Back Zoroastrian duties


The ancient texts devote considerable attention, both to the normal as well as the religious duties of a person.

Normal duties:

v Among the foremost duty of man is to spend one-third of the day and night in working for livelihood and producing prosperity, one-third of the day should be devoted to religious work and spiritual quest and the rest of the time should be spent be in rest and recreation and pleasure.

v Parents should teach religion and normal duties to children before they attain the age of 15.

v One should regularly confer with good people individually or in groups which spurs the performance of good deeds and helps maintain piety.

Religious duties:

v To believe with faith and without doubt in one’s own religion.

v Not to praise or believe in other religions.

v To maintain the laws of the religion and perform good deeds.

v To get up early in the morning and pray.

v To daily perform worship of God.

v To regularly go to the fire temple.

v To go to a religious school to learn prayers, their meanings and religion.

v To keep questioning the soul about its actions.

v Keep the soul in mind while performing any action.

Ervad Dr. Ramiyar Parvez Karanjia
