The Life of Zarathushtra. | | Zoroastre. |
1. His miraculous birth. |
1. Sa naissance miraculeuse |
2. The miracle of the bridge of ice. |
2. Le miracle du pont de glace. |
3. He brings back the Light and the Law. |
3. Il rapporte la lumière et la loi. |
4. At the court of Vishtasp. |
4. A la cour de Vishtasp. |
5. Teacher and reformer. |
5. Educateur et réformateur. |
6. His death at the fire temple. |
6. Sa mort dans le temple du feu. |
7. Yearly celebration of the Zoroastrians at the holy fire temple. |
7. Jahreswendfeier der Perser vor den heiligen Feuertempeln. |