Constituents of Human Beings Front

9 Constituents of Human Beings in Physical, ultra-physical and Immortal Worlds (in Zoroastrian lore)

Physical World or Geti

1. Tanu (Av. Tanvascha) - Entire Physique or outer bodily form with skeleton

2. Gaetha (Av. Gaethaoscha) - Vital Organs of the Body

3. Azda (Av. Azdebishcha) - Blood, Tissues, oily substances

Ultra-physical World or Nisti
They Form a Link between Physical and Spiritual Worlds.

4. Ushtaan (Av. Ushtaanascha) - Breathe Force.

5. Tewishi (Av. Tewishischa) - Desire Forces

6. Kehrap (Av. Kherpascha) - Astral Form

Spiritual World or Hasti

7. Baodhang (Av. Baodascha) - Divine Knowledge

8. Urvaan (Av. Urvanemcha) - Soul

9. Fravashi (Av. Fravashimcha) - The guardian spirit