The Divine Songs of Zarathustra
Translated by C. Bartholomae

Chapter One - Y28
Chapter Two - Y29
Chapter Three - Y30
Chapter Four - Y31
Chapter Five - Y32
Chapter Six - Y33
Chapter Seven - Y34
Chapter Eight - Y43
Chapter Nine - Y44
Chapter Ten - Y45
Chapter Eleven - Y46
Chapter Twelve - Y47
Chapter Thirteen - Y48
Chapter Fourteen - Y49
Chapter Fifteen - Y50
Chapter Sixteen - Y51
Chapter Seventeen - Y53
By Day of Month:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Ahunavaiti Gatha

Chapter 1 / Yasna 28.

With outspread hands in petition for that help, O Mazda, I will pray for the works of the holy spirit, O thou the Right, whereby I may please the will of Good Thought and the Ox-Soul.
I who would serve you, O Mazda Ahura and Vohu Mano, do ye give through Asha the blessings of both worlds, the bodily and that of the Spirit, which set the faithful in felicity.
I who would praise ye as never before, Right and Good Thought and Mazda Ahura, and those for whom Piety makes an imperishable Dominion to grow; come ye to me help at my call.
I who have set my heart on watching over the soul, in union with Good Thought, and as knowing the rewards of Mazda Ahura for our works, will, while I have power and strength, teach men to seek after Right.
O Asha, shall I see thee and Good Thought, as one that knows? (Shall I see) the throne of the mightiest Ahura and the following of Mazda? Through this word (of promise) on our tongue will we turn the robber horde unto the Greatest.
Come thou with Good Thought, give through Asha, O Mazda, as the gift to Zarathushtra, according to thy sure words, long enduring mighty help, and to us, O Ahura, whereby we may overcome the enmity of our foes.
Grant, O thou Asha, the reward, the blessing of Good Thought; O Piety, give our desire to Vishtaspa and to me; O thou Mazda and King, grant that your Prophet may command a hearing.
The best I ask of Thee, O Best, Ahura (Lord) of one will with the Best Asha, desiring (it) for the hero Frashaostra and for those (others) to whom thou wilt give (it), (the best gift) of Good Mind through all time.
With these bounties, O Ahura, may we never provoke your wrath, O Mazda and Right and Best Thought, we who have been eager in bringing you songs of praise. Ye are they that are the mightiest to advance desire and the Dominion of Blessings.
The wise whom thou knowest as worthy, for their right (doing) and their good thought, for them do thou fulfill their longing for attainment. For I know words of prayer are effective with Ye, which tend to a good object.
I would thereby preserve Right and Good Thought for evermore, that I may instruct, do thou teach me, O Mazda Ahura, from thy spirit by thy mouth how it will be with the First Life.

Chapter 2 / Yasna 29.

Unto you wailed the Ox-soul, "For whom did ye fashion me? Who created me? Violence and rapine (and) savagery hath oppressed me, and outrage and might. I have no other herdsman than you; prepare for me then the blessings of pasture."
Then the Ox-Creator asked of the Right: "Hast thou a judge for the Ox, that ye may be able to appoint him zealous tendance as well as fodder? Whom do ye will to be his lord, who may drive off violence together with the followers of the Lie?"
To him the Right replied: "There is for the Ox no helper that can keep him away. Those yonder have no knowledge how right-doers act towards the lowly".
(The Ox-Creator): "Strongest of beings is he to whose help I come at call".
(Asha) "Mazda knoweth best the purposes that have been wrought already by demons and by mortals, and that shall be wrought hereafter. He, Ahura, is the decider. So shall it be as he shall will."
(The Ox-Creator) "To Ahura with outspread hands we twain would pray, my soul and that of the pregnant cow, so that we twain urge Mazda with entreaties. Destruction is not for the right-living, nor for the cattle-tender at the hands of Liars."
Then spake Ahura Mazda himself, who knows the law with wisdom: "There is found no lord or judge according to the Right Order for the Creator hath formed thee for the cattle-tender and the farmer."
This ordinance about the fat hath Ahura Mazda, one in will with Right, created for cattle, and the milk for them that crave nourishment, by his command, the holy one.
(The Ox and Cow:) "Whom hast thou, O Good Thought, among men, who may care for us twain?"
(Vohu Manah:) He is known to me here who alone hath heard our commands, even Zarathushtra Spitama; he willeth to make known our thoughts, O Mazda, and those of the Right. So let us bestow on him charm of speech.
Then the Ox-Soul lamented: "That I must be content with the ineffectual word of an impotent man for my protector, when I wish for one that commands mightily! When ever shall there be one who shall give him (the Ox) effective help?"
(Zarathushtra:) Do ye, O Ahura, grant them strength, and O Asha, and O Good Thought, that dominion, whereby he (the Savior) could produce good dwellings and peace. I also have realized thee, Mazda, as the first to accomplish this.
"Where are Right and Good Thought and Dominion? So, ye men, acknowledge me, for instruction, Mazda, for the great society."
(The Ox and Cow:) "O Ahura, now is help ours, we will be ready to serve those that are of you."

Chapter 3 / Yasna 30.

Now I will proclaim to those who will hear the things that the understanding man should remember, for hymns unto Ahura and prayers to Good Thought; also the felicity that is with the heavenly lights, which through Right shall be beheld by him who wisely thinks.
Hear with your ears the best things; look upon them with clear-seeing thought, for decision between the two Beliefs, each man for himself before the Great consummation, bethinking you that it be accomplished to our pleasure.
Now the two primal Spirits, who reveal themselves in vision as Twins, are the Better and the Bad, in thought and word and action. And between these two the wise ones chose aright, the foolish not so.
And when these twain Spirits came together in the beginning, they created Life and Not-Life, and that at the last Worst Existence shall be to the followers of the Lie, but the Best Existence to him that follows Right.
Of these twain Spirits he that followed the Lie chose doing the worst things; the holiest Spirit chose Right, he that clothes him with the massy heavens as a garment. So likewise they that are fain to please Ahura Mazda by dutiful actions.
Between these twain the Daevas also chose not aright, for infatuation came upon them as they took counsel together, so that they chose the Worst Thought. Then they rushed together to Violence, that they might enfeeble the world of men.
And to him (i.e. mankind) came Dominion, and Good Mind, and Right and Piety gave continued life to their bodies and indestructibility, so that by thy retributions through (molten) metal he may gain the prize over the others.
So when there cometh their punishment for their sins, then, O Mazda, at Thy command shall Good Thought establish the Dominion in the Consummation, for those who deliver the Lie, O Ahura, into the hands of Right.
So may we be those that make this world advance, O Mazda and ye other Ahuras, come hither, vouchsafing (to us) admission into your company and Asha, in order that (our) thought may gather together while reason is still shaky.
Then truly on the (world of) Lie shall come the destruction of delight; but they who get themselves good name shall be partakers in the promised reward in the fair abode of Good Thought, of Mazda, and of Right.
If, O ye mortals, ye mark those commandments which Mazda hath ordained -- of happiness and pain, the long punishment for the follower of the Druj, and blessings for the followers of the Right -- then hereafter shall it be well.

Chapter 4 / Yasna 31.

Mindful of your commands, we proclaim words unpleasant for them to hear that after the commands of the Lie destroy the creatures of Right, but most welcome to those that give their heart to Mazda.
If by reason of these things the better path is not in sight for choosing, then will I come to you all as judge of the parties twain whom Ahura Mazda knoweth, that we may live according to the Right.
What award Thou givest through the (holy) Spirit and through the Fire and hast taught through Asha, to both the parties, and what the decision is for the wise, this do Thou tell us, Mazda, that we may know, even with the tongue of Thine own mouth, that I may convert all living men.
If Asha is to be invoked and Mazda and the other Ahuras and Ashi and Armaiti, do thou seek for me, O Vohu Manah [1], the mighty Dominion, by the increase of which we might vanquish the Lie.
[1. Boyce: "seek by the best purpose (vahishta manah)..." This is an excellent example of the continuous juxtaposition in the Gathas of the Amesha Spentas as divinities and things.]
Tell me therefore what ye, O thou Right, have appointed me as the better portion, for me to determine, to know and to keep in mind, O thou Good Thought -- which portion they envy me. Tell me of all these things. O Mazda Ahura, that shall not or shall be.
To him shall the best befall, who, as one that knows, speaks to me Right's truthful word of Welfare and of Immortality; even the Dominion of Mazda which Good Thought shall increase for him.
About which he in the beginning thus thought, "let the blessed realms be filled with Light", he it is that by his wisdom created Right. (Those realms) that the Best Thought shall possess those dost Thou exalt, O Mazda, through the Spirit, which, O Ahura, is ever the same.
I recognize Thee, O Mazda, in my thought, that Thou the First art (also) the Last -- that Thou art Father of Vohu Manah; -- when I apprehend Thee with mine eye, that Thou art the true Creator of Right [Asha], and art the Lord to judge the actions of life.
Thine was Armaiti, Thine the Ox-Creator, (namely) the Wisdom of the Spirit, O Mazda Ahura, because Thou didst give (the cattle) choice whether to depend on a husbandman or one who is no husbandman.
So she chose for herself out of the two the cattle-tending husbandman as her lord to guard the Right, the man that advances Good Thought. He that is no-husbandman, O Mazda, however eager he be, has no part in this good message.
When Thou, O Mazda, in the beginning didst create the Individual and the Individuality, through Thy Spirit, and powers of understanding - when Thou didst make life clothed with the body, when (Thou madest) actions and teachings, whereby one may exercise one's convictions at one's free-will;
Then lifts up his voice the false speaker or the true speaker, he that knows or he that knows not, (each) according to his own heart and mind. Passing from one to another Armaiti confers with the spirit in whom there is wavering.
Whatever open or whatever secret (acts) may be visited with punishment, or whether a person for a little sin demands the highest punishment, -- of all this through Asha Thou art aware, observing it with Thy flashing eye.
These things I ask Thee, O Ahura, how will these come and happen -- the dues, that in accord with the records are appointed for the righteous, and those, O Mazda, for the followers of the Druj, -- how shall these be when they come to the reckoning.
This I ask, what penalty is for him who seeks to achieve kingdom for a liar, for a man of ill deeds, O Ahura, who finds not his living without injury to the husbandman's cattle and men, though he does him no injury.
This I ask, whether the understanding man, who strives to advance the Dominion over the house, or district, or land through Asha, shall become like Thee, O Mazda Ahura, when will he be and how will he act?
Which is the greater -- what the follower of Asha or what the follower of Druj believe? Let him that knows inform the wise; no longer let him that knows nothing deceive. Be to us, O Mazda Ahura, the Teacher of Good Thought.
Let none of you listen to the words and commands of the follower of the Druj; for he brings house and clan and district and land into misery and destruction. Resist them with weapon!
To him should we listen who has understood Asha, to the wise Healer of Life O Ahura, who can or will establish the truth of the words of his tongue, when through Thy red Fire, O Mazda, the assignment (of rewards) is made to the two parties.
Whosoever cometh over to the Righteous, far from him hereafter shall be long age of misery (and) darkness, ill-food, and crying of woe. To such an existence, ye followers of the Lie, shall your own Self bring you through your (own) action.
Mazda Ahura by virtue of His absolute Lordship will grant a perpetuity of communion with Haurvatat and Ameretat, and with Asha, with Khshathra, and with Vohu Manah, to him that in spirit and in action is his friend.
Clear it is to the man of understanding, as one who has realized it with his thought. He upholds Asha together with good Dominion by his word and deed. He will be, O Mazda Ahura, the most helpful helper to Thee.

Chapter 5 / Yasna 32.

(Zarathushtra) -- And his blessedness, even that of Ahura Mazda, shall the nobles strive to attain, his the community with the brotherhood, his, ye Daevas, in the manner as I declare it.
(The Representatives of the Classes) -- As thy messengers we would keep them far away that are enemies to you.
To them Mazda Ahura, who is united with Good Thought, and is in goodly fellowship with glorious Right, through Dominion, made reply: We make choice of your holy good Piety [Armaiti] -- may it be ours.
(Zarathushtra) -- But ye, ye Daevas all, and he that highly honors you, are the seed of Bad Thought -- yes, and of the Lie and of Arrogance, likewise your deeds, whereby ye have long been known in the seventh region of the earth.
For ye have brought it to pass that men who do the worst things shall be called beloved of the Daevas, separating themselves from Good Thought, departing from the will of Mazda Ahura and from Right.
Thereby ye defrauded mankind of happy life and immortality, by the deed which he and the Bad Spirit together with Bad Thought and Bad Word taught you, ye Daevas and the Liars, so as to ruin (mankind).
The many sins by which he has succeeded in being famous whether by these it shall be thus, this Thou Knowest by the Best Thought, O Ahura, Thou who art mindful of each person's deserts. In Thy Dominion, O Mazda, and that of Asha, shall your decision thereon be observed.
None of these sins will the understanding commit, in eagerness to attain the blessing that shall be proclaimed, we know, through the glowing metal -- sins the issue of which, O Ahura Mazda, Thou knowest best.
Among these sinners, we know, Yima was included, Vivanghen's son, who desiring to satisfy men gave our people flesh of the ox to eat. From these shall I be separated by Thee, O Mazda, at last.
The teacher of evil destroys the lore, he by his teaching destroys the design of life, he prevents the possession of Good Thought from being prized. These words of my spirit I wail unto you, O Mazda, and to the Right.
He it is that destroys, who declares that the Ox and the Sun are the worst things to behold with the eyes, and hath made the pious into liars, and desolates the pastures and lifts his weapon against the righteous man.
It is they, the liars, who destroy life, who are mightily determined to deprive matron and master of the enjoyment of their heritage, in that they would prevent the righteous, O Mazda, from the Best Thought.
Since they by their lore would pervert men from the best doing, Mazda uttered evil against them, who destroy the life of the Ox with shouts of joy, by whom Grehma and his tribe are preferred to the Right and the Karapan and the lordship of them that seek after the Lie.
Since Grehma shall attain the realm in the dwelling of the Worst Thought, he and the destroyers of life, O Mazda, they shall lament in their longing for the message of Thy prophet, who will stay them from beholding the Right.
To his undoing Grehma, and the Kavis, have long devoted their purpose and energies, for they set themselves to help the liar, and that it may be said, "The Ox shall be slain that it may kindle the Averter of Death to help us."
Thereby hath come to ruin the Karapan and the Kavi community, through those whom they will not have to rule over their life. These shall be born away from them both to the dwelling of Good Thought.
..., who hast power, O Mazda Ahura, on him who threatens to be my undoing, that I may fetter the men of the Lie in their violence against my friends.

Chapter 6 / Yasna 33.

According as it is with the laws that belong to the present life, so shall the Judge act with most just deed towards the man of the Lie and the man of the Right, and him whose false things and good things balance (in equal measure).
Whoso worketh ill for the liar by word or thought or hands, or converts his dependent to the good -- such men meet the will of Ahura Mazda to his satisfaction.
Whose is most good to the righteous man, be he noble or member of the community or the brotherhood, Ahura -- or with diligence cares for the cattle, he shall be hereafter in the pasture of Right and Good Thought [Asha and Vohu Manah].
I who by worship would keep far from Thee, O Mazda, disobedience and Bad Thought, heresy from the nobles, and from the community the Lie, that is most near, and from the brotherhood the slanderers, and the worst herdsmen from the pastures of the cattle; --
I who would invoke thy Obedience as the greatest of all at the Consummation, attaining long life, and the Dominion of Good Thought, and the straight ways into Right, wherein Mazda Ahura dwells.
I, as a priest, who would learn the straight (paths) by the Right, would learn by the Best Spirit how to practice husbandry by that thought in which it is thought of; these Twain of Thine, O Ahura Mazda, I strive to see and take counsel with them.
Come hither to me, O ye Best Ones, hither, O Mazda, in Thine own person and visibly, O Right and Good Thought, that I may be heard beyond the limits of the people. Let the august duties be manifest among us and clearly viewed.
Consider ye my matters whereon I am active, O Good Thought, my worship, O Mazda, towards one like you, and O Right, the words of my praise. Grant, O Welfare and Immortality, your own everlasting blessing.
That Spirit of Thine, Mazda, together with the comfort of the Comrades Twain, who advance the Right, let the Best Thought bring through the Reform wrought by me. Sure is the support of those twain, whose souls are one.
All the pleasures of life which thou holdest, those that were, that are, and that shall be O Mazda, according to thy good will apportion them. Through Good Thought advance thou the body, through Dominion and Right at will.
The most mighty Ahura Mazda, and Piety, and Right that blesses our substance, and Good Thought and Dominion, hearken unto me, be merciful to me, when to each man the recompense comes.
Rise up for me, O Ahura, through Armaiti give strength, through the holiest Spirit give might, O Mazda, through the good Recompense [âdâ, offering], through the Right give powerful prowess, through Good Thought give the reward.
To support me, O Thou that seest far onward, do ye assure me the incomparable things in your Dominion, O Ahura, as the Destiny of Good Thought. O Holy Armaiti, teach the Daenas about the Right.
As an offering Zarathushtra brings the life of his own body, the choiceness of good thought, action, and speech, unto Mazda, unto the Right, Obedience, and Dominion.

Chapter 7 / Yasna 34.

The action, the word, and the worship for which Thou, O Mazda, shalt bestow Immortality and Right, and Dominion of Welfare - through multitudes of these, O Ahura, we would that thou shouldst give them.
And all the actions of the good spirit [Spenta Mainyu -JHP] and the holy man, whose soul follows the Right, do ye set with the thought (thereof) in thine outer court, O Mazda, when ye are adored with hymns of praise.
To Thee and to Right [Asha] we will offer the sacrifice [myazda, i.e. offering] with due service [veneration], that in (Thy established) Dominion ye may bring all creatures to perfection through Good Thought. For the reward of the wise man is for ever secure, O Mazda, among you.
Of Thy Fire, O Ahura, that is mighty through Right, promised and powerful, we desire that it may be for the faithful man with manifested delight, but for the enemy with visible torment, according to the pointings of the hand.
Have ye Dominion and power, O Mazda, Right and Good Thought, to do as I urge upon you, even to protect your poor man? We have renounced the robber-gangs, both demons and men.
If ye are truly thus, O Mazda, Right and Good Thought, then give me this token, even a total reversal of this life, that I may come before you again more joyfully with worship and praise.
Can they be true to thee, O Mazda, who by their doctrines turn the known inheritances of Good Thought into misery and woe [usheuru?]. I know none other but you, O Right, so do ye protect us.
For by these actions they put us in fear, in which peril is for many -- in that the stronger (puts in fear) (me) the weaker one -- through hatred of thy commandment, O Mazda. They that will not have the Right in their thought, from them shall the Good Abode be far.
These men of evil action who spurn the holy Piety, precious to thy wise one, O Mazda, through their having no part in Good Thought, from them Right shrinks back far, as from us shrink the wild beasts of prey.
The man of understanding [or good will] has instructed (people) to cling to action of this Good Thought [Vohu Manah], and to the Holy Piety [Spenta Armaiti], creator, comrade of Right [Asha] -- wise that he is, and to all hope, O Ahura, that are in thy Dominion, O Mazda.
And both thy (gifts) shall be for sustenance, even nectar and ambrosia. Piety linked with Right shall advance the Dominion of Good Thought, its permanence and power. By these, O Mazda, dost thou bless the foes of thy foes.
What is thine ordinance? What willst thou? What of praise or what of worship? Proclaim it, Mazda, that we may hear what ordinances Destiny will apportion. Teach us by Right the paths of Good Thought that are blessed to go in, -
Even that way of Good Thought, O Ahura, of which thou didst speak to me, whereon, a way well made by Right, the Daena of the future benefactors shall pass to the reward that was prepared for the wise, of which thou art determinant, O Mazda.
The precious reward, then, O Mazda, ye will give by the action of Good Thought to the bodily life of those who are in the community that tends the pregnant cow, (the promise of) your good doctrine, Ahura, that of the wisdom which exalts communities through Right.
O Mazda, make known to me he best teachings and actions, these O Good Thought and O Right the due of praise. Through your Dominion, O Ahura, assure us that mankind shall be capable according to (Thy) will.

Ushtavaiti Gatha

Chapter 8 / Yasna 43.

To each several man, to whom Mazda Ahura ruling at his will grant after the (petitioner's) will, I will after his will that he attain permanence and power, lay hold of Right - grant this, O Piety, - the destined gift of wealth, the life of the Good Thought,
and it shall be for him the best of all things. After his longing for bliss may one be given bliss, through the provident most holy spirit, O Mazda, even the blessings of Good Thought which thou wilt give through Right all the days with joy of enduring life.
May he attain to that which is better than the good, who would teach us the straight paths of blessedness in this life here of the body and in that of thought - true paths that lead to the world where Ahura Mazda dwells - a faithful man, well-knowing and holy like thee, O Mazda.
Then shall I recognize thee as strong and holy, O Mazda, when by the hand in which thou thyself dost hold the destinies that thou wilt assign to the Liar and the Righteous, by the glow of thy Fire whose power is Right, the might of Good Thought shall come to me.
As the holy one [spenta] I recognize thee, Mazda Ahura, when I saw thee in the beginning at the birth of Life, when thou madest actions and words to have their meed -- evil for the evil, a good destiny for the good -- through thy wisdom when creation shall reach its goal.
At which goal thou wilt come with thy holy Spirit, O Mazda, with Dominion, at the same with Good Thought, by whose action the settlements will prosper through Right. Their judgments shall Piety proclaim, even those of thy wisdom which none can deceive.
As the holy one I recognized thee, Mazda Ahura, when Good Thought came to me and asked me: "Who art thou? to whom dost thou belong? By what signs wilt thou appoint the days for questioning about thy possessions and thyself?"
Then I said to him: "To the first (question), Zarathushtra am I, a true foe to the Liar, to the utmost of my power, but a powerful support would I be to the Righteous, that I may attain the future things of the infinite Dominion, according as I praise and sing thee, O Mazda.
As the holy one I recognize thee, Mazda Ahura, when Good Thought came to me. To his question, "For which wilt thou decide" (I made reply). "At the gift of adoration to thy Fire, I will bethink me of Right so long as I have power.
Then show me Right, upon whom I call.
(Mazda:) "Associating him with Piety, I have come hither. Ask us now what things are here for thee to ask. For thy asking is as that of a mighty one, since he that is able should make thee as a mighty one possessed of thy desire."
As the holy one I recognized thee, Mazda Ahura, when Good Thought came to me, when first by your words I was instructed. Shall it bring me sorrow among men, my devotion, in doing that which ye tell me is the best.
And when thou saidest to me, 'To Right shalt thou go for teaching', then thou didst not command what I did not obey: 'Speed thee, ere my Obedience come, followed by treasure-laden Destiny, who shall render to men severally the destiny of the two-fold award.'
As the holy one I recognized thee, Mazda Ahura, when Good Thought came to me to learn the state of my desire. Grant it me, that which none may compel you to allow, (the wish) for long continuance of blessed existence that they say is in thy Dominion.
If thy provident side, such as an understanding man who has the power would give to his friends, comes to me by the Dominion through Right, then I will bestir myself to set myself in opposition against the foes of thy Law, together with all those who are mindful of thy words.
As the holy one I recognized thee, Mazda Ahura, when Good Thought came to me, when the best Tushna-Matay taught me to declare: "Let not men seek again and again to please the Liars, for they make all the righteous enemies."
And Zarathushtra himself, O Ahura, chooses each one of thy holiest Spirit, O Mazda. May Right be embodied full of life and strength! May Piety abide in the Dominion bright as the sun! May Good Thought give destiny to men according to their works!

Chapter 9 / Yasna 44.

This I ask Thee, tell me truly, Ahura - as to prayer, how it should be to one of you. O Mazda Ahura, might one like thee teach to a friend such as I am, and through friendly Right give us support, that Good Thought may come to us.
This I ask Thee, tell me truly, Ahura - whether at the beginning of the Best Existence the recompenses shall bring blessedness to him that meets with them. Surely he, O Right, the holy one, who watches in his spirit the transgression of all, if himself the benefactor of all that lives, O Mazda.
This I ask Thee, tell me truly, Ahura. Who is by generation the Father of Right, at the first? Who determined the path of sun and stars? Who is it by whom the moon waxes and wanes again? This, O Mazda, and yet more, I am fain to know.
This I ask Thee, tell me truly, Ahura. Who upholds the earth beneath and the firmament from falling? Who the waters and the plants? Who yoked swiftness to winds and clouds? Who is, O Mazda, creator of Good Thought?
This I ask Thee, tell me truly, Ahura. What artist made light and darkness? What artist made sleep and waking? Who made morning, noon, and night, that call the understanding man to his duty?
This I ask Thee, tell me truly, Ahura - whether what I proclaim is verily the truth. Will Right with its actions give aid (at the last)? will Piety? Will Good Thought announce from the Dominion? For whom hast thou made the pregnant cow that brings good luck?
This I ask Thee, tell me truly, Ahura. Who created together with Dominion the precious Piety? Who made by wisdom the son obedient to his father? I strive to recognize by these things thee, O Mazda, creator of all things through the holy spirit.
This I ask Thee, tell me truly, Ahura. I could keep in mind thy design, O Mazda, and understand aright the maxims of life which I ask of Good Thought and Right. How will my soul partake of the good that gives increase?
This I ask Thee, tell me truly, Ahura - whether for the Self that I would bring to perfection, that of the man of insight, the Lord of Dominion would make promises of the sure Dominion, one of thy likenesses, O Mazda, who dwells in one abode with (Right) and Good Thought.
This I ask Thee, tell me truly, Ahura. The Religion which is best for (all) that are, which in union with Right should prosper all that is mine, will they duly observe it, the religion of my creed, with words and action of Piety, in desire for thy (future) good things, O Mazda?
This I ask Thee, tell me truly, Ahura - whether Piety will extend to those to whom thy Religion shall be proclaimed? I was ordained at the first for this by thee; all others I look upon with hatred of spirit.
This I ask Thee, tell me truly, Ahura. Who among those with whom I would speak is a righteous man, and who a liar? On which side is the enemy? (On this), or is he the enemy, the Liar who opposes thy blessings? How shall it be with him? Is he not to be thought of as an enemy?
This I ask Thee, tell me truly, Ahura - whether we shall drive the Lie away from us to those who being full of disobedience will not strive after fellowship with Right, nor trouble themselves with counsel of Good Thought.
This I ask Thee, tell me truly, Ahura - whether I would put the Lie into the hands of Right, to cast her down by the words of thy lore, to work a mighty destruction among the Liars, to bring torments upon them and enmities, O Mazda.
This I ask Thee, tell me truly, Ahura - if thou hast power over this to ward off from me through Right, when the two opposing hosts meet in battle according to those decrees which thou wilt firmly establish. Whether is it of the twain that thou wilt give victory.
This I ask Thee, tell me truly, Ahura. Who is victorious to protect by thy doctrine (all) that are? By vision assure me how to set up the judge that heals the world. Then let him have Obedience coming with Good Thought unto every man whom thou desirest, O Mazda.
This I ask Thee, tell me truly, Ahura - whether through you I shall attain my goal, O Mazda, even attachment unto you, and that my voice may be effectual, that Welfare and Immortality may be ready to unite according to that promise with him who joins himself with Right.
This I ask Thee, tell me truly, Ahura - whether I shall indeed, O Right, earn the reward, even ten mares with a stallion and a camel, which was promised to me, O Mazda, as well as through thee, the future gift of Welfare and Immortality.
This I ask Thee, tell me truly, Ahura. He that will not give the reward to him that earns it, even to the man who fulfilling his word gives him (what he undertook) - what penalty shall come to him for the same at the present? I know that which shall come to him at the last.
Have the Daevas ever exercised good dominion? And I ask of those who see how for the Daevas' sake the Karapan and the Usij give cattle to violence, and how the Kavi made them continually to mourn, instead of taking care that they make the pastures prosper through Right.

Chapter 10 / Yasna 45.

I will speak forth: hear now and hearken now, ye from near and ye from far that desire (instruction). Now observe this in your mind, all of you, for he is revealed. Never shall the false Teacher destroy the Second Life, the Liar, in perversion by his tongue into evil belief.
I will speak of the Spirits twain at the first beginning of the world, of whom the holier spoke thus to the enemy: "Neither thought, nor teachings, nor wills, nor beliefs, nor words, nor deeds, nor selfs, nor souls of us twain agree".
I will speak of that which Mazda Ahura, the all-knowing, revealed to me first in this (earthly) life. Those of you that put not in practice this word as I think and utter it, to them shall be woe at the end of life.
I will speak of what is best for the life. Through Asha I have come to know, O Mazda, who created it (the life), the father of active Good Thought: but his daughter is the good-working Armaiti. The all-observant Ahura is not to be deceived.
I will speak of that which (he), the Holiest declared to me as the word that is best for mortals to obey; while he said: "they who for my sake render him obedience, shall all attain unto Welfare and Immortality by the actions of the Good Spirit [Spenta Mainyu -JHP]" - (he) Mazda Ahura.
I will speak of him who is the greatest of all, praising him, O Right, who is bounteous to all that live. By the holy spirit let Mazda Ahura hearken, in whose Adoration I have been instructed by Good Thought. By his wisdom let him teach me what is best,
Even he whose two awards, whereof he ordains, men shall attain, who so are living or have been or shall be. In immortality shall the soul of the righteous be joyful, in perpetuity shall be the torment of Liars. All this doth Mazda Ahura appoint by his Dominion.
Him thou shouldst seek to win for us by hymns of adoration (in thy mind): "Now indeed have I seen it with mine eye, (the Kingdom) of the good spirit [Spenta Mainyu -JHP] and of (good) action and word, since I have learnt to know Mazda Ahura through Right". Let us offer him homage in the House of Song [Heaven].
Him thou shouldst seek to propitiate for us together with Good Thought, who at his will maketh us weal or woe. May Mazda Ahura by his Dominion bring us to work, for prospering our beasts and our men, so that we may through Right have familiarity with Good Thought.
Him thou shouldst seek to exalt with prayers of piety, him that is called Mazda Ahura for ever, for that he hath promised through his own Right and Good Thought that Welfare and Immortality shall be for us in his Dominion strength and perpetuity in his house.
Whoso therefore in the future lightly esteemeth the Daeva and those mortals that lightly esteem him - even all others save that one who highly esteemeth him, - unto his shall the holy Daena of the future deliverer, as lord of the house, be friend, brother or father, O Mazda Ahura.

Chapter 11 / Yasna 46.

To what land shall I go to flee, whither to flee? From nobles and from my peers they sever me, nor are the people pleased with me [......], nor the Liar rulers of the land. How am I to please thee, Mazda Ahura?
I know wherefore, O Mazda, I have been unable (to achieve) anything. Only a few herds are mine (and therefore it is so) and because I have got but few people. I cry unto thee, see thou to it, O Ahura, granting me support a friend gives to friend. Teach me through the Right what the acquisition of Good Thought is.
When, Mazda, shall the sunrisings come forth for the worlds winning of Right, through the powerful teachings of the wisdom of the future Deliverers? Who are they to whose help Good Thought shall come? I have faith that thou wilt thyself fulfill this for me, O Ahura.
The Liar stays the supporter of Right from prospering the cattle in district and province, infamous that he is, repellent in his actions. Whoso, Mazda, robs him of dominion or of life, he shall go before and prepare the ways of the good belief.
If an understanding man should be able to hold one who comes over from his vow and his ties of faith, himself having brought him thereto, and living according to the ordinance, a righteous man (converting) a Liar - then shall he, when he is sure of him, tell it to the nobles, that they may protect him from injury, O Mazda Ahura.
But whoso when thus approached should refuse his aid, he shall go to the abodes of the company of the Liar. For he is himself a Liar, who is very good to a Liar, he is a righteous man to whom a righteous man is dear, since thou hast created men's Selves in the beginning, O Ahura.
Whom, O Mazda, can one appoint as protector for one like me, when the Liar sets himself to injure me, other than Thy Fire and Thy Thought, through actions of which twain the Right will come to maturity, O Ahura? In this lore do thou instruct my very self.
Whoso is minded to injure my possessions, from his actions may no harm come to me! Back upon himself may they come with hostility, against his own person, all the hostile (acts), to keep him far from the Good Life, Mazda, not from the ill!
Who is it, the faithful man he, who first taught that we honor thee as mightiest to help, as the holy righteous Lord over action? What thy Right made known, what the Ox-Creator made known to Right, they would fain hear through thy Good Mind.
Whoso, man or woman, doeth what thou, Mazda Ahura, knowest as best in life, as destiny for what is Right (give him) the Dominion through Good Thought. And those whom I impel to your adoration, with all these will I cross the Bridge of the Separator.
By their dominion the Karapans and the Kavis accustomed mankind to evil actions, so as to destroy Life. Their own soul and their own self shall torment them when they come where the Bridge of the Separator is, to all time dwellers in the House of the Lie.
When among the laudable descendants and posterity of the Turanian Fryana the Right ariseth, through activity of Piety that blesseth substance; then shall Good Thought admit them, and Mazda Ahura give them protection at the Fulfillment.
Whoso among mortals has pleased Spitama Zarathushtra by his willingness, a man deserving of good fame, to him shall Mazda Ahura give Life, to him shall Good Thought increase substance, him we account to be a familiar friend with your Right.
O Zarathushtra, what righteous man is thy friend for the great covenant? Who wills to have good fame? It is the Kava Vishtaspa at the consummation. Those whom thou wilt unite in one house with thee, these will I call with words of Good Thought.
Ye Haechataspa Spitamas, I will declare unto ye so that ye can discern the wise and the unwise. ... Through these actions ye shall acquire Right according to the primeval laws of Ahura.
Frashaoshtra Hvogva, go thou thither with those faithful whom we both desire to be in blessedness, where with Right is united Piety, where the Dominion is in possession of Good Thought, where Mazda Ahura dwells to give it increase.
When, O Jamaspa Hvogva, when I recount your wrongs not your successes, (and) with your obedience the prayers of your loyalty, (before him) who shall separate the wise and the unwise through his prudent counselor the Right, even he, Mazda Ahura.
He that holds unto me, to him I promise what is best in my possession through the Good Thought, but enmities to him that shall set himself to devise enmity to us, O Mazda and the Right, desiring to satisfy your will. That is the decision of my understanding and thought.
He who accomplisheth for me, even Zarathushtra, in accordance with Right that which best agrees with my will, to him as earning the reward of the Other Life shall be that of two pregnant cows, with all things whereon his mind is set. These things will thou bring to pass for me who best knowest how, O Mazda.

Spentamainyush Gatha

Chapter 12 / Yasna 47.

1. For his holy Spirit and for Best Thought, deed, and word, in accordance with Right Mazda Ahura with Dominion and Piety shall give us Welfare and Immortality.
2. The best (work) of this most holy Spirit he fulfills with the tongue through words of Good Thought, with work of his hands through the action of Piety, by virtue of this knowledge: he, even Mazda, is the Father of Right.
3. Thou art the holy Father of this Spirit, which has created for us the luck-bringing cattle, and for its pasture to give it peace (has created) Piety, when he had taken counsel, O Mazda, with Good Thought.
4. From this Spirit have Liars fallen away, O Mazda, but not the Righteous. Whether one is lord of little or of much, he is to show love to the righteous, but be ill unto the Liar.
5. And all the best things which by this Holy Spirit thou hast promised to the righteous, O Mazda Ahura, shall the Liar partake of them without thy will, who by his actions is on the side of Ill Thought?
6. Through this holy Spirit, Mazda Ahura, and through the Fire thou wilt give the division of good to the two parties, with support of Piety and Right. This verily will convert many who are ready to hear.

Chapter 13 / Yasna 48.

1. When at the Recompensings the Right shall smite the Liar, so that what was long since made known shall be assigned to eternity to Daevas and men, then will it exalt with thy blessings, Ahura, him who prays to thee. NOTES:
2. Tell me, for thou art he that knows, O Ahura: - shall the Righteous smite the Liar before the retributions come which thou hast conceived? That were indeed a message to bless the world.
3. For him that knows, that is the best of teachings which the beneficent Ahura teaches through the Right, he the holy one, even thyself, O Mazda, that knows the secret lore through the wisdom of Good Thought.
4. Whoso, O Mazda, makes his thought (now) better, (now) worse, and likewise his Self by action and by word, and follows his own inclinations, wishes, and choices, he shall in thy purpose be in a separate place at last.
5. Let good rulers rule us, not evil rulers with the actions of the Good Lore, O Piety! Perfect thou for man, O thou most good, the future birth, and for the cow skilled husbandry. Let her grow fat for our nourishing.
6. She (Armaiti) will give us peaceful dwelling, she will give lasting life and strength, she the beloved of Good Thought. For it (the cattle) Mazda Ahura made the plants to grow at the birth of the First Life, through Right.
7. Violence must be put down! against cruelty make a stand, ye who would make sure of the reward of Good Thought through Right, to whose company the holy man belongs. His dwelling place shall be in thy House, O Ahura.
8. Is the possession of thy good Dominion, Mazda, is that of thy Destiny assured to me Ahura? Will thy manifestation, O thou Right, be welcome to the pious, even the weighing of actions by the Good Spirit [Spenta Mainyu -JHP]?
9. When shall I know whether ye have power, O Mazda and Right, over everyone whose destructiveness is a menace to me? Let the revelation of Good Thought be confirmed unto me; the future deliverer should know how his own destiny shall be.
10. When, O Mazda, will the nobles understand the message? When will thou smite the filthiness of this intoxicant, through which the Karapans evilly deceive, and the wicked lords of the lands with purpose fell?1 1. Martin Schwartz tr: "When will they ban(ish) the filth of that ditch/reciprocity-gift whereby ... the karapans commit plunder", 'thus Yasna 48.10 contains no reference to intoxication, let alone condemnation of haoma.' Flattery: 'the passage ... has nothing remotely to do with sauma.' (Flattery & Schwartz, Haoma and Harmaline, 1989, pp. 105, 6.)
11. When, O Mazda, shall Piety come with Right, with Dominion the happy dwelling rich with pasture? Who are they that will make peace with the bloodthirsty Liars? To whom will the Lore of Good Thought come?
12. These shall be the deliverers [Saoshyants -JHP] of the provinces, who exert themselves, O Good Thought in their action, O Asha, to fulfill their duty, face to face with thy command, O Mazda. For these are the appointed smiters of Violence.

Chapter 14 / Yasna 49.

1. Ever has Bendva been for me the greatest obstacle, I who desire to give satisfaction to those who are neglected, O Right, O Mazda. With good Ada come to me, support me firmly. Prepare for him (his) ruin, O Good Thought.
2. The perverter of this Bendva has long time impeded me, the Liar who has fallen away from Right. He cares not that holy Piety should be his, nor takes the counsel with Good Thought, O Mazda.
3. And in this belief (of ours), O Mazda, Right is laid down, for blessing, in the heresy the Lie, for ruin. Therefore I strive for the fellowship of Good Thought, I forbid all intercourse with the Liar.
4. They who make the increase of violence and cruelty with their tongues, the foes of cattle-nurture among its friends; whose ill deeds prevail, not their good deeds: these (shall be) in the house of the Daevas, (the place for) the Self of the Liar.
5. But he, O Mazda, - happiness and satiety be his who links his own Self with Good Thought, being through Right an intimate of Piety. And with all these (may I be) in Thy Dominion, Ahura.
6. I beseech you twain, O Mazda and the Right, to say what are the plans of your will, that we may discern how we might teach the Religion of such as you, O Ahura.
7. And this let Good Thought hear, O Mazda, let the Right hear, do thou also listen, O Ahura, which men of the brotherhood, what noble is it according to the Law who brings to the community fame.
8. On Frashaoshtra do thou bestow the most gladsome fellowship with the Right - this I ask thee, O Mazda Ahura - and on myself the hold on what is good in thy Dominion. To all eternity we would be thy messengers.
9. Let the helper hear the ordinance, he that is created to bring deliverance. The man of right words is no regarder of fellowship with the Liar, if they that are partakers of Right are to make their Selves partake in the best reward at the Judgment, O Jamaspa.
10. And this, O Mazda, will I put in thy care within thy House - the Good Thought and the souls of the Righteous, their worship, their Piety and zeal, that thou mayst guard it, O thou mighty Dominion, with abiding power.
11. But these that are of an evil dominion, of evil deeds, evil words, evil Self, and evil thought, Liars, the Souls go to meet them with evil food; in the House of the Lie they shall be meet inhabitants.
12. What help hast thou, O Right, for Zarathushtra that calls upon me? What hast thou, Good Thought? -- for me who with praises seeks your favor, O Mazda Ahura, longing for that which is best in your possession.

Chapter 15 / Yasna 50.

1. (Zarathushtra:) Can my soul count on any one for help? Who is there found for my herd, who for myself a protector, indeed, at my call other than the Right and thyself. O Mazda Ahura, and the Best Thought?
2. How, O Mazda, should one desire the luck-bringing cattle, one who would fain it would come to him with the pasture?
(Mazda:) They that live uprightly according to the Right among the many that look upon the sun, those whom they stand in judgment, I will settle in the dwellings of the wise.
3. (Zarathushtra:) So this (reward) shall come to him through the Right, O Mazda, (this reward) which by the Dominion and Good Thought he promised, whomsoever by the power of his Destiny prospers the neighboring possession that now the Liar holds.
4. I will worship you with praise, O Mazda Ahura, joined with Right and Best Thought and Dominion, that they, desired of pious men, may stand as Judges on the path of the obedient unto the House of Song.
5. Assured by you, O Mazda Ahura and Right, are the pointings of the hand - since you are well-disposed to your prophet - which shall bring us to bliss, together with visible manifest help.
6. The prophet Zarathushtra, O Mazda, who lifts up his voice in worship, as friend of Asha - may the Creator of Wisdom teach me his ordinances through Good Thought, that my tongue may have a pathway.
7. For you I will harness the swiftest steeds, stout and strong, by the promptings of your praise, that ye may come hither, O Mazda, Right, and Good thought.
8. Ever with verses that are recognized as those of pious zeal I will come before you with outstretched hands, O Mazda, before you, O thou Right, with worship of the faithful man, before you with all the capacity of Good Thought.
9. With those prayers I would come and praise you, O Mazda and thou Right, with actions of Good Thought. If I be master of my own destiny as I will, then will I take thought for the portion of the wise in the same.
10. Those actions that I shall achieve and those done aforetime, and those, O Good Thought, that are precious in thy sight, the rays of the sun, the shimmering uprisings of the days, all is for your praise, O thou Right and Mazda Ahura.
11. Your praiser, Mazda, will I declare myself and be, so long, O Right, as I have strength and power. May the Creator of the world accomplish through Good Thought its fulfillment of all that most perfectly answers to his will.


Chapter 16 / Yasna 51.

The good, the precious Dominion, as a most surpassing portion, shall Right achieve for him that with zeal accomplishes what is best through his actions, O Mazda. This will I now work out for us.
Before all, O Mazda Ahura, assure me the Dominion of your possession, O Right, and what is thine, O Piety. Your (Dominion) of blessing give through Good Thought to him that prays.
Let your ears attend to those who in their deeds and utterances hold to your words, Ahura and Right, to those of Good Thought, for whom thou, Mazda, art the first teacher.
Where is the recompense for wrong to be found, where pardon for the same? Where shall they attain the Right? Where is the holy Piety, where Best Thought? Thy Dominions, where are they, O Mazda?
All this (I) ask, whether the husbandman shall find cattle in accordance with Right, he that is perfect in action, a man of understanding, when he prays to him, who hath promised unto the Wise the true Judge, in that he is Lord of the two destinies...
Even he, Ahura Mazda, who through his Dominion appoints what is better than good to him that is attached to his will, but what is worse than evil to him that obeys him not, at the last end of life.
Give me, O thou that didst create the Ox and Waters and Plants, Welfare and Immortality, by the Highest Spirit, O Mazda, strength and continuance through Good Thought at the (Judge's) sentence.
Of these two things will I speak, O Mazda, - for one may speak to the wise, - the ill that is threatened to the Liar, and the happiness of him who clings to the Right. For he, the Prophet, is glad of every one who says this to the wise.
What recompense thou wilt give to the two parties by thy red Fire, by the molten metal, give us a sign of it in our souls - even the bringing of ruin to the Liar, of blessing to the Righteous.
Whoso, other than this one, seeks to kill me, Mazda, he is a son of the Lie's creation, ill-willed thus towards all that live. I call the Right to come to me with good destiny.
What man is friend to Spitama Zarathushtra, O Mazda? Who will let himself be counseled by Right? With whom is holy Piety? Or who as an upright man is intent on the brotherhood of Good Thought?
The Kavi's wanton did not please Zarathushtra Spitama at the Winter Gate, in that he stayed him from taking refuge with him, and when there came to him also (Zarathushtra's) two steeds shivering with cold.
Thus the Self of the Liar destroys for himself the assurance of the right Way; whose soul shall tremble at the Revelation on the Bridge of the Separator, having turned aside with deeds and tongue from the Path of Right.
The Karapans will not obey the statutes and ordinances concerning husbandry. For the pain they inflict upon the cattle, fulfill upon them through their actions and judgments that judgment which at the last shall bring them to the House of the Lie.
When Zarathushtra hath promised to the men of his brotherhood, (which) in the House of Song Ahura Mazda hath first attained, for all this I have looked through your blessings, Good Thought, and those of Right.
Kavi Vishtaspa hath the creed which the holy Mazda Ahura with Right hath devised, together with the dominion of the Brotherhood, and the path of Good Thought. So be it accomplished after our desire.
The fair form of one that is dear hath Frashaoshtra Hvogva promised unto me: may sovereign Mazda Ahura grant that she attain possession of the Right for her good Self.
This creed Jamaspa Hvogva chooses through Right, lordly in substance. This Dominion they (choose) who have part in Good Thought. This grant me, Ahura, that they may find in thee, Mazda, their protection.
The man himself, O Maidyoi-Maungha Spitama, hath set this before him after conceiving it in his own self. He that would see life indeed, to him will he make known what in actions by Mazda's ordinance is better during (this) existence.
Your blessings shall ye give us, all that are one in will, with whom Right, Good Thought, Piety, and Mazda (are one) according to promise, giving your aid when worshipped with reverence.
By Piety the man becomes Holy. Such person advances Right through his thinking, his words, his action, his Self. By Good Thought Mazda Ahura will give the Dominion. For this good Destiny I long.
He, I ween, that Mazda Ahura knoweth among all that have been and are, as one to whom in accordance with Right the best portion falls for his prayer, these will I reverence by their own names and go before them with honor.

Vahishtoishti Gatha

Chapter 17 / Yasna 53.

(Zarathushtra) - The best possession known is of Zarathushtra Spitama, which is that Mazda Ahura will give him through Right the glories of blessed life unto all time, and likewise to them that practice and learn the words and actions of his Good Religion.
Then let them seek the pleasure of Mazda with thoughts, words, and actions, unto him praise gladly, and seek his worship, even Kava Vishtaspa, and Zarathushtra's son, the Spitamid, with Frashaoshtra, making straight the paths for the Religion of the future Deliverer which Ahura ordained.
Him, O Pouruchista, thou scion of Haechataspa and Spitama, youngest of Zarathushtra's daughters, hath (Zarathushtra) appointed as one to enjoin on them the fellowship with Good Thought, Right, and Mazda. So take counsel with thine own understanding, with good insight practice the holiest works of Piety.
(Jamaspa): Earnestly will I lead her to the Faith, that she may serve her father and her husband, the farmers and the nobles, as a righteous woman (serving) the righteous. The glorious heritage of Good Thought ... shall Mazda Ahura give to her for all time.
(Zarathushtra): Teachings address I to maidens marrying, and to you (bridegrooms) giving counsel. Lay them to heart and learn to get them within your Selves in earnest attention to the Life of Good Thought. Let each of you strive to excel the other in the Right, for it will be a prize for that one.
So is it in fact, ye men and women! Whatever happiness ye look for in the follower of the (...) that will be snatched away from his person. To them the Liars, crying 'woe', shall be ill-food, paradise shall be lost to them that despite righteousness. In such wise ye destroy for yourselves the Spiritual Life.
And to you shall accrue the reward of the Brotherhood - in so far as the most faithful zeal is in your flesh and blood - there where the spirit of the Liar, cringing and cowering, shall fall down into destruction. If you separate yourselves from the Brotherhood, then will 'woe!' be your word at the end of things.
So they whose deeds are evil, let them be deceived, and let them all howl, abandoned to ruin. Through good rulers let him bring death and bloodshed upon them and peace from these (their assaults) unto the happy villagers. Grief let him bring on those, he that is the greatest, with the lord of death; and soon let it be.
To men of evil creed belongs the place of corruption. They that set themselves to contemn the worthy, despising righteousness, forfeiting their own body. - Where is the Righteous Lord who shall rob them of life and freedom? Thine Mazda is the Dominion, whereby thou canst give to the right-living poor man the better portion.

Translation by C. Bartholomae, from I.J.S. Taraporewala, The Divine Songs of Zarathushtra. Notes in square brackets [] were added by Joseph H. Peterson.