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Chapter 8 - Yasna 43

nemô12 gâthå3 ashaonîsh4, O sacred4 Gathas3! Salutations1 (be) unto you2
ushtâ5 ahmâi6 May prosperity5 ( or happiness) ( be) unto that ( person) 
ýahmâi7 ushtâ8 kahmâichît9 through whom7 happiness8 ( may reach) others9.
vasê-khshayãs10 Mazdåo11 dâyât12 Ahurô13 May Ahura11 Mazda,13 ruling- at- will10, grant12
utayûitî14 tevîshîm15  health14 and vigour15 ( to the above mentioned benevolent man).
gat16 tôi17 vasemî18 ashem19 deredyâi20 In order to hold fast20 to Truth19 (O Ahura Mazda!) I verily16 ask of18 Thee17
tat21 môi22 dåo23 ârmaitê24  that21 ( health and vigour). Owing to Armaiti24 ( O Ahura Mazda!) do thou grant23 me22 
 râyô25   wealth25 
ashîsh26 good blessings26
vanghêush27gaêm28 mananghô29 and the life28 of good27 mind29.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
atchâ30 ahmâi31 (Know) him31 verily30
vîspanãm32 vahishtem33 most  fortunate33 amongst all32 
hvâthrôyâ3435 (who) being glorious34 man35
hvâthrem36 daidîtâ37 can preserve37 ( his) glory36
thwâ38 chîchîthwâ39 Spênishtâ40 Mainyû41 Mazdâ42 O most beneficent40 Spirit39 Ahura Mazda42 reveal,39 thyself;38
   and with love52 
ýâ43 dåo44 Ashâ45 do Thou grant44 ( us) through t ruth45 
Vanghêush46 mâyåo47 mananghô48 the riches47 of good46 mind48
vîspâ49 ayârê50 daregô-jyâtôish51  for all49 days50 of ( our) long life51.

see above

 at53 hvô54 vanghêush55 vahyô5657aibî57 That54 man57 himself56
 jamyât58 ýê5960

see below

erezûsh61 savanghô62 pathô63 sîshôit64 who can show64 true61 paths63 of profit62
 ahyâ65 anghêush66 astvatô67 mananghaschâ68 haithyêñg69 â-stîsh70 of this65 corporeal and ( that) spiritual68 world66 ( can point out the paths) of the real69 world70
ýêñg71 â72-shaêtî73 Ahurô74, in which71 Ahura Mazda74 dwells73 
  may attain to  better than the good59. (or may go towards the better).
aredrô75   O Ahura Mazda that man is (or is regarded as) Thy devotee75 ( or giver of libations), 
 thwâvãs76 huzêñtushe77 speñtô78 mazdâ79 (and is) ranged on Thy side78, possessing good wisdom77 ( and is the) maker of prosperity78 ( of the world).
at80 thwâ81 mêñghâi82 I will certainly regard81 Thee82
 takhmemchâ83 speñtem84  as omnipotent83 and beneficent84
Mazdâ85 O Ahura Mazda85!
hyat86 because86
87 zastâ88 ýâ89-tû90  with (Thy) hand89
  Thou dost grant94 help92 to the sinful96 as well as the righteous ( man)97
hafshî91 and with the same87 hand88, Thou dost shower91
 avåo92 ýåo9394

see above

ashîsh95    (Thy) blessing95 ( upon them)
dregvâitê96 ashâunaêchâ97;

see above

  (Thy blessing95) shall come6 to me3 
thwahyâ98 garemâ99 âthrô100 through the splendor99 of Thy98 Fire100,
  ashâ-aojanghô1 hyat2 môi3 Vanghêush4 hazê5 jimat6 Mananghô7! possessing the strength5 of righteousness1, and good4 mind7.
speñtem8 at9 thwâ10 I recognized12 Thee10 (as) indeed9 bountiful8
Mazdâ11 mêñghî12 Ahurâ13, O Ahura13 Mazda11
 hyat14 thwâ15 anghêush16 zãthôi17 daresem18  When14 I saw18 Thee15, in the creation17 of the world16
paourvîm19 Most supreme19
hyat20 dåo21 shyaothanâ22 mîzhdavãn23 Thou wilt grant21 ( men) the reward23 according to ( their) deeds22
 ýâchâ24 ukhdhâ25 as well as24 words25
akêm26 akâi27 in such way that20 evil26 (befalls) unto evil (man)27
  vanguhîm28 ashîm29 vanghaovê30 and good28 blessings28 (are the reward) unto good ( man)30
thwâ31 hunarâ32 in accordance with Thy31 sense of justice32
dâmôish33 urvaêsê34 apêmê35. upto the ultimate35 end34 of the creation33
ýahmî36 speñtâ37 thwâ38 mainyû39 urvaêsê40 jasô,41 Mazdâ42 At which31 end40, Thou, O Ahura Mazda!42 wilt come41 with Thy38 Bountiful39 Spirit ( i.e. Spenta Mainyu),
 khshathrâ43 ahmî44 vohû45 mananghâ46, Khshathra Vairya43 and Vohu Mana45,46
ýehyâ47 shyaothanâish48 through whose47 deeds48
gaêthåo49   people of the world49 
ashâ50 frâdeñtê51; become prosperous51 by means of righteousness50.
aêibyô52 ratûsh53 sêñghaitî54 ârmaitish55, thwahyâ56 khratêush57    Armaiti55 ( i.e. perfect mindedness) will teach54 those ( people) fixed laws53 of Thy56 wisdom57
ýêm58 naê59 chish60 dâbayeitî61. Thy wisdom which58 not59 one60 can thwart61.
speñtem62 at63 thwâ64 Mazdâ65 mêñghî66 Ahurâ67 I verily63 considered66 Thee64, O Ahura65 Mazda67! bountiful62 
hyat6869 Vohû70 pairî-jasat71 Mananghâ72 when (Thy messenger Sraosha Yazata)  came71 near me69  through Vohu Manangh70,72
  (repeated in verse 7,9,11,13,15.)
peresatchâ7374 and asked73 me74:
chish75 ahî76   "Who75 art T hou76
kahyâ77 ahî78; and whose77 is thine78 ( allegiance)?
 kathâ79    How79 shall I indicate83
ayârê80 (the required) light80 
dakhshârâ81 and the signs pertaining to it81
ferasayâi82 dîshâ83

see above

aibî84 thwâhû85 gaêthâhû86 tanushichâ87. in the hearts87 ( of men) in Thy85 lands86 for questioning ( about the religion) (i.e. the learning knowledge of the religion).
at88 hôi89 aojî90 Zarathushtrô91 paourvîm92 Then88 Zarathushtra91 first of all92 said90 to him89 (i.e. Sraosha yazata) ( as under)
haithyô93 dvaêshå94 hyat95 isôyâ96 dregvâitê97 May I be1 a powerful96 enemy94 openly93 for the wicked97 (man) 
at98 ashâunê99 rafenô100 khyêm1 aojôñghvat2 and a mighty2 joy giver100 for the righteous99 (man).
hyat3 â4 bûshtîsh5 vasase6 khshathrahyâ7 dyâ8  

see below

ýavat9 â10 thwâ11  as long as9 I praise11 Thee10
Mazdâ12 O Ahura Mazda12
stâumî13 ufyâchâ14! weave hymns of praise13 of Thy fame,
  (so long) I may be absorbed in the splendor of4,5 (thy) Sovereignty7 and in the desire (of it).6
speñtem14 at15 thwâ16 Mazdâ17 mêñghî18 Ahurâ19 I verily15 considered18 Thee16, O Ahura19 Mazda!17 bountiful14
hyat2021 vohû22 pairî-jasat23 Mananghâ24 when20 (Thy Messenger Sraosha Yazata)  came23 near me21  through Vohu Manangh22,24 
  (repeated in verse 7,9,11,13,15.)
ahyâ25 ferasêm26 and asked26 me with love and respect: 
kahmâi27 vîvîduyê28 vashî29 What (thing)27 dost thou wish29 to see28
at30 â31  (O Ahura Mazda) As long as31,32
  I will have strength37,39, (so long)  I will indeed consider precious40 
  (or will look upon with reverence and affection)40
thwahmâi32 âthrê33

see below

râtãm34 nemanghô35 ashahyâ36-  the offering34 of righteousness36 and homage35 
  unto thy32 fire33.
37 ýavat38 isâi39 manyâi40.

 see above

at4142 môi43 dâish44 Do Thou42 grant44 me43
ashem45 righteousness45,
hyat46 because46
47 zaozaomî48  I verily yearn for48 it for myself47 
ârmaitî49 hacimnô50 ît51 ârem52 (so that) ( I may) properly52 be acting50 in accordance with Armaiti49 (i.e. perfect mentality).
peresâchâ53 nåo54 ýâ55 tôi56 êhmâ57 parshtâ58,  I ask53 Thee56 our57 questions58
  ( i.e. those  questions which we wish to ask as regards the religion) 
parshtêm5960 thwâ61 because60 ( every question) asked59 through The e61
 ýathanâ62 tat63 êmavatãm64; is courage- giving64 to us54 
 hyat65 thwâ66  On account of thee66 ( i.e. with thy authority) 
khshayãsh67 O Ahura Mazda any ruler whatever67 

aêshem68 dyât69 êmavañtem70!

can maintain69 (his) supreme70 desire68 (i.e. his intended Herculean task)
Speñtem71 at72 thwâ73 Mazdâ74 mêñghî75 Ahurâ76, I verily72 considered75 Thee73, O Ahura76 Mazda74! bountiful71
 hyat7778 Vohû79 pairî-jasat80 Mananghâ81 when77 ( thy Messenger Sraosha Yazata)  came80 near me78  through Vohu79 (good)  Mana81 (mind)
  (repeated in verse 7,9,11,13,15.)
 hyat82 khshmâ83 ukhdhâish84 dîdainghê85 paourvîm86  and when82 first of all86 I became learned85 by means of ( the gift of) Thy Sacred Verses84 

see below

 môi88 sãs89 But that which thou didst teach89 me88 ( O Ahura Mazda)
mashyaêshû90 zarazdâitish91 about promulgating91 it amongst men90
   is difficult87,
tat92 verezyeidyâi93 yet I will accomplish it93,
hyat94 because94
môi95 mraotâ96  ( that which) you told96 me95 (O Ahura Mazda)
vahishtem97.  is the best97.
Hyatchâ98 môi99 mraosh100 When98 Thou said100 to me99
 ashem1 jasô2 frâkhshnenê3,  ( that Thou art) fully3 preaching2 the Truth1
 at45-môi6 nôit7 asrushtâ8 pairyaokhzhâ9 Thou dost not7 proclaim9 ( or command)9 therefore4 that which is not worth hearing8 for me6.

see below

parâ11 hyat12 môi13 â-jimat14 Seraoshô15 Ashî16 mãzâ-rayâ17 hacimnô,18  Sraosha15 ( who is) following18 according to truth16 prior to11 (all) may come14 ( to tell Thy inspiration) to me13 with great magnificence17
  I am preparing myself10 ( for thy mission of prophet-ship)
ýâ1920 ashîsh21 rânôibyô22 savôi23   so that19 to the fighters22 for the sake of religion may accrue24 Thy20 blessing21 
vîdâyât24! as reward23 (of their labors). 
Speñtem25 at26 thwâ27 Mazdâ28 mêñghî29 Ahurâ,30  I considered29 Thee27 O Ahura30 Mazda28 indeed bountiful25 
 hyat3132 Vohû33 pairî-jasat34 Mananghâ35, When31 (Thy Messenger Sraosha Yazata) came34 near me32 through Vohu33 Manangh35
  (repeated in verse 7,9,11,13,15.)
arethâ36 vôizdyâi37 kâmahyâ38   In order to fulfill37 the aim36 of ( my) desire38 O Ahura Mazda 
têm39 môi40 dâtâ41 grant Thou41 unto me40 that39 ( part)
daregahyâ42 ýâush43   of long42 life43,
ýêm4445 naê46 chîsh47 dâresht48 itê49; which44 no one47 ( upto now) did46 obtain48 in this way49 from Thee45,
vairyå50 stôish51   the desirable50 ( thing) of the world51 
ýâ52 which52
 thwahmî53 khshathrôi54 vâchî55.  is said55 to have been in Thy53 Kingdom54  
(i.e. thou art capable of granting long life.)
hyat5657 frayâi58

see below

vaêdamnô59 isvâ60 That wise59 ( and) powerful60
daidît61 maibyô62 man57 can bestow upon61 me62,
   the friend58,
Mazdâ63 tavâ64 rafenô65 frâkhshnenem66 bliss65 derived from Thee64 fully.  O Ahura Mazda63
hyat67 which67
thwâ68 khshathrâ69 ashât70 hachâ71 frãkhshtâ72;  Thou hast ordained72 on account of Thy71 omnipotence69 and righteousness70
uzereidyâi73 I may incite73 ( in my task of promulgating the Religion sent by Thee) 
azêm74 saredanåo75 sêñghahyâ76 the chiefs75 of doctrine76
mat77 tâish78 vîspâish79  together with77 all79 ( others)
ýôi80-tôi81 mãthråo82 mareñtî83!  who80 remember83 Thy81 (mathra,)  Holy spells82.
speñtem84 at85 thwâ86 Mazdâ87 mêñghî88 Ahurâ89, I verily considered thee o Ahura Mazda bountiful
 hyat9091 Vohû92 pairî-jasat93 Mananghâ94,  when thy messenger Sraosha Yazata came near me through Vohu Manangha
  (repeated in verse 7,9,11,13,15.)
dakhshat95 ushyâi96 and pointed out95 intelligently96
tushnâ97 maitish98  to me that a contented97 thought98
vahishtâ99 (is) the best thing99.
 nôit1001 pourûsh2 (It would be better if) a perfect2 man1 may not100
dregvatô3 khyât4 chikhshnushô5 become4 pleasing5 to a sinful man3,

at6 tôi7 vîspêñg8 añgrêñg9 ashâunô10 âdarê11.

because6 he7 (i.e. sinful men) has been considering11 all righteous (persons)10 wicked9.
at12 Ahurâ13  O most bountiful21 Ahura13 Mazda!18 
hvô14 mainyûm15 Zarathushtrô16 vereñtê17 Mazdâ18  Zarathushtra16 himself14 looks upon (Thy) Spirit ( or soul) with an eye of respect17
ýastê19 chishchâ20 spênishtô21, and any other person19 who will his level best ( to do so)19
astvat22 ashem23 khyât24 May righteousness23 be24 powerful22
ushtânâ25 aojôñghvat26 and victorious26 with full brilliance!25 
k hvêñg- daresôi27 khshathrôi28 in (Thy entire) sovereignty28 resplendent as the Sun27 ( i.e. in the entire world)
   (O Ahura Mazda) may Armaiti ( i.e. humility)
khyât29 ârmaitish30 make her own abode29 
ashîm31 shyaothanâish32 Vohû33 daidît34 Mananghâ35! and through the Good33 Thought35 may she bestow34 blessings31 ( upon men) according to their deeds32.
ushtâ5 ahmâi6 May prosperity5 ( or happiness) ( be) unto that ( person) 
ýahmâi7 ushtâ8 kahmâichît9 through whom7 happiness8 ( may reach) others9.
vasê-khshayãs10 Mazdåo11 dâyât12 Ahurô13 May Ahura11 Mazda,13 ruling- at- will10, grant12
utayûitî14 tevîshîm15  health14 and vigour15 ( to the above mentioned benevolent man).
gat16 tôi17 vasemî18 ashem19 deredyâi20 In order to hold fast20 to Truth19 (O Ahura Mazda!) I verily16 ask of18 Thee17
tat21 môi22 dåo23 ârmaitê24  that21 ( health and vigour). Owing to Armaiti24 ( O Ahura Mazda!) do thou grant23 me22 
 râyô25   wealth25 
ashîsh26 good blessings26
vanghêush27gaêm28 mananghô29 and the life28 of good27 mind29.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ashem vohû ... (3). 
ushtâvaitîm1 hâitîm2 ýazamaide3 We revere3 Ushtava1 ha chapter2
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27.