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Chapter 13 - Yasna 48

1.    ýezî1 When1 (the righteous - virtuous man) 
  will smite5 the Druj4 (i.e. deceit and falsehood)6 
adâish2  by means of (his) benevolent deeds2 
ashâ3  and by means of righteousness3 
drujem4 vêñnghaitî5 

see above

hyat6 and when6 

see below

 ýâ8 the things8
daibitânâ9 fraokhtâ10 which (were declared10 to be deceit9

not in translation ameretâitî11= (in-immortaality)

daêvâishchâ12 mashyâishchâ13 by the Daevas12 (and) by (wicked) persons13
   will come out in their true shapes7
at14 then14,
tôi15 savâish16 vahmem17 vakhshat18 Thy adoration17 will spread18 together with the benefits16 (rising therefrom)
Ahurâ19.  O Ahura Mazda!19 
Vaochâ20-môi21, Do Thou tell20 me21
ýâ22 tvêm23 vîdvå24 because22 Thou23 (art) Omniscient24 
 Ahurâ25 O Ahura mazda!25 
 parâ26 hyat27  prior to the time when26,27
 mâ28 ýâ29 mêñg30 perethâ31 jimaitî32  big fight31 concerning me30 may come32 upon me28, :
   (that is this) 
kat33 ashavâ34 Whether33 the righteous man34,
Mazdâ35 O Ahura Mazda!35
vêñghat36 dregvañtem37;  shall overcome36 the wicked man37?
38-zî39 (If this is so, then) surely39

see below

vanguhî41 vistâ42 (this is) marked42 (or to be understood) as an excellent41
âkeretish43. event43
  of (this) life40 (or of the world)
  Ahura Mazda52
At44 vaêdemnâi45  Unto (that) wise man45
 vahishtâ46 sâsnanãm47 ýãm48 (His) best46 teachings47

see below

sâstî50 ashâ51 teaches50 through (His) righteousness51
Ahurô52 Ahura Mazda52
  bestower of good things49
 Speñtô53 vîdvåo54 bountiful53 and Omniscient54,
ýaêchît55 gûzrâ56 sêñghånghô57;  which55 (teachings47) (infact55) (are the) mystic56 Verses57
  Explanation i.e. Ahura Mazda teaches his mystic lore only to that man who is righteous and wise in order that he may enhance the prosperity of the world and may render good to mankind.  the ignorant  and wicked persons causes evil or harm by means of those mystic verses.
 thwâvãs58 Mazdâ59 O Ahura Mazda!59 (any person can be) Thy nearest devotee58
Vanghêush60 khrathwâ61 Mananghô62.  through the wisdom61 of the good60 mind62
ýê63  Whoso63,
dât64  keeps64 
manô65 his mind65
vahyô66 Mazdâ67 ashyaschâ68, better66 and holier68, O Ahura Mazda!67
hvô69  he himself69
daênãm70 shyaothanâchâ71 vachanghâchâ72; through word72  and deed71 keeps64 (even) the religion70 (the same) 
 ahyâ73  His73
zaoshêñg74 ushtish75 varenêñg76 hachaitê77  wish75 follows77 his faith76 and fealty74
thwahmî78 khratåo79 apêmem80 nanâ81 anghat82. The destiny (i.e. the end of that man) is82 distinctly81 in thy78 wisdom79 (O Ahura Mazda!).
  By the deeds91 of good89 wisdom90 
hu-khshathrâ83   may good rulers83 
khshêñtãm84, rule84
85-nê86 over us86
dushe-khshathrâ87 May not85 wicked rulers87 
khshêñtâ88, rule88 over us86
vanghuyåo89 chistôish90 shyaothanâish91

see above

ârmaitê92 O Armaiti92 
ýaozhdåo93 Purity93
mashyâi94 aipî95 zãthem96 vahishtâ97, is the best97 (thing) for man94 from birth95,96 
Gavôi98 For the cattle98
verezyâtãm99 man must work99
tãm100 (because) they100 
1 khvarethâi2 fshuyô3. are the increasers3 for our1 food2.
4-zî5-nê6  Because5 she4 (i.e. cattle) (is) our6
hushôithemâ7, precious property7
  (and) in the wish15 of good13 thought14
 hâ8-nê9 utayûitîm10 dât11 tevîshîm12, she8 grants11 us9 strength10 ( and) power12
Vanghêush13 Mananghô14 berexdhê15;

 see above

  In the creation24 of primeval25 ( or old)25 world23 
at16 akhvyâi17 ashâ18 through Asha18 for her17 (i.e. for the cattle).
 Mazdåo19 urvaråo20 vakhshat21, Ahurô22  (the Creator) Ahura22 Mazda19 grew21 vegetation20
anghêush23  zãthôi24 paouruyehyâ25.

see above

nî- aêshemô26  (You) should keep the demon of wrath26 
nî- dyâtãm27 suppressed27
paitî28 remem29 paitî- syôzdûm30, and should cut out30  violence (or hatred)29
ýôi31 â32  (You) who31
vanghêush33 mananghô34

see below

dîdrakhzhôduyê35 wish to hold fast35 to the path37
  of the good33 thought34 
ashâ36 through righteousness36

see above

  not translated word by word 

"I do not understand the meaning of the last line" writes Ervad Kavasji Edalji Kanga 

ýehyâ38 hithâush3940 speñtô41 at42 hôi43 dâmãm44 thwahmî45 â-dãm46 Ahurâ47. to which (path of good thought) the beneficent man (of the world) is dedicated
48-tôi49vanghêush50 Mazdâ51 khshathrahyâ52 îshtish53 What48 (is) the main object53 of Thy49 just50 Sovereignty53  O Ahura Mazda51 ?
 kâ54-tôi55 ashôish56 thwakhvyåo57 maibyô58 Ahurâ59; What54 is the effective prayer for securing thy holy reward and blessing to my soul  O Ahura Mazda59?
60-thwôi61 How60 
  shall I get65
ashâ62 through righteousness62
âkåo63 aredrêñg64   .  Thy62 (appointed) manifest63 helpers64

see above

vanghêush66 manyêush67 shyaothananãm68 javarô69. (for myself)  to be) the furtherer69 of the deeds68 of good66 thought67
kadâ70 vaêdâ71

see below

ýezî72  If72
 chahyâ73 khshayathâ74 Mazdâ75 ashâ76 owing to righteousness76 Thou dost rule74 over every (creation),73 O Ahura Mazda75
  when70 will I know71 then  
ýehyâ77-mâ78 (about the matter) of which77 to me78.

see below

dvaêthâ80; (there is) a doubt80 
  That is that:
eresh81-môi82 Tell me82 truly81
  (about what) (is) the end79 
 erezhûchãm83 of the righteous lives83 
vanghêush84 of good84
vafush85 beneficent85 
Mananghô86, thought86  ?
vîdyât87 saoshyãs88  this fact thy Saviour88 must know87
 ýathâ89 so that89
hôi90 ashish91 anghat92. benefit91 may accrue92 to him90
kadâ93 Mazdâ94 O Ahura Mazda94, when93
mãnarôish95 narô96 will men96 of mind's perfection95
vîseñtê97  come97
kadâ98 and when98 
ajên99 will they remove99
mûthrem100 the evil100
ahyâ1  of this1 
 magahyâ2, intoxication2  ?
ýâ3 through which3
añgrayâ4  evil4
karapanô5  the Karapans5
  and the wicked rulers9 of the lands10 
urûpayeiñtî6 cause evil6 (in the world) 
 ýâchâ7 khratû8 by their wicked minds8.
 dushe-khshathrâ9 dakhvyunãm10.

see above

kadâ11 mazdâ12 When11 O Ahura Mazda!12 
ashâ13 mat14 ârmaitish15 will perfect mindedness15 (or humility)15 together with righteousness10
 jimat16  be accrued16 to us"? 
khshathrâ17 husheitish18 vâstravaitî19; (and when11) will the prosperous19 pleasant abode18 together with wealth17 (be owned16 by us?)
kôi20  Who20
dregvôdebîsh21  khrûrâish22 râmãm23 dåoñtê24, will give24 us happiness - peace23 from the wicked21 and blood-thirsty22 (men) ?
kêñg25 â26 To whom25,26 
Vanghêush27 jimat28 Mananghô29 chistish30. shall come28 the wisdom30 of the good27 mind29?
( i.e. to whom will the wisdom of the good mind be accrued  ?)
tôi32 They32
anghen33 are33 the
Saoshyañtô34 Saoshyants34 - saviours34 
dakhvyunãm35, of the lands35
ýôi36 who36 will surely31
khshnûm37 Vohû38 Mananghâ39 hachåoñtê40 adhere40 to the knowledge of the Religion37 through ( their) good38 mind39
shyaothanâish41 good deeds41
ashâ42 and righteousness42
thwahyâ43 in accord with Thy43
Mazdâ44 sêñghahyâ45, command45 O Ahura Mazda44
tôi46-zî47 because47 they46 (i.e. the Saoshyants - Saviours)
 dâtâ48 (are) appointed48

hamaêstârô49 aêshem50 mahyâ51!

(as) the " strong51 opponents49 of hatred"50
Speñtâ5 Mainyû6

see below

vahishtâchâ7 mananghâ8 hachâ9 ashât10 shyaothanâchâ11 vachanghâchâ12, Owing to best7 thought8, word12 and deed11 (inspired\) through righteousness10
ahmâi13 dãn14 Haurvâtâ15  (the Creator) Ahura20 Mazda17 doth give14 unto us13 happiness15 (of this world) 
Ameretâtâ16 Mazdåo17 and immortality16 (of the world beyond) (i.e. heaven)
khshathrâ18 ârmaitî19 Ahurô20 prosperity18 and perfect mindedness19
  through Spenta5 Mainyu6 (i.e. Beneficent Spirit)
{the stanza should be repeated twice)


ashem vohû ... (3). 
ýezidhãm1 hâitîm2 ýazamaide3 We revere3 the ha2 (called) yezi-adaish1.
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27.