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Chapter 12 - Yasna 47

1.  nemô12 gâthĺ3 ashaonîsh4, O sacred4 Gathas3! Salutations1 (be) unto you2
Speńtâ5 Mainyű6

see below

vahishtâchâ7 mananghâ8 hachâ9 ashât10 shyaothanâchâ11 vachanghâchâ12, Owing to best7 thought8, word12 and deed11 (inspired\) through righteousness10
ahmâi13 dăn14 Haurvâtâ15  (the Creator) Ahura20 Mazda17 doth give14 unto us13 happiness15 (of this world) 
Ameretâtâ16 Mazdĺo17 and immortality16 (of the world beyond) (i.e. heaven)
khshathrâ18 ârmaitî19 Ahurô20 prosperity18 and perfect mindedness19
  through Spenta5 Mainyu6 (i.e. Beneficent Spirit)
{the stanza should be repeated twice)


Ahyâ21 Manyęush22 Spęnishtahyâ23 vahishtem24,

see below

hizvâ25 ukhdhâish26  (Any person) owing to (good) words (spoken)26 through (his) tongue25 (and) mouth28
vanghęush27 ęeânű28  mananghô29 owing to (his) good27 thought29 
ârmatôish30 zastôibyâ31 shyaothanâ32 and owing to deed32 (performed) by both the hands31 and behavior (or perfect mindedness)30
verezyat33; can secure33
   the best24 (thing) (i.e. happiness of Heaven) of that21 Most Beneficent23 Spirit22 (i.e. of Ahura Mazda).
ôyâ34 chistî35 Only34 owing to (His Omniscient) knowledge35 
hvô36 Ahura Mazda39 himself36 (is) 
patâ37 the father37
ashahyâ38 Mazdĺo39. of righteousness38 (i.e. the origin of Truth) 
  O Ahura Mazda59
ahyâ40 manyęush41  of this40 spirit41
tvęm42 ahî4344 speńtô45   Thou42 art bountiful45
ýę46 ahmâi47 (Thou) who46
   are joy-giving54
 găm48 rânyô-skeretîm49 hęm-tashat50   fashioned50 this joy-producing49 world48 
at51 hôi52 vâstrâi53

see below


see above

 ârmaitîm55 hyat56 hęm57   and Armaiti (i.e. humility)55
   for our benefit53 
vohű58 Mazdâ59 hęme-frashtâ60 mananghâ61. through communed60 Vohu58  Mana61
Ahmât62 Manyęush63 Owing to the good fortune of Spenta67 Mainyu63
 râreshyeińtî64 dregvańtô65,  wicked persons65 are tormented64
Mazdâ66 speńtât67  O Ahura Mazda66
nôit68 ithâ69 ashâunô70; but69 not68 (so) the righteous persons70.
kasęushchît7172 ashâunę73 kâthę74 anghat75,  For (keeping) righteous73 man pleased even any person72 is75 in the need74 of some (thing)71
isvâchît76 hăs77 paraosh78 akô79 dregvâitę80. For (keeping) the wicked man pleased a wicked79 person77 (inspite of being) powerful76 is75 in the need74 of plenty78

see below

Speńtâ82 Mainyű83 Mazdâ84 Ahurâ85, O Bountiful82 invisible83 Ahura85 Mazda84
 ashâunę86 chôish87 Thou verily dost give87 unto the righteous (man)86
ýâ88-zhî89 chîchâ90 vahishtâ91; which88 is the best91 (i.e. happiness of this world and that of the world beyond)

see below

thwahmât93 zaoshât94 But (remaining) far from Thy93 love94
dregvĺ95 bakhshaitî96, ahyâ97 shyaothanâish98 the wicked95 (man) on account of his97 (wicked) deeds98
  doth partake of96 (his) share92 (i.e. consequences of his own actions)
  akât99 âshyăs100 mananghô1. and becomes100 the co-dweller with the Druj called akoman99
2 dĺo3
Speńtâ4 Mainyű5 Mazdâ6ahurâ7, O bountiful4 invisible5 Ahura7 Mazda!6
âthrâ8  through (Thy) Fire8
   thou dost give3 that2 (i.e. reward as stated above)
 vanghâu9 vîdâite10  in good decision10 (i.e. by rendering proper justice), 
 rânôibyâ11  to the two rivals11
ârmatôish12 debăzanghâ13  in accordance with their advancement13 of (their) perfect-mindedness12
ashakhvyâchâ14; and righteousness14
15-zî16  and that (proper justice) of (Thine) is indeed16
pourűsh17 isheńtô18 vâurâitę19! approved19 fully17 by the contestants18.  
Speńtâ5 Mainyű6
vahishtâchâ7 mananghâ8 hachâ9 ashât10 shyaothanâchâ11 vachanghâchâ12, Owing to best7 thought8, word12 and deed11 (inspired\) through righteousness10
ahmâi13 dăn14 Haurvâtâ15  (the Creator) Ahura20 Mazda17 doth give14 unto us13 happiness15 (of this world) 
Ameretâtâ16 Mazdĺo17 and immortality16 (of the world beyond) (i.e. heaven)
khshathrâ18 ârmaitî19 Ahurô20 prosperity18 and perfect mindedness19
  through Spenta5 Mainyu6 (i.e. Beneficent Spirit)
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ashem vohű ... (3).
 speńtâ-mainyűm1 hâitîm2 ýazamaide3 We revere3 the ha2 named Spenta Mainyo1
yenghe1 hătăm2 Among living beings2 who1
ăat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghő,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdăo Ahurő7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethă8 is aware8 
ashăt9 hachă10 on account of10 their holiness9
yăonghămchă 11 tănschă12 tăoschă13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hă 18 and Yasna Hă 27.