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Chapter 9 - Yasna 44

  for metric version of gatha 44 click here
tat1 That1
thwâ2 peresâ3 which I ask3 thee2 
eresh4-môi5 vaochâ6 Do thou  tell6 me5 truly4 
ahurâ7 O Ahura Mazda!7 
nemanghô8 â9 ýathâ10 when10 ( there is the necessity) of prayer8 of one like Thee,

see below

khshmâvatô12, --
Mazdâ13  then O Ahura Mazda!13 
  it would be better if a friend21
fryâi14 thwâvãs15 sakhvyât16 mavaitê17   like Thee15 may teach16 a friend14 like me17 
at1819 ashâ20  --

see above

  about that prayer11 
dazdyâi22 for giving22
hâkurenâ23, help23 (every time), 
ýathâ24- so that24 ( with the charm of Thy  Prayer) 
25 â26 Vohû27 jimat28 Mananghâ29. (Thy messenger Sraosha Yazata) may come28 near26 us25 ( to give intuition of Thy help) through good27 thought29.
tat30 That30
thwâ31 peresâ32 which I ask32 thee31 
eresh33-môi34 vaochâ35 Do thou  tell35 me34 truly33 
Ahurâ36 O Ahura Mazda!36
kathâ37 How37 ( or what)37 
anghêush38 vahishtahyâ39 paourvîm40 is the origin40 of the best38 life39 ?  
kâthê41 In what way41
sûidyâi42 should he accrue benefit42
ýê43 who43
 -î44 paitishât45, may acknowledge45 both these (worlds)44
hvô46 thou thyself46
47  Indeed47
ashâ48 speñtô49 bountiful49 through righteousness48
 irikhtem50 vîspôibyô51 hârô52 and keeping far away52 evil50 from all of us51
mainyû53 ahûmbish54 urvathô55 Mazdâ56. and friend55 in both the worlds54.O heavenly53 Ahura Mazda56
tat57 That57
thwâ58 peresâ59 which I ask59 thee58
eresh60-môi61 vaochâ62 Do thou  tell62 me61 truly60
Ahurâ63 O Ahura Mazda!63
kasnâ64  who64 ( was) 
zãthâ65 the Creator65 (and)
patâ66 father66
ashahyâ67 of righteousness67
pouruyô68 in the beginning68?
kasnâ69  Who69 
  determined72 the path73 of the
hvêñg70 Sun70 and of the
starêmchâ71  stars71
dât72 advânem73

see above

74 Who is 
  there other than Thee79
 ýâ75 through whom75 
måo76 the Moon76 
ukhshyeitî77 waxes77 
nerefsaitî78 ( and) wanes78?  

see above

  Reply :  ---  No one
tâchît80 Mazdâ81 O Ahura Mazda81 these80
vasemî82 anyâchâ83 as well as other83 ( things) do I wish82
vîduyê84. to know84
tat85 That85
thwâ86 peresâ87 which I ask87 thee86
eresh88-môi89 vaochâ90 Do thou  tell90 me89 truly88
Ahurâ91 O Ahura Mazda!91 
kasnâ92  Who92 ( is)
deretâ93  the supporter93 
zãmchâ94  of the earth94 
adê95 nabåoschâ96 avapastôish97; and (who stops) the sky96 from falling97 down95
98 who98 
apô99  (created) waters99 
urvaråschâ100 and plants?100 
1  who1 
vâtâi2 dvãnmaibyaschâ3 ýaoget4 âsû5; bestowed4 swiftness5 in the wind2 and clouds?3 
 kasnâ6 who6 
 vanghêush7 Mazdâ8 dãmish9 Mananghô10. O ahura mazda8 is the creator9 of the good7 mind10?
tat11 That11
thwâ12 peresâ13 which I ask13 thee12 
eresh14-môi15 vaochâ16 Do thou  tell16 me15 truly14 
Ahurâ17 O Ahura Mazda!17
18  What18
hvâpåo19 architect19
raochåoschâ20 dât21 fashioned21 light20 and
temåoschâ22; darkness?22  
23 What23
hvâpå24  architect24 
khvafnemchâ25 dât26 fashioned26 sleep25 and 
zaêmâchâ27  wakefulness27?
28  Who28
ýâ29  created26 
ushåo30  morning30 
arêm-pithwâ31 noon31
khshapâcâ32; and night32?
ýåo33  Which33 (i.e. three parts of the day)
manothrîsh34 (are) the best reminders34 (a s it were)
chazdôñghvañtem35 to the religious priest35 
arethahyâ36. about (his) duty (or mission)36?
tat37 That37
thwâ38 peresâ39 which I ask39 thee38
eresh40-môi41 vaochâ42 Do thou  tell42 me41 truly40
Ahurâ43 O Ahura Mazda!43
ýâ44 fravakhshyâ45 ýezî4647 athâ48 haithyâ49, whether46 that47 which44 I say45 ( below) ( is) true49?
ashem50 shyaothanâish51 debãzaitî52 ârmaitish53 Does Armaiti53 (i e perfect mindedness) increase52 righteousness50 through ( her) deeds51?  
taibyô54 khshathrem55 Vohû56 chinas57 Mananghâ58, (What is it that) thou hast established57 Thy54 kingdom55 of good56 thought58 ( or through the good mind)?  
kaêibyô59  For whom59
azîm60 rânyô-skeretîm61 gãm62 tashô63 didst Thou fashion63 this joy- bringing61 revolving60 world62?
tat64 That64
thwâ65 peresâ66 which I ask66 thee65
eresh67-môi68 vaochâ69 Do thou  tell69 me68 truly67
Ahurâ70 O Ahura Mazda!70
71  Who71 
berekhdhãm72 tâsht73 fashioned73 the agreeable72
khshathrâ74 mat75 ârmaitîm76; Armaiti76 together with75 ( her) exalted status74?  
77 Who77 
chôret79 vyânayâ80 through his wisdom80 (or farsightedness80), made79
puthrem81  son81
pithrê82 to the father82 ?
azêm83 tâish84 (Matters)84
thwâ85 frakhshnî86 avâmî87 I wish87 to know86 from Thee85
Mazdâ88 Speñtâ89 Mainyû90 O bountiful89 Invisible90 Ahura Mazda88
vîspanãm91 dâtârem92. the Creator92 of the entire (world)!.91
tat93 That93
thwâ94 peresâ95 which I ask95 thee94
eresh96-môi97 vaochâ98 Do thou  tell98 me97 truly96
Ahurâ99 O Ahura Mazda!99
meñdaidyâi100 about those93 five100
âdishtish4  commandments4 of Thine 
  (i.e. thy five times) Prayer7 
ýâchâ5 which5
Vohû6 ukhdhâ7 frashî8 Mananghâ9  is s ought8 through good6 thought9 
ýâchâ10 and which10 

see below

anghêush12  in this world12
arêm13 vaêdyâi14 (is essential for acquiring14 happiness13 
  through righteousness11.  
 kâ15 With what15
 -mê16 urvâ17 vohû18  goodness ( or meritorious deed)18 shall my16 soul17
urvâshat19 be pleased19
âgemat2021. whereby21 ( it) may gain its wish20?
tat22 That22
thwâ23 peresâ24 which I ask24 thee23
eresh25-môi26 vaochâ27 Do thou  tell27 me26 truly25
Ahurâ28 O Ahura Mazda!28
kathâ29-  In what manner29

see below

ýãm31 ýaosh32 daênãm33 ýaozh dânê34, shall I keep pure34 ( this) Holy32 religion33 ( and its)
ýãm35 which35
hudânâush36 the wise36 
paitishe37 Lord37  like Thee 
sakhvyât38 khshathrahyâ39, of the sovereignty39 ( of the whole world)  taught38
ereshvâ40 khshathrâ41 On account of (Thy) just40 sovereignty41
  Thou dost dwell48
thwâvãs42 asîshtîsh43

see above

 Mazdâ44  O Ahura Mazda
hademôi45  in one abode only45
ashâ46  together with Asha46 ( i.e. righteousness) 
vohuchâ47 shyãs48

see above

 Mananghâ49. and Vohu-Mana47,48 ( i.e. good thought.)
tat50 That50
thwâ51 peresâ52 which I ask52 thee51 
eresh53-môi54 vaochâ55 Do thou  tell55 me54 truly53 
Ahurâ56 O Ahura Mazda!56
tãm57 about this57
daênãm58  Religion58
ýâ59  which59 ( is) 
hâtãm60 vahishtâ61 the best61 amongst all the existing (religions)60
ýâ62 and which62 
-môi63  gaêthå64 ashâ65 frâdôit66 hachêmnâ67, can prosper66 my63 property64 following67 the righteousness65
ârmatôish68 ukhdhâish69 (and which) on account of the sacred verses69 of perfect thought68
shyaothanâ70 eresh71 daidyat72 (can) make72 (our) deeds70 true76 (or virtuous) . 
makhvyåo73 chistôish74 all the desires of my73 wisdom74
thwâ75 îshtîsh76 usên77 may long for77 Thee75 only 
(or may incline77 towards Thee alone75)
Mazdâ78. O Ahura Mazda78 
  (i.e. I so wish that I may have the longing for thee only).
tat79 That79
thwâ80 peresâ81 which I ask81 thee80 
eresh82-môi83 vaochâ84 Do thou  tell84 me83 truly82 
Ahurâ85 O Ahura Mazda!85 
kathâ86  In what way86 
  têñg-â87 vîjêmyât88 ârmaitish89 will Armaiti89 ( i.e. perfect mentality) exert influence88 over those87 
ýaêibyô90  to whom90
Mazdâ91  O Ahura Mazda91 
thwôi92  thy93
vashyetê93 daênâ94; religion93 will be proclaimed93?
azêm95 tôi96 

see below

âish97 By them97 ( i.e. the listeners of the doctrine of the religion)   
  pouruyô98 fravôivîdê99; I95  have been recognized99 by Thee96 as the best98
vîspêñg100 (the remaining) all100
  anyêñg1 others1
manyêush2 spasyâ3 dvaêshanghâ4. I look upon3 with hatred4 of ( my) inner self2 ( or of my spirit).
  Explanation : The prophet Zarathushtra says that those who listen to the matters of Thy Religion expounded by me( Zarathushtra) regard me (Zarathushtra) fully worthy of such esteem. This fact, O Ahura Mazda, is clearly known to Thee.
tat5 That5
thwâ6 peresâ7 which I ask7 thee6
eresh8-môi9 vaochâ10 Do thou  tell10 me9 truly8
Ahurâ11 O Ahura Mazda!11 
12  Who12 (is)
ashavâ13 righteous13 
ýâish14 peresâi15 dregvåo16  and who12 (is) wicked16 (amongst the persons) with whom14 I confer15
17 katârêm18 â18 añgrô19 On which side of the two18 is the evil one19
20 hvô2122 añgrô23; (Which of the two) is the evil one23 (Angre Mainyu)23 himself21
ýê24 Who24 (is that33)wicked person26
  (O Ahura Mazda) (who)  blames29
- mâ25 me25

see above

thwâ27 savâ28 (and) Thy good creations28 

see above

chyanghat30 Why30
hvô31 nôit32 ayêm33 is that33 wicked person26 himself31 not32 
añgrô34 manyetê35. regarded35 as belonging to Angre Mainyu34?
tat36 That36
thwâ37 peresâ38 which I ask38 thee37
eresh39-môi40 vaochâ41 Do thou  tell39 me40 truly41
Ahurâ42 O Ahura Mazda!42
kathâ43  How43 
drujem44 nîsh45 ahmat46 â nîsh- nâshâmâ47, shall we drive away47 from us46 untruth44 ( or deceit) 
têñg-â48 avâ49 ýôi50 (and) those48 who50 are not paying attention totally to
asrushtôish51 perenåonghô52, the commandments of the religion51,52 
 nôit53 ashahyâ54 âdîvyeiñtî55 hachêmnâ56, who50 are not willing55,53 ( to be) the followers56 of righteousness54 
 nôit57 frasayâ58 vanghêush59 châkhnarê60 Mananghô61. (and)48 who50 do not57 become glad60 (who are not happy) in the furtherance58 of morality59,61?
tat62 That62
thwâ63 peresâ64 which I ask64 thee63
eresh65-môi66 vaochâ67 Do thou  tell67 me66 truly65
Ahurâ68 O Ahura Mazda!68
kathâ69  How69 
ashâi70 drujêm71 dyãm72 zastayô73  shall I deliver72 untruth71 ( or deceit)71 into the hands73 of righteousness70
74 hîm75 merãzhdyâi76 For destroying74,76 it75
thwahyâ77 mãthrâish78 through the Holy Words78  of Thy77 
sêñghahyâ79 Sacred Verses79 
  êmavaitîm80 sinãm81 dâvôi82 for causing82 heavy80 destruction81 (amongst wicked persons),
 dregvasû83 â-îsh84

see below

dvafshêñg85 Mazdâ86  and O Ahura Mazda86, for not allowing them to propagate intrigues85
anâshê87 ãstãschâ88. and frauds88 amongst them84 .
tat89 That89
thwâ90 peresâ91 which I ask91 thee90 
eresh92-môi93 vaochâ94 Do thou  tell94 me93 truly92 
Ahurâ95 O Ahura Mazda!95 
khshayehî1 ýezî96 ahyâ97 ashâ98   Thou rulest1 together with righteousness98 in this ( world)97
pôi99 mat100  as the protector99 ( of all).
   O Ahura Mazda95
hyat2 hêm3 spâdâ4 anaochanghâ5 jamaêtê6 When2 two armies4 will meet together3,6 with hatred5
avâish7 then7 in accordance with the7
urvâtâish8 ýâ9-tû10 laws8 which9 thou10 
 Mazdâ11 dîderezhô12; hast laid down12, O Ahura Mazda11
kuthrâ13 ayåo14 kahmâi15 to which ( army)15 of these two14 ( and) in what way13
vananãm16 dadå17. wilt thou grant17 victory16
   Explanation : Probably this verse alludes to a religious war
tat18 That18
thwâ19 peresâ20 which I ask20 thee19
eresh21-môi22 vaochâ23 Do thou  tell23 me22 truly21 
Ahurâ24 O Ahura Mazda!24 
Ke26 verethrem27 - Jã28 Who26 (shall be) the smiter28 of the foe27
thwã29 põi30 senghã31  yõi32   henti33 by the help of Thy29 (Avestan) words31 which32 (by reciting at the time of calamity) are33 protecting?30
= i.e. this thought viz. there is no other protector except Thee.

chithrã34 mõi35  

dãm36 ahumbish37



Do Thou reveal39 clearly34 unto me35 a wise 36 leader (soul-haling)38= for both the worlds37* (O Hormazd).
* i.e. in order to get reward in this life and in the next.
at40 hõi41 vohu42 seraoshõ43 jantu44 mananghã,45 Let Sraosha43 (Yazata) approach44 with Good42 Mind45 (or through Vohu Manah)
Mazdã46 ahmãi47 yahmãi48 vashi49 kahmãi-chit.50  to any one47 whom48 Thou doest love49.# 
# i.e. one who points out the path of virtue, the expounder of religious tenets
tat50 That50
thwâ51 peresâ52 which I ask52 thee51 
eresh53-môi54 vaochâ55 Do thou  tell55 me54 truly53 
Ahurâ56 O Ahura Mazda!56
kathâ57 How57 
Mazdâ58  O Ahura Mazda!58
zarem59 charânî60  shall I draw60 ( towards me) attraction of  love59 
hachâ61  from Thee61 
âsketîm63 khshmâkãm64 (and how57 shall I attain60) to Thy64 consummation63
hyatchâ65 môi66 khvyât67 vâkhsh68 aêshô69, so that65 my66 voice68 may have the desired effect69.
sarôi70 bûzhdyâi71 I may obtain71 in ( my) chieftainship70 
Haurvâtâ72 Haurvatat72 (i.e. happiness of this world) 
Ameretâtâ73, and Ameretat73 (i.e. immortality in the world beyond)
avâ74  through this74 
mãthrâ75  manthra75 
ýê76  which76
râthemô77  is the best wealth77
ashât78 hachâ79. on account of79 its righteousness78.
  Explanation :  Holy Zarathushtra says that O Ahura Mazda I may pass my life in accordance with the commitment written in Thy Language of the Manthra so that I may attain to the happiness of the world and the abode of Heaven - Paradise in the spiritual world after death.
tat80 That80
thwâ81 peresâ82 which I ask81 thee82
eresh83-môi84 vaochâ85 Do thou  tell83 me84 truly85 
Ahurâ86 O Ahura Mazda!86
 kathâ87  How87 

see below

tat89 mîzhdem90 hanânî91 shall I be worthy of that89 prize90 
dasâ92  ten92 
aspåo93 arshnavaitîsh94 pregnant94 mares93 
ushtremchâ95  and a camel95
  through righteousness88
hyat96 about which96 
 môi97 Mazdâ98 apivaitî99 O Ahura Mazda98 is known99 to me97 
haurvâtâ100 through  Haurvatat100 (Khordad)100
ameretâtâ1 and Ameretat1 (Amerdad)1
  ýathâ23 taêibyô4 dåonghâ5. so that (i.e. if I get that prize) I may dedicate both the prizes to thee 
(i.e. in thy name or in thy memory I may give as a present  to the pious man.) 
tat6 That6
thwâ7 peresâ8 which I ask8 thee7
eresh9-môi10 vaochâ11 Do thou  tell9 me10 truly11
Ahurâ12 O Ahura Mazda!12
ýastat13 Any one who13
mîzhdem14 haneñtê15 nôit16 dâitî17 does not16 give17 that prize14 to the deserving (man)15 
ýê18-ît19 ahmâi20 erezhukhdhâi2122 dâitê23, and any one who18 does not22 grant23 that19 (prize) (even)  into the truthful) man21
 kâ24-têm25 ahyâ26 mainish27  what24 will be26 his punishment27
 anghat28 pouruyê29; first29  (i.e. in this worldly life)28
 vîdvå30 (Because) I am aware of30
 avãm31 that31 ( punishment) 
 ýâ32 which32 
 -îm33 anghat34 will take place34 certainly33
apêmâ35. at last35 ( i.e. in the world beyond.)

see below

 Mazdâ36 O Ahura Mazda36
hukhshathrâ37  possessed of good dominion37
daêvâ38 ångharê39; of what sort35 are the daevas38 considered39
at40 ît41  I ask41 ( thee) about this40
 peresâ42, ýôi43
pishyeiñtî44  (viz.) ( because they) fight44
aêibyô45 against this45 (deserving and truthful man referred to in the above stanza) 
ýâish47 and on account of whom47 (i.e. on account of the power of the daevas) 
karapâ49 (wicked persons called by the names) the Karapans49
usikhshchâ50 and the Usikhsh50 
 aêshemâi51 dâtâ52 have delivered over52 even this earth48 into evil51,
ýâchâ53  and on account of whom53 
kavâ54  Kavi54 
ãnmênî55 urûdôyatâ56  has grown58 in the strength55.
nôit57 hîm58 mîzên59 ashâ60 vâstrem61 frâdainghê62! In order to increase62 the field61 through righteousness60 ( the Daevas) do not57 keep this (earth)58 fresh and ever green59
ushtâ5 ahmâi6 May prosperity5 (or happiness) ( be) unto that (person) 
ýahmâi7 ushtâ8 kahmâichît9 through whom7 happiness8 ( may reach) others9.
vasê-khshayãs10 Mazdåo11 dâyât12 Ahurô13 May Ahura11 Mazda,13  ruling- at- will10, grant12
utayûitî14 tevîshîm15 health14 and vigour15 ( to the above mentioned benevolent man).
gat16 tôi17 vasemî18 ashem19 deredyâi20 In order to hold fast20 to Truth19 (O Ahura Mazda!) I verily16 ask of18 Thee17
tat21 môi22 dåo23 ârmaitê24 that21 ( health and vigour). Owing to Armaiti24 ( O Ahura Mazda!) do thou grant23 me22 
 râyô25   wealth25 
ashîsh26 good blessings26
vanghêush27gaêm28 mananghô29 and the life28 of good27 mind29.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ashem vohû ... (3).
 tat-thwâ-peresãm1 hâitîm2 ýazamaide3 We revere3 the ha2 chapter called Ta-thwa-Peresa3.
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27.