Back The Gathas by Sorabjee Pestonjee Kanga

A Metrical Free Interpretation

Chapter One - Y28
Chapter Two - Y29
Chapter Three - Y30
Chapter Four - Y31
Chapter Five - Y32
Chapter Six - Y33
Chapter Seven - Y34
Chapter Eight - Y43
Chapter Nine - Y44

Chapter Ten - Y45
Chapter Eleven - Y46
Chapter Twelve - Y47
Chapter Thirteen - Y48
Chapter Fourteen - Y49
Chapter Fifteen - Y50
Chapter Sixteen - Y51
Chapter Seventeen - Y53
By Day of Month:

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28
29 30 31


Chapter 1 : Yasna 28


With deep respect I raise my hands above,
And first for truthful words and deeds I pray.
For virtuous thoughts of friendly peace and love,
That thus with mighty Mazda's help I may
Preserve all living souls from sad decay.
All-Knowing Lord ! through pure and pious mind,
May I Thy presence reach, Thy will obey,
So that by dint of truth I soon may find
E'erlasting bliss through Ahura's mercy kind.


I'll sing of Thee, Ahura Mazda, Great and Good,
The first Existence, and the Cause of all
Upon Thy mandates wise I'll ever brood
Their truth will surely save me from my fall
To guide me in my life to Thee I call
Teach me the truth that leads to paradise,
And let no wicked thoughts my mind entrall,
Instruct me holy Mazda, just and wise,
My mind and heart illume, and ope my eyes.


With knowledge of the blessed deeds that please
Almighty God, and by a pious mind,
I'll fit my soul for everlasting peace,
As long as strength and power in me I find,
To preach the truth to all myself I bind.
I'll strive with might and main and spare no pains.
To see Thy lustrous face I'll spurn all ease,
To hear Thy angel Sraosh's holy strains
I'll gladly sacrifice all worldly gains.


Supremely Wise, show me Thy blessed abode,
Teach me Thy sacred Word, that ever stands,
That I may propagate Thy moral code,
And spread Thy glorious name throughout all lands.
And foil the evils of all wicked bands.
By eloquence of tongue by Thee inspired,
Enable me to preach Thy sage commands,
That men with sense of duty may be fired,
The happy world attain the goal desired,


Oh Bounteous Lord! give me that pleasure sure,
Which from a virtuous mind doth ever flow.
Give me long life to work my mission pure,
To cherish truth, and falsehood overthrow,
To each and all the righteous path to show.
Thy worthy champions Gushtasp, Frashaoshtra,
On them Thy boundless blessings free bestow.
Full health and strength of mind on them confer,
Their hearts with staunchest faith and zeal bestir.


O Lord Supreme! Thou art our greatest friend.
With perfect faith and fervid heart we pray
That Thou Thy mighty aid may'st always lend
In times of doubt, or dread, or dull dismay
To us, Thy humble devotees, who lay
Ourselves prostrate before Thy matchless throne.
And try to worship Thee as best we may,
To us Thou art the only Master known,
We bow, we bend, we cry to Thee alone.


Endowed with sound, unstained, and saintly minds,
We'll never go against Thy sovereign will,
In our pure hearts no evil entrance finds.
We'll always stand for good, and fight the ill,
Whate'er we bear, we'll cling to virtue still,
Thy Word will ever give us lead and light,
With hope and joy our task we shall fulfil.
Refuse us not, O Lord, Thy presence bright,
Instruct us fully what is wrong and right


To those who fully put their faith in Thee,
Thou art a trusty champion and support.
From sordid sinful acts they want to flee,
To force or fraud they like not to resort.
Their characters are free from stain or blot,
They mean to do Thy will with honest care,
Tell them what is Thy wish and what is not.
Creator of the universe! declare
Why Thou did'st make this world, and placed'st us there.

Chapter 2 : Yasna 29


In grief and anguish cried the weeping world
Thou mad'st me, God, but why this plight of mine?
In war, confusion, plunder I am hurled,
I'm steeped in darkness deep in midst of bright sunshine.
To pester me all elements combine.
Oppression, envy, wrath, and hate prevail,
I'm sunk in sin, in sorrow I repine.
My mis'rable lot I sad bewail,
Thee as my Saviour sole, O Lord! I hail.


O Mazda, I see none but Thee who can
Save me from these my suff'rings keen,
And put upon all evil things Thy ban,
Thus making me again quite pure and clean.
Enough of broils and torments have I seen!
God heard her prayer and sent a prophet wise,
A better guide so far has never been.
His voice was'heard with rapture and surprise,
He turned the earth into a paradise.


He taught mankind to work with honest zeal,
To onward march with steady peaceful toil,
To honour truth and always fairly deal;
With constant care to cultivate the soil,
All wicked schemes and onslaughts bravely foil.
Suppress each impure passion and abstain
From every selfish feud and unjust broil ;
That by this golden rule they might obtain
Full bliss on earth and lastly heaven gain.


He was the pure and holy saint Zarthosht,
Beloved of God, and by His Wisdom trained.
To guide him in his task the heavenly host
Of angels and archangels was ordained,
From whom all useful knowledge he obtained.
Equipped in full his mission he began,
Complete success and glory he attained.
He pointed out the only means that can.
Confer e'erlasting peace and joy on man.


Him God approved as fit and able guide;
He is, said He, a leader, gentle, kind,
An honest worker, staunch on virtue's side,
He has both strength and patience well-combined.
All men in him a teacher safe will find.
Zarathushtra bowed to Mazda's will supreme,
To Thee, he said, belongs my body, mind,
To work for Thee I e'er my duty deem ;
Command whatever best to Thee may seem.


Thou know'st the past, and present, future too,
What deeds the good and evil men have done,
Or what they do, or still intend to do,
Thou wilt most fairly deal with every one.
I'll teach the world all evil ways to shun,
To follow Thee alone and worship Thee,
For other Lord or Master there is none.
To Thee they should appeal with conscience free
To do Thy will with heart and soul agree.


Ye men! I tell you God's commands, hear me,
If you live honest lives, you'll meet no harm ;
From Satan's wicked wiles you will be free,
Let all of you with swords of virtue arm,
In every way they'll prove a potent charm.
With zeal and ardour do your daily toil,
Unscared by any danger or alarm.
Devote yourselves to cultivate the soil,
You'll never beg, nor any one despoil.


Ahura Mazda sends His Mathra Word to you.
This Word He's uttered for your lasting weal;
To that Eternal Word prove loyal true,
Give It implicit faith, which sure will heal
Your old and fest'ring wounds, and make you feel
All hale and hearty, young and strong again,
With all your noble duties fit to deal.
Your former status you will soon obtain,
And Mazda's love and confidence regain.


The Prophet's words were cast on barren ground,
The world to all his teachings turned deaf ears,
Alas! she cried, a leader weak I have found,
I'm steeped in sorrow, and am drowned in tears,
I'm plunged in struggling seas of doubts and fears.
I want a leader strong, a fighter bold,
For all my wants this guide too soft appears.
I need a soldier, not a sophist cold,
One who can curb my enemies untold.


But these complaints the Prophet did not heed,
And girt himself to do his destined task.
O God, he said, Thy help alone I need,
No deadly arms, no savage troops I ask,
In Thy pure light of wisdom let me bask.
I'll teach Thy truth to men, and make them clean,
From Satan's tempting face I'll tear the mask.
I'll make the world for ever fresh and green,
She'll see an age of calm for long unseen.

Chapter 3 : Yasna 30


With firm resolve Zor'aster set to work.
In due performance of great Mazda's will
No sacrifice or labour he would shirk.
His holy mandate he would glad fulfil.
No opposition would his ardour kill.
And thus in public he began to teach
The matchless Word that triumphs still.
Large audiences were drawn to hear him preach;
All hailed with joy his soul-inspiring speech.


Ye, who desire to gain religious lore,
Do listen well to what I truly say,
Your close and deep attention I implore,
My thoughts in simple words I shall convey.
Reflect with care and your good sense display.
Great Mazda's sovereign will I shall reveal,
And tell you how to Him you ought to pray.
With truthful hearts you should before Him kneel,
In singing Mathra you should pleasure feel.


Pay heed to my advice and clean your hearts.
In all respects full faith in Mazda place,
With honest zeal and toil fulfil your parts.
The day of judgment be prepared to face.
Your footsteps false you never can retrace.
Be wise in time and choose the righteous course,
The only way to win great Mazda's grace,
No pelf will help you, gained by fraud or force,
Your store of virtue forms your best resource.


Two spirits are at work, the good and bad,
Between them both there is a constant fight.
Be guided by the good, you'll ne'er be sad,
You'll pass your days in comfort and delight,
You'll prosper now, your future will be bright.
But if the guidance of the bad you choose,
Be sure for e'er your prospects you will blight.
The counsel of the good undoubting use,
The prompting of the bad point-blank refuse.


When first the good and evil spirits met,
Then life and death their first appearance made.
From them proceed all pleasure and regret,
Through them all things are born, and thrive or fade.
By them each life is fostered or decayed.
And this will happen till the end of time.
When those who followed them will all be weighed.
The good, for truth, will get their meed sublime,
The bad will suffer, being steeped in crime.


The holy Spentamainyush holds his seat
In heaven above, of truth the blest abode ;
But Anghremainyush gets his guerdon meet
In hell, for trampling on the moral code.
Of gnawing pains he bears a heavy load.
Ye men, choose Spentamainyush as your guide,
Don't take the sinful spirit's guilty road.
To follow Spentamainyush firm decide.
In wiles of Anghremainyush ne'er confide.


But those who follow Deeves don't understand
The difference between the spirits two.
The evil spirit leads them by the hand,
They care not for the spirit good and true.
Their bad selection they will sadly rue.
Although we proved that they were in the wrong.
That from their cult no good can e'er accrue.
On their old creed they still are blindly strong,
To range on Anghremainyush' side they long.


Armaiti strong, the fountain-head of truth,
Inspiring every pure and noble thought,
Possessing potent power, but full of ruth,
On good men showers her precious gifts unsought,
By Mathra's holy might improves their lot.
To him she always best protection grants
Who wicked Anghremainyush sets at naught.
In every gen'rous heart she love implants,
For her choice boons each human being pants.


When these misguided men receive their due,
The certain punishment, which they deserve,
They then will surely learn repentance true,
And then their chastened hearts will well observe
That Thee alone, O Lord, all ought to serve,
That Thou art All-Supreme and hast no peer,
Tis Thou alone that all things dost preserve.
The rule laid down by Thee is plainly clear,
That those who stick to truth need nothing fear.


Let all of us, with hearts sincere, pursue
The course laid down for us in times of old.
To Mazda's changeless law let us be true,
To tread the virtuous path let us be bold,
For truth's more precious far than wealth untold.
That is the straight and shortest road to bliss,
Sans doubt or fear, to it unflinching hold.
No other route to heaven leads but this,
Take care such glorious way you do not miss.


When pious men to blissful heaven go,
Where Hormuzd sits with truth and wisdom crowned,
Their hearts with joyful feelings overflow,
Because they reach a harbour safe and sound,
Where wicked Deeves can have no standing-ground
Destructive Droojes cannot find their way
To that abode. They wail in sorrow drowned,
They get a deadly blow, they lose all sway,
They have no nerves or courage to betray.


Ye men, this golden rule remember well,
All happiness or pain depends on you,
The sinful have to suffer long in hell,
But every joy awaits the honest true.
For noble actions you will never rue.
For purity and truth most firmly fight,
From these no harm to you will e'er accrue.
Indeed they are a source of sweet delight,
They'll open out for you a future bright.

Chapter 4 : Yasna 31


Ye seekers after truth, my words pray hear,
They will instructive prove to each and all.
They'll soothe your troubled minds, your hearts they'll cheer.
On those misguided souls, who victims fall
To vice and crime at Anghremainyush call,
Who plunge in plunder and destruction spread.
Whose aim and object is to kill and maul,
On these my words some useful light may shed,
And they their evil ways no more may tread.


But those, who Ahurmazd's settled laws obey,
Will surely all my words with welcome greet,
To Him alone they will their homage pay,
And Him alone as their sole Master treat,
And carry out His will and pleasure sweet.
The sceptics too, in course of time, will stand
With rev'rence due before His judgment seat,
And humbly bow before His presence grand,
Prepared all sins in future to withstand.


O God, that perfect comfort and delight,
Which Thou dost give to those who teach Thy laws.
And who for truth and virtue boldly fight.
Give these to us, who staunchly plead Thy cause,
And carry out our task without a pause.
To Thee our hearts and souls we dedicate,
We mind not men's displeasure or applause,
Thy law alone we wish to propagate,
Thy justice, kindness, love to vindicate.


O God, when Thou and Thine Archangels high
Are gracious, good, indulgent, kind to me,
To Thee with true humility I cry
To give me strength enough the world to free
From vice of every sort and each degree.
Tell me, O Lord, what's best for me to know,
Enlighten me what shall and shall not be ;
So that I may the seeds of virtue sow,
And every sin and evil overthrow.


The learned man, who will the Mathra teach,
Will e'er enjoy beatitude supreme,
The highest pitch of welfare he will reach,
For truth and virtue are the Mathra's theme ;
From it all lasting joys perennial stream.
Men gain thereby immortal paradise,
And from all vicious ways their souls redeem.
The Mathra lets no evil thought arise,
Men speak no lies, no wicked deeds devise.


Great Mazda's rule on perfect truth is based,
The universe is built on His good thought;
He is the Thinker, whose pure mind has raised
All things in heaven and on earth from naught.
He's present everywhere if duly sought.
His light it is that shines throughout all space,
All things are by His boundless wisdom wrought.
With awe let all bend down before His face,
With earnest prayers ask for His bounteous grace.


O God, e'er since I thought of Thee I know
Thou art the First and Only Cause of all.
From Thy pure mouth the purest accents flow,
For worship fit, to help us Thee we call.
All stand in need of Thee, both great and small
We listen to Thy Words immaculate
Which from Thy holy tongue like manna fall.
Of every man on earth they seal the fate,
The humble swain or mighty potentate.


To Thy celestial Wisdom we submit,
Thy laws inscrutable are but just;
We must conform to what Thou dost permit,
From what Thou dost forbid abstain we must.
Direct us in our course, in Thee we trust,
Th' industrious peasant, who the soil upturns,
And struggles hard in heat, and cold, and dust,
Thou dost prefer to him who labour shuns,
And who his food by stealth or plunder earns.


O God, when first Thou mad'st the universe,
With Thy sublime intelligence and skill,
Thou mad'st fixed laws, which none can e'er reverse.
To men Thou gavest reason and free-will,
Due strength of mind, and judgment to fulfil
All their appointed tasks and duties well,
To tend the cattle, and the lands to till,
Respect Thy laws declared, and peaceful dwell,
The chorus of Thy praises daily swell.


The truthful man and he who deals in lies,
The learned savant and the witless wight
To act according to his conscience tries.
One seeks the spirit black, the other bright,
One's lot is dark, the other sees the light.
Thy watchful eyes, O Lord, observe them all,
The good that springs from virtue, and the blight
The wicked do, whereby at length they fall,
The fate of those who disobey Thy call.


Tell me, All-Knowing Mazda, what happens now,
And what is hidden in the womb of time ;
What guerdon's gained by honest men, and how,
And what's the penalty for sinful crime,
For lives mis-spent and wasted in their prime,
The wise and prudent man, who works with zeal,
With sense of duty, and with aim sublime,
For his dear home, or town, or country's weal,
With him Thou wilt most bountifully deal.


Ye men, the teachings of the wicked shirk,
To their enchanting wiles do pay no heed ;
In their false words deceit and ruin lurk,
They lead you wrong to satisfy their greed,
To free yourselves from them great care you need,
To violence and lust they drive you straight,
And down and down you fall with headlong speed
Your time is spent in pillage, murder, hate,
Beware, perdition is your doleful fate.


It is the learned only, who can teach
The doctrines of religion true and pure,
A good and spotless mind alone can reach
The glorious portals of high heaven sure,
It is the pious souls that truths allure.
They think, they speak, they do whate'er is right,
For right all labour, hardship they endure.
Before the sacred Fire's inspiring light
They swear for truth eternal they will fight.


He, who a pious man attempts to cheat,
In dismal darkness e'er will pass his time ;
For endless days he'll grieve for his deceit.
His food will poison be, due to his crime,
Alas! Alas! will be his constant chime.
In sad repentance he will writhe and moan,
For breach of Mighty Mazda's law sublime.
In hell for ages he will have to groan,
And taste the bitter fruit his hand had sown.


He, who is pure in thought, and word, and deed,
Endears himself to Mazda, Who showers His gifts
Upon him free. He never stands in need
Of others' help. Him God supports, uplifts.
He calmly sails ahead and never drifts.
He's hale and hearty, ever lives in joy,
His open mind designs no tricks or shifts.
All works of charity his thoughts employ,
His soul immortal nothing can destroy.


Eternal happiness such souls receive,
And boundless strength and power they always wield,
They curb the cruel, and the poor relieve,
They fight the wicked, and their victims shield,
For righteous men they keep an open field,
Where they may safely work, and earn their bread,
By honest toil enjoined by law revealed.
As long as men by these bland souls are led,
No harm or danger they can ever dread.

Chapter 5 : Yasna 32


The baneful Bendva, with his impious band,
His relations, co-workers, and his friends,
His followers, who wait on his command,
Assiduous tries to gain his wicked ends,
To hinder Zarthosht all his force he sends.
But to his work the Prophet boldly sticks,
To their mean wiles or threats no ear he lends,
Subverts their plans, confounds their devilish tricks.
Exhorts all men in God their faith to fix.


O God, he prays, stand staunchly by my side,
I wish to serve Thee with my utmost might,
In virtue's path be constantly my guide,
All evil in in the world I mean to fight,
To chase all wrong away, and help the right.
I know Thy sacred tongue has long declared,
That he's the truest servant in Thy sight,
Who is in serving Thee for death prepared,
And who to preach the truth has always dared.


Avaunt! ye Deeves! ye progeny of sin,
Misguided souls alone can be your prey;
No lasting victory you will ever win,
From every place you will be driv'n away.
In this God-governed world you cannot stay.
I'll warn all men to fly from your deceit,
By your worst wiles they won't be led astray,
Your tempting falsehoods can no longer cheat,
Your fell designs will end in sure defeat.


The minds of men you cunningly perturb,
From virtue's path you lead them sheer astray.
All peace, all law and order you disturb;
Deceit and fraud stalk rampant night and day,
And brutal violence enjoys full play.
Corrupt and infirm brains you soon decoy,
On them you exercise unchallenged sway ;
To tempt them to their fall all arts employ,
Their final wreck you view with fiendish joy.


With perjured lips do you misrepresent
Wherein true earthly happiness consists;
On strife and mischief you are always bent,
You hold no immortality exists,
All is confusion, nothing else subsists,
You preach that fight and plunder bring in wealth,
And dastard truth gives way before mailed fists,
That everything is gained by force or stealth,
And lust and luxury improve the health.


These vile infernal teachings I'll rebut,
From hellish Ahriman they emanate;
The mouths of wicked counsellors I'll shut,
The laws of Ahura Mazda I shall propagate,
His heavenly orders I shall fully state.
Unflinching truth from all these laws demand,
And honest peaceful life they inculcate ;
No lie, no guile, no cruelty can stand,
He will suppress them with His mighty hand.


These wicked wights know not what risks they run,
What punishments await them in the end ;
Perpetual gloom and grief they cannot shun,
Almighty Mazda's law they can't offend ;
To lasting hell all Deeves He'll surely send.
Their eyes will open then, they'll stand aghast,
With deep repentance they will humbly bend,
And ask forgiveness for their actions past,
Their pains and tortures will for ages last.


One of such blinded men was Jamshed proud,
Misguided son of Vingham, who proclaimed
Himself as God in accents bold and loud;
By vain conceit and arrogance inflamed,
At sovereign power in heaven and earth he aimed.
He met at once the punishment deserved,
Forlorn he fell, disgraced, abashed, ashamed,
From place to place he wandered, weak, unnerved,
With stern reprisal he was rightly served.


The teachers false religious truth distort,
With quibbling words the world they sheer misguide,
To every mean device they free resort
To propagate the lie, the truth to hide;
But in my mission pure God be my guide.
I trust in Him and righteous truth alone,
By His supreme commands I'll e'er abide.
I'll stand in duty bound before His throne,
To all mankind I'll make His wishes known.


The heartless fiends complete destruction preach,
They want to spread rank ruin everywhere.
Grim warfare, bloodshed, plunder's what they teach
And peaceful tillers of the soil they scare,
They burn their crops, uproot their orchards fair.
Where'er they go they sow the seed of strife,
They strike the honest, and the wicked spare,
They ravage and disrupt all settled life,
They sever sire and son, and husband wife.


The evil people think the sinners great,
They honour those, who practise stealth, deceit,
Who make unlawful gains, and live in state,
Who rob the poor, and their own masters cheat,
Who lure the simple folks by falsehoods sweet.
With my grand task these tempters interfere,
But they at length will meet with stark defeat.
I shall fulfil my work with faith and cheer,
As long as Mazda helps, I have no fear.


Their rotten counsel cannot long prevail,
The gate of truth they cannot always bar;
At last their horrid doctrines sure must fail,
Improbity and vice can go no far,
God's fair creation they can never mar.
The potent arm of Mazda I invoke,
He's always sure to be my guiding star.
He'll kill the Deeves with one almighty stroke,
His sovereign will and word none dare revoke.


'Tis His commands I've come to promulgate,
He wills that men from evil thoughts should fly,
They should be deaf to what the wicked state,
Whose aim and object is to cheat and lie,
Whose occupation is to kill and die,
They ruin fields, they devastate the towns,
The more they get, the more to filch they try.
Their hideous faces wear perpetual frowns.
They roam the world in search of sceptres, crowns.


Such are the cunning Grehmas and Kavees,
Who have for long the simple-minded lured,
And dragged them to their folds by slow degrees,
In chains of vice and violence secured,
To lives of rapine plunder well inured.
For their own sins they sacrifice the cow,
And think themselves against death's shafts assured.
There is no God, these wicked Deeves avow,
Before His glorious throne they will not bow.


The gates of paradise are always closed
Against the faithless Karaps and Kavees;
Against all those who are not well disposed
Towards my teaching pure, and e'er increase
Obstructions in my way quite as they please.
No one who hampers me can ever reach
That blest abode. Let their vain efforts cease.
Let them in time attend to what I preach,
It's God's own holy word I truly teach.


Well weigh my words, let wisdom guide you all,
I say what God commands. If you will hear
His message which I bring, you'll never fall.
To truth and virtue stick with conscience clear.
Industrious live, discard all care and fear.
No Deeve or Drooj can ever do you harm,
If in the light of faith you guiltless steer.
Rely alone on Mazda's potent arm,
To equal which there is no other charm.

Chapter 6 : Yasna 33


God deals with all with justice strictly true,
He judges both the evil and the good.
He'll make the good rejoice, the evil rue.
Upon this settled law let all men brood,
Let it be studied well and understood.
He wants from all good thoughts, good words, good deeds,
He hates all actions tortuous, vicious, crude.
Lie always fails, and truth alone succeeds.
All human happiness from truth proceeds.


He walks in truth, who helps a righteous man,
Whether he be or not his kith and kin.
He should save him from harm as best he can,
Support him valiantly through thick and thin,
Because he does not tread the path of sin.
Such men he should uphold with all his might,
Thereby the blest abode he's sure to win.
His soul will peaceful rest in heaven bright,
Enjoy celestial comfort and delight.


Bow down in prayer, ye men, and drive away
All disobedience and unrighteousness
From your obdurate hearts. Pray night and day.
Abjure all arrogance and free confess
Your daily sins ; your passions wild repress.
Whereby you may great Mazda's favour gain.
Who may your lives and actions fully bless,
So that, while here, you may in peace remain,
And may hereafter paradise attain.


O God, direct Thy angel Sraosh benign,
The first and foremost of Thy seraph host,
To come and render help to me and mine.
The hope to serve Thee well we cherish most,
To be Thy minions is our honest boast.
If Sraosh defend me nothing else I need,
I'll faithful prove to my prophetic post.
No labour and no danger will I heed,
With my appointed task I will proceed.


An honest worshipper, I always pray
With purity of mind and heart to Thee,
So that with Thine all-powerful help I may
Accomplish soon the task assigned to me,
And make the world immune from harm and free.
Two things to ask of Thee I make me bold,
That Thee in all Thy glory I may see,
And that I may with Thee free converse hold,
So that I may Thy great design unfold.


O Lord Supreme, reveal Thyself to me,
And teach me all that's best for me to know,
That I may preach whate'er I learn from Thee,
And to the world Thy might and mercy show,
That men may see what endless blessings flow
From loyal firm obedience to Thy will,
By disregarding which disasters grow;
Men fight like savage beasts, each other kill,
The whole fair earth with blood and carnage fill.


O God, instruct me how to serve Thee best,
I wish with all sincerity and zeal
To fully carry out Thy high behest,
To work for Thee a strong desire I feel,
Thy Word sublime I truly will reveal.
I will always be Thy humble devotee,
To Thee for daily guidance I appeal.
I'll duly publish what Thou tellest me,
So that mankind from vice be ever free.


Through virtuous mind, O Lord, my strength increase,.
And for my on'rous mission make me fit ;
My aim and object always is to please
Thee with my work, and never idly sit ;
To Thy sweet will and pleasure I submit.
I'll work for Thee with all my main and might,
Myself no rest or respite I'll permit.
Against all evils I will strenuous fight,
Inspire me with Thy Word and Presence bright.


Ahurmazd, grant us all Thy blessings pure,
For truth and virtuous deeds by Thee ordained,
That we may brave all evils firm and sure,
By abject fear or doubt quite unrestrained,
With thought, and word, and deed completely trained
May we Thy praises sing in tuneful rhymes.
May we discard all vice with hate unfeigned.
May Anghremainyush perish for his crimes,
May he be cursed a hundred thousand times.


Benevolent Ahurmazd, Mighty, Kind,
To my request Thy ear propitious lend,
Direct me in my work, illume my mind.
Thy glorious angels for my succour send;
Before Thy brilliant throne I humbly bend.
Give me good sense, and purity of heart,
And prudent strength, with which I may contend
Against the Deeves, who, by their wicked art,
Lead thoughtless men from virtue to depart.


Thy help alone can guarantee success,
To Thee myself I fully dedicate,
On Thee relying I shall soon suppress
All superstitions blind, and propagate
Thy ancient cult in its fair pristine state.
That cult alone affords protection sure,
And opens out for men the blessed gate
Of heaven high, where they can rest secure
In calm and peace amidst surroundings pure.

Chapter 7 : Yasna 34


At first to Thee, O Lord, I dedicate
Such thoughts, such words, such deeds as surely bring
A happy, glorious, and immortal state,
To truth and virtue I shall always cling,
In fitting terms I shall Thy glory sing.
I'll consecrate to Thee whate'er I hold,
All thoughts of selfish greed away I'll fling.
He gets from Thee rewards and boons untold,
Who works and suffers as Thy servant bold.


Enlighten us by Thy bright fire divine,
Which by its powerful and refulgent rays
May give us knowledge true, for which we pine,
Its never-failing strength all evil stays,
Drives out ignoble thoughts and passions base.
Malice, revenge, or pride it soon subdues,
And for God-fearing men illumes the ways.
Its heavenly beams all wicked schemes confuse,
There is on earth no better guide to choose.


Tell me, O Lord, what is Thy sovereign will,
So that therewith I may my actions suit,
And worthily my destined task fulfil.
I'll help the poor, protect the voiceless brute,
And by my faithful service gain the fruit
By Thee decreed for those who Thee obey
Without the slightest doubt, demur, dispute.
The Deeves and Droojes I will drive away,
To Thee the Best and Highest I will pray.


Thou art all Truth and Righteousness combined
Instruct me how to best conduct my task ;
To serve Thee as I should instruct my mind,
In all my life Thy guidance safe I ask,
In Thy bright presence I securely bask,
From virtue's path I never will recede,
I'll further truth, all lies and shams unmask.
At every turn Thy help I greatly need,
With Thy support alone I can succeed.


Myself and my disciples work for Thee,
Throughout the world we want to spread Thy name.
From bonds of superstition we shall free
Mankind, and Thy supremacy proclaim,
Thy boundless power explain and glorious fame.
For good of all with honest zeal we'll strive;
With noble thoughts the hearts of all inflame.
So that a golden age may soon arrive,
In which the world in lasting peace may thrive.


Those who pervert the truth, and God deny,
Try hard to work destruction on this earth.
Weak minds alone accept their silly cry,
Which cannot judge what their opinion's worth,
Because of wit and sense they have a dearth.
The tempters know their foolish victims well,
As skilled in arts and wiles they are from birth.
All kinds of falsehoods they can glibly tell,
Their spurious wares they can slily sell.


As untamed beasts from men quick run away,
So truth from evil souls far distant flies,
It cannot in their wicked presence stay,
Because their impure hearts are full of lies;
In them the place of God the Deeve supplies.
They will repent their deeds in dismal hell,
Which will be filled with their unheeded cries,
How long their pains will last no one can tell,
A just return for their rebellion fell.


A godly man advises actions clean,
He knows that pious minds prompt pious deeds.
He tries from vicious thoughts all men to wean.
Where'er his lot is cast he sows good seeds,
From smiling fields of corn roots out the weeds.
A happy prosp'rous world he wants to see,
He works for love, no recompense he needs.
Such noble souls, from selfish motives free,
Obey with faith sincere God's high decree.


To help such men the angels ready stand,
They give them strength, their knowledge they improve,
They smoothe and guard their way in every land,
All dangers ward, all obstacles remove,
At every step true guides and champions prove.
Where'er they go their minds are free from care,
They spread their holy cult where'er they move.
All opposition they can bravely bear,
When heavenly legions to their aid repair.


Teach me Thy rules, Thy proper worship teach,
Teach me how best Thy praises I may sing,
How Thy illustrious presence I may reach,
And how I may my humble homage bring
To Thee, and how to truth and virtue I may cling.
That thus I may Thy lasting favour find,
And by Thy grace succeed in everything,
That I may do to guide the human mind
To trust in Thee, so merciful and kind.


Explain to me the course I should pursue,
Tell me my conduct how to regulate.
To Thy commands I shall be staunch and true,
My mind and power I shall concentrate,
So that I may obtain that happy state
Which Thou hast promised those who Thee obey.
And who themselves entirely consecrate,
To serve Thee with devotion night and day,
And for Thy lasting glory work and pray.


Those who, in this revolving world, defend
Thy rule, a part of Thy wisdom share.
Against all evil forces they contend,
And Thy pure wholesome laws they wide declare,
In their laborious task they ne'er despair
Amongst their holy ranks I also stand,
For Thee whate'er I can I'll do and dare.
I will fulfil with zeal my mission grand,
Supported by Thy bright angelic band.


Chapter 8 : Yasna 43


All happiness to him, who feels for all,
And who for others tries to do his best.
For work like his the guerdon is not small,
With health and strength and power he's always blest.
He can on God's support securely rest.
With truth and purity of mind he serves.
And humbly follows God's supreme behest.
His pious, stainless life full well deserves
Such boons as God for selfless men reserves.


Thrice fortunate is he, who thus succeeds
In winning Mighty Mazda's lasting grace,
God freely grants him all his worldly needs,
And in the hearts of men an honoured place.
From him He never turns His glorious face.
Long life He gives him for his virtue's sake,
Secure from harm he runs his earthly race.
No doubt can e'er his resolution shake,
The righteous course he'll always firmly take.


He does the greatest good, who points the way
Both to material and spiritual bliss,
That is the best and simplest mode to pray,
No better worship can be paid than this.
For human weal no chance of service miss.
Let all this golden maxim bear in mind,
And thoughts of selfish gains at once dismiss.
Throughout your whole career be just and kind,
That is the highest wisdom you will find.


O God, Thou art the Lord Supreme of all,
All happiness and joy proceed from Thee;
At every step for help on Thee we call,
Thy hand bestows on all Thy blessings free,
With Thee there is no high or low degree.
Thy glorious fire, of purity the sign,
May warn us from all evil things to flee,
May it exert its influence benign
And make our chastened hearts with virtue shine.


O God, Supreme, Benevolent, Benign,
From Thee all blessings unrestricted flow.
Thou art the fountain-head and source divine,
From which each gets his worldly weal below,
According as his deeds are high or low.
The good are happy, prosperous and free,
The woes the evil suffer daily grow.
All must perforce submit to Thy decree,
They must to truth adhere, from falsehood flee.


O Lord, send us Thy angels in our stress,
Let noblest minded Spentamino guide
And lead us on to truth and happiness,
Let glorious Behman too stand by our side,
And Shehrevar all lawful means provide
To carry on our mission and to teach
All men to worship Thee, in Thee confide,
To be quite pure in action, thought, and speech,
Whereby the highest heaven they may reach.


O God, when Srosh, Thy messenger, arrived,
And asked me who I was, what faith I held,
Much comfort from his converse I derived.
His presence from my mind all doubts dispelled.
Against all wicked rites my heart rebelled.
I saw Thou wast the source of every good,
All evils shall at last by Thee expelled.
I'll make this simple fact well understood,
Drive out all superstitious notions crude.


With evil open fight I wish to wage.
The good and truthful I shall firm defend,
Myself in Thy pure service I'll engage,
I'll sing Thy praises to my final end,
My ears to wicked words I'll never lend,
For Thee all labour, hardship, will I bear,
I'll mind no lure, before no force I'll bend.
In guiding men aright all storms I'll dare,
My fate I'll leave to Thy own tender care.


When Srosh, Thy messenger, accosted me,
And asked me what I held in best respect,
I knew to train my mind he came from Thee.
From Thy great love no less can I expect.
On Thee and Thy creation I reflect.
To Thy immortal fire devotion pay,
Which cleanses me of every fault, defect.
It points to truth, I cannot go astray,
It is Thy essence pure. Thy quenchless ray.


God grant me truth, that is my chief desire,
In holy righteousness I full believe,
To learn Thy laws and teach them I aspire,
I'll act upon the orders I receive
From Thy own mouth. Thy words will sure relieve
My mind of doubts and make it calm and free.
Thy greatness, glory, I can well conceive.
The monarch holds his throne by Thy decree,
The peasant's peaceful life is due to Thee.


O God, when Sraosh Thy message brought to me,
And with Thy holy words illumed my mind,
My heart enthralled at once was drawn to Thee.
I feel, howe'er, much trouble I shall find
In persuading those who're deaf and blind.
But I shall try my best to propagate
Thy sacred creed, with love and truth combined,
Which offers all a lasting blissful state
Of happy union, free from strife and hate.


Thou art the best, the highest Truth, O Lord,
Teach me how I may also truth attain ;
Before Sraosh comes to me this boon accord,
So that for my great mission he may train
My mind, and I may from his visit gain
Full knowledge of Thy will and laws divine,
And thereby in my work success obtain.
In my hard task vouchsafe Thy help benign,
If I serve well, the glory will be Thine.


When Sraosh Thy message brought to me, I prayed
To Thee, O Lord, to give me length of days,
A life prolonged with health and worthy made
To fight with him who clings to evil ways,
And succour him who all Thy laws obeys.
Thou hast the boundless power to grant this gift,
To those who work for Thee and sing Thy praise.
To spread Thy name our voices we uplift,
Without Thy mighty help we cannot shift.


As often as I see good Sraosh with me,
I know Thou watchest me with constant care,
For which my humble thanks I offer Thee.
Through him Thy wishes high to me declare,
For Thee all labour I shall bravely bear
Through him I've learnt to keep my mind content.
Whatever good or ill fall to my share.
To fight the evil I am always bent,
The good will triumph and the bad repent.


Almighty Father, boundless are Thy gifts,
Thy kindness and Thy mercy none can weigh;
Thy hand supports the strong, the weak uplifts.
To Thee on bended knees I humbly pray
That Thou may'st guide me on my destined way.
In every human breast may truth reside,
May every human tongue Thee worship pay.
In Thee may every human soul confide,
All human hearts in lasting peace abide.

Chapter 9 : Yasna 44


O God, teach me how I should pray to Thee ;
Send me Thy angel Sraosh to tune my mind;
How I can mould my life enlighten me,
How I can follow truth and heaven find.
I want Thy help divine and guidance kind.
I fully trust in Thee, be Thou my friend,
To do Thy sovereign will myself I bind.
I'll always serve Thee, faithful to the end,
From hidden snares and pitfalls me defend.


Who first created truth, who made the earth ?
Who fixed the courses of the sun and stars ?
From whom these mighty orbs derive their birth ?
Who makes them roll without disturbing jars ?
Who all disorder and confusion bars?
Who makes the moon each month to wax and wane ?
All's due to Thee. Thy works no rival mars,
All nature springs from Thy contriving brain,
New things are born in an unending chain.


Who holds this whirling world from tumbling down?
Who keeps the vaulted sky in its right place ?
Who made the silver streams, the mountains brown ?
Who gives the wind and clouds their rapid pace?
Who darkness brings, who lights up boundless space ?
Who causes sleep, who wakefulness excites ?
Who clothes fair nature with its beauteous grace?
Who ushers in the mornings, noons, and nights,
When Thy devoted priest his hymns recites ?


'Tis Thou alone, Who art the cause of all,
The universe is Thy design and make.
And everything obeys Thy beck and call.
Thy rule is based on truth, which none can shake.
The path of falsehood may we never take.
The world is meant for righteousness alone,
The wicked souls must dread and quake ;
It is their dismal lot to sigh and moan;
They ne'er can hope to see Thy brilliant throne.


Whose production is illustrious Armaiti,
Consummate wisdom, purity of thought,
Refulgent spirit of chaste piety,
Whose welcome steps improve the human lot,
Whose sage advice and aid are always sought ?
Who in the father love for son implants ?
By whom is such affection bred and taught ?
These are, O Unseen Lord, Thy gifts and grants,
For which we humbly sing our grateful chants.


Five times my prayers to Thee I daily say,
With singleness of mind and heart sincere ;
For truth and righteousness to Thee I pray,
So that to virtue I may strict adhere,
And prosper in my life with conscience clear.
That is the only course Thou hast ordained.
Good thought, good word, good deed to Thee are dear.
By these supreme beatitude is gained,
By these, at last, is heaven obtained.


How can I teach mankind Thy tenets pure,
Which Thou hast in Thy mercy taught to me ?
They are the purest and the best, I'm sure,
For which I owe my warmest thanks to Thee.
They'll make the world contented, happy, free.
Remove all seeds of discord and dispute.
With such pure faith no one can disagree.
Its noble doctrines none can well refute,
Its truth confounds and makes all critics mute.


Those who will listen to Thy sacred word
Will be rewarded with rich wisdom's store,
They will be freed from savage rites absurd,
And they will tread the path of vice no more,.
All wiles of wicked men they will ignore.
Such worthy souls will pass their lives in ease,
They will in heaven find an open door.
I'll try my best their number to increase,
To work for Thee, O Lord, I'll never cease.


But tell me, Ahura, who are really true,
And who are false, that I may know my way,
Their fate the false will no doubt have to rue,
They will be doomed at last to ruin and dismay,
And will to constant sorrow be a prey.
They follow Satan's lead, they plunder, fight,
Throughout all peaceful realms they havoc play.
In pillage, rapine, bloodshed they delight,
God save the world from this destructive blight.


The evil-minded Deeves, who me malign,
And who, with impious boldness, blaspheme Thee
Will surely get a punishment condign.
From racking pains in hell they'll ne'er be free
Most rough and foul their future state will be.
Thy Word is true, and it will always stand,
The true will e'er prevail by Thy decree.
They will be held up by Thy mighty hand,
With lasting shame the wicked Thou wilt brand.


When will the good and bad in battle meet ?
What will the issue be ? Who'll win, who'll lose ?
The battle's daily fought, the good defeat
The evil and their wicked schemes confuse.
The righteous path's the only track to choose.
In Mazda's holy Writ that path's defined,
To strictly follow that none can refuse.
The good, who trust His Word, protection find,
The evil are to lasting woes consigned.


O Mazda, how can I Thy love obtain ?
How can I near Thy august throne arrive ?
Thy sacred Word how can I best explain ?
That men may follow Thy command and thrive.
And everlasting happiness derive.
Thy Word's the richest wealth they can possess,
To strictly act upon it they should strive.
It drives away all danger and distress,
From truth and virtue they can ne'er digress.


When shall I get for truth the fixed reward,
Which I may 'mongst the pious good divide ?
What pains and penalties dost Thou award
To those, who spurn the virtuous out of pride,
And wade through wicked ways and truth deride?
Such are the Divs, the Karaps, and Usiks,
Who follow Anghremainyush as their guide.
They have with them the Kavis and the Kiks
Who mischief work with their uncanny freaks.

Chapter 10 : Yasna 45


Ye, who from far and nigh have come to learn
The Sacred Word of Mazda great and good,
Lend me your ears, your best attention turn
To what I true reveal, and deeply brood
O'er what you hear. If rightly understood,
My message will your minds for ever close
Against all teachings false and doctrines crude,
All spurious faiths and superstitions gross,
Which to the human soul are deadly foes.


And first I'll tell you of the Spirits twain,
The One that showers plenty and increase,
The other causer of all kinds of pain,
Of doubts and fears, of foul and fell disease.
From which there is no respite or release.
In thought, precept, intelligence, and deed,
They are opposed. Their nature disagrees ;
The First inspires you with a noble creed,
The second tempts you to deceit and greed.


Almighty Mazda has divulged to me
The knowledge best to guide man here below;
This wisdom pure I now convey to ye,
From which all earthly happiness will flow ;
No harm will touch ye, and no grief ye'll know.
But if His sovereign Word ye do not heed.
Each day your sorrows and your woes will grow.
Your lives will seethe in poverty and need ;
From hell's grim jaws your souls will ne'er be freed.


He is the Lord of all, all-knowing Wise,
The Father of Armaiti, noble mind,
The first and fruitful source, from which arise
All actions virtuous, all feelings kind,
That man to man in love and union bind.
He seeth all and cannot be deceived;
His holy Mathra ye will always find
A mine of priceless treasures unconceived,
If humbly sought and with true faith received.


Ye, who with zeal obey His high commands,
Perennial health and bliss shall sure attain;
Your work shall ever prosper in your hands,
Your cherished objects ye shall always gain.
Whilst in His service every nerve ye strain,
Ye'll see His face, His gracious favours win ;
He'll smooth your rugged ways and make them plain.
Lead virtuous lives, unsoiled by taint of sin,
Your bodies clean, your hearts as pure within.


The Omnipotent's praises let us sing,
He's Truth and Wisdom, Grace, and Matchless Might,
Of all creation the Eternal King,
Whose ministers are the Amshaspands bright,
That in His presence stand in quenchless light.
Judicious, just, benevolent and brave,
They guard the faithful and protect the right;
They guide the wand'ring, and the sinking save,
Distressful tossed on life's tumultuous wave.


Ahurmazd's laws are immutably fixed ;
The righteous soul to paradise repairs,
Wherein its lot is happiness unmixed.
The evil soul is plunged in carking cares,
In burning hell the direst tortures bears.
In spite of hoarded gold, the miser grieves;
The bounteous in God's grace and bounty shares.
His store is never less, he dreads no thieves,
The more he gives the more from Heaven receives.


Now ofter up to Him your solemn songs,
To the Omnipotent Lord, Who loveth all,
To Whom alone the universe belongs,
Good thought, good word, good deed, these words recall,
They'll save ye from each lure, each snare, each fall.
Their potent charm will thrive you here below;
Hereafter give you joys that never pall.
To gain His grace divine do not be slow,
Adhere to truth, the rest He will bestow.


Serve Him alone, discard all wicked Deevs,
Whose ways are crooked and whose words are lies,
Beware of Ahriman, who e'er deceives.
And who with pleasing wiles your downfall tries;
In Mazda trust, Who with your prayers complies.
He'll stand your friend, as He has always stood,
If you stand true to this old teaching wise.
That truth's the daintiest feast, the highest good,
And virtue is supreme beatitude.

Chapter 11 : Yasna 46


My kinsmen and my followers, O God,
Have all deserted me. Where shall I go ?
For Thee with all my strength I mean to plod,
To me Thy aid extend, Thy favour show,
Myself I wholly on Thy mercy throw.
The merchants rich, the ruling tyrant band,
In pride of ill-gained power presumptuous grow.
Defeat their guilty plots by Thy strong hand,
That they Thy might supreme may understand.


The present state of things upsets me quite,
I have no means, and none pays heed to me.
Keep up my strength, O Lord, and help me fight
Against the wicked ranks opposed to Thee,
That from their cruel wrongs the world be free.
Console my mind, Thou art my sole support,
Besides Thyself no better friend I see.
To Thee alone in need I can resort,
Thou art my safest shelter, strongest fort.


When will the glorious Soshiants come to earth.
And usher in the resurrection day,
When smiling nature will receive new birth,
And start afresh, bedecked in bright array,
And men will chant the Mathra's holy lay.
The world with universal joy will ring,
All lies will die, and truth will come to stay.
Thy praises, Mazda great, each one will sing,
To Thee, and Thee alone, each one will cling.


The evil men in power ruin all,
They rob the good, their cattle drive away.
But God will surely bring about their fall,
And plunge them into woe and deep dismay.
Their destined downfall none can ward or stay.
Their final end will give the world relief,
And joyful peace will thrive from day to day.
Their reign of terror cannot but be brief,
Their cruel tactics soon must come to grief.


Ye, men of means, the evil never aid,
To them no sympathy or kindness show;
Such action helps them in their wicked trade,
The more support they get, they bolder grow,
Use all your means their plans to overthrow.
The pious and the truthful be your care,
Supply their needs, on them your gifts bestow.
They will in fighting sin their burden bear,
And you will also in their merits share.


He, who the strength and power has to fight
Against the wicked spoiler of the world,
But takes no steps to curb their evil might,
Himself from his position will be hurled,
In lasting agonies will be whirled.
He, who defends a villain plunged in sin,
Himself displays the flag of sin unfurled.
This rule of God into your ears din,
That simple truth alone will heaven win.


When evil men at us ferocious glare,
And on us cruel vengeance try to wreak,
When they their frenzied hate and wrath declare,
Whose help in such a crisis shall we seek ?
O Mazda great Thy mercy we bespeak.
Protect our lives, our holy fire save,
Without Thy aid we are forlorn and weak.
Thou art our refuge in our troubles grave,
With Thy support we can all dangers brave.


The evil man can do no harm to me.
His burning wrath will on himself recoil,
His retribution just he cannot flee,
His wicked schemes Almighty God will foil.
He'll nothing gain but grief for all his toil.
His actions foul he will for e'er repent,
He'll both his present and his future spoil.
Bear well in mind this holy message sent,
To sin's seductive voice no ear be lent.


A friendly angel rendered help to me,
And taught me Thou wast mighty Lord of all.
From him I got religious knowledge free,
And learnt how to my aid I Thee may call,
How in Thy worship I may prostrate fall.
He told me truth alone should be my guide,
For lie destroys all life as wormwood gall.
In this wise lesson I will e 'er confide,
And staunchly stand on truth and virtue's side.


Ye men and women, blessed with faith sincere,
Who strictly follow truth throughout your lives,
Whose consciences are always pure and clear,
Through whom the world in peace and comfort thrives.
And every kind of happiness derives,
Ye truly worship Mazda, and defeat
The wily Anghremainyush, who contrives
All sorts of wicked plots mankind to cheat,
And bar their access to the heavenly seat.


The Karaps and Kavis in league conspire
The world to ruin by their wicked deeds ;
They desolate the land with arms and fire,
Of sanguinary wars they sow the seeds ;
No earthly peace or joy from them proceeds,
Their sinful souls 'gainst heavenly laws rebel,
Where'er they go their presence discord breeds.
Their bloody acts their early downfall spell,
Their lasting home will be the pit of hell.


But Frian of Turani blood has got
Some scions, who for truth are well renowned;
They have on side of virtue bravely fought,
They've helped to spread content and peace profound
By their example fair, and counsel sound.
They firmly follow Mazda as their guide,
By strength acquired from Him their foes confound.
To Him alone they pray, in Him confide,
And thus, as heroes bold, they valiant stride.


The man, whose heart is kindly turned to me,
Is fit to spread God's holy Word abroad ;
He'll find in heaven high an entrance free,
His house and cattle will be watched by God ;
No one can harm him by deceit or fraud.
He stands for truth, on virtue's side he fights,
His noble actions all good men applaud.
In serving God's creation he delights,
And worships Him with pure and simple rites.


In my great task who gives me cordial aid ?
Who stands by me, and helps me as a friend ?
By whom is my hard mission easy made ?
It is brave Vishtasp, may his rule extend
O'er all the seven climes, and never end!
'Tis he, the mighty Lord of Iran blest,
May God his glorious kingdom e'er defend!
Long last his lustrous throne, his crown and crest!
His standard peaceful wave from east to west!


Ye scions, who from Haechetasp are sprung,
Descended from the ancient Spitman's house,
Who have, with firm resolve, to virtue clung,
To preach the Mazda faith yourselves arouse,
With fervid zeal the cause of truth espouse.
You can discriminate the right from wrong.
The wakeful teach, and stir up those who drowse.
In Mazda's service be devout and strong,
His glories celebrate in Mathra song,


O Farshostar, of worthy Habub stock,
Our new but staunch disciples wisely guide,
For them the gates of wisdom wide unlock,
Throughout their worldly course stand by their side,.
For their exacting work full strength provide.
And lead them on to where great Mazda reigns,
Where lovely courteousness and truth reside ;
Where virtue rules supreme, no sin remains,
Where all is peace and joy, no pangs, no pains.


O famous son of Habub, Jamasp wise,
I'll sing thy praises in melodious rhyme;
May'st thou by thy sound learning ever rise,
And may'st thou always grace thy post sublime,
Thy name and fame redound in every clime.
Revered for truth, renowned for knowledge deep
Of all events comprised in boundless time.
On all affairs thy watch benignly keep,
And let the world therefrom full profit reap.


They'll get the best reward, who follow me,
In God's luxuriant bounties they will share,
For they but follow truth with conscience free,
Themselves as worshippers of God declare,
To fight all wicked lies they boldly dare.
They honour and uphold Ahurmazd's creed,
For their defence and welfare He will care.
With His continued help we will proceed
To carry out our work, and will succeed.


He will repay us for our loyal zeal,
The highest worldly blessings we shall find,
In His protection we shall always feel
Secure from grief and harm of every kind,
As long as we to serve Him stand combined.
He'll not forget us in the future state,
When lasting bliss to us will be assigned,
With others, who deserve that happy fate,
By their regard for His supreme mandate.


Chapter 12 : Yasna 47


From truth good thoughts, good words, good deeds arise,
To happy and immortal life they lead;
God has for truth ordained this matchless prize,
From penal chains by truth all men are freed ;
Truth is the doctrine chief of Mazda creed,
Which shows the righteous path that leads to joy,
And runs down lies, which feuds and bloodshed breed.
To foster truth your strength and means employ,
All liars and their wicked wiles destroy.


By truthful words and deeds a man achieves
Throughout his worldly life complete success;
High praise and well-earned honours he receives,
And him all men sincerely love and bless,
His sterling worth and merit they confess.
God is the Sire of Truth, and knowing this,
All men for sake of truth should onward press.
No chance of serving truth they ought to miss,
By truth alone they'll get celestial bliss.


O God, Thy whole creation, splendid, grand,
For us devised by Thy consummate care,
So perfect, handsome, charming, blissful, bland,
In its delightful joys all men can share,
If they for Thee their loyalty declare ;
If they to truth in all their acts adhere,
To fight all wicked lies if they can dare,
If they are led by Behman's guidance clear,
And if the holy Mathra they revere.


The truthful men all happiness receive,
The wicked's lot is punishment condign ;
An income small the righteous will relieve,
With heaps of wealth the sinful souls repine,
Because they violate the laws divine,
In dismal gloom they pass their weary time,
For ever banned from Mazda's grace benign.
The good attain beatitude sublime,
Which those can never gain who're sunk in crime.


O Lord Unseen, from Thee all blessings flow
To compensate the righteous and the just,
Thy gracious bounties on them daily grow,
They work for truth, and in Thy kindness trust,
Look down on lies and frauds with deep disgust.
Thy laws the wicked blindly set aside,
They suffer in the end, as needs they must.
Their bloated hearts are full of wayward pride,
In fear and grief they will for e'er abide.


The faithful good enjoy perennial bliss,
Their God they serve in perfect peace of mind,
To help the cause of truth no chance they miss,
To them Almighty Mazda's always kind,
From year to year new joys in life they find.
They pass their days and nights in calm and ease,
Their brains are cool and clear, their hearts refined.
May their benignant efforts never cease,
May God their fame and splendour e'er increase.

Chapter 13 : Yasna 48


When, by the strength of truth and virtuous deeds,
A pious man will vanquish foul deceit,
And bring to light the harm that falsehood breeds ;
When he will by Thy help all lies defeat,
Then Thee, O Lord, as Sovereign all will greet.
The world will understand Thou art Supreme,
There's none but Thou for human worship meet.
All will rejoice to see Thy holy beam,
With faithful love for Thee their hearts will gleam.


O Lord, when will that happy time arrive.
Instruct me, for Thou knowest everything.
When will triumphant truth in safety thrive ?
When falsehood will its own destruction bring?
When will the happy world Thy praises sing ?
May that propitious day be early seen,
To that consoling hope we fondly cling.
Our minds enlighten, and our hearts make clean,
On Thy support alone we calmly lean.


O Gracious God, from Whom all bounties flow,
Who spread'st prosperity in every land,
On holy men Thy precious gifts bestow,
Teach them Thy Word, for they can understand
Its potent spell, its virtue soothing, bland.
Give them sound wisdom, make them worthy guides
To show the way to Thy religion grand,
Which rests on truth, in purity confides,
Which strength and comfort for the soul provides.


The truthful man, endowed with pious mind,
Maintains religion pure by word and deed,
To succour all his soul is e'er inclined,
To every one he is a friend in need,
His faith is firmly fixed in Mazda's creed.
Throughout his life its laws he strict observes,
The tempting voice of sin he does not heed.
And thus at last he gets what he deserves,
He reaches God, and in His presence serves.


May good and pious kings o'er us hold sway,
By just and kindly rule to us endeared,
But cruel despots may be far away,
Of such relentless chiefs the world be cleared,
Who're held in hate and always feared.
Let us the path of virtue dauntless tread,
With tender care our useful herds be reared.
No tyrant and no robber need we dread,
With honest labour let us earn our bread.


Our precious cattle are our greatest wealth,
Our kindness and support they well deserve ;
'Tis they who give us all our strength and health,
'Tis they who nourish us, our lives preserve,
They brace and fortify our brawn and nerve.
For them did Mighty God at first create
Green grasses which as their sweet fodder serve.
Tis by their Help that we maintain our state,
Pursue the path of truth that makes us great.


Those, who through truth to virtue wish to stick,
The demon dark of wrath must first suppress;
To drive out hate and strife they must be quick ;
The pureness of their hearts will gain success ;
Almighty God will all their efforts bless.
Their singleness of mind seeks no reward,
For welfare of the world they onward press.
But their due guerdon Mazda will accord,
Because they serve Him truly as their Lord.


O God, divulge to me Thy holy will,
Explain to me how I can serve Thee best,
How I my destined duties can fulfil,
How I can get Thy inspiration blest.
For light on all these points I Thee request.
For purity of soul I pray to Thee,
Upon Thy guidance I completely rest.
With true and brave disciples favour me,
That we may try the world from vice to free.


O God, Who Thy creation rules supreme,
By force of truth immaculate, sublime.
Illume my mind with Thy celestial beam,
Tell me the fate of those who pass their time
In path of truth and virtue, free from crime.
This knowledge will enable me to gain
Disciples true from every land and clime,
Who can the honour of Thy Word maintain,
And preach it broadcast with their might and main.


When will true men of sense and judgment come,
And drive away the arrogant and proud,
That turn the world into a dismal slum,
Plunge it into grief, and with shame enshroud ?
In agony of heart it cries aloud.
The Kirpans and the tyrants havoc spread,
The earth is wrapped up in a pall of cloud.
'Tis daily fleeced, a helpless prey to greed,
Of valiant guides it stands in heavy need.


O God, when shall we perfect truth attain ?
The home of perfect bliss when shall we get ?
Contentment, peace, and joy when shall we gain ?
How long from pain we have to suffer yet ?
How long we have to grind with toil and sweat ?
When will the Soshiants come for our relief ?
When will they make us all our woes forget ?
When will they rid us of our heavy grief ?
That Thou wilt send them sure is our belief.

Chapter 14 : Yasna 49


The wicked I endeavour to reform,
And bring them back to honest virtuous ways;
I struggle on in spite of wind and storm,
But Bendva hampers me, my work delays,
Against me raises furious feuds and frays.
Without Thy help, O Lord, I cannot meet
This pow'rful foe, who skill in fight displays.
Subvert his cruel plans, his troops defeat,
To aid me in my task I Thee entreat.


I hate the wicked creed of Bendva vile,
The noted tyrant, and the hardened cheat,
The liar false who wears a cynic smile.
Inflict on him, O Lord, a clear defeat,
So that his juggling he may not repeat.
Thy teaching he with proud disdain defies.
He blindly acts upon his judgment sweet.
To turn us from our faith he vainly tries,
And steeped in vice Thy Godship he denies.


On truth is founded Mazda's holy creed,
For benefit of all that creed I teach.
In my attempt I must at last succeed.
Against that faith vile Bendva tries to preach.
Tor Thy support, O Lord, I Thee beseech,
He stands for falsehood and destructive vice,
In peace of nations causes grievous breach.
I'll fight for truth at any sacrifice,
And strictly follow Thy supreme advice.


All those, whose wicked thoughts, and words, and deeds,
Dissension, envy, lust, and wrath create,
Are horrid fiends by whom each country bleeds.
They sow and nurture internecine hate,
Each land bemoans its sad desponding fate.
Almighty God, such sinful souls destroy,
Relieve the world from its precarious state.
Let honest, virtuous men their time employ
In peaceful work, and its choice fruits enjoy.


He, who believes with faith in Mazda's creed,
Of peace and prosperity is the source,
He is a wise, far-seeing man indeed.
He's always happy in his worldly course,
He gains high honour for his moral force.
To truth and rectitude he firm adheres,
He's free from burning sorrow and remorse.
To all his blameless conscience him endears
At last his soul in paradise appears.


O God, in Thy instructions I confide,
On Thy All-Knowing Wisdom I rely ;
By truth and righteousness I shall abide,
With Thy supreme commands I shall comply,
To teach Thy faith I shall my utmost try.
It is for all the best, the noblest creed,
It warns all men from wickedness to fly.
Those, who its wise injunctions duly heed,
In gaining everlasting bliss succeed.


O God, who will, with open heart, receive
Thy Word from me, accept it as a guide;
And in its holy teaching staunch believe ?
Who will to me his willing aid provide
To make it known and honoured far and wide ?
Which of my kinsmen will his help extend ?
Who will through thick and thin stand by my side ?
On whose advice I can with trust depend,
And who can me from foul attacks defend ?


Such is Farshostar, grant him means and power,
Conjoined with me, he will most boldly fight,
Upon him all Thy precious bounties shower.
By Thee protected with Thy matchless might,
We will devote ourselves to truth and right.
From our appointed task we will not swerve,
Thy Word we'll hold up as a beacon light.
With zeal and true affection Thee we'll serve,
By honest work we will Thy love deserve.


For welfare of the world he is designed,
He bows to all the laws by Mazda made,
By his intelligent and active mind
He will be able soon to persuade
All thoughtful men of every class or grade
To mould their lives consonant with those laws,
To abjure vice, to be sedate and staid.
He'll spare no pains to further virtue's cause,
To reach his goal he'll march without a pause.


O God, beneath Thy guarding shelter take
The truthful pious souls, who Thee obey,
Who work and suffer for religion's sake,
Who in Thy service stand both night and day,
And for Thy gracious mercy ever pray.
On them bestow Thy choicest blessings sweet,
To them Thy face and presence bright display.
Crown all their efforts with success complete,
The schemes of cruel tyrants e'er defeat.


The Daevs receive those cruel heartless souls,
Who use their strength and sway to harm the weak,
Who take delight in shedding blood like ghouls,
Who all their lives their own advantage seek,
Who terrorize the good, oppress the meek.
Their consciences are foul, their minds debased,
On all and sundry they their vengeance wreak.
They're doomed for hell, where they're hurled
And from the book of life their names are razed.


I am Thy humble worshipper, O Lord,
To truth and righteousness I firm adhere.
To me Thy gracious favours free accord,
Give me a spotless mind, and vision clear,
That through all troubles I may safely steer.
To Thee alone I look for mercy, grace,
And Thou alone my drooping heart can'st cheer.
Ne'er turn away from me Thy glorious face,
I fully trust in Thee in every case.

Chapter 15 : Yasna 50


O God, for help I turn to none but Thee,
Thou art my sole protector and my guide,
For my obedience Thou defendest me,
To stick to perfect truth I've always tried.
And falsehood's evil bait I have defied.
Continue Thy support to me and mine,
We rest secure on Thee, in Thee confide.
With joy we bow to Thy commands divine,
We faithful serve to win Thy grace benign.


How should one act to benefit the world ?
He should to purity and truth adhere,
He should advance with virtue's flag unfurled,
Wherever noxious vice and sin appear,
No pain, no toil, no trouble he should fear.
Fair paradise will be his bless'd abode,
Won by his conduct clean, and conscience clear.
O God, lead me along that happy road,
The same high favour be on me bestowed.

The wicked man, engrossed in rapine, raid,
Neglects to cultivate his fruitful soil ;
In blood he stalks, and plunder is his trade,
His occupation others to despoil,
To spread all round confusion and turmoil,
God will deprive him of his misused land,
And give it to the honest man of toil,
Who will transform it with his skilful hand,
And turn it to a blooming garden grand.


O God, I worship Thee with all my heart,
Thy praises I with holy fervour sing,
Full knowledge of Thy laws to me impart,
To me in doubt and danger succour bring,
To none but Thee can I securely cling.
Throughout the world Thy Word I mean to teach.
For help myself upon Thy mercy fling.
Grant me full strength of mind, and fluent speech,
That men may be convinced by what I preach.


O God, without Thy countenance and aid
I cannot promulgate Thy holy Word,
For Thy almighty help I've always prayed,
With favour let this prayer of mine be heard,
The needed powers be on me conferred.
So that Thy laws I may proclaim to all,
That by their truth, they may be fully stirred.
And with submissive hearts obey their call,
A prey to vices they may never fall.


Thou hast endowed me with Thy wisdom's share,
Hence truth alone is uttered by my tongue,
All those are happy who for Thee declare,
By whom the Mathras are devoutly sung.
Who never are by guilty conscience stung.
They listen to my teaching with respect,
Of tempting sin the death-knoll has been rung.
In virtue's path they boldly walk erect,
No chance of serving Thee they e'er neglect.


With truth and earnest zeal I worship Thee,
It gives me strength of mind and courage stout,
From sad, desponding thoughts it makes me free,
It smoothes my rugged path, removes all doubt,
I serve Thee night and day with heart devout.
Thy help benign continue to the end,
All those who try to block my way drive out,
To guide me straight Thy holy message send,
From every slip and error me defend.


I chant my hymns to Thee with heart sincere.
With hands uplifted I appeal to Thee,
My humble prayers do Thou kindly hear.
Display Thy bright inspiring face to me,
Thy gracious presence I desire to see.
With pious mind my offerings I bring,
And lay them here for Thy acceptance free.
Throughout my life I will Thy praises sing,
I'll serve Thee faithfully in everything.


O Mazda, with delight I Thee approach,
With prayers I desire to Thee adore,
I try to lead a life without reproach,
With truth and blameless mind to merit store,
And firm in faith Thy favours I implore.
With humble heart I worship Thee alone,
I do not beg at any other door,
I lay my needs and wants before Thy Throne,
And always thank Thee for Thy mercies shown.


Whatever good I may achieve at length
By true submission to Thy Will supreme
Will others lead to use their utmost strength
To work for Thee and win Thy high esteem,
And thus they will the world from vice redeem.
The whole creation does Thy power show,
The sun, the moon, the sea, the running stream,
The golden dawn, the stars that nightly glow,
Tis Thou alone Who mak'st them come and go.


As long as I have strength and power in me,
Derived from truth and purity of mind,
I shall with deep devotion worship Thee ;
I'll swerve not from the path by Thee defined,
To serve Thee loyally myself I bind.
Thou wilt my efforts crown with full success,
To me Thou wilt be merciful and kind.
For all those ardent spirits Thou dost bless
Who struggle on for truth and righteousness.


Chapter 16 : Yasna 51


Authority, which is on virtue based,
Must be regarded as a potent spell,
It must be held in honour, highly praised,
Its countless blessings one can hardly tell,
It spreads calm peace, drives out oppression fell.
The country prospers, and the people thrive.
All men in joy and comfort fearless dwell.
O God, to gain that state we fondly strive,
We hope in this Thy help we shall derive.


Thou art the first, the highest Truth, O Lord,
Pure-minded Armaiti is sprung from Thee;
The gift of truth to all mankind accord,
From heresy and falsehood make them free,
On them bestow the blissful virtues three,
Good thoughts, good words, good deeds on them confer,
That they may execute Thy high decree,
That truth above all things they may prefer,
That purity alone their hearts may stir.


Those, who in thought, and word, and deed regard
Thyself as Lord Supreme, and worship Thee,
Those, who to please Thee truly labour hard,
Will to Thy presence find their entrance free.
And earn Thy favour to a high degree.
They will in Thee their whole existence merge,
And Thy refulgent face perennial see.
To serve Thee well their hearts incessant surge,
With zeal perfervid they obey their urge.


When will good life its due reward secure ?
When will the sinful soul its pardon gain ?
Where is the home of truth and conscience pure,
Whereby men peace and happiness obtain,
And from self-seeking thoughts and deeds refrain ?
Almighty Lord, all these are in Thy hand,
These powers 'tis Thou alone that dost retain,
The good, at last, will in Thy presence stand.
The bad with shame Thou wilt most surely brand.


The pious man, inspired with holy zeal,
Asks questions as above with view to learn
God's Will divine, which he may then reveal
To those, whose hearts for such instruction burn.
And who to him attentive ears turn.
Such honest teachers, competent and wise,
For human welfare show their deep concern.
They thus in worldly estimation rise,
And win at last the blissful paradise.


All those, who worship God with off'rings pure,
Receive from Him their just and due reward.
But painful punishment awaits them sure,
Who show in this respect a bad record,
And live forgetful of their gracious Lord.
All sentient beings, waters, trees are His,
For all these gifts men should their thanks accord.
For such small act of gratitude like this
He grants us health, and strength, and lasting bliss.


O Lord, Thy Mathras I shall duly teach,
To all who wish, with heart sincere, to learn,
Because a man of faith should try to reach
All ranks and grades, and tell them how to turn
From wicked ways, and Thy great favour earn.
For those who follow truth are blessed by Thee,
The evil in their minds repine and burn.
He, who from bonds of vileness sets them free,
Gains merit, too, by Thy divine decree.


The wicked and the good Thou put'st to test
Of melted iron and of burning fire ;
The pious stand the scorching trial best,
The wicked feel its consequences dire,
Their horrid sins no stronger proofs require.
They are condemned to suffer long in hell,
The good to lasting joys of heaven retire.
The wise, who study Mathras, know full well
What they should strive to get and what repel.


O God, the man, who wants to do me harm
By telling lies, and playing foul deceit,
Is subject to the evil spirit's charm.
Though full of fraud, with wily snares replete,
He's doomed at last to suffer sure defeat,
In spite of his chicane truth will prevail.
For any length of time he cannot cheat.
In serving Thee with faith I'll never fail,
And truth as my unerring guide I'll hail.


Who lend their ears to me with due respect ?
Who seek religious knowledge with true zeal ?
From whom attention close can I expect ?
To whom can I Thy sacred Word reveal ?
Who for that Word an earnest longing feel ?
To those, who have sincere hearts and pure,
The lessons of Thy Mathras will appeal.
To spread them far and wide they'll help me sure.
For sake of truth all toil they will endure.


I warn the senseless brute in human shape,
Who wallows in unnatural beastly crime,
From punishment condign he wont escape,
He cannot break the laws of heaven sublime,
He'll pay the penalty till end of time.
In mad misuse of his tyrannic power
He wants to raid and ravish every clime.
But God unseen calamities will shower,
Beneath the load of which he'll quail and cower.


The righteous will at last achieve success,
The impure will their evil lot bemoan;
God will the good with seats in heaven bless,
The wicked must in hell their sins atone,
In pain and sorrow they must always groan.
The Chinvat Bridge they cannot ever cross,
They can't approach Almighty Mazda's throne.
In everlasting agony they toss,
With sighs and tears they mourn their boundless loss.


The Karaps, reckless, proud, no friendship know,
Throughout their lives they do no useful work,
No alms they give, no charity bestow,
All honest industry they hate and shirk,
For pillage, plunder, they in ambush lurk.
Poor cattle they destroy or drive away,
All acts of piety and truth they burke.
They give their passions unrestricted sway,
In dismal hell will be their lasting stay.


The gift ordained for Magavs from the first,
Will be conferred on all who follow me;
Come ye who for religious knowledge thirst,
Who wish the joys of paradise to see,
And from hell's jaws desire to be free.
For your good deeds Garothman yon will gain,
That is Almighty Mazda's plain decree,
You will in His bright presence e'er remain,
And form a part of His angelic train.


Illustrious Gushtasp, sovereign just and wise,
By Mazda's grace and favour happy reigns
Supreme, and all his wicked foes defies,
His subjects' love with truth and mercy gains,
Their loyalty by honest sway retains.
He is a monarch philanthropic, kind,
By perfect equity his rule maintains.
His people work with zeal and peace of mind,
And worthy fields of occupation find.


Farshostar, of the famous Habub race,
A worthy daughter has, deep read and wise,
Endowed with noble mind, and charming grace,
Her precious hand and heart I highly prize,
She is an angel in a woman's guise.
Almighty God, our union fully bless,
With Thy fixed laws she cheerfully complies,
Her fluent tongue all hearers will impress,
By her benignant help I'll score success.


Sage Jamasp, of the Habub clan renowned,
The highest wisdom ever tries to gain,
By studying deep and meditation sound,
Unsullied fame he wishes to obtain,
He works with earnest zeal the youth to train..
By truth and honest love he honour wins,
He leads a model life, sedate and plain.
His help to me a golden age begins,
His able guidance weans the world from sins.


The learned Mediomah, from Spetman sprung,
Who's deeply read in Mazdyasnan lore.
Who guides his people by his fluent tongue,
Who has of wisdom quite a wondrous store,
His fond disciples him with love adore!
His life of purity's a beacon light,
From day to day it spreads its lustre more.
He gladly helps me with his main and might,
And bravely serves the cause of truth and right.


Ye Amshaspands, who all agree in mind,
Confer on us your gracious blessings sweet,
We humbly walk in truth, to us be kind,
Ye night and day with earnest praise we greet.
Your help and succour humbly we entreat.
Almighty Mazda's grace through ye we seek.
On His support rely with faith complete.
We staunchly serve Him with devotion meek,
Of Him we always think, of Him we speak.


The man, whose heart is pure, uplifts the world
By strength of his good thought, good word, good deed.
He holds up high the flag of faith unfurled,
He spares no pains in preaching Mazda's creed,
Of peaceful brotherhood he sows the seed.
Spiritual truth, the source of every bliss,
Leads him onward, and he must needs succeed.
Let all right-thinking men remember this,
No chance of doing good they ever miss.


Those blessed souls, who flourished in the past,
And those, who at the present day exist,
Who held or hold to truth and virtue fast,
Whose names will ever stand on honours' list,
In faithful service they with zeal persist.
They're famed for purity of heart and mind,
From praising them with love I'll ne'er desist,
Their seats in heaven they will surely find,
By grace divine of Mazda, just and kind.


Chapter 17 : Yasna 53


God has fulfilled my highest wish at last,
He has bestowed on me everlasting good,
And those, who were against me in the past,
And all my teaching wickedly withstood,
Have now assumed an altered sober mood.
They're anxious now to learn the laws divine,
And on the sacred lore they deeply brood.
They feel the influence of truth benign,
As champions of the faith they firm combine.


Now that to worship God they are inclined,
And serve Him with good thought, good word, good deed.
And love the faith with purity of mind,
Perform all holy rites of Mazda's creed,
To all its sacred rituals pay great heed.
May Gushtasp and Farshostar them enlist
As firm disciples, who will bravely plead
Religion's cause, and in its spread assist,
And stand prepared false doctrines to resist.


Zarthushtra's youngest daughter, Pouruchist,
Sprung from Haechatasp of Spetman line,
To join thee with wise Jamasp God has wished,
Farshostar's brother, versed in law divine,
And graced with lofty mind and heart benign.
Do thou be guided by his sage advice,
To his true counsel do thy ears incline.
Upon thy heart engrave this pure device,
Good thoughts, words, deeds are sure above all price.


Said Pouruchist, my husband I'll adore,
My love to him will drown his love to me,
Each woman in her heart must fully store
Attachment strong, affection frank and free
For father, husband, kin of each degree.
Her faithful servants she should kindly treat.
That they are well and happy she should see.
For welfare of the world her heart must beat,
In heaven she will gain her lasting seat.


Zarthushtra says, ye young and happy brides,
And bridegrooms, strong and brave, prepared to wed,
Take my few words as your inspiring guides,
You all are by a noble instinct led,
The path of union you intend to tread.
I am a champion staunch of married state,
It binds two souls with a bright golden thread.
Lead pious lives, let not your love abate,
And thus enjoy your bright auspicious fate.


Ye virtuous souls, the Druj you should oppose,
Against him you should wage an open war,
His way you should for ever firmly close,
Against his wicked wiles shut every door,
Ne'er seek his aid, his person ne'er adore.
All happiness obtained by evil art,
Of lasting pain creates a boundless store.
Mix not with those, who from the law depart,
Adhere to truth, be always pure of heart.


When men drive out their inward passions foul,
Which, in their stubborn hearts, have taken root,
When they stamp out all wicked thoughts that prowl
In their dark minds, which they with vice pollute,
They then will gain true bliss and high repute.
With Mazda's holy rules they must comply,
His mighty Will no one can dare dispute.
From impure touch of falsehood they must fly,
Or else, Alas ! Alas ! will be their cry.


May evil-doers all be quick destroyed,
May they be met with hate where'er they go,
In wail and grief may they be e'er employed,
No peace or comfort may they ever know,
May they reap sorrow for the ill they sow.
May they be driven out of peaceful lands.
May those in power such men in dungeons throw,
Put heavy shackles on their feet and hands,
Fit punishment for wicked fire-brands.


The wicked followers of evil ways,
On pious priests indict severe distress.
O God, Thy servants grant more blissful days,
With Thy strong arm their impious foes suppress,
Give Thy devoted worshippers redress.
O Lord, such sinful enemies destroy,
Their plans upset, their energies repress.
Those, who in serving Thee their time employ,
Be blessed by Thee with happiness and joy.
