and rejoice the expounder of the religion by giving the required help in order that by hearing his teachings we may gain happiness by holding fast the path of righteousness and truth.
  (Prophet) Zarathushtra12 
ýê4 mãthrâ5 vâchem6 Mazdâ7 baraitî8 urvathô9 (is) the friend9 (of that man) who4, O Ahura Mazda!7 pronounces6,8 (Holy) Mathra5 Sacred Hymns5 with
 ashâ10 nemanghâ11 sincerity10 and with homage11
Zarathushtrô12 (Prophet) Zarathushtra12 
 Dâtâ13 khratêush14 hizvô15 raithîm16 stôi17; (is) always17 the keeper13 of wisdom14 and the conductor16 on the right path of (his) tongue15 
mahyâ18 râzêñg19 Vohû20 sâhît21 Mananghâ22.  (Prophet Zarathushtra says) (any person) can teach21 my18 secrets19  'through good20 thought22'
  O Ahura Mazda32
at2324 ýaojâ25 I meditate25 only upon Thee24 
  through righteousness33 and good35 thought36
zevîshtyêñg26 aurvatô27 having reached the beneficial26 strong27
 jayâish28 perethûsh29 vahmahyâ30 ýûshmâkahyâ31 Mazdâ32 and steadfast34 paths29 of Thy31 adoration30
ashâ33 ugrêñg34 Vohû35 Mananghâ36 

 see above

  ýâish37 on account of which37 (i.e. on account of my righteousness and good thoughts)
azâthâ38  do Thou guide38
mahmâi39 me39 (to go towards those paths) and
khvyâtâ40 avanghê41. may Thou become40 my40 helper41
mat42 Together with42
våo43 padâish44   poetical hymns44
ýâ45 frasrûtâ46 îzhayå47 sung from the fullness of my heart47 which45 (are) known fully,
pairi-jasâi48 may I verily56 reach48 Thee43
 Mazdâ49 O Ahura Mazda!49
ustâna-zastô50, at51 våo52 ashâ53 With both the hands entreatingly uplifted through righteousness53
aredrakhvyâchâ54 nemanghâ55 at56 våo57 and adoration55 accompanied by libations 
 Vanghêush58 Mananghô59 hunaretâtâ60. and through the excellence60 of good58 thought59
  May I (who am Thy) praiser65 reach66 Thee62 (O Ahura Mazda!)67
tâish61 våo62 ýasnâish63 paitî64 through these61 prayers (or acts of worship)63
stavas65 ayenî66 Mazdâ67

see above

Ashâ68   through righteousness68
Vanghêush69 shyaothanâish70 mananghô71 good69 deeds70 and thoughts71
ýadâ72 When72 
ashôish73 makhvyåo74 vasê75 khshayâ76 I am steadfast76 over my74 wish75 of righteousness73 
at77 hudânâush78 then I wish78 that like a man possessed of good wisdom78
ishayãs79 gerezdâ80 khvyêm81. I may be81 earnestly yearning79 thee with obedience as an humble petitioner80  
at82 ýâ83 vareshâ84 ýâchâ85 Through these (prayers and righteousness), (referred to in the preceding verse) whatever83,85 
pairî86 âish87 shyaothanâ88, ýâchâ89 Vohû90 (good) acts88 I will perform successively86 will be considered89 
chashmãm91 arejat92 worthy of respect92 to the eyes91 (of men)
 Mananghâ93; on account of good thoughts (i.e. by reason of having been performed through righteousness)
raochåo94 The stars94
khvêñg95 the sun95
asnãm96 ukhshâ97 the informer of the rising of the day97 (i.e. twilight at dawn) 
aêurush98  , (all these) revolve round98
khshmâkâi99 ashâ100 vahmâi1 to sing Thy99 hymns of praise1.
 Mazdâ2 Ahurâ3. O Holy100 Ahura3 Mazda2
  As long as10 I can12 wield the power13 through righteousness11 
at45 staotâ6 aojâi7 so long I will be k nown7 as the singer of Thy5 hymns of praise6 
 Mazdâ8 anghâchâ9   O Ahura Mazda8 as I had been before9  
ýavat10 ashâ11 tavâchâ12 isâichâ13
see top
dâtâ14   The Creator14 
anghêush15 of the world,15 ( Ahura Mazda)
aredat16 fulfills16
Vohû17 Mananghâ18; haithyâvareshtãm19

see bottom

 hyat20 vasnâ21 ferashôtemem22! the wish21 most progressive20
    of the doers of righteous deeds19 through good17 thoughts18.
Speñtâ5 Mainyû6 Through Spenta5 Mainyu6 (i.e. Beneficent Spirit),
vahishtâchâ7 mananghâ8 hachâ9 ashât10 shyaothanâchâ11 vachanghâchâ12, owing to best7 thought8, word12 and deed11 (inspired\) through righteousness10
ahmâi13 dãn14 Haurvâtâ15  (the Creator) Ahura20 Mazda17 doth give14 unto us13 happiness15 (of this world) 
Ameretâtâ16 Mazdåo17 and immortality16 (of the world beyond) (i.e. heaven)
khshathrâ18 ârmaitî19 Ahurô20 prosperity18 and perfect mindedness19
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ashem vohû ... (3).
kat-môi-urvãm hâitîm ýazamaide.
speñtâ-mainyûm gâthãm ashaonîm ashahe ratûm ýazamaide,

speñtâ-mainyêush gâthayå hañdâtâ ýazamaide. 

yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27. 


Chapter 16 - Yasna 51

 Nemô12 Gâthåo3 ashaonîsh4! Homage1 (be) unto you2, O Holy4 Gathas3!
1.   Vohû5 khshathrem6 Good5 kingdom6
vairîm7 (which is) worthy-to-be- desired7
bâgem8 aibî-bairishtem9 and most helpful (help- giving9) spreads13 wealth8 prosperity happiness etc
 vîdîshemnâish10 îzhâchît11 ashâ12   ( amongst the people of the world)11 owing to righteousness12 and owing to pious10 deeds14
antarê-charaitî13 shyaothanâish14

see above

Mazdâ15 O Ahura Mazda15!
vahishtem16 tat1718 that17 which is the best16 for us18.
nûchit19 vareshânê20  let me accomplish20 now19 
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
21-vê22 Mazdâ23 O Ahura Mazda23,25,
paourvîm24 Ahurâ25 ashâi26 ýechâ27 For righteousness26,  I regard27
taibyâchâ28 ârmaitê29, Thee and28 Armaiti29 most supreme.
dôishâ30-môi31 Do thou grant30 unto me31, (O Ahura Mazda!)
 ishtôish32 khshathrem33;  the possession33 of ( my) wish32.
khshmâkem34 Vohû35 Mananghâ36  For our34 adoration ( or prayer)37 ( done for Thee) with good35 thought36.
vahmâi37 dâidî38 savanghô39. do Thou grant38 the acquisition33 of ( its) advantages39 
â-vê40 gêushâ41 hêmyañtû42

see bottom

ýôi4344  Those who43 consider Thee44 
shyaothanâish45  with (their) deeds45,
sâreñtê46, as the Lord46
Ahurô47  O Ahura Mazda47
ashâ48 hizvå49 with ( their) tongue49 and righteousness48 (i.e. with truthful utterances) 
ukhdhâish50  and prayer50
vanghêush51 mananghô52 of good51 thought52 (i.e. performed with sincere conscience) 
ýaêshãm5354 pouruyô55 (and) whose53 foremost55
  Mazdâ56 fradakhshtâ57 apî58. guide57 O Ahura Mazda56 Thou art58
  will ( eventually) merge42 in Thee40 on account of (their) renown41.
Kuthrâ459 ârôish460 â fseratush61, Where59 ( is) the chieftainship61 of Goodness60
(i.e. where does one get its reward by performing goodness?) 
(Reply - in the world beyond, assuredly).
Kuthrâ62 merezhdikâ63 akhshtat64;


Where62 is64 the pardon63?
(and what deeds one should perform in order to get pardon for the sin?)
(Reply - by rendering service to humanity and by performing benevolent deeds).
Kuthrâ65 ýasô66 khvyên67 ashem68,

69 Speñtâ70 ârmaitish71;



Where65 shall there be the attainment66,67 of righteousness68
(and) where69 ( shall be found) beneficent70.  Perfect mentality71 (or humility)
(i.e. which person has these virtues?) 
(Reply - the person w ho hates falsehood and pride) 
kuthrâ72 manô73 Vahishtem74, In what77 ( is) the best74 thought73
(Reply - in not wishing ill of anyone.)
Kuthrâ75 thwâ76 khshathr77 Mazdâo78.

Where75 (is) Thy76 Sovereignty477 (or authority), O Ahura Mazda78?

(Reply - n the entire world).
vîspâ79-tâ80 peresãs81 (The diligent man is) questioning81 all79 these80 ( matters),
ýathâ82  so that82
ashât83 through righteousness83.
 hachâ84 gãm85 vîdat86 he may render86 the world85 prosperous86  
vâstryô87 shyaothanâish88 ereshvô89 The diligent87 ( man) (is the one) (who is) righteous89 through his ( good) deeds88
hãs90 hu-khratush91 nemanghâ92; and the man possessing good wisdom91 through humility92
  (Moreover the above mentioned person)
  (being) able97 and righteous98
ýê93 dâthaêibyô94 eresh95-ratûm96   looks upon the righteous95 leader96 according to just law94 with reverence99.

khshayãs97 ashivåo98 chistâ99.

see above


ýê100 vahyô1 vanghêush2 dazdê3

see below

ýaschâ4 hôi5 vârâi6 Whoso4 in order to propitiate6 
râdat7, Ahurô8  (Ahura8 Mazda10) worships7 (Him) with libations7,
khshathrâ9 Mazdåo10 Ahura8 Mazda10, by means of His omnipotence9
at11 ahmâi12 unto that ( person)12, Ahura8 Mazda10,
  grants3 better1 than good2  (i.e. He does better for him).  
 akât13 ashyô14,  ýê15 hôi16 nôit17 vîdâitî18 Moreover whoso15 does not17 perform His16 worship18, unto that ( person)16 ( will) verily11 ( be) worse14 than bad13 
apêmê19 anghêush20 urvaêsê21. at the final19 end21 of the world20 (i.e. he will have to suffer very much eventually).

 see below

ýê24 Who24 has
gãm25 tashô26 created26 cattle25
apaschâ27 urvaråoschâ28 waters27 and plants28
  grant thou unto me23
Ameretâtâ29 Haurvâtâ30 health of the body30 and immortality29 (i.e. happiness of heaven),
Spênishtâ31 Mainyû32  O most beneficent31 spirit32
Mazdâ33 Ahura Mazda!33
tevîshî34 utayûitî35 (grant thou unto me) strength34, power35,
mananghâ36 vohû37 sêñnghê38. and religious teaching38 on account of (my) good27 thought26.
At3940 tôi41 vakhshyâ42  I will indeed40 announce42 Thy41 (mathra)  ( amongst the people)
Mazdâ43, O Ahura Mazda43 ;
vîdushê4445-nâ46 mruyât47, because45 ( the religious minded) man46 should declare47 to the wise man44
 hyat48 akôyâ49 dregvâitê50, (that) ( eventually there is) punishment49 ( for the wicked)
ushtâ51 and happiness51.(for him there is in store)
 ýê52 ashem53 dâdrê54; whoso52 supports54 righteousness53,
 hvô5556 mãthrâ57 (Moreover) the excellences of the mathra57

see below

ýê59 vîdushê60 mravaitî61. whoso59 expounds61  to wise sagacious man60
   he himself55 is indeed56 joyous58.
ýãm62 khshnûtem63

see below

rânôibyâ64 dåo65 Unto these two opposing parties64 ( the righteous and the wicked)
thwâ66 âthrâ67 sukhrâ68 through Thy66 blazing68 fire67
Mazdâ69, O Ahura Mazda69
ayanghâ70 khshustâ71 and molten71 metal70
  thou dost bring into recognition63,65
aibî72 ahvâhû73 dakhshtem74 dâvôi75 on ( their matters of good and evil) and by manifesting75 its evidence74
râshayenghê76 dregvañtem77 Thou dost punish76 the wicked77
 savayô78 ashavanem79. and Thou dost grant happiness78 to the righteous79, in both the worlds73
At80 ýê8182-nâ83 The man83 who81  seeks to harm84 me82 
marekhshaitê84 anyâthâ85 ahmât86  (by following) contrary85 to the ( law of righteousness)84
Mazdâ87 O Ahura Mazda
hvô88 is himself88
dâmôish89 drûjô90 hunush91, the child91 of the creation89 of the Druj90
92 duzhdåo93 ýôi94 heñtî95; Such92 (persons) are95 of evil understanding93 ( or foolish).
maibyô96 zbayâ97 ashem98 For myself96, I praise97 righteousness98 only (O Ahura Mazda)
vanghuyâ99 ashî100 gat12. As ( the reward of) Thy2 good blessing99 may righteousness100 accrue1 ( unto me)!
3 urvathô4 Spitamâi5 Zarathushtrâi67 Mazdâ8 What3 man7 is the true friend4 of  Spitama5 Zarathushtra6, O Ahura Mazda!8
910 ashâ11 âfrashtâ12 Or10 who9 had asked12 questions ( about the religion) with righteousness11?
13 Speñtâ14 ârmaitish15 Through whom13 ( can be gained) holy14 (or beneficent)14 perfect mentality15?
1617 Vanghêush18 Mananghô19 achistâ20 magâi21 ereshvô22. Or17 what16 righteous22 ( man) of good18 thought19 ( is) known20 of that Herculean task21?
  magâi21= herculean task Presumably this alludes to the time of resurrection and the advent of the 'Saoshyant' , the future benefactor. in another place the phrase 'mazoi magoi occurs in this sense (see yasna 29.11 and Yasna 46.14) 
  achistâ20 = 'a+chit+ta'  'chit"=Sanskrit=to know. or What righteous man is aware of that herculean task (or of the advent of the resurrection)?
Nôit23 24-îm25 khshnâush26 vaêpayô27 kevînô28 These two24 (persons), the paederast27 and the irreligious28 indeed25 do not23 please26 
peretô29 zemô30, on this material30 bridge29 (i.e. in this corporeal world) 
Zarathushtrem31 Spitâmem32 Spitama32 Zarathushtra31
hyat33 ahmî34 urûraost35 ashtô36,  who33 has reached the supreme status35 as the prophet36 in this ( world).
  (These two persons) 
hyat37 hôi38 îm39 charataschâ40 aodereshchâ41 indeed39 annoy40 ( or oppose by disobeying) Him38 (i.e. the holy prophet)
zôishenû42 vâzâ43. by means of ( their) wicked42 strength43 (i.e. by utilizing their strength in a bad way)
44 dregvatô45 (The doctrine) of the wicked (man)45  
maredaitî46 is crushed down46 (eventually)
daênâ47 by the religious doctrine47
erezâush48  of the righteous ( man)48
haithîm49 indeed49 ( or without doubt)49
ýehyâ50 urvâ51 Whose50 (i.e. wicked mans) soul51
  wishes60 to reach the path61 of righteousness59

see below

chinvatô53 peretåo54 âkåo55 on54 the well- known55 Chinvat53 Bridge54 (i.e. the path of heaven)
  (but he cannot go there) (hence that soul) is very much fretted52
khvâish56 shyaothanâish57  by means of his own56 acts57
hizvaschâ58 and by means of his own58 tongue (i.e. abuses)58.
ashahyâ59 nãsvåo60 pathô61.

see above

  Word by word translation not available

nôit62 urvâthâ63  Karapanô65 vâstrât66  arêm67; gavôi68 ârôish69 âsêñdâ70 khvâish71 shyaothanâishchâ72 sêñghâishchâ73; ýê74-îsh75 sêñghô76 apêmem77 drûjô78 demânê79 âdât80.

"Friendship with gift or any good act whatsoever cannot be achieved by the Karapans they in their deed or in their teachings do not teach to take care of the cattle. Owing to their such method ultimately they will go into the abode of the Druj."

 Translated by Darmesteter


urvâthâ63 = friendship  dâtôibyaschâ64 = gifts

vâstrât66 = work, industry  ârôish69= sufficiently

âsêñdâ70 = to teach or to prosper

Hyat81 mîzhdem82 Zarathushtrô83 That93 reward82  which81 ( the prophet) Zarathushtra83 ,
magavabyô84  for the Magavans84 (i.e. truthful religious men)
chôisht85  has fixed85 ( or has decided to grant)85 
parâ86 from the very first86
  will be awarded99
garô87 demânê88 Ahurô89 Mazdå90  jasat91 pouruyô9293 

see bottom

94 to you94. ( O Mazda worshipping Zoroastrians!)
 Vohû95 Mananghâ96 ashâichâ97 savâish98  ( too) with blessing98 on account of ( your) good95 thought96 and righteousness97

see above

  Explanation : (That reward i.e. Garothman87 Heaven88) ( which) Ahura Mazda89,90 entered91 first of all92 is Gartothman87,88
  word- by word translation not available

Tãm100 Kavâ1 Vîshtâspô2  khshathrâ4 nãsat5 vanghêush6 padebîsh7 mananghô8 ýãm9 chistîm10 ashâ11 mañtâ12 Speñtô13 Mazdåo14 Ahurô15 athâ16-nê17 sazdyâi18 ushtâ19.

"King Vishtashpa by means of his virtuous conduct has realized the wisdom of good conscience in just sovereignty (i.e. by having good conscience whatever benefits may accrue) He is a wise and benevolent sovereign he will do good to us."

Translation of Darmesteter. Ervad Kanga says "I have not understood the meaning of this verse clearly."

  magahyâ3   Herculean undertaking ; nãsat5 nas = sanskrit = 'nash' = to reach to attain ; padebîsh7  "chant, poetic measure"  "conduct" ;  mañtâ12 'man' = sanskrit = 'man' ;  sazdyâi18 = 'sangh + dyai' ; Sangh = sanskrit = shas = to teach & also to learn
  Speñtô13 Mazdåo14 Ahurô15 = These words Darmesteter has applied to Vîshtâspô2 (king Vishtaspa) and has translated as " the wise and benevolent sovereign"
Berekhdhãm20  môi21 Ferashaoshtrô22 Hvô-gvô23 daêdôisht24  Fereshaoshtra22, the descendant of Hvogva23 family,  has shown24 me21
kehrpêm25 precious his daughter25.
daênayâi26 vanghuyâi27  For the propagation of the good27 ( Mazda worshipping) religion,
ýãm28 hôi29  ishyãm30  dâtû31

see below

khshayãs32 Mazdå33 Ahurô34   it  would be better if the almighty32 Ahura34 Mazda33
   may grant ( me) his29 (Frashaoshtras22) beloved30 ( daughter)
ashahyâ35 âzhdyâi36 gerezdîm37. For gaining36 righteousness35 ( O Mazda-worshippers) you acknowledge her with respect37.
tãm38 chistîm39 Dê-Jâmâspô40 Hvô-gvô41 Jamaspa40 the wise of the family of hvogva41
ishtôish42 khvarenåo43 ashâ44 vereñtê45, tat46 khshathrem47 desires45 wisdom  (i.e. sufficient) glory43, sovereignty47 ( acquired through) trighteousness44 
mananghô48 vangheush49 vîdô50; and possession50 of good49 thought48
 ( i.e. he so desires that these four objects may be accrued to him.) In accord with his wish42 
tat51 môi52 dâidî53 Ahurâ54 hyat55 Mazdâ56  O Ahura54 Mazda56 grant Thou53 unto me52 that51 
rapên57 tavâ58. which55 (may be) delight giving57 (or joy-giving57) to thee58
  Prophet Zarathushtra says :
Hvô59 tat6061

see bottom

Maidyôi-måonghâ62 Spitamâ63 O Maidyo- maongha62, descendant of Spitamo63
ahmâi64 dazdê65,

see bottom

daênayâ66 vaêdemnô67, ýê68 who68 having educated through the religions (i.e. by becoming a scholar in the lore of the Religion)
ahûm69 ishasãs70 aibî71, and having displayed his love70 for the people of the world69
Mazdå72 dâtâ73 mraot74

see below

gayehyâ75 shyaothanâish76 vahyô77. and having become more virtuous77 through the acts76 of his life75
  announces74 the laws73 of Ahura Mazda72
  that man61 himself59 is regarded devoted65 to us64 ( or dedicated) (i.e. considered as belonging to our side and co-operating in our work.)
tat7879-nê80 hazaoshåonghô81
vîspåonghô82 daidyâi83 savô84 Grant83 us82 happiness84 ( or prosperity)
  you all holy immortals of one will81 (i.e. working with sincerity for the prosperity of the world) 
ashem85 on account of our righteousness85
vohû86 mananghâ87 good86 thought87
ukhdhâ88 and homage88
ýâish89 whereby89
ârmaitish90,  perfect-mindedness90 is a ccrued
ýazemnåonghô91 nemanghâ92 (May we be) the worshippers of him with humility92.
Mazdåo93 rafedhrem94 chagedô95. and the seekers95 with eagerness95 of the joy94 of Ahura Mazda93.
ârmatôish9697 The man97 of perfect mindedness96 
speñtô98 hvô99  himself ( is) bountiful98
chistî100 through his wisdom100
ukhdhâish1 (good) utterances1
shyaothanâ2, and ( good) action2  
daênâ3   Through his religiousness3
  doth Ahura11 Mazda9 bestow10 (him)
ashem4 spênvat5,  happiness5 givin g righteousness4
Vohû6 khshathrem7 mananghâ8 and through (his) good6 thought8 sovereignty7.
Mazdåo9 dadât10 Ahurô11,

see above

têm12 vanguhîm13 ýâsâ14 ashîm15. This12 divine13 blessing15 I pray14 for (from Ahura Mazda)
  ( i.e. I so wish that I too may get path of good fortune and authority)
Yehyâ16 môi17  (Among those)
ashât18 hachâ19 vahishtem20 ýesnê21 paitî22, the best20 in performing22 Yasna21 with19 righteousness18
vaêdâ23 Mazdåo24 Ahurô25 (whom) Ahura Mazda24,25 has known23
ýôi26 åongharechâ27 heñtichâ28  (Among those) who26 have been27 and who are28
29 ýazâi30 k hvâish31  I worship30 such (persons)29
nâmênîsh32, pairichâ33 with their own31 names32 
jasâi34 vañtâ35! and I may reach34 ( them) with sincere love35.
Vohû5 khshathrem6 Good5 kingdom6
vairîm7 ( which is) worthy-to- be- desired7
bâgem8 aibî-bairishtem9 and most helpful (help- giving9) spreads13 wealth8 prosperity happiness etc
  vîdîshemnâish10 îzhâchît11 ashâ12   ( amongst the people of the world)11 owing to righteousness12 and owing to pious10 deeds14
antarê-charaitî13 shyaothanâish14

see above

Mazdâ15 O Ahura Mazda15!
vahishtem16 tat1718 that17 which is the best16 for us18.
nûchit19 vareshânê20  let me accomplish20 now19 
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ashem vohû ... (3). 
vohu-khshathrãm1 hâitîm2 ýazamaide3. We revere3 the Ha ( or chapter) (named) Vohu-khshathra1  
Vohu Khshathrãm4 Gâthãm5 ashaonîm6 ashahe7 ratûm8 ýazamaide9, We revere9 the holy6 Vohu- khshathra4 Gatha5 (which is) the Lord8 of righteousness7 
Vohu-Khshathrayåo10 Gâthayåo11 hañdâtâ12 ýazamaide13  we revere13 the prayer12 of Vohu-khshathra10 Gatha
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27. 
(To be recited in Baz) Ahurmazda Khodae, awazune mardum, mardum sardagan hama sardagan hambayaste vehan, oem behedin Mazdayasnan neki rasanad; aedun bad     (to be recited loudly)
ýathâ ahû vairyô ..
Yasnemcha1 vahmemcha2 aojascha3 zaverecha4 afrinami5, I praise5 the worship1 glory2 strength3 an vigour4 (of all those)
Ahurahe6 Mazdao6 raevato7 khvarenanguhato8, of Ahura Mazda6 (the creator)  wealth bestowing7 (and) glorious8
Ameshanam9 Spentanam9,   of the amesha9 spentas9 ( bountiful Immortals)
Gathabyo10 spentabyo11 ratu-khshathrabyo12 ashaonibyo13, amongst  the bountiful11 gatha10 ( which are) the lords of truth12 ( and) holy13 
Ahunavaityao14 Gathayao15, of ahunavad14 gatha15
Ushtavaityao16 Gathayao17, of ushtavad16 gatha17 
Spenta18 Mainyeush18 Gathayao19, of spentomad18 gatha19
 Vohu-kshathrayao20 Gathayao21, of vohu-kshthtra20 gatha21  
Vahishtoishtoish22 Gathayao23, of vahishtosht22 gatha23
ashaunam24 Fravashinam25 ughranam26 and of the powerful26 and triumphant27 fravashis25
aiwithuranam27. of the righteous men27
Paoiryo-tkaeshanam28 Fravashinam29 of the fravashis29 of poryotkaeshas28 
naha30 nazdishtanam30 Fravashinam31 and of the fravashis31 of nabanazdishta30 (i.e. of the next of kith and kin)
ashem vohû (1)
Ahmai Raescha
jasa me 
Kerfeh Mozd



Chapter 17 - Yasna 53

1  Homage1  (be) unto you2 O Holy4 Gatha3 !
Vahishtâ5 îshtish6  The1  best5 wish6 of 

see below

'sravi' passive third person of root 'sru' = sanskrit shru = to hear For the explanation of the word sravi see avesta grammar page 254
Zarathushtrahê8  Spitâmahyâ9 Spitama9 Zarathushtrish8 
  has been fulfilled7
ýezî10 hôi11 dât12 âyaptâ13 when10 (the creator)16-17  gave12 him11 two gifts13 
ashât14 hacâ15 on account of his righteousness14-15
Ahurô16 Mazdå17  Ahura16 Mazda17
ýavôi18 vîspâi19 â hvanghevîm20 (viz.) (1.) Good life20 (i.e. happiness of heaven) for all eternity18-19 and 
'hvanghevim' = hu + anghu + ya + n = happy life
ýaêchâ21 hôi22 daben23 sashkeñcâ24 (2.) ( those) who were21 (first) tormenting23 him22 were wishing earnestly to learn24 
'daben' -root 'dab' = Vedic 'dabh' = to torment. to hurt
daênayå25 vanghuyåo26 ukhdhâ27 shyaothanâcâ28  the teachings27 and the acts28 of his good26 religion25
(This verse to be recited twice) (2).

sashkeñcâ24 root 'sach' = to learn; by adding 'sha' it becomes 'sach+sha' by altering 'ch' and 'sh' and adding the imperfect tense third person plural termination it becomes 'sashken'= 'wished to learn' : also "teaching"  (Darmesteter)


If the meaning "disciples" (Justi and Mills) is accepted then it can be translated as under 

"Through the teachings and acts of the good religion (i.e. by their acting according to the sacred hymns of the good religion and good deed) they become the disciples of the Religion."

Atchâ29  hôi30  Now29 when they are anxious

see below

'sachantu' (root 'sach'): 'to teach' and 'to learn'. appears to be used in both senses in this verse
mananghâ32 ukhdhâish33 shyaothanâishcâ34 with (good) thoughts32 (good) words33 and (good) deeds34

see below

'kshnu=khshna' = Persian 'shenakhtan' = to know, to recognise. see Yasna 48.12
 Mazdåo36 vahmâi37  for singing the hymns of praise37 of Ahura Mazda36 
â fraoret38 by having faith38 
  on the lore of the religion35 
ýasnãschâ39, and on the worship with rituals39
Kavachâ40 Vîshtâspô41 then Kay40 Vishtaspa41 
Zarathushtrish42 Spitâmô43 the acceptor of the Religion of Spitama43 Zarathushtra42 
Ferashaoshtrascâ44 and Frashaoshtra44
dånghô45  well-versed in the religion45 
  will teach (or would be better if they teach)31
  to each one30
erezûsh46 pathô47  the true46 paths47  (i.e. the paths of righteousness46)
'erezu' = sanskrit 'rju' =straight, true
ýãm48 daênãm49 i.e. the religion49 
Ahurô50 Saoshyañtô51 dadât52. of the saoshyants51 which48 Ahura Mazda50 made52

see below

-tû54 pourucistâ55 O thou54 Pouru-chista55
The Prophet Zarathushtra had Three sons and Three daughters. Names of the sons 1.-Isat Vastra 2.-Urvatat Vastra 3.-Khorshed-cheher. Names of the daughters 1.-Freni  2.-Thriti 3-Pouri-chista. Amongst them Pouri-chista was the youngest daughter.
haêcat-aspânâ56 of the Family of Haechat-aspana56  
Haechat-aspa56 the name of the grandfather of the grandfather of Zarathushtra
Spitâmî57 of the descendent of Spitama57
Spitama57 the name of the grandfather of the grandfather of Haechat-aspa56
ýezivî58 dugedrãm59 Zarathushtrahê60 O thou youngest58 amongst the daughter59 of Zarathushtra60 
'dugedram' is genitive plural of 'dughdhar'; root dugh = Sanskrit 'duh' = to milk
ýezivî58 (Dr Spiegel) can be translated as  'worthy of adoration'; root "yaz"

see below

the creator Ahura Mazda65 has fixed67 (or has destined) him (i.e. Jamaspa, brother of frashoashtra)
vanghêush61 paityâstêm62 mananghô63 ashahyâ64  who is devoted62 to good61 thoughts63 and righteousness64 
paityâstêm62 = chieftain Compare sanskrit "pati" = lord. master, husband

see above

taibyô66   for thee66 

see above

sarem68 as the husband68
vanghêush61 paityâstêm62 mananghô63 ashahyâ64 these words have occurred as the epithet of 'sarem' = husband
athâ69 therefore now69
hêm ferashvâ70 do thou keep on conversing70 
  (with him53)
hêm ferashvâ70 = later avesta 'ham -peresanghuha' : root 'hampares' = Sanskrit "sam-prachchh"
thwâ71 khrathwâ72 spênishtâ73 and through thy71 holiest73 (or most bountiful) wisdom72 
ârmatôish74  of perfect mindedness74 
hudânvareshvâ75. do thou work with good prudence75
hudânvareshvâ75 =  'Hudanu' = of good wisdom and Vareshwa (varez + hwa = vareshwa) root 'varez' = to work  see Avesta Grammar page 255-256
  Pouru-chista replies
Têm7677 Indeed77 I will love80 him76 (i.e. my destined husband)
78 speredânî79 varânî80 and I will vie79 with him more78 (in my love with him) 
(i.e. I will try to show him more love than my husband he will show his love for me)
  Pouru-chista advises her friends as under
ýâ81 fedhrôi82 vîdât83 The daughter who81 will remain faithful83 to her father82,
paithyaêchâ84 to her husband
vâstryaêibyô85 to her men85
atchâ86 khvaêtaovê87 as well as86 her kinsman87
ashâunî88 ashavabyô89, (and) to righteous89 men88
 mananghô90 vanghêush91,  her wish96 of good91 thought90
k hvênvat92

see below

hanghush93 mê94 bê-et95 ush96,  will be fully93 fulfilled95 
Mazdåo97  and the creator Ahura99 Mazda97 
dadât98 Ahurô99 daênayâi100 vanghuyâi1   for her good conscience100 will grant98 her
  Garothman92 (heaven92) 
 ýavôi2 vîspâi3 â4. for all eternity2,3,4.
  Prophet Zarathushtra says:  

see below

vazyamnâbyô6 kainibyô7 To maidens7 marrying6 

see below

khshmaibyâchâ9 and to you9
 (bridegroom uniting in marriage) 
vademnô10 I who am the giver of command or encouragement to get married10
  speak8 the word of admonition5 as under:
mêñchâ1112 mãzdazdûm13 Do you bear in mind13 these utterances12 of mine11
  (The words of admonition of  Holy Zarathushtra)
vaêdôdûm14 daênâbîsh15 abyastâ16  Being educated16 through the religious minded persons15 strive to secure14 
ahûm17 ýê18 vanghêush19 mananghô20  the life17 of good19 thought20 
ashâ21 and with righteousness21 (or with a sincere heart)
22 anyô23 ainîm24 vîvêñghatû25 keep on loving25 each23 other24 amongst you22 
tat2627 hôi28  thereby26 indeed27 domestic life of each one28 
hushênem29 anghat30. may be30 happy29
Ithâ31 î32 haithyâ33 narô34 athâ35 But31, O men34 and maids36
jênayô36 drûjô37 hachâ38 râthemô39 ýême40 spashuthâ41 frâidîm42  do you seal41 the path39 of the Druj37 (i.e. falsehood) (and its) advancement42  manifestly33 (or openly) 
drûjô43 âyesê44 hôitha45 tanvô46 parâ47, Do you sever the connection47,45 of your body46 from the worship44 of the Druj43
Vayû48-beredubyô49 dush-khvarethêm50 nãsat51 khvâthrem52   Happiness52 having bad luster50 (i.e. greatness associated with disrepute and shame)  is destructive51 for men49.
dregvôdebyô53 dêjît54-aretaêibyô55 From truth destroying54,55 wicked persons53 (O men and women) 
anâish56 â-manahîm57 ahûm58 mereñgeduyê59.  you pervert59 (your) spiritual57 life58 (i.e. the existence of the Spiritual World
  (O men and women!)
atchâ6061 mîzhdem62  You61 will get63 the reward62
anghat63 ahyâ64 magahyâ65 of that64 great task65;
ýavat66 âzhush67 zarazdishtô68 when66 your inner68 greed67 (or wicked lust)
bûnôi69 hakhtayåo70 which is strongly attached70 to the bottom69 (of the heart)
parachâ71 mraochãs72 aorâchâ73 will be completely73 removed71,72
ýathrâ74 mainyush75 dregvatô76 and when74 wicked76 thought75 
anãsat77 will be fully destroyed77  (from you)
parâ78 ivîzayathâ79 magêm80 têm81 at8283  Therefore for this great adventurous work80 gird up your loins79
 vayôi84 anghaitî85  Other wise woe woe84 thus will be85
 apêmem86 vachô87.  your speech87 to the end86
Anâish88 â
duzh-vareshnanghô89 dafshnyâ90  May the wicked workers89 be defeated90!
hêñtû91 zakhvyâchâ92 vîspånghô93 khraoseñtãm94 upâ95; May they all93 be91 jeered at with hatred95,92 and lamenting94
  hukhshathrâish96 Through good rulers96 (i.e. through the ruling persons)  
 jênerãm97 khrûnerãmchâ98 râmãmchâ99 âish100 dadâtû1 shyeitibyô2 vîzhibyô3 may they suffer1 misery97 and wound98! May they be outcast99 from the dwellings (of men)2 and from the villages (or families)3.
îratû4 îsh5

see below

  (Let the evil-doing person) 
 dvafshô6 hvô7  himself7 being bound with double fetters6 (i.e. chained with fetters in hands and feet)
  shake4 those5
derezâ8  fetters8 
merethyâush9 mazishtô10 moshuchâ11 astû12  May the greatest10 blow of death9 come upon him12 quickly11
duzhvarenâish13 Owing to the persons of false beliefs13,
vaêshô14 râstî15

see below

tôi16 narepîsh17 rajîsh18, Thy16 religious guides17 devoted18 (to the Religion)
   (O Ahura Mazda) have to suffer15 calamity14.
aêshasâ19    Intentionally19
dêjît-aretâ20 the destroyers of righteousness20
 peshô-tanvô21, became (or are considered as) "tana fur"21 (i.e. sinner)21
22 ashavâ23 Ahurô24, Where22 is the righteous23 Lord24?
ýê25 îsh26  jyâtêush27 hêmithyât28 vasê-itôishchâ;29   Who25 can  render destruction of the freedom29 and the life27 of those (Persons)26
(i.e. of men of false beliefs and of the destroyers of righteousness).
tat30 Mazdâ31 Surely30 , O Ahura Mazda31
 tavâ32 khshathrem33 Thy32 sovereignty33
ýâ34 is such that34
erezhejyôi35 dâhî36 drigaovê37 vahyô38 Thou bestowest36 goodness38 (i.e. exalted status) upon the right living35 meek person37 (as a reward for his goodness).
(this paragraph to be recited thrice)
Vahishtâ5 îshtish6  The1  best5 wish6 of 

see below

Zarathushtrahê8  Spitâmahyâ9 Spitama9 Zarathushtrish8 
  has been fulfilled7
ýezî10 hôi11 dât12 âyaptâ13 when10 (the creator)16-17  gave12 him11 two gifts13 
ashât14 hacâ15 on account of his righteousness14-15
Ahurô16 Mazdå17  Ahura16 Mazda17
ýavôi18 vîspâi19 â hvanghevîm20 (viz.) (1.) Good life20 (i.e. happiness of heaven) for all eternity18-19 and 
ýaêchâ21 hôi22 daben23 sashkeñcâ24 (2.) ( those) who were21 (first) tormenting23 him22 were wishing earnestly to learn24 
daênayå25 vanghuyåo26 ukhdhâ27 shyaothanâcâ28  the teachings27 and the acts28 of his good26 religion25
(This verse to be recited twice) (2).
Ashem Vohu (3)
vahishtôishtîm1 hâitîm2 ýazamaide3. We revere3 the Ha2 (called) Vahishtoisht1.
vahishtôishtîm4 gâthãm5 ashaonîm6 ashahe7 ratûm8 ýazamaide9, We revere9 the holy6 Vahishtoisht4 Gatha5 (which is) the Lord8 of righteousness7.
vahishtôishtôish10 gâthayå11 hañdâtâ12 ýazamaide13. We revere13 the prayer12 of Vahishtoisht10 Gatha11
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27.