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Chapter 11 - Yasna 46

  Prophet Zarathushtra speaks
  Having been deserted7,10 by my relatives8 and followers9 .
kâm1 nemôi2 zãm3, To what1 land3 shall I2 turn?
kuthrâ4 nemôi5 ayenî6, Whither4 shall I go6?
pairî7 k hvaêtêush8 airyamanaschâ9 dadaitî10;

see above

nôit11 Neither11
12 khshnâush13

see below

ýâ14 verezênâ15  the workers15 

see below

naêdâ17 nor17
dakhvyêush18 ýôi19 sâstârô20 dregvañtô21   the sinful21 ( or cruel)21 tyrants20 of the country18
  nor any one else16
  please13 me12
kathâ22 thwâ23 Mazdâ24 khshnaoshâi25  (having been in such a state) how22 shall I propitiate25 The e23,
Ahurâ26. O Ahura26 Mazda24
vaêdâ27 I knew27 
tat28  this28 ( fact)
ýâ29  so that29
ahmî30  Mazdâ31 O Ahura Mazda, I am30
anaêshô32; disappointed
33 I33 have
kamnafshvâ34 small possessions34
 hyatchâ35 along with if  also35
kamnânâ36 ahmî37, I am37 with a small following36.
 gerezôi38 therefore O lord I with humility appeal38 
 tôi39 to Thee39 thus:
 â-ît40 avaênâ41 do thou have a look41 
Ahurâ42, O Ahura Mazda!42
rafedhrêm43 chagvåo44 hyat45  at this ( condition of mine)45 and I beg44 ( of thee) consolation43 
fryô46 fryâi47 daidît48; just as a friend46 can give48 to another friend47 
âkhsô49 Do thou teach49 ( me)
vanghêush50 ashâ51 îshtîm52 Mananghô53.  through righteousness51 about the wealth52 of the good mind51.
kadâ54  When54
Mazdâ55  O Ahura Mazda!55 
  best wisdom51 of the Saoshyants65
ýôi56  which56 ( is) 
ukhshânô57 light- bringing57 
asnãm58, of the days58 (resurrection65
verezdâish63 sêñghâish64 (with56) effective 63 spiritual utterance64
anghêush59 darethrâi60 frô ashahyâ61 frâreñtê62, will come forth62 for the prosperity60 of the world of righteousness61.
saoshyañtãm65 khratavô66;

see above

  On account of (possessing) the good69 mind71
kaêibyô67   unto whom67
ûthâi68 vohû69 jimat70 will he come up70 for help68. (i.e. unto whom will he give help)

see above

maibyô72 thwâ73  I choose55 Thee73
sãstrâi74 verenê75  as my72 teacher74.
Ahurâ76. O Ahura Mazda76
at77 têñg78 dregvå79 ýêñg80  A sinful79 person91,
ashahyâ81 vazhdrêñg82 pât83,  prevents83 the supporters82 of righteousness81 
gåo84  and the cattle84

see below

shôithrahyâ86 of the province86 
87 as well as87 
dakhvyêush88  vâ89 of the land88 
  from movements85.
duzhazôbå90 hãs91 This  man of evil strength90
 k hvâish92 shyaothanâish93 ahêmustô94 destroys t he life94 through his92 wicked deeds93
ýastêm95 khshathrât96 

see below

Mazdâ97 O Ahura Mazda!92, whoso95 
môithat98 overthrows98 
  such a ( wicked person95) from ( his) power96 
jyâtêush99100, or100 from life99 
hvô1 that man1 
têñg2 frô3-gåo4

see below

  will7 open widely
 pathmêñg5  the paths5 
  to them2 (i.e.) to the cattle4
huchistôish6 charât7. and of good wisdom6
  not explained by Ervad Kavasji Edalji Kanga
  "explained at end of book"
ýê89 khshayãs10 Whoso8 (may be) possessed of desirable power10
adãs11 or possessed of immense spiritual wisdom11
drîtâ12 ayañtem13

see below

 urvâtôish1415 huzêñtush16   together with good knowledge16 of inner laws of nature14 or15
 mithrôibyô1718 rashnâ19 jvãs20 ýê21 the liver of life20 with righteous thoughts17 through Rashna19 the just19 or18 
ashavâ22   the holy22
dregvañtem23 vîchirô24 the discriminator24 of what is right and wrong21
 hãs25 tat26 frô27 he25 should promulgate27,29 that spiritual knowledge26
 khvaêtavê28 mruyât29 for the sake of the law of "Khaetva28"
(i.e. the law of attracting within itself the particles of the soul itself)
uzûithyôi30 for granting continuous higher state30
 îm31 to that31 wicked23
  person falling13 into destruction12
Mazdâ32 O Ahura34 Mazda32
  {he25 (i.e. man of wisdom,) should promulgate27,29 that spiritual knowledge26 to the wicked23}
 khrûnyât33 Ahurâ34. (to save him) from the destruction of the soul33
  Darmesteter explains the significance of the stanza as under:
    "Powerful persons should never help wicked men ie should not allow grace or mercy of any kind to them. the righteous and virtuous should be regarded as their own relatives. Any one who helps the wicked man should be considered as wicked and any one who helps a righteous virtuous  man should be regarded as righteous".
at35 ýastêm36 nôit3738 The man38 who36 inspite of being 
  isemnô39 powerful39 ( referred to in stanza three) 
âyât40, does not37 go40 near him36 ( in order to punish a wicked person) 
drûjô41 hvô42 dâmãn43 haithyâ44 gât45; is himself42 truly44 considered45 as the creation43 of the Druj41
hvô4647 because47 he himself46
dregvåo48 (is) wicked48
ýê49  who49
dregvâitê50 vahishtô51, (is) best51 for the wicked (man)50.
hvô52 (Quite contrary to this)  he himself52
ashavâ53 is righteous53
ýahmâi54 to whom54
ashavâ55  the righteous55 ( man)
fryô56 is beloved56.
hyat57   In this way57
daênåo58 the laws of the Religion58,
paouruyåo59  first of all59
dåo60 Thou hast fixed60
Ahurâ61. O Ahura Mazda! 
Kem1-nã 2  



What1 man2, O Mazdã3,
= For Hormazd the expression Ahura Mazda is generally found in the Avesta, but in some places, especially in the Gãthãs the words Ahura or Mazda only for Hormazd is noticed




(who other than12 Thee13 )

shall grant6 protection5 unto me 

and unto my followers4?

hyat7  8



when7 , at me8

any wicked man9 glares10  for 

taking revenge11 (or for injuring me11)?

anyem12   Who can it be other  than12  
thwahmãt13 ãthraschã14           mananghaschã,15 thy13  Fire14 and thy Good-Mind15 ?
(i.e. household happiness and the peace of mind)



Through the action #17 of these two16

ashem18 thraoshtã19  


, O9 Hormazd20! righteousness18 increases19.
action #17 ---i.e. by the acts which lead to family happiness and to peace of mind
tãm21 mõi22 dãstvãm23 daenayãi24 frãvaochã25.  Do Thou declare25 that21 knowledge@ 23 of the religion24 to me22  (O Hormazd!). (that I may spread their faith)

@ i.e. on whom Thou art friendly 

or kind.

ýê87 Whoso87 
88 môi89 ýå90 gaêthå91 dazdê92 aênanghê93, intends to harm92,93 my89 settlements91,
nôit94 ahyâ9596 âthrish97 his flame of wrath97 shall not94 harm99 me96 
shyaothanâish98  through ( his wicked) deeds98
frôsyât99; paityaoget100 (but) retribution100 ( of that person)
1 ahmâi2 jasôit3   shall reach3 him2
dvaêshanghâ4, with hatred4 ( and retribution)
   will hinder10 
 tanvêm5 â6   his body5
 ýâ7 îm8 hujyâtôish9  from happiness9,

see above

nôit11  not11
duzhjyâtôish12 with anguish12
kâchît13 even any13 ( or such retribution) 
Mazdâ14 O Ahura Mazda14
dvaêshanghâ15.  ( will come) with repentance15.
  Ervad Kavasji Edalji Kanga says " I do not understand the meaning of this verse"
  translation from the end of the book
16 hvô17 ýê18-mâ19 aredrô20 chôithat21 pouruyô22 Who16 is he17 who18 regarded21 me19 advanced22 and devoted21?
ýathâ23 thwâ24 zevîshtîm25 uzemôhî26  Just as23 we regarded with loftiness26 Thee24
shyaothanôi27 in the matter of Spiritual Progress27
speñtem28 Ahurem29 ashavanem30 as beloved25, bountiful28, Holy30 Ahura29 
 ýâ31-tôi32 ashâ33 In the same way31 through Thy32 Asha33 and42 Vohu Manangha44
ýâ34 ashâi35 gêush36 tashâ37 mraot38  

see bottom

isheñtî394041 I may be able40 to accomplish higher inspiration39 of those (laws)41
  which Geush36 - Tashan37 (the modeler of Gava) communicated38 to Asha35
tôi42 Vohû43 Mananghâ44

see above

  The translation is from Dr Hang.
     . "Who is that man , who whilst supporting me made me first acquainted me with thee as the most venerable being as the most beneficent righteous lord  The true sayings revealed by the maker of the earth come to me by means of thy good mind."
ýê45 Whoso45

46 môi47 

48 genâ4950

Mazdâ51 Ahurâ52 dâyât53

O Ahura Mazda!51,52  

man48 or50 woman49,

may give53 me47 

anghêush54 ýâ55- tû56 vôistâ57 vahishtâ58, the best58 (gift) of ( this) life54 which55 Thou, indeed56, hast known57 ( and)
ashîm59  (who so45 may rule over53) righteousness59 
ashâi60  for the sake of righteousness60 
Vohû61 khshathrem62 Mananghâ63, (and may exercise53) (his) sovereignty62 through good61 mind63
ýãschâ64 hakhshâi65 I will point out the path65 to them64
khshmâvatãm66 vahmâi67 â68, towards68 Thy66 worship67 ( or praise)
frô69 -tâish70 (and) I will make them69 all70
vîspâish71 chinvatô72 cross72 the Chinvat71
frafrâ73 peretûm74. Bridge73.
  Prophet Zarathushtra says " I will bring to heaven by causing to cross the Chinvat Bridge doers of virtuous deeds, followers of the law of righteousness and those persons who do not rule over their dominion arbitrarily.  About this for further details see Yasht Ba Mani, second Fragard of Hadokht Nask

see below

ýûjên75 Karapanô76 Kâvayaschâ77 The Karapans76 and the Kavis77 intend75 ,
akâish78  by means of wicked78 
shyaothanâish79 deeds79 
  and power74
ahûm80 mereñgeidyâi81 to destroy81 life80
 mashîm82, of humanity82
 ýêñg83  Whom83  ( for doing thus)
k hvê84 their own84
urvâ85  souls85 
khvaêchâ86 and their own86
khraodat87 daênâ88, conscience88 hardened87 ( or incited)87.
 hyat89 They89 (i.e. Karapans76 and Kavis77
aibî-gemen90 go90
ýathrâ91 there91
Chinvatô92 where the Chinvat92
peretush93, Bridge93 ( is),
ýavôi94 vîspâi95 but95
drûjô96 demânâi96 astayô97.  their dwelling98 ( is) for ever94 in the abode97 of the druj96 (i.e. in hell)
hyat99 But99
us100  with majesty100
ashâ1 owing to Asha1.  
naptyaêshû2  the descendant2  
nafshuchâ3  and dynasty3 
Tûrahyâ4  of the Tauranian4 Fruyana6 
uzjên5 Fryânahyâ6 some are at present born5
aojyaêshû7, (who are) powerful7 , and

ârmatôish8 gaêthåo

frâdô10 thwakhshanghâ11;

(who) by their dexterity11 prosper10

 the settlements9 of Armaiti8 ( piety)

  (The Creator) Ahura Mazda20,22
at12 îsh13 Vohû14 hêm15 aibî-môist16 Mananghâ17; gets merged15,16 through Good14 Mind17
aêibyô18 with them18 
  rafedhrâi19 Mazdåo20 (and) for ( their) happiness19 ( the Creator) Ahura Mazda20,22
 sastê21 Ahurô22. points out the right path21 to them18,
ýê23 Who so23 
  amongst men5 shall please28
spitâmem24 zarathushtrem25 Spitama24 Zarathushtra25
râdanghâ26  with the gift of affection26 ( or with happiness)26
maretaêshû27 khshnâush28

see above

hvô29 30 that man himself29 
ferasrûidyâi31 eredhwô32 (is)  worthy32 of proclaiming31 ( the commandments of the religion).
at33 hôi34  To that ( man)34 
 Mazdåo35 Ahura Mazda35,38
ahûm36 dadât37 Ahurô38  will grant37 heaven36
ahmâi39 gaêthåo40

see below

Vohû41 frâdat42 Mananghâ43 (and) on account of good41 thought43 shall render prosperous42 
  his39 (family and) cattle40
têm4445 That (man)44
ashâ46 O Asha46 (Righteousness)!
mêhmaidî47  we regard47 (as) thy45 
hush-hakhâim48. true friend48.
zarathushtrâ49 O Zarathushtra
kastê50 who ( is) Thy50
ashavâ51  true51
urvathô52 friend52?
Mazôi53  for this great53 
magâi;54 mission54 
5556  or56 who55 
ferasrûidyâi57 vashtî58 wishes58 to proclaim ( or to make known amongst the populace) ( the commandments of the religion).
  Prophet Zarathushtra replies :
at59 hvô60 Kavâ61 Vîshtâspô62 ýâhî63.  "Indeed59 brave63 Kay61-Vishtasp62 himself60." 
  I invoke70
Yêñgstû64 Mazdâ65 them65 whom64 Thou64 O Ahura Mazda65,68
hademôi66 minash67 Ahurâ68, têñg69 hast regarded67 worthy ( of sitting) in the ( heavenly) assembly67.

see above 

vanghêush71 ukhdhâish72 Mananghô73.  through the sacred verses72 of ( my) good71 thought73
haêchat-aspâ74  O scions of Haechat-Aspa74 
vakhshyâ7576 Spitamånghô77 of the family of Spitama77 ( now) unto you76  I will declare75
  (the commandments of the religion) 
hyat78 because78
dâthêñg79 vîchayathâ80 adâthãschâ81 you discriminate80 (or recognize) right79 and wrong81
tâish82 ýûsh83 shyaothanâish84 Through these deed84 (of yours) you83 
ashem85 khshmaibyâ86 daduyê87 have decided87 righteousness85 for yourselves86.
ýâish88 dâtâish89 paouruyâish90 in accordance with88 the primeval90 law89 
Ahurahyâ91 of Ahura Mazda91 
ferashaoshtrâ92 O Frashoashtra92 of the family of Hvova!97
athrâ93-tû94 aredrâish95 idî96 hvôgvâ97 tâish98   go96 thou94 thither93 together with98 these helpers95
ýêñg99  whom99 
usvahî100  we both have chosen100 
 ushtâ1-stôi1; for the benefit of the world.
ýathrâ2 ashâ3 hachaitê4 ârmaitish5  Where2 perfect mindedness5 follows4 righteousness3
ýathrâ6 Vanghêush7 Mananghô8 îshtâ9 khshathrem10, Where6 the desirable9 sovereignty10 of the good7 thought8 (reigns)
ýathrâ11 Mazdåo12 varedemãm13 shaêitî14 Ahurô15. Where11 Ahura Mazda12,15 dwells14 in his own honored abode13
  O wise Jamasp22 of the family of Hvo-gva23 
ýathrâ1617 afshmânî18 sêñghânî19 I will praise19 you17 in poetic cadence18 too16,
nôit20 anafshmãm21  -  not20 in ordinary language21
dêjâmâspâ22 hvô-gvâ23;

see above

hadâ24 vêstâ25  with the known25 
vahmêñg26 seraoshâ27  obedience27 ever24 ( dedicates) venerable26 
râdanghô28 offerings28 ( unto Ahura Mazda)

see above

vîchinaot30 dâthemchâ31   and can discriminate between31 right and wrong32 ( i.e. true and false)
 adâthemchâ32 dañgrâ33 mañtû34 ashâ35 Mazdåo36 Ahurô37.  ( upon that person) Ahura Mazda36 will maintain34 affection " by means of his Omniscient righteousness".
ýê37  Whoso37
maibyâ38 ýaosh39   ( is the source of) delight39 to me38,
ahmâi40 aschît41 vahishtâ42, best42 ( gift) will be accrued41 to him40
 makhvyåo43 ishtôish44 

see below

vohû45 chôishem46 mananghâ47; and with good45 thought47 I may give46 ( him)
  (a share) of my43 possession44.
ãstêñg48  But calamity48 
ahmâi49  (will befall) him49 
ýê50  who50
nåo51ãstâi52 daidîtâ53  will inflict53 pain52 upon us51.
Mazdâ54  O Ahura Mazda!54
ashâ55 through righteousness55
khshmâkem56 vârem57 khshnaoshemnô,58 I wish to satisfy58 Thy wish57,
tat59  This ( is)39
môi60 khratêush61 the only decision63 of my60 
vîchithem63. mind62 and 
 mananghaschâ62  wisdom61 
ýê64-môi65 Who so54
ashât66 haithîm67

see below

hachâ68 vareshaitî69 shall manifestly67 (or truly) accomplish69 
Zarathushtrâi70, for me65 Zarathushtra70,
  through righteousness66,68
hyat71 vasnâ72  ferashôtemem73, (and) sincere71 wish72,
ahmâi74 to that ( man74),
mîzhdem75 haneñtê76 they will consider deserving76 of the reward75
parâhûm77,  in the world to come77 
  and on82 ( this) revolving83 earth82
manê78-vistâish79 mat80 vîspâish81  together with80 wealth79 comprising entire81 honours78 
gâvâ82 azî83;

see above

tâchît84 This84 ( fact),
môi85 sãs86 tvêm87 Thou87 didst teach86 me85.
Mazdâ88 vaêdishtô89! O Omniscient89 Ahura Mazda!88
  Explanation : Prophet Zarathushtra tells his disciples thus : "whoso will help me with his sincere heart in my Prophetic mission enthusiastically, his honour and fame will be enhanced after death and deserving reward will be granted to him in the world beyond."
ushtâ5 ahmâi6 May prosperity5 ( or happiness) ( be) unto that ( person) 
ýahmâi7 ushtâ8 kahmâichît9 through whom7 happiness8 ( may reach) others9.
vasê-khshayãs10 Mazdåo11 dâyât12 Ahurô13 May Ahura11 Mazda,13 ruling- at- will10, grant12
utayûitî14 tevîshîm15  health14 and vigour15 ( to the above mentioned benevolent man).
gat16 tôi17 vasemî18 ashem19 deredyâi20 In order to hold fast20 to Truth19 (O Ahura Mazda!) I verily16 ask of18 Thee17
tat21 môi22 dåo23 ârmaitê24  that21 ( health and vigour). Owing to Armaiti24 ( O Ahura Mazda!) do thou grant23 me22 
 râyô25   wealth25 
ashîsh26 good blessings26
vanghêush27gaêm28 mananghô29 and the life28 of good27 mind29.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ashem vohû ... (3).
kamnamaêzãm1  hâitîm2 ýazamaide3. We revere3 the ha2 called Kamnemoizam1
ushtavaitîm4 gâthãm5 ashaonîm6 ashahe7 ratûm8 ýazamaide9, We revere9 the Holy6 Ushtavad4 Gatha5 who (are) the Lords8 of Holiness7 
ushtavaityåo10 gâthayåo11 hañdâtâ12 ýazamaide13. We revere13 the prayer-Hymn12 of Ushtavad10 Gatha11
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27. 
(To be recited in Baz) Ahurmazda Khodae, awazune mardum, mardum sardagan hama sardagan hambayaste vehan, oem behedin Mazdayasnan neki rasanad; aedun bad     (to be recited loudly)
Yasnemcha1 vahmemcha2 aojascha3 zaverecha4 afrinami5, I praise5 the worship1 glory2 strength3 an vigour4 (of all those)
Ahurahe6 Mazdao6 raevato7 khvarenanguhato8, of Ahura Mazda6 (the creator)  wealth bestowing7 (and) glorious8
Ameshanam9 Spentanam9,   of the amesha9 spentas9 ( bountiful Immortals)
Gathabyo10 spentabyo11 ratu-khshathrabyo12 ashaonibyo13, amongst  the bountiful11 gatha10 ( which are) the lords of truth12 ( and) holy13 
Ahunavaityao14 Gathayao15, of ahunavad14 gatha15
Ushtavaityao16 Gathayao17, of ushtavad16 gatha17 
Spenta18 Mainyeush18 Gathayao19, of spentomad18 gatha19
 Vohu-kshathrayao20 Gathayao21, of vohu-kshthtra20 gatha21  
Vahishtoishtoish22 Gathayao23, of vahishtosht22 gatha23
ashaunam24 Fravashinam25 ughranam26 and of the powerful26 and triumphant27 fravashis25
aiwithuranam27. of the righteous men27
Paoiryo-tkaeshanam28 Fravashinam29 of the fravashis29 of poryotkaeshas28 
naha30 nazdishtanam30 Fravashinam31 and of the fravashis31 of nabanazdishta30 (i.e. of the next of kith and kin)
ashem vohû
Ahmai Raescha
jasa me 
Kerfeh Mozd