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Chapter 17 - Yasna 53

1  Homage1  (be) unto you2 O Holy4 Gatha3 !
Vahishtâ5 îshtish6  The1  best5 wish6 of 

see below

'sravi' passive third person of root 'sru' = sanskrit shru = to hear For the explanation of the word sravi see avesta grammar page 254
Zarathushtrahê8  Spitâmahyâ9 Spitama9 Zarathushtrish8 
  has been fulfilled7
ýezî10 hôi11 dât12 âyaptâ13 when10 (the creator)16-17  gave12 him11 two gifts13 
ashât14 hacâ15 on account of his righteousness14-15
Ahurô16 Mazdå17  Ahura16 Mazda17
ýavôi18 vîspâi19 â hvanghevîm20 (viz.) (1.) Good life20 (i.e. happiness of heaven) for all eternity18-19 and 
'hvanghevim' = hu + anghu + ya + n = happy life
ýaêchâ21 hôi22 daben23 sashkeñcâ24 (2.) ( those) who were21 (first) tormenting23 him22 were wishing earnestly to learn24 
'daben' -root 'dab' = Vedic 'dabh' = to torment. to hurt
daênayå25 vanghuyåo26 ukhdhâ27 shyaothanâcâ28  the teachings27 and the acts28 of his good26 religion25
(This verse to be recited twice) (2).

sashkeñcâ24 root 'sach' = to learn; by adding 'sha' it becomes 'sach+sha' by altering 'ch' and 'sh' and adding the imperfect tense third person plural termination it becomes 'sashken'= 'wished to learn' : also "teaching"  (Darmesteter)


If the meaning "disciples" (Justi and Mills) is accepted then it can be translated as under 

"Through the teachings and acts of the good religion (i.e. by their acting according to the sacred hymns of the good religion and good deed) they become the disciples of the Religion."

Atchâ29  hôi30  Now29 when they are anxious

see below

'sachantu' (root 'sach'): 'to teach' and 'to learn'. appears to be used in both senses in this verse
mananghâ32 ukhdhâish33 shyaothanâishcâ34 with (good) thoughts32 (good) words33 and (good) deeds34

see below

'kshnu=khshna' = Persian 'shenakhtan' = to know, to recognise. see Yasna 48.12
 Mazdåo36 vahmâi37  for singing the hymns of praise37 of Ahura Mazda36 
â fraoret38 by having faith38 
  on the lore of the religion35 
ýasnãschâ39, and on the worship with rituals39
Kavachâ40 Vîshtâspô41 then Kay40 Vishtaspa41 
Zarathushtrish42 Spitâmô43 the acceptor of the Religion of Spitama43 Zarathushtra42 
Ferashaoshtrascâ44 and Frashaoshtra44
dånghô45  well-versed in the religion45 
  will teach (or would be better if they teach)31
  to each one30
erezûsh46 pathô47  the true46 paths47  (i.e. the paths of righteousness46)
'erezu' = sanskrit 'rju' =straight, true
ýãm48 daênãm49 i.e. the religion49 
Ahurô50 Saoshyañtô51 dadât52. of the saoshyants51 which48 Ahura Mazda50 made52

see below

-tû54 pourucistâ55 O thou54 Pouru-chista55
The Prophet Zarathushtra had Three sons and Three daughters. Names of the sons 1.-Isat Vastra 2.-Urvatat Vastra 3.-Khorshed-cheher. Names of the daughters 1.-Freni  2.-Thriti 3-Pouri-chista. Amongst them Pouri-chista was the youngest daughter.
haêcat-aspânâ56 of the Family of Haechat-aspana56  
Haechat-aspa56 the name of the grandfather of the grandfather of Zarathushtra
Spitâmî57 of the descendent of Spitama57
Spitama57 the name of the grandfather of the grandfather of Haechat-aspa56
ýezivî58 dugedrãm59 Zarathushtrahê60 O thou youngest58 amongst the daughter59 of Zarathushtra60 
'dugedram' is genitive plural of 'dughdhar'; root dugh = Sanskrit 'duh' = to milk
ýezivî58 (Dr Spiegel) can be translated as  'worthy of adoration'; root "yaz"

see below

the creator Ahura Mazda65 has fixed67 (or has destined) him (i.e. Jamaspa, brother of frashoashtra)
vanghêush61 paityâstêm62 mananghô63 ashahyâ64  who is devoted62 to good61 thoughts63 and righteousness64 
paityâstêm62 = chieftain Compare sanskrit "pati" = lord. master, husband

see above

taibyô66   for thee66 

see above

sarem68 as the husband68
vanghêush61 paityâstêm62 mananghô63 ashahyâ64 these words have occurred as the epithet of 'sarem' = husband
athâ69 therefore now69
hêm ferashvâ70 do thou keep on conversing70 
  (with him53)
hêm ferashvâ70 = later avesta 'ham -peresanghuha' : root 'hampares' = Sanskrit "sam-prachchh"
thwâ71 khrathwâ72 spênishtâ73 and through thy71 holiest73 (or most bountiful) wisdom72 
ârmatôish74  of perfect mindedness74 
hudânvareshvâ75. do thou work with good prudence75
hudânvareshvâ75 =  'Hudanu' = of good wisdom and Vareshwa (varez + hwa = vareshwa) root 'varez' = to work  see Avesta Grammar page 255-256
  Pouru-chista replies
Têm7677 Indeed77 I will love80 him76 (i.e. my destined husband)
78 speredânî79 varânî80 and I will vie79 with him more78 (in my love with him) 
(i.e. I will try to show him more love than my husband he will show his love for me)
  Pouru-chista advises her friends as under
ýâ81 fedhrôi82 vîdât83 The daughter who81 will remain faithful83 to her father82,
paithyaêchâ84 to her husband
vâstryaêibyô85 to her men85
atchâ86 khvaêtaovê87 as well as86 her kinsman87
ashâunî88 ashavabyô89, (and) to righteous89 men88
 mananghô90 vanghêush91,  her wish96 of good91 thought90
k hvênvat92

see below

hanghush93 mê94 bê-et95 ush96,  will be fully93 fulfilled95 
Mazdåo97  and the creator Ahura99 Mazda97 
dadât98 Ahurô99 daênayâi100 vanghuyâi1   for her good conscience100 will grant98 her
  Garothman92 (heaven92) 
 ýavôi2 vîspâi3 â4. for all eternity2,3,4.
  Prophet Zarathushtra says:  

see below

vazyamnâbyô6 kainibyô7 To maidens7 marrying6 

see below

khshmaibyâchâ9 and to you9
 (bridegroom uniting in marriage) 
vademnô10 I who am the giver of command or encouragement to get married10
  speak8 the word of admonition5 as under:
mêñchâ1112 mãzdazdûm13 Do you bear in mind13 these utterances12 of mine11
  (The words of admonition of  Holy Zarathushtra)
vaêdôdûm14 daênâbîsh15 abyastâ16  Being educated16 through the religious minded persons15 strive to secure14 
ahûm17 ýê18 vanghêush19 mananghô20  the life17 of good19 thought20 
ashâ21 and with righteousness21 (or with a sincere heart)
22 anyô23 ainîm24 vîvêñghatû25 keep on loving25 each23 other24 amongst you22 
tat2627 hôi28  thereby26 indeed27 domestic life of each one28 
hushênem29 anghat30. may be30 happy29
Ithâ31 î32 haithyâ33 narô34 athâ35 But31, O men34 and maids36
jênayô36 drûjô37 hachâ38 râthemô39 ýême40 spashuthâ41 frâidîm42  do you seal41 the path39 of the Druj37 (i.e. falsehood) (and its) advancement42  manifestly33 (or openly) 
drûjô43 âyesê44 hôitha45 tanvô46 parâ47, Do you sever the connection47,45 of your body46 from the worship44 of the Druj43
Vayû48-beredubyô49 dush-khvarethêm50 nãsat51 khvâthrem52   Happiness52 having bad luster50 (i.e. greatness associated with disrepute and shame)  is destructive51 for men49.
dregvôdebyô53 dêjît54-aretaêibyô55 From truth destroying54,55 wicked persons53 (O men and women) 
anâish56 â-manahîm57 ahûm58 mereñgeduyê59.  you pervert59 (your) spiritual57 life58 (i.e. the existence of the Spiritual World
  (O men and women!)
atchâ6061 mîzhdem62  You61 will get63 the reward62
anghat63 ahyâ64 magahyâ65 of that64 great task65;
ýavat66 âzhush67 zarazdishtô68 when66 your inner68 greed67 (or wicked lust)
bûnôi69 hakhtayåo70 which is strongly attached70 to the bottom69 (of the heart)
parachâ71 mraochãs72 aorâchâ73 will be completely73 removed71,72
ýathrâ74 mainyush75 dregvatô76 and when74 wicked76 thought75 
anãsat77 will be fully destroyed77  (from you)
parâ78 ivîzayathâ79 magêm80 têm81 at8283  Therefore for this great adventurous work80 gird up your loins79
 vayôi84 anghaitî85  Other wise woe woe84 thus will be85
 apêmem86 vachô87.  your speech87 to the end86
Anâish88 â
duzh-vareshnanghô89 dafshnyâ90  May the wicked workers89 be defeated90!
hêñtû91 zakhvyâchâ92 vîspånghô93 khraoseñtãm94 upâ95; May they all93 be91 jeered at with hatred95,92 and lamenting94
  hukhshathrâish96 Through good rulers96 (i.e. through the ruling persons)  
 jênerãm97 khrûnerãmchâ98 râmãmchâ99 âish100 dadâtû1 shyeitibyô2 vîzhibyô3 may they suffer1 misery97 and wound98! May they be outcast99 from the dwellings (of men)2 and from the villages (or families)3.
îratû4 îsh5

see below

  (Let the evil-doing person) 
 dvafshô6 hvô7  himself7 being bound with double fetters6 (i.e. chained with fetters in hands and feet)
  shake4 those5
derezâ8  fetters8 
merethyâush9 mazishtô10 moshuchâ11 astû12  May the greatest10 blow of death9 come upon him12 quickly11
duzhvarenâish13 Owing to the persons of false beliefs13,
vaêshô14 râstî15

see below

tôi16 narepîsh17 rajîsh18, Thy16 religious guides17 devoted18 (to the Religion)
   (O Ahura Mazda) have to suffer15 calamity14.
aêshasâ19    Intentionally19
dêjît-aretâ20 the destroyers of righteousness20
 peshô-tanvô21, became (or are considered as) "tana fur"21 (i.e. sinner)21
22 ashavâ23 Ahurô24, Where22 is the righteous23 Lord24?
ýê25 îsh26  jyâtêush27 hêmithyât28 vasê-itôishchâ;29   Who25 can  render destruction of the freedom29 and the life27 of those (Persons)26
(i.e. of men of false beliefs and of the destroyers of righteousness).
tat30 Mazdâ31 Surely30 , O Ahura Mazda31
 tavâ32 khshathrem33 Thy32 sovereignty33
ýâ34 is such that34
erezhejyôi35 dâhî36 drigaovê37 vahyô38 Thou bestowest36 goodness38 (i.e. exalted status) upon the right living35 meek person37 (as a reward for his goodness).
(this paragraph to be recited thrice)
Vahishtâ5 îshtish6  The1  best5 wish6 of 

see below

Zarathushtrahê8  Spitâmahyâ9 Spitama9 Zarathushtrish8 
  has been fulfilled7
ýezî10 hôi11 dât12 âyaptâ13 when10 (the creator)16-17  gave12 him11 two gifts13 
ashât14 hacâ15 on account of his righteousness14-15
Ahurô16 Mazdå17  Ahura16 Mazda17
ýavôi18 vîspâi19 â hvanghevîm20 (viz.) (1.) Good life20 (i.e. happiness of heaven) for all eternity18-19 and 
ýaêchâ21 hôi22 daben23 sashkeñcâ24 (2.) ( those) who were21 (first) tormenting23 him22 were wishing earnestly to learn24 
daênayå25 vanghuyåo26 ukhdhâ27 shyaothanâcâ28  the teachings27 and the acts28 of his good26 religion25
(This verse to be recited twice) (2).
Ashem Vohu (3)
vahishtôishtîm1 hâitîm2 ýazamaide3. We revere3 the Ha2 (called) Vahishtoisht1.
vahishtôishtîm4 gâthãm5 ashaonîm6 ashahe7 ratûm8 ýazamaide9, We revere9 the holy6 Vahishtoisht4 Gatha5 (which is) the Lord8 of righteousness7.
vahishtôishtôish10 gâthayå11 hañdâtâ12 ýazamaide13. We revere13 the prayer12 of Vahishtoisht10 Gatha11
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27.