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Necessity of worldly and religious education are regularly stressed in ancient texts. Education is considered essential as it leads to enlightenment. Education is considered an embellishment during prosperity, a protection during adversity, a helper during calamity and a means of sustenance in times of poverty. A well educated person is able to keep himself away from trouble. Lack of education is regarded as darkest of all darkness.

Education was considered as much a right of women as men. Men were cautioned not to keep their children away from education as it would result in much grief and trouble and men would have to repent later for their negligence.

An educate person was always preferred over a wealthy person, since wealth may disappear, cattle may die but education remains with the person forever.

The most important education is self-knowledge. Every person, by the time of attaining the age of 15 should know answers to certain basic and eternal questions, like: “Who am I? With what am I connected? From where have I come? Where will I go? What is my duty and purpose in the world? What is the path of life according my religion? What is good for me and what is not?

Ervad Dr. Ramiyar Parvez Karanjia
