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Chapter 15 - Yasna 50

1.   kat1 môi2 urvâ3 Whether1 my2 soul4
isę4 chahyâ5 avanghô6 has wished4 for the help6 of anyone5
   I invoke21 you to tell20 (me) ; O Ahura Mazda!
7-môi8 pasęush9 Who7 (is) the protector13 of my8 cattle9?
 kę101112 thrâtâ13 vistô14, And who10 is a person12 known14 (as a protector) for me?11
anyô15 ashât16 thwatchâ17 other than15 Thee17, righteousness16
Mazdâ18 Ahurâ19, azdâ20 zűtâ21  

see above

vahishtâatchâ22 mananghô23. and best thought22 ?
  Explanation : The creator Ahura Mazda is the greatest protector of every man and on account of his righteousness and good thought the creator Ahura Mazda saves him from any calamity whatever
kathâ24 Mazdâ24 rânyô-skeretîm26 găm27 ishasôit28 How24 does (a man) choose28 (or wish) this joy bringing26 world27 O Ahura Mazda!
ýę29-hîm30 ahmâi31 vâstravaitîm32 stôi33 usyât34 which29 he may always33 wish34 to be full of prosperity32
erezhejîsh35 Those living truthfully35
ashâ36 through righteousness36
 pourushű37 hvarę38-pishyasű39 and shone forth with the divine knowledge (are) in the abundant37 lustre39 of the Sun38 (or in the Heaven of the region of the sun)
âkâstęńg4041 nishăsyâ42 dâthęm43 dâhvâ44. Grant me44 the gifts43 of bringing42 me41 in that state40 O Ahura Mazda 
  translation at end of book
  What61  nearest62  "gaetha" and divisions relating to existence63 a wicked one (i.e. the false one64) breaks65 ;
atchît45 ahmâi46 Mazdâ47 ashâ48 anghaitî49 ýăm50 hôi51 khshathrâ52 Vohuchâ53 chôisht54 Mananghâ55

see bottom

ýę56-nâ57 Whoso56,57
ashôish58 aojanghâ59 by means of the power59 of righteousness58
varedayaętâ60 transforms into spiritual growth60
ýăm61 nazdishtăm62 gaęthăm63 dregvĺ64 bakhshaitî65.

see top


that "Gaetha"50 

to him46,51 becomes49 chosen54 

the Trinity of Asha48 Khshathra52 

and Vohu Manangha53,55

  O Mazda47
  Whoever with the strength of righteousness cultivates and renders prosperous the nearest land by snatching it away from the wicked person (i.e. which is in the possession of some wicked person) to that man .....
at6667 ýazâi68 stavas69 Mazdâ70 Ahurâ71 hadâ72   O Ahura Mazda70,71 (I who am Thy) singer of praises69 always72 worship68 (or invoke68) Thee67
ashâ73    with righteousness73 (i.e. with sincere heart)
vahishtâchâ74 mananghâ75 with the best74 thought75
 khshathrâchâ76 and with steadfastness,76
ýâ77   so that77
îshô78 stĺnghat79 â-paithî,80  (I) might stand79 on the path80 of Chinvat Bridge
âkĺo81 aredręńg82 demânę83 garô84 seraoshânę85. and hear85 openly81 hymns of adoration82 in the Garothman84 (heaven)83,
ârôi86-zî87 khshmâ88
Mazdâ89 ashâ90 Ahurâ91 O holy90 Ahura91 Mazda89
 hyat92 ýűshmâkâi93 măthrânę94 vaorâzathâ95; do Thou88 indeed87 bring joy95 fully86 into Thy93 revealer of Holy94 word
aibî-dereshtâ96 âvîshyâ97 avanghâ98 by giving98 (Thy) powerful96 and manifest97 help98
zastâishtâ99 ýâ100  so that (i.e. on account of the strength of thy help)100
 -nĺo1 k hvâthrę2 dâyât3. (he) may grant3 us1 happiness2 with sufficient vigour99
  Explanation Its significance seems to be this that thou o Ahura Mazda mayest please and rejoice the expounder of the religion by giving the required help in order that by hearing his teachings we may gain happiness by holding fast the path of righteousness and truth.
  (Prophet) Zarathushtra12 
ýę4 măthrâ5 vâchem6 Mazdâ7 baraitî8 urvathô9 (is) the friend9 (of that man) who4, O Ahura Mazda!7 pronounces6,8 (Holy) Mathra5 Sacred Hymns5 with
 ashâ10 nemanghâ11 sincerity10 and with homage11
Zarathushtrô12 (Prophet) Zarathushtra12 
 Dâtâ13 khratęush14 hizvô15 raithîm16 stôi17; (is) always17 the keeper13 of wisdom14 and the conductor16 on the right path of (his) tongue15 
mahyâ18 râzęńg19 Vohű20 sâhît21 Mananghâ22.  (Prophet Zarathushtra says) (any person) can teach21 my18 secrets19  'through good20 thought22'
  O Ahura Mazda32
at2324 ýaojâ25 I meditate25 only upon Thee24 
  through righteousness33 and good35 thought36
zevîshtyęńg26 aurvatô27 having reached the beneficial26 strong27
 jayâish28 perethűsh29 vahmahyâ30 ýűshmâkahyâ31 Mazdâ32 and steadfast34 paths29 of Thy31 adoration30
ashâ33 ugręńg34 Vohű35 Mananghâ36 

 see above

  ýâish37 on account of which37 (i.e. on account of my righteousness and good thoughts)
azâthâ38  do Thou guide38
mahmâi39 me39 (to go towards those paths) and
khvyâtâ40 avanghę41. may Thou become40 my40 helper41
mat42 Together with42
vĺo43 padâish44   poetical hymns44
ýâ45 frasrűtâ46 îzhayĺ47 sung from the fullness of my heart47 which45 (are) known fully,
pairi-jasâi48 may I verily56 reach48 Thee43
 Mazdâ49 O Ahura Mazda!49
ustâna-zastô50, at51 vĺo52 ashâ53 With both the hands entreatingly uplifted through righteousness53
aredrakhvyâchâ54 nemanghâ55 at56 vĺo57 and adoration55 accompanied by libations 
 Vanghęush58 Mananghô59 hunaretâtâ60. and through the excellence60 of good58 thought59
  May I (who am Thy) praiser65 reach66 Thee62 (O Ahura Mazda!)67
tâish61 vĺo62 ýasnâish63 paitî64 through these61 prayers (or acts of worship)63
stavas65 ayenî66 Mazdâ67

see above

Ashâ68   through righteousness68
Vanghęush69 shyaothanâish70 mananghô71 good69 deeds70 and thoughts71
ýadâ72 When72 
ashôish73 makhvyĺo74 vasę75 khshayâ76 I am steadfast76 over my74 wish75 of righteousness73 
at77 hudânâush78 then I wish78 that like a man possessed of good wisdom78
ishayăs79 gerezdâ80 khvyęm81. I may be81 earnestly yearning79 thee with obedience as an humble petitioner80  
at82 ýâ83 vareshâ84 ýâchâ85 Through these (prayers and righteousness), (referred to in the preceding verse) whatever83,85 
pairî86 âish87 shyaothanâ88, ýâchâ89 Vohű90 (good) acts88 I will perform successively86 will be considered89 
chashmăm91 arejat92 worthy of respect92 to the eyes91 (of men)
 Mananghâ93; on account of good thoughts (i.e. by reason of having been performed through righteousness)
raochĺo94 The stars94
khvęńg95 the sun95
asnăm96 ukhshâ97 the informer of the rising of the day97 (i.e. twilight at dawn) 
aęurush98  , (all these) revolve round98
khshmâkâi99 ashâ100 vahmâi1 to sing Thy99 hymns of praise1.
 Mazdâ2 Ahurâ3. O Holy100 Ahura3 Mazda2
  As long as10 I can12 wield the power13 through righteousness11 
at45 staotâ6 aojâi7 so long I will be k nown7 as the singer of Thy5 hymns of praise6 
 Mazdâ8 anghâchâ9   O Ahura Mazda8 as I had been before9  
ýavat10 ashâ11 tavâchâ12 isâichâ13
see top
dâtâ14   The Creator14 
anghęush15 of the world,15 ( Ahura Mazda)
aredat16 fulfills16
Vohű17 Mananghâ18; haithyâvareshtăm19

see bottom

 hyat20 vasnâ21 ferashôtemem22! the wish21 most progressive20
    of the doers of righteous deeds19 through good17 thoughts18.
Speńtâ5 Mainyű6 Through Spenta5 Mainyu6 (i.e. Beneficent Spirit),
vahishtâchâ7 mananghâ8 hachâ9 ashât10 shyaothanâchâ11 vachanghâchâ12, owing to best7 thought8, word12 and deed11 (inspired\) through righteousness10
ahmâi13 dăn14 Haurvâtâ15  (the Creator) Ahura20 Mazda17 doth give14 unto us13 happiness15 (of this world) 
Ameretâtâ16 Mazdĺo17 and immortality16 (of the world beyond) (i.e. heaven)
khshathrâ18 ârmaitî19 Ahurô20 prosperity18 and perfect mindedness19
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ashem vohű ... (3).
kat-môi-urvăm hâitîm ýazamaide.
speńtâ-mainyűm gâthăm ashaonîm ashahe ratűm ýazamaide,

speńtâ-mainyęush gâthayĺ hańdâtâ ýazamaide. 

yenghe1 hătăm2 Among living beings2 who1
ăat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghő,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdăo Ahurő7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethă8 is aware8 
ashăt9 hachă10 on account of10 their holiness9
yăonghămchă 11 tănschă12 tăoschă13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hă 18 and Yasna Hă 27.