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Chapter 1 - Yasna 28

ýânîm1  manô2 Thoughts2
ýânîm3  vacô4 words4
ýânîm5  shyaothnem6 and deeds6
ashaonô7    zarathushtrahe8 , of holy7 Zarathushtra8
  (are) bringing prosperity1 (or are full of inspiration1
ferâ9  ameshâ speńtâ10 May12 the Amesha Spentas10 i.e. Bountiful immortals
gâthĺ11  gęurvâin12 ! accept12 these Gathas11
nemô13 14 gâthĺ15  ashaonîsh16 , O sacred16 Gathas15 salutations13 be unto you14.
ahyâ17 ýâsâ18  I pray18 at this17 (moment)
nemanghâ19 In   humble  adoration19 
ustânazastô20  with hands uplifted20

see below

manyęush22   to the invisible22
mazdâ23 pourvîm24 speńtahyâ25   (and) bountiful25 Ahura Mazda23, first of all24.
ashâ26 vîspęńg27 shyaothanâ28 vanghęush29 all27 righteous26 deeds28
khratűm30 mananghô31  (and) the wisdom30 of the good mind31
ýâ32 khshnevîshâ33  . so that32 I may please33
gęushcâ34 urvânem35 the soul35 of the universe34.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ýę3637 mazdâ38 ahurâ39 O omniscient38 Lord39
pairî-jasâi40 I would reach near thee40
vohű41 mananghâ41 through the good41 mind41
  Explanation : By means of the purest thought O Ahura Mazda I fully recognize thee
maibyô42 dâvôi43  Do thou grant43 me42
ahvĺo44 of both the worlds44
astvatascâ45 hyatcâ46 of this the corporeal 
mananghô47 and (the other) the spiritual 

see above

  which may accrue52
ashât  hacâ49 through truth49
ýâish50 rapańtô51 joy -giving51

see above

hvâthrę53. and happiness53
ýę5455 Unto you55
ashâ56  Asha (truth)56

see below

manascâ58 vohű58 and Vohu Manah58 (good mind).

 see below

mazdămcâ60 ahurem60 O Ahura-Mazda.60
  I shall weave my hymns of praise57 
  as never before59
ýaęibyô61 by whose grace (or from whom)
  (are obtained) 
khshathremcâ62 akhzhaonvamnem63 the perpetual63 wealth62 (i.e. happiness of heaven)
varedaitî64 ârmaitish65 and bountiful64 perfect mentality65.
â-môi66  For my66
rafedhrâi67 rejoicing67
zavęńg68   jasatâ69. may you come69 towards (my) act of worship68.
ýę70 urvânem71 męń72 gairę73 vohű74 dadę75 I shall lead75 my soul71 to Garothaman73 Heaven73
hathrâ76 mananghâ77  through the agency76 of the good mind77.
ashîshcâ78 being aware80 of the blessings78
shyaothananăm79 vîdush80 mazdĺ81 ahurahyâ81 of deeds79 of Ahura Mazda81
  (i.e. being aware of the most excellent advantages accrued by performing the deed approvable to Ahura Mazda)
ýavat82 As long as82
isâi83  I have strength83 
tavâcâ84  and power84
avat85 so long85
khsâi86 will I teach (others)86 
aęshę87 ashahyâ88. (to abide) by the desire87 of truth88..
ashâ89 O truth89
  equipped with knowledge94
kat90 thwâ91 daresânî92 when90 shall I see92 Thee93
manascâ93 vohű93 and Vohu Manah (good mind)

see above

gâtűmcâ95 and the abode95
ahurâi96 sevîshtâi97  of most beneficent97 Ahura96 Mazda96
seraoshem98  and Sarosh yazata98 (thy messenger) 
mazdâi99 anâ100 măthrâ mazishtem2 Through this Holy spell1 of thine99 we100 
vâurôimaidî3 khrafstrâ4  (cause) wicked men4 to believe completely3.
hizvâ5. by means of the eloquence of our tongue5 only
  (to a person) for his piety - righteousness10
vohű6  gaidî7   do thou come7 ( to our help)
  "ga" = Sanskrit = to come
mananghâ8   through the good6 mind8
dâidî9  and grant9 (us) long life
ashâ- dĺo10

see above

  i.e. giver of reward for pursuing the path of justice and truth
daregâyű11 ereshvâish12 On account of true12
13 ukhdhâish14 utterances14
mazdâ15 O Ahura Mazda15
zarathushtrâi16 aojôńghvat17 rafenô18 immense17 joy18  verily arises unto Zarathushtra16
ahmaibyâcâ19  and unto us19 (the disciples),
ahurâ20  O lord20 bountiful,
ýâ21 so that21,
daibishvatô22 of a wicked person22,
dvaęshĺ23 the evils23 
taurvayâmâ24. we may overcome24  
  "Taurv" = Sanskrit = to overcome, to torment
dâidî25 ashâ26  Do thou grant25 (me) O Asha26 
tăm27 ashîm28  that27 blessing28
vanghęush29 âyaptâ30 mananghô31 which is the profit30 (or the reward) of the good29 mind31 
  O Armaiti34
dâidî3233 grant32 unto

see above

vîshtâspâi35 îshem36 maibyâ-châ37 Vishtaspa24 and unto me37 the wish36 of the heart
dĺostű38 Mazdâ39 khshayâ-châ40 O omniscient39 and Ruling40 Lord may thou be pleased38
ýâ41   so that41
42 măthrâ43 srevîmâ44 râdĺo45. we may hear44 thy42 precious45 (or happiness giving) holy spell43
  "radhangh" = Sanskrit = "Radhas"= wealth, happiness, favor
  see "ava mathra" through this holy spell or sacred hymn. see Yasna 44 stanza 17 Ushtavad Gatha.
vahishtem46 thwâ47

see below

vahishtâ48 ýęm49 ashâ50 vahishtâ51 through the excellent48 Best51 righteousness50
hazaoshem52 ahurem53

see below

  hazaosha = "having the same desire", "of one accord"
ýâsâ54 do I entreat54 thee47
vâunush55 with affection55
  the most excellent46 friend52  who is the Lord53 of the entire creation
 narôi56 ferashaoshtrâi57 for the hero56 Frashaoshtra57 
maibyâcâ58 and for myself58
 ýaęibyascâ59 ît60 upon whom59 
rĺnghanghôi61  thou wouldst bestow
  ra = Sanskrit = to give
vîspâi62 ýavę62 vanghęush63 mananghô64.   (the gifts) of the good63 mind64 eternally62
  Explanation : for the sake of the propagation of the good Mazda-worshipping religion thou, O Hormazd will be pleased to bestow upon me and the hero Frashoashtra wisdom and intelligence till the end of our lives.
anâish65  through these65
vĺo66 nôit67

see below**

  ##gifts70 of the the @best74 @ mind72
Ahurâ68 Mazdâ68 O Ahura Mazda68 
Ashemcâ69  Asha69

## see above

zaranaęmâ71 we will **not67 offend71  **thee66 
  "zar" = Persian "azordan" = to give offence, to make sad
manascâ72 hyat73 vahishtem74

@ see above

  Explanation O ahura Mazda we will not give you any cause of provocation to be wrathful by badly (wrongly) utilising wisdom intelligenc and truth-justice decreed by you.
 ýôi7576 ýôithemâ77dasemę78 We who75 have striven eagerly77 in training of your76 
  "yuthema" "Yut"= Sanskrit to strive to be eager re-duplicated to "yayat"
  "daseme = deshana" = Sanskrit "das=dis"=Sanskrit "dish"= to teach
 stűtăm79, songs of praise79
  (O truth and best mind) 
ýűzhęm80 zevîshtyĺnghô81  îshô82 (you are) the gracious81 friend82 of
  Gathic form is "zevish"; "zush"= Sanskrit "jush" = to love; to favor; to strengthen.
khshathremcâ83 savanghăm84. the advantages84 (derived from you) 
at85 ýęńg86 Whom86,
ashâatcâ87 on account of righteousness87
vôistâ88 thou hast known88
Vanghęushcâ89 dâthęńg90 mananghô91 erethwęńg92 as the true92 creation90 of Vohu89 Manah91,
  mazdâ93 ahurâ93 O Ahura Mazda93,
aęibyô94  for those94
perenâ95 âpanâish96 do thou fulfill95 with perfection96
kâmem97. (their) wishes97.
at9899 khshmaibyâ100 asűnâ1 vaędâ2 hvaraithyâ3 vaińtyâ4 sravĺo5. I have known2 that your99 approved (or victorious)4 sacred verses5 are full1 of efficacy3.
  Explanation:  Prophet Zarathushtra speaks to the creator Ahura Mazda thus do thou fulfill completely wishes of those who rightly use their mental power, with truth 
ýę6 âish7 By the help of these sacred verses7
ashem8 nipĺnghę9 I will keep a watch9 over truth8
manascâ10 vohű11 and good11 thoughts10 
ýavaętâitę12 till the end of my life12 
  in order to proclaim18 (amongst people) 
tvęm13 Mazdâ14 Ahurâ14 O Ahura Mazda14  do thou13 (thyself)
frô-mâ15 sîshâ16 teach16 me15
thwahmât17 vaochanghę18 manyęush19 hachâ20  from20 thy17 Divine19  throne,
thwâ21 ęeĺonghâ22 through thy21 mouth22
ýâisht23 â anghush24 pouruyô25 bavat26! how this world24 first25 came into being26 
  (or do thou teach me as to how this world first came into existence)
ahyâ17 ýâsâ18  I pray18 at this17 (moment)
nemanghâ19 In   humble  adoration19 
ustânazastô20  with hands uplifted20

see below

manyęush22 mazdâ23

see below

pourvîm24 first of all24.

 see below

ashâ26 vîspęńg27 shyaothanâ28 vanghęush29 all27 righteous26 deeds28
  of the invisible22 (and) bountiful25 Ahura Mazda23
khratűm30 mananghô31  (and) the wisdom30 of the good mind31
ýâ32 khshnevîshâ33  . so that32 I may please33
gęushcâ34 urvânem35 the soul35 of the universe34.
{the stanza should be repeated twice)
ýathâ ahű vairyô ... (4).
ashem vohű ... (3).
ahyâsăm36 hâitîm37 ýazamaide38. We revere Ahya Yasa Ha (i.e. ha called Ahya Yasa)
yenghe1 hătăm2 Among living beings2 who1
ăat3 yesne4 paiti5 vanghő,6 (is) better6 in acts of worship,4 
Mazdăo Ahurő7 of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
vaethă8 is aware8 
ashăt9 hachă10 on account of10 their holiness9
yăonghămchă 11 tănschă12 tăoschă13   - all such,11 both men12 and women,13  
yazamaide.14 do we revere.14 
# This entire para occurs at the end of Yasna Hă 18 and Yasna Hă 27.