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Chapter 4 - Yasna 31

1.    tâ12 urvâtâ3 mareñtô4  O desirous one!4  unto you2 these1 teachings3 - verses
agushtâ5 vacå6 sêñghâmahî7 (which are6) never heard before5. we proclaim7
aêibyô8 ýôi9 (These are the verses)  for those8 who9,
urvâtâish10 drûjô11   by means of the teachings10 of the  Druj11,
ashahyâ12 gaêthåo13 vîmereñchaitê14 destroy14 the settlements13 of  righteousness12 ;
atchît15 aêibyô16 vahishtâ17 ýôi18 but ( these verses) ( are)17 best for those16 who18

zarazdåo19 anghen20 Mazdâi21.

  are devoted19 to Ahura Mazda21
ýezî22 âish23 If22 through these (hymns)23
nôit24 urvânê25  
advåo26 indubitablenness26
  would not24  
aibî-dereshtâ27  vakhyåo28 strengthen27 better28
    in the soul25
 at29 then29
30 vîspêñg31 âyôi32

see below

ýathâ33 Just as33
ratûm34 Ahurô35 vaêdâ36 Mazdåo37   Ahura35 Mazda37 has recognized36 the Ratu34 as (or spiritual leader)34
ayåo38 ãsayåo39 of both these38 worlds39
  in the same way I may teach32 you30 all31
ýâ40 ashât41 hachâ42  
jvâmahî43.  (how) we may live43 (through which both worlds)
  on account of42 the law of Asha41
  word by word translation available at end of book




" If at the first sight ( i.e. in the beginning ) any person does not believe in the matter of religion, (eventually) by means of obvious -visible evidences his faith will become stronger. O Ahura Mazda knowing or (acknowledging) thee as the lord of all everyone will come near thee (i.e. everyone has to ask for thy help and finally has to come before thee).  Our goodness and our life are due to Hormazd only."


Yãm43 dåo44 mainyû45 O divine45 (Ahura Mazda!) do thou grant44 us
athrâchâ46 ashâchâ47 chôish48   on account of our zeal48 and truth47
rânôibyâ49 khshnûtem50  hyat51 urvatem52  that intensive52 ( or complete) bliss50 which51
thou hast awarded48 the fighters49 ( for the sake of religion)
chazdôñnghvadebyô53 and to the learners53 of the religions
tat5455 Mazdâ56 (O Ahura Mazda)
vîdvanôi57 for our enlightenment57 ( i.e. my and my disciples)
vaochâ58 hizvâ59 thwahyâ60 Speak thou58 with thy tongue59 of the mouth61
åonghô61 ýâ62 so that62 I cause
 jvañtô63 vîspêñg64 all64 men63
vâurayâ65. to put faith in the religion65 .
ýadâ67 When67
Ashem68 zevîm69 anghen70

see below

Mazdåoschâ71 Ahuråonghô72 Ahura Mazda71 and the leaders72 ( under his control)
  are in full measure68 gracious69 then, 
ashichâ73   through truth73
ârmaitî74 humility74 and 
 vahishtâ75 best75 mind77
 ishasâ76   I desire76

see above

maibyô78 for myself78
khshathrem79 aojôñghvat80 mighty80 power79
ýehyâ81 veredâ82 through whose81 power82 
vanaêmâ83 drujem84. we may overcome83 the druj (i.e. falsehood untruths84)
Tat85 môi86 vîchidyâi87 vaochâ88 Tell88 me86 ( O Ahura Mazda!)
hyat89 môi90  for choosing87 whatever89 ( is) better93 for me90
ashâ91 dâtâ92 vahyô93 and (for knowing) truth91 ( and) the laws ( of the religion92)
vîduyê94   (whereby) I may know94
Vohû95 Mananghâ96 through my good95 thoughts96
  whose profit1
mêñchâ97 daidyâi98 ýehyâ99 100 may be accrued98 to me100 

 see above


see below

 Mazdâ3 Ahurâ3 O Ahura Mazda3       
ýâ4 do thou make me aware as to whatever2,4
nôit56 anghat7   will not5 happen7
anghaitî89. or8 whatever2,4 will happen8
Ahmâi10 anghat11 vahishtem12 The best12 may accrue11 to him10
ýê13   who13 ,
môi14 vîdvå15 the learned one15
vaochât16 haithîm17,  tells18 me14 openly17
mãthrem18 ýim19 Haurvatâtô20 the holy word18 of welfare20
ashahyâ21 Ameretâtaschâ22,  truth21 and immortality22.,
Mazdâi23 avat24 khshathrem25   The sovereignty25 of Ahura Mazda23 
hyat26 hôi27 Vohû28 vakhshat29 Mananghâ30. has remained prosperous29 (or permanent) on account of His27 good28 thought30
Yastâ31 mañtâ32 pouruyô33, Who31 (i.e. Ahura Mazda) is the first33 Great Thinker32,
raochêbîsh34 rôithwen35 khvâthrâ36; whose brilliance36 has mingled35 with the boundless lights34 of the heavens. 
hvô37 khrathwâ38 dãmish39, Who himself37 ( is) the creator39 ( of the entire world) through the omniscient wisdom38
ashem40 ýâ41 dârayat42 by means of which41 he upholds42 the truth40 
Vahishtem43 Manô44, and best43 thought44 .
 tâ45 Mazdâ46 mainyû47 O divine47 Ahura50 Mazda46 
ýê49 â nûrêmchît50 Ahurâ51 hâmô52. thou who49 art always50 the same52 dost make them45 
  prosperous48 .
  Ever since64 I have held67 thee65 (O Ahura Mazda) in ( my) eye66 
At53 thwâ54 mêñghî55 pourvîm56   I have always59 regarded55 Thee54 
Mazdâ57 ýezîm58 stôi59 O Ahura Mazda57 as the first of all56, as worthy of worship58 
mananghâ60, with pure thought60
Vanghêush61 patarêm62 Mananghô63 as the father62 of Vohu61 Mana63 (good61 mind63)
hyat64 thwâ65 hêm chashmainî66 hêñgrabem67
see above
haithîm68 ashahyâ69 dãmîm70 as the real68 origin70 of truth69
anghêush71 Ahurem72 shyaothanaêshû73. (and) as the lord72 over ( all) actions73 of this world71.
Thwôi74 as75 ârmaitîsh76 Perfect mindedness76  is thine74.
thwê77  â Gêush78 Tashâ79 as80 khratûsh81 Manyêush82  thine77 is the wisdom81 divine82 of creating79 the world.
Mazdâ83 Ahurâ83, O Ahura Mazda83
hyat84 akhvyâi85 dadåo86 pathãm87 Thou hast fixed86 the path87 ( of awarding due reward) to him85
vâstryât8889 âitê90, who passes90 his life with industry88 
 ýê9192 nôit93 anghat94 vâstryô95. and one91 who is94 not93 industrious95 or idle





explanation  Its significance is that just as man passes his life industriously or otherwise on earth in the same way he gets the reward in accordance with his actions after his death.

At9697 ayåo98 From these two98 she97 ( i.e. Ahura Mazda perfect mindedness)
fravaretâ99   chose99
vâstrîm100 akhyâi1 fshuyañtem2, for ( the benefit of) this ( world)1 the prosperity2 bringing2 agriculturist100
  "Akhyai"=  Sanskrit= "asyai"
  "fshenghim" = root = "fshu" = Sanskrit = "psu" = to increase,  to prosper
Ahurem3 ashavanem4, as the true4 lord3 
Vanghêush5 fshêñghîm6 Mananghô7 as the promoter6 of good5 mind7
nôit8, Mazdâ9  O Ahura Mazda the
avâstryô10 davãschinâ11 deceitful11 indolent man10
humeretôish12 bakhshtâ13. (would) never ( be) the gainer13 of the good doctrine of the religion12
  "humeretoish"-'mereti'= Sanskrit = 'smriti" = 'doctrine of the religion,exposition."
Hyat1415 Mazdâ16   O Ahura Mazda16 when14 thou 
paourvîm17 first17
 gaêthåschâ18 tashô19 didst make19 the entire living things18
daênåschâ20 and laws20 ( for them),
 thwâ21 mananghâ22 with thy21 power of thought22 
khratûshchâ23 hyat24 astvañtem25 dadå26 ushtanem27 thou didst bestow26 upon us15 corporeal25 life27 and wisdom23:
  (along with these also) thou ordained26 us15
hyat28 shyaothanâchâ29 power to work29
sêñghãschâ30 and commandments of the religion30
ýathrâ31 towards which (act and the commandments of the religion)
 varenêñg32 vaså33 dâyetê34. our wish33 and our faith32 (or choice) may be fixed34



i.e. thou didst bestow upon us strength and wisdom in order to fulfill whatever may be our wish for doing the act and whatever may be our faith on the commandments of the religion.
Athrâ35 To it35
 vâchem36 baraitî37  

 see below

mithah-vachåo3839 either39 the false speaker38
 eresh-vachåo40 41, or41 the true speaker40 
vîdvåo4243 either43 the enlightened42
evîdvåo4445. or the unenlightened44 
  lifts up37 his voice36 
ahyâ46 zeredâchâ47 mananghâchâ48, with his46 heart47 and also with his true mind48
ânush-hakhsh49 ârmaitîsh50 then immediately49 perfect mindedness Armaiti50 
mainyû51 peresâitê52 asks52 the twin spirits51 i.e. Spenta Mainyu and Angra Mainyu) 
ýathrâ53 maêthâ54. (as to) where53 ( their inclination54 is).
ýâ55 frasâ56 the questions56 which55
âvîshyâ57 ýâ5859  

see below

Mazdâ60 O Ahura Mazda60 
peresâitê61 any one asks61
tayâ62, openly57 or secretly62 
ýê6364   or64 any person63 
kasêush65 aênanghô66 for a small65 sin66
 â mazishtãm67 ayamaitê68 bûjem69  undergoes the highest67 penance69
70  all78 these70
  Thou dost observe77
chashmêñg71 thwisrâ72   with (Thy) sharp72 eye71
hârô73 O lord73 
aibî74 ashâ75 aibî76 and in accordance with truth75
vaênahî77 vîspâ78.

see above



78 thwâ79 peresâ80 Ahurâ81   O Ahura Mazda81 I ask80 of thee79 as to78
ýâ82 83 that  which78 happens82 now
âitî84 and will happen84 hereafter.
  (Moreover)  I ask80 of thee79 O Ahura Mazda81 as to78 
jêñghatichâ85 ýåo86 ishudô87 dadeñtê88 the reward87 which86 is awarded88
dâthranãm89 hachâ90 ashâunô91 for good deeds89 unto the righteous  ( person)91
  ýåschâ92 and as to whatever (punishment)92 ( is meted out)
Mazdâ93 O Ahura Mazda
dregvôdebyô94   for the sinful persons94
ýathâ95 and in what manner95 
tåo96 anghen97 will be considered97 ( the fate of both in accordance with their respective actions)
 hêñkeretâ98 hyat99. at the final stage98 (i.e. after death)
Peresâ1avat2 ýâ3 mainish4    I ask1 ( of thee)  about the punishment4 ( of such a person).;
ýê5 The man who5
dregvâitê6 khshathrem7 hunâitî8 dush-shyaothanâi9, secures8 authority7 for the wicked - working9 sinner6 
Ahurâ10   O Ahura Mazda10
ýê11   and The man who11
nôit12 jyôtûm13 hanare14 vînastî15, would not12 be15 in any way fit14 for living;13 
vâstryehyâ16 aênanghô17 on account of the harm17 of the agriculturist16 
pasêush18   of his cattle18 
vîrâatchâ19 adrujyañtô20. and of the person19 never uttering falsehood20
   (i.e. for him who causes injury to them)
Peresâ21 I ask21 
  (of Thee O Ahura Mazda!)
avat22 ýathâ23 hvô24 as to22 how23 he himself24 ( is regarded)
ýê25 hudânush26 who25 , possessed of good wisdom26,
  might have tried33  to enhance32
demanahyâ27 khshathrem28 the authority28 of the house27,
shôithrahyâ29 of the province29,  
dakhvyêush30 and the country30
Ashâ31 by means of Asha- truth31.
fradathâi32 asperezatâ33

see above


see below

Mazdâ35 Ahurâ35 O Ahura Mazda! 
ýadâ36 hvô37 anghat38  I ask ( of thee) ( as to) when36 will he himself37  be38
  siding with Thee34 
 ýâ39 shyaothanascâ40. and of what sort39 should his actions40 be38.
Katârêm41 Which of the two41
   is the greater47
ashavâ4243 what the righteous man42 
  chooses46 (or put s faith on the religion46)
dregvåo4445  or43 what the wicked person44 
verenvaitê46 chooses46.

see above

vîdvåo48 Let the enlightened man48
vîdushê49 mraotû50, explain50  (i.e. teach) ( the excellences of the religion) to the learned man49.
 mâ51 evîdvåo52 To the fanatic person52 ( the work of giving religious instruction ) is not51
aipî-dêbâvayat53, to be entrusted53
zdî54-nê55    reveal54 to us55
Mazdâ56 Ahurâ56 O Ahura Mazda! 
Vanghêush57 fradakhshtâ58 Mananghô59.  the symbols58 ( of thy) good57 mind58
Mâ-chish61at6263   Let not any61 of you63
dregvatô64 mãthrãschâ65 gûshtâ66 even hear66 the Mathra65 of the wicked man64 
sâsnåoschâ67, and ( his) teaching67,
 âzî68 because68
  he may put73 into distress74 and destruction75
demânem69 the house69,
vîsem7070 and the clan70
 shôithrem7171 and the town71,
 dakhyûm7272 and the country72
âdât73 dushitâchâ74 marakaêchâ75

see above,

athâ76 îsh77 sâzdûm78    so attack78 him (upon them77) (or kill77,78) (i.e. such wicked persons)
snaithishâ79. by means of the weapon79.
gûshtâ80 ýê81 Who81,  hears80
mañtâ82 (and) meditates82  (over)  
ashem83 the truth83 (i.e. the matter of truth)
ahûmbish84 for (the advantages of) both the worlds84
vîdvåo85 The enlightened one85
Ahurâ86, O Ahura Mazda86
erezhukhdhâi87 vachanghãm88 khshayamnô89  is the ruler89 over88 truthful utterances87 
 hizvô vasô90 and the controller over his tongue90  
thwâ91 âthrâ92 sukhrâ93  through Thy91 radiant93 Fire92
Mazdâ94 O Ahura Mazda
vanghâu95 vîdâtâ96 rãnayåo97. (that persons) is fully absorbed96 in the good95 affairs97 ( of the life).
98 The person who98 
âyat99 deceives99,1
ashavanem100 the righteous ( man)100
divamnem,1 hôi2 aparem3 khshyô4 will have ( his) abode4  hereafter3 (i.e. after his death)
daregêm5 âyû6 temanghô7 in darkness7 for a long5 time6
dushhvarethêm8 and ( his) food bad8 ( or poisonous)  
avaêtâs9 vachô10; and his shouts10 are full of woe09
têm11 vâo12 ahûm13

see below

dregvañtô14 O sinful person14
shyaothanâish15 khvâish16 on account of your own16 deeds15
daênâ17 ( your wicked) conscience17  
naêshat18. will lead18 
  you12 to that11 ( dark) world13.
Mazdåo19 dadât20 Ahurô21 Ahura Mazda19,21 will bestow20
Haurvatô22  health22 
 Ameretâtaschâ23 and immortality23
bûrôish24 of prosperity24 
 â25 ashakhyâchâ25 of righteousness25 
khvâpaithyât26 by virtue of his own Lordship26
Khshathrahyâ27 sarô28 and will bestow20 leadership28 and of sovereignty27
 Vanghêush29 vazdvarê30 Mananghô31,  and happiness30 of the good29 mind31 as well.
 ýê32 (upon that person) who32
hôi33 mainyû34 shyaothanâishchâ35 through34 (his own) thoughts35 and actions35 (becomes) His33 (i.e. Ahura Mazda) 
 urvathô36. friend36 
Chithrâ37 î38 hudåonghê39 For the one with good wisdom39 these38 (matters) (mentioned above) are manifest37 (as)  (or known)
ýathanâ40 vaêdemnâi41 mananghâ42   Likewise40 for the one understands41 with the mind42
vohû43 hvô44 khshathrâ45 That person44 with (his) good43 powers45

see below

vachanghâ47 shyaothanâchâ48 with thought47 and deed48
haptî49; guards49  
  the truth46
hvô50 Such a person50

see below

 Mazdâ52 Ahurâ53  O Ahura Mazda52,53  
vâzishtô54 anghaitî55 astish56! may be regarded55 as the most helpful54 person56
  for thee51.
ahyâ17 ýâsâ18  I pray18 at this17 (moment)
nemanghâ19 In   humble  adoration19 
ustânazastô20  with hands uplifted20

see below

manyêush22 mazdâ23

see below

pourvîm24 first of all24.

 see below

ashâ26 vîspêñg27 shyaothanâ28 vanghêush29 all27 righteous26 deeds28
  of the invisible22 (and) bountiful25 Ahura Mazda23
khratûm30 mananghô31  (and) the wisdom30 of the good mind31
ýâ32 khshnevîshâ33  . so that32 I may please33
gêushcâ34 urvânem35 the soul35 of the universe34.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ýathâ ahû vairyô ... (4).
ashem vohû ... (3).
tâ-vê-urvâtãm hâitîm ýazamaide.  we revere the ha chapter called TA VE Urvata
yenghe1 hãtãm2 Among living beings2 who1
ãat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghõ,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdão Ahurõ7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethã8 is aware8 
ashãt9 hachã10 on account of10 their holiness9
yãonghãmchã 11 tãnschã12 tãoschã13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27.