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Chapter 2 - Yasna 29

khshmaibyâ1  O A hura Mazda and Amesha Spenta1 

"Khshmaibyo" = before you, unto you i.e. Ahura Mazda and Asha

also "Khshmaibya" is "yushmaibya"= Sanskrit "Yushmabhyam"

gêush2 urvâ3 The soul3 of the universe2
gerezhdâ4, complained4 :
kahmâi5 Wherefore5
6 thwarôzhdûm7  did you create7 me6?
8a-mâ8b tashat9 Who8a fashioned9 me8b?
â-mâ10 Upon me10 (have fallen)   
aêshemô11 wrath11
hazaschâ12 plunder12
remô13  violence13
âhushâyâ14  evil14
dereshchâ15 outrage15 (or aggression)
tevishchâ16, and oppression16 .
nôit17 môi18 vâstâ19 There is no17 protector19 for me18
khshmat20 anyô21  other than21 you20 .
athâ22 môi23 sãstâ24 Therefore22 teach24 me23 
 vohû25 vâstryâ26. good25 industry26
  (whereby I may get rid of such calumnies.)
Adâ27 Tashâ28 Gêush29  Thereupon27 the creator28 of the universe29 
  (i.e. Ahura Mazda)
Peresat30 Ashem31  therefore asked30 asha31 (i.e. truth)
kathâ32 tôi33 gavôi34 ratush35 whom32 (do you appoint) the chief35 for (the care of ) thy33 universe34 ?
hyat36  Who36 (i.e. the chief) 
hîm37 dâtâ38 khshayañtô39 hadâ40  may always40 become its37 (i.e. the entire universe) savior38  and the ruler39 ( over it.) ?
"datar"38  = Sanskrit = 'dhatru" = care taker, protector
vâstrâ41 gaodâyô42 thwakhshô43, (also) he may diligently41 (and skillfully41) become the bringer of prosperity46 to the world42 .
kêm44 hôi45 ushtâ46 Ahurem47 Whom44 (do you consider as) the Lord47of its (i.e. of the universe) prosperity46?
ýê48 dregvôdebîsh49 aêshemem50 vâdâyôit51. Who48 can repel51 passion50 (produced by) wicked persons49?
'Vadayoit' - root "vad" = Sanskrit = 'vadh' = to repel, oppose
  (Asha) replied58
ahmâi52 ashâ53  unto Him53 (i.e. unto Ahura Mazda) with sanctity53 (i.e. sincere heart) " 
  for the world57
nôit54 sarejâ55  (that lord) is not54 cruel55
'sarejan' = 'sarzan' = Persian = disobedient, seditious,; --  original meaning = head-breaker, head-smiter
advaêshô56 but he is harmless56

see above

paitî-mravat58 avaêshãm59 amongst them59 (i.e. amongst the men of  this world.)
nôit60 vîduyê61   I do not60 recognize61 (anyone)
ýâ62 shavaitê63 who62 may advance63 
adreng64 ereshvånghô65, the respected64 and the truthful65 (men);
âdrêñg= "adara' = Sanskrit = respect, honor
hâtãm66  Among the existing human beings66
hvô67 aojishtô68 he67 is the strongest68
 ýahmâi69  for whom69
zavêñg70 jimâ71 keredushâ72. his helpers72 may respect71 his call70 (or command.)
"zava" =Sanskrit  = have a call, command,  root "zu" = Sanskrit = "hu"  = to call, to invoke.
jima = jam = sanskrit = "gam"
originally 'keredushâ72' = workers
Mazdåo73 sahvârê74

see below

 mairishtô75 ýâ76-zî77 vâverezôi78 pairî-cithît79 whatever76 verily77 has been done78 in the past75 
daêvâishchâ80 mashyâishchâ81 by the daevas80 and by men81
ýâchâ82 vareshaitê83 aipî-cithît84 and whatever82 will be done83 hereafter84,
  Ahura Mazda73 is most remembering all these  matters74 .
hvô85 vîchirô86 Ahurô87  Ahura Mazda87 himself85 is the judge86 ( of good and bad)
athâ88-nê89 anghat90 ýathâ91 hvô92 vasat93. So88 let happen90 unto us89 as He91 Himself92 desires93 (i.e. we resign to His will).
at vâ94 ustânâish95 ahvâ96 zastâish97 frînemnâ98 Ahurâi â99 

see below

"Ahva.... frenimna" may be construed as "we both (i.e. my soul as well as the revolving world) are the praisers
100 urvâ1 In96 ( matters pertaining to religion) by my100 soul1
gêushchâ2 azyåo3 hyat4  as well as94 by that of this revolving3 world2 
azyao = az = sanskrit "aj" = latin = " ag-ere'" = to move to walk.  Also see Vendidad 9.37 "geush Azyao" = moving or grazing cow" "gao"= Sanskrit = cow, ox; world
mazdãm5 dvaidî6 ferasâbyô7 (Having asked) question7 of two kinds6 ( various sorts6) to Ahura Mazda5
'feresa' =  'frashna' = sanskrit = 'prashna' = question
"dvaidi" = Sanskrit = 'dvidha' = of two kinds, separate
  With outstretched95 hands97 (i.e. raising both the hands of requests towards the sky) (may) we ( become) the praisers98 of Ahura Mazda99
nôit8 erezhejyôi9 There is no harm8 in leading9 life with honesty.
"erezhejyo" = erezh + jya';  root  "ji" = to live
frajyâitish10 nôit11 fshuyeñtê12 There is no11 need foe a diligent man12
dregvasû13 pairî14. of going near14 wicked persons13.
"dregvasu = plural of "dregvant, dregvat"
  Explanation : there is no need for the diligent or industrious person to have any association or contact with the wicked persons and to carry on business associations with them.
at15  Thereupon15  (or then15 )
ê vaochat16 Ahurô Mazdåo17 vîdvåo18  the Omniscient18 and beneficent19 Ahura Mazda17 spoke out18
vafush = root "vap" = sanskrit = to cause to prosper or sanskrit "vapus" = beautiful 
 vafûsh19 vyânayâ20, with (His) innate wisdom20 
  Owing to28 (having possessed) truth27 (except thee, O Zarathushtra)
nôit21 aêvâ2223 vistô24 naêdâ25 aratush26 there is neither21 a single22 Ahu23 nor25  a Ratu26 known24 to me
Ahu = Lord who looks after worldly affairs
Ratu = Lord who looks after religious affairs
ashât-chît27 hachâ28

see above

i.e. a person possesses of such virtue in whom perfect truthfulness exists
at29 and for this reason29 
 zî30 thwâ31 fshuyañtaêchâ32 vâstryâichâ33 thwôreshtâ34 tatashâ35. I the world creator34 verily30 have created35 thee31 as the tenderer of prosperity32 to the world and as an active worker33 for the religion
"tatasha" root "tash" = sanskrit = "takhsh" = to create, to fashion

têm36 âzûtôish37 Ahurô38 mãthrem39

Ahura Mazda38 fashioned this36 Mathra - holy spell39 through
tashat40 ashâ41 hazaoshô42  righteousness41.  the well wisher42 of prosperity40 
mazdå43 gavôi44 khshvîdemchâ45 hvô46 Beneficent45 (prosperity45) Ahura Mazda43 himself46 ( created) verses of admonition for the world44 
kshvidha = its general meaning is Milk, sweetness
urushaêibyô47 and for truthful men47.
'urusheibyo' = for those with illumined intellect (Sheth K R Camaji)
 'urusha' = 'eresha' = true, just.;  Sometimes, 'ere'in the word changes to 'uro' e.g. 'nuruyo'=' nerebyo' meaning for men.
speñtô48 sâsnayâ49, kastê50 Ahura Mazda asks who50 is such a man of thine50 
'sasnya' = Sanskrit =  'shasana'  = teaching        
Vohû51 Mananghâ52 
ýê53  i 54 dâyât55 who53 may always grant55 
êeâvâ56 maretaêibyô57. unto mortals57 these two54 (which are holy spells and prosperity) 
'eeava' (Westergard) = ' Yaeva' always;.  Dr Hang 'for all time'              
  and good51 mind52
Probably these words are addressed to Ahura by a disciple of Zarathushtra. From the following it is inferred that :---
There is no other powerful man except holy Zarathushtra for teaching the religion to the people and for making the world prosperous
  Ahura Mazda says
Aêm58 That58 person,
môi59 idâ60 vistô61 who is known61 to me59 in this world60
'ida' = here = idha = Sanskrit = 'iha'         
ýê6263  aêvô64 sâsnåo65 gûshatâ66 who62 has listened to66 my63 teachings65
Zarathushtrô67 is Spitama Zarathushtra67
spitâmô68, hvô6970 Mazdâ71 vashtî72 who himself69 through Ahura Mazda71 desires72  
ashâichâ73 to propagate truth73
charekerethrâ74 srâvayenghê75 (and) (for) proclaiming75 true duties74 of the world
'sravayanght' = Sanskrit = root sru = "sravaya"; 'he' = vedic = 'se';  original meaning is 'for causing people to hear'            
 hyat76  for this reason76
hôi77 hudemêm78 dyâi79 vakhedhrahyâ80 .   I want to give79 (or I must give) him77 fluency78 of speech80.
'hudema = original meaning = good breath; 
'hudema   = Sanskrit = 'dama' = self command'           
Atchâ81 Gêush82 Urvâ83 Thereupon81 the soul83 of the universe82 
raostâ84 bewailed84::--
'raosta' = root =  'rud' = Sanskrit = to cry  = Latin 'reuere' = to bewail,  to weep           
ýê85 anaêshem86 khshãnmênê87 râdem88 At the time85 of (my) calamity87 I have obtained an (one) undesirable86 chief88
'khshanmene' = 'kshanmen' = suffering calamity root  'Khshan' = Sanskrit = 'Khshan' = to torment, to smite   
vâchem89 neresh90 asûrahyâ91 i.e. voice89 of one impotent91 person90
asurabya = not mighty = root  'a-shura' = Sanskrit = not mighty;  'a' = Skt =not ; "shura" = Skt = 'mighty' brave' 
 ýêm92 â vasemî93 îshâ94 khshathrîm94, (but) I desire93 a mighty leader94
'isha-khsharhremr' original meaning = Lord or ruler acting according to his own will.            
kadâ ýavâ95 hvô96 When ( to me)95 one such96 (leader) will arise?
anghat97 ýê98 hôi99 dadat100 zastavat1 avô2. Who will grant100 it99 i.e. the entire universe a strong1 support.
'Zastavat' = Sanskrit ' Hastavat' = Dexterous, powerful            
  Zarathushtra speaks
ýûzhêm3 aêibyô4 ahurâ5 aogô6 dâtâ7 ashâ8  O Ahura Mazda5 and Asha8 do you3 grant7 them(i.e. my helpers*) strength8
*my disciples (Dr. Mills and Prof. Darmesteter)
khshathremchâ9 avat10 and power9 so that10
vohû11 mananghâ12 through good11 mind12
 ýâ13 husheitîsh14 râmãmchâ15 dât16 they could bring16 joy14 and happiness15 (to the people of the world)
husheitish compared with Persian 'shadi' If th reading 'Husheti" is accepted, it could mean 'good abode'
azêmchît17 ahyâ18

see below

mazdâ19 thwãm20 mênghî21 O Ahura Mazda19 I regard20 thee21 
paourvîm22 vaêdem23 as the first22 keeper23 of that joy ( and happiness18)
  Prophet Zarathushtra speaks
kudâ24 ashem25 vohu-châ26 manô27 When24 will truth25 good26 thought27 
khshathremchâ28 and authority28  reign? (to be maintained over people) 
at mâ29 mashâ30 ýûzhêm31 Hasten30 unto me29 ?
 Mazdâ32 O Ahura Mazda32 (and Amesha Spenta)
frâkhshnenê33 mazôi34 magâi35

see below

â paitî-zânatâ36 Ahurâ37 38 nåo39 Do you grant36 us39 help40 now38
  in full measure33 for this great34 adventurous work35  
avarê40 êhmâ41
râtôish41 ýûshmâvatãm42! There is the need for us41 of the gift42 of such as you43
ahyâ17 ýâsâ18  I pray18 at this17 (moment)
nemanghâ19 In   humble  adoration19 
ustânazastô20  with hands uplifted20

see below

manyêush22 mazdâ23

see below

pourvîm24 first of all24.

 see below

ashâ26 vîspêñg27 shyaothanâ28 vanghêush29 all27 righteous26 deeds28
  of the invisible22 (and) bountiful25 Ahura Mazda23
khratûm30 mananghô31  (and) the wisdom30 of the good mind31
ýâ32 khshnevîshâ33  . so that32 I may please33
gêushcâ34 urvânem35 the soul35 of the universe34.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
This is the same as Stanza 1 of Ha 28
ýathâ ahû vairyô .. (4).
ashem vohû ... (3). 
khshmâvya2-gêush3 urvãm4  hâitîm5 ýazamaide6 We worship with reverence ha named Khshmaibya2 Geush3 urvu4
yenghe7 hãtãm8 Among living beings8 who7
ãat9 yesne10 paiti11 vanghõ,12 (is) better12 in acts of worship,10  
Mazdão Ahurõ13 of such Ahura Mazda13 (Himself)
vaethã14   is aware14  
ashãt15 hachã16 on account of16 their holiness15
yãonghãmchã 17 tãnschã18 tãoschã19   - all such,17 both men18 and women,19  
yazamaide.20 do we revere.20 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hã 18 and Yasna Hã 27.